The Give a SH#! Episode
Sales teams face immense pressure to meet monthly quotas, which often lead them to resort to tactics that prioritize their convenience over the customer’s needs.
It’s time for sellers to step up and truly give a sh*t.
In this episode, Jen Allen-Knuth, Founder of DemandJen, talks about what it means to care about your prospects. Having been in sales for 18 years, Jen points out the common pitfalls for sellers such as relying on outdated scripts, generic outreach, and shallow research.
When sellers can demonstrate an understanding of their customer's pain points, they earn trust that lasts beyond the first call.
In this episode, you’ll learn:
- How to preempt and overcome the status quo with proactive messaging
- The three outdated sales motions you should stop using
- Ways to build relevance and urgency in every buyer interaction
Jump into the conversation:
(00:00 ) Customer-centric sales with Jen Allen-Knuth
(06:40 ) Why most deals are lost to the status quo
(09:48 ) Three outdated sales motions
(13:28 ) The problem prompter framework
(22:06 ) How to engage with “learners” vs. “hand raisers”
(25:56 ) Leveraging AI for better outreach