DiscoverThe Copywriter Club PodcastTCC Podcast #408: Grow Your Business with The Copywriter Accelerator
TCC Podcast #408: Grow Your Business with The Copywriter Accelerator

TCC Podcast #408: Grow Your Business with The Copywriter Accelerator

Update: 2024-08-13


9 out of 10 copywriters never hit the six figure mark. That is, they are stuck earning less than $100,000 a year. Why? Because, while they’re good writers, they don’t have the business skills to run and grow a successful business. For the 408th episode of The Copywriter Club Podcast, we wanted to share some of the amazing things copywriters are doing in their businesses with the help of The Copywriter Accelerator. This proven, 8-part program has helped hundreds of copywriters learn the business skills they need to build the business they want. We’ve chosen three copywriters to share their biggest takeaways. Click the play button below, or scroll down for a full transcript.


Stuff to check out:

The Copywriter Accelerator


Full Transcript:

Rob Marsh: We’ve been teasing it on the podcast and in our emails for the last month or so—so it’s probably time to make it official, The Copywriter Accelerator is open for new members right now. If you are new here or you don’t know what The Accelerator is, stick around for a minute so you at least have the information you need to decide if this is the right program for you.

If you already know about the program and want to jump in this year, go to now to get all the details.

For those who don’t know, The Copywriter Accelerator is not a course or a membership. It’s our proven, 8 part, cohort based program that ensures you have all the business skills you need to succeed as the owner of a copywriting business.

You’re almost certainly already a good writer… but that’s not enough to succeed. If clients can’t find you, if you don’t know how to talk about what you do so you attract them to you, if you don’t have the systems in place to make sure you get the work done for them, it’s pretty easy to fail.

And that might be the reason that 9 out of 10 copywriters and content writers never grow their business to the six-figure mark. Let me repeat that, 90% of copywriters never earn $100,000 from their business because they don’t have the business know-how it requires.

They’re great writers, but not yet great business owners and that’s why we created the Accelerator program. It’s designed to help you build the skills to ensure your success.

More than 350 copywriters have gone through the program and used the modules to update and improve their businesses. And if you’re struggling to grow your business, it might be time to visit to learn more about this program.

Earlier today I was scanning through a few of the past episodes with copywriters like Justin Blackman, Chanti Zak, Zafira Rajan, Kirsty Fanton and a bunch of others looking for some of the things they said about the accelerator program. I wanted to share their successes…

I was going to clip a bunch of these interviews together so you could get a sense of what is included in The Accelerator, but then I remembered an interview we did a while ago with several former members of The Accelerator sharing what they got from the program. So without further ado… let’s roll the tape…

Kira Hug:  We’ll let these copywriters introduce themselves in a moment, but first, let me just say, if you’re tempted to skip this episode, because you’re not interested in this program, it could be worth giving it a quick listen because many of the takeaways they share about the changes they’ve made to their businesses apply to copywriting businesses at every single stage. And these writers are doing some pretty cool things in their businesses. You might be inspired by what they’ve done, and maybe even borrow an idea or two for your own business.

Rob Marsh:  At this point in the program, we would usually say something like this episode is brought to you by The Copywriter Accelerator. And then we would tell you all of the reasons why you should consider joining. We’re not going to do that today. Other than to say that after listening to this episode, take a moment to visit and see what this program is all about. And see for yourself whether or not it’s something that you should consider for your business this year.

Kira Hug:  So, let’s jump in with our guests. We are so excited today to be here with some of our Accelerator members, members who are currently in the program, which we’re about to wrap up this month. And so before we dive into this conversation and ask you all a bunch of questions, can you take a minute to introduce yourself, all three of you? Just share name, where you’re located, your copywriting specialty, and then bonus points if you want to share a favorite movie or book, optional. Tori, why don’t you kick this off?

Tori Autumn:  Hi, my name is Tori Autumn. I live in Washington DC and I focus on launch copy and website copy for course creators and coaches. My favorite book, I’m actually getting into that book the Four Thousand Weeks right now. It’s scary to think of life like that, but it’s also great to think of my time management.

Kira Hug:  Yeah. Such a great book. I feel like when I hear Four Thousand Weeks, it makes me think that we have more time than I thought, but I’m like, wow, we have Four Thousand Weeks. This is great. So much time available.

Rob Marsh:  Yeah. Until you do the math, Kira, and figure out that you’ve lived 2000 of them and…

Kira Hug:  Rob, I didn’t do the math. I didn’t do the math. Thank you. Thank you for that.

Rob Marsh:  You’re welcome.

Kira Hug:  All right. Thanks Tori. And Demetrius, can you introduce yourself?

Demetrius Williams:  Yeah. So I’m Demetrius I’m from London. I specialize in website and blog copy for retail tech businesses. And I read so much. But the last book I just read was Atomic Habits. I literally read that in less than a day.

Kira Hug:  Oh wow.

Demetrius Williams:  And I’ve basically used it to tone down my procrastination. I have a shun for procrastination sometimes. So habit stacking to get rid of the bad habits has been a really good thing for me in the last couple of weeks.

Kira Hug:  All right. Thanks Demetrius. Peta, what about you?

Peta O’Brien-Day:  So, I’m Peta O’Brien-Day and I’m from New Bri, which is a little bit west of Demetrius in the UK. I focus on helping entrepreneurs write nurturing copy for their businesses and help them build authentic relationships with their customers in the health and lifestyle space. In terms of books, I’ve got a tiny person at home, so I haven’t read a lot in a while. But I have just finished Caitlin Moran’s More Than a Woman, which is incredible. She’s fabulous. She’s so funny. And she writes about politics and social justice and feminism and all kinds of things. That book is about all the different things that we have to think about as women in the 21st century and how much we have going on and what we can maybe do to make it a bit easier.

Kira Hug:  All right. Well, I am adding that to my list for sure, Peta. I need that one.

Peta O’Brien-Day:  You would definitely love her. She is fabulous.

Kira Hug:  All right. And so let’s just kick off this conversation. As I said, you’re already in The Accelerator program. Let’s go back in time to when you initially joined around four months ago. I’m just curious to hear why you joined. Where was your business at the time when you joined?

Demetrius Williams:  I’ll go first. I think I just started, I think I was a year into freelance copywriting and I just got to a ceiling basically. And I just didn’t know where to go next to level up in terms of my processes and how to get more clients. And I’ve been listening to the podcast for about a year and I’d always wanted to join The Accelerator, but I think I missed the last one. So I had to wait for the next one. Joining The Accelerator, it basically challenged me in how I’ve worked on my processes. And it’s allowed me to get a bit further than some of my other freelance friends who have taken like three to five years to get where I want to get. So I basically joined, so I wanted to, instead of get five years to better my business, I’m going to get it down to at least a year.

Rob Marsh:  That’s awesome. How about you, Peta?

Peta O’Brien-Day:  When I heard about The Accelerator, I’d started out in Upwork with my $35 blog post and I’d managed to work my way up to having some own clients that I’d cold pitched. But it was in drips and drabs and same as similar Demetrius I want to fast track things. But I didn’t have a huge amount of time. I had a little girl at home, I still do and had only about 15 hours a week to do the training or any courses I wanted to do and my actual client work. So I wanted to find something that was accessible, that was easy to digest, but that gave me massive amounts of value. I knew that in January I wa

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TCC Podcast #408: Grow Your Business with The Copywriter Accelerator

TCC Podcast #408: Grow Your Business with The Copywriter Accelerator

Kira Hug and Rob Marsh