To Call Herself Beloved...and She Is with Leisse Wilcox
2:00 Leisse's child hood was perfect on the outside and incredibly painful on the inside
4:30 Leisse tells her origin story of waking up
7:25 Steps Leisse took to recover from people pleasing
11:25 Leisse shares her story likening it to the book Gotta Go about a butterfly
14:25 Leisse has zero tolerance for BS
19:00 Leisse shares how she overcame the trauma, and how she works with clients
23:14 Divorce was the worst experience of her life
26:25 The C word. Leisse talks about what getting breast cancer meant for her
29:40 Leisse reads the poem To Call Myself Beloved
34:50 What does Leisse mean by WE are the media
37:20 Leisse talks financial literacy
41:50 What's the story Leisse tells herself around wealth and success
46:00 Leisse has doubt and fear that still lingers, there's always work to do
50:00 How Covid has been a gift
55:50 What would Leisse say to her 15 year old self