Viral and Vision

Viral and Vision

Update: 2023-03-01


On this week's episode Tiffany-Ann is joined by Shaniqua, the CEO and founder of Beautifully Her Coaching and Consulting, who is a speaker, consultant and brand strategy coach. Shaniqua's innate ability to guide entrepreneurs through a journey of aligning their natural gifts with their success in the marketplace leaves people feeling empowered and ready to unleash their untapped potential. 

Shaniqua and Tiffany-Ann dive into ...

  • The importance of confidence in conducting any kind of business and how social media can help, but it can also be discouraging if people overthink it or focus too much on the negative aspects of it.
  • How social media algorithms can affect people's perception of things and how it's important to focus on the positive and build up confidence.
  • The importance of consistency in content creation and brand messaging across all channels. They stress the need to choose a volume of content creation that can be sustained without taking over one's life. The hosts emphasize that consistency is not just about frequency but also about messaging and how one shows up across all platforms.
  • Realistic goal and understanding the challenges that come with achieving it. Then like the journey of building a business to parenting, where each milestone comes with new challenges, and it's essential to appreciate the journey and enjoy the present moment.
  • Embracing uniqueness and create a vision for themselves, even if it doesn't align with conventional standards. 
  • Creating something that leaves a lasting legacy is the ultimate goal.

Shaniqua Horstead, CEO & Founder of BeautifullyHer Coaching & Consulting is a speaker, consultant, and a brand strategy coach who values service and excellence. Her innate ability to guide other entrepreneurs through a journey of aligning their natural gifts with their success in the marketplace, is sure to leave you feeling empowered and ready to unleash the untapped potential inside of you.
By combining her many certifications and experience as a life coach with her passion for branding, strategy, and social media, Shaniqua has been able to coach hundreds of women across the world to achieve their goals with intentionality and great execution.
Making your mark on the world doesn’t need to be complicated but must be intentional. Because of this Shaniqua’s framework is designed to simplify the brand development process and help you show up online with ease. She has dedicated her life to changing the world one brand at a time, your’s could be next!

Connect with Shaniqua...
On Instagram @thecoachshaniqua

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Tiffany-Ann is a mom of 3, agency owner, and business strategist with experience scaling service based businesses to over 7-figures per month.  Her passion for automation, data, and scaling success has her supporting business owners throughout North America.

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Viral and Vision

Viral and Vision

Tiffany-Ann Bottcher & Shaniqua Horstead