Tips from an ADHD Coach: When life throws you off your routine
People with ADHD can benefit from having routines and systems that help them cope. But, what happens when life comes into play and throws that routine off?
This week on Tips from an ADHD Coach, Jaye talks about what can happen when we get thrown off our game by special life circumstances like getting sick or moving. Listen for some tips that can help get you back on track.
Related resources
(00:51 ) Cate’s quote
(02:39 ) ADHD and hormones
(03:58 ) “Exception moments,” or temporary states when our life is a bit different than usual
(06:15 ) How can we help ourselves during these periods?
(11:29 ) Recap
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Understood is a nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering people with learning and thinking differences, like ADHD and dyslexia. If you want to help us continue this work, donate at