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Author: Scott Doucet

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Welcome to Fathership

Scott Doucet here. I'm pretty much living the life of my dreams. I married the girl of my dreams, I have my dream car, I live in a house in my hometown that I own. I have a daughter and a son on the way and at the time of recording this trailer

Things could not be more complicated

Because as it turns out, when you achieve the life of your dreams, the work isn't over. You now have to work hard to maintain those dreams, to nurture the relationships you build, to grow beyond the person you are right now, to be the person who deserves to hang on to everything you've worked to accomplish, and to be the person who can truly enjoy everyone and everything around them.

That is now the person I am trying to grow to be.

This is that Journey. The Fathership Podcast is all about growing into the role of dad, growing into the role of husband, growing into the role of home owner, growing into the role of community leader and being the best business owner I can possibly be.

It's not going to be easy. Quite frankly, this is the hardest thing I'm ever going to do. It won't only be the victories we share. We'll be talking about the struggles, the addictions and the things we have to overcome.

I'll be talking to Dads, Moms, and experts from around the globe about their experiences with fatherhood, parenting, relationships and life in order to grow and to help you grow into the best versions of ourselves we can possibly be.

Join us.
29 Episodes
In this episode, host Scott Doucet and cohost Josh MacKenzie go in depth on their relationships with their fathers. Josh kicks off the episode discussing his father and the impact he’s had on his life. They talk about what was there, what was missing, and how Josh navigated that as a child and into adulthood. Scott follows up by talking about the contrasts between his biological father and his stepfather, and how both men helped shape the man he became. This episode goes into the good the bad and the ugly of growing up with their dads.
Are you struggling to strike a balance between all of the things in your life that demand your attention? You’re definitely not alone on that one. In this episode of Fathership, Josh MacKenzie joins Scott to discuss balance and more specifically: How does Scott find balance with so many irons in the fire at all times. It’s an in-depth episode spanning topics like goals, priorities, boundaries, time management, relationships, careers, family living and so much more. If you’re someone who could use a little lesson on balance in order to avoid burning out or damaging relationships with the people who matter most to you, click play, tune in and make the necessary adjustments to your day!   What aspect of life has become the most difficult to balance since becoming a father? Why does Scott do so much in the first place? How you balance in the rain is not how you balance in the sun. What is a healthy way to look at finding balance in life? The importance of maintaining a schedule where balance is concerned. When striving for balance with multiple children, carve out one on one time with each of them. Carve out time for passion projects.   “When my wife and I got together, my entire purpose and goal was to take care of her” “The harder I won bread, the less I saw my children” “My motivation and fuel are very deep rooted” “No matter how hard I tried, I could not find enough hours in the day to make everyone happy” “Balance changes based on the terrain you’re on. Balance changes based on what you’re going through” “Life is set up to warn you that you are off balance” “Leave yourself the slack in the run of a day for curveballs to come”   Pick up a shirt!   Join us in Fathership: The Knighthood
Are you the kind of person who struggles to start things you don’t want to do? Do you start big projects or get on the path to self improvement only to pack it in when things get tough and leave it unfinished or unfulfilled? If this sounds like you, it may be that you’re struggling to find motivation, or even worse: you might lack discipline. While motivation and discipline are not the same thing, they work together like night and day to ultimately get you to whatever goal you set out to accomplish. Motivation is fun. It’s that spark that gets you started. While most people have no issues doing things they love, what happens when you have to find the drive to do things you don’t enjoy? Or when you do finally get started, what do you do when you lose momentum or things get hard? That’s what this episode is all about! If you’re interested in hearing more, click play and learn how you can find a little extra starting power and staying power in your day to day life!   Are motivation and discipline 2 sides of the same coin? Do you start projects or undertakings that you do not finish? How do you get motivated to do things that you don’t want to do in the first place? What will keep you consistently moving forward toward your desires? How Scott lost 15lbs and what the biggest contributing factor was. What is a “Minimum Effective Dose” and how does it help with discipline?   “You need motivation, you need discipline, you can’t have one without the other” “Without discipline you’ll just perpetually start things over and over and over again” “Relationships are more important than money” “When you run into your first snag, what stops you from quitting?”   Pick up a shirt!   Join us in Fathership: The Knighthood
How do you reduce stress and find happiness in those moments where life feels like a grind? How do you chill out and still get everything done? As Dads, we end up with a lot on our plate. The day to day management of all of our tasks, jobs and roles can sometimes pile up and leave us stressed out and struggling to properly handle or address the things we need to. Even when we get everything done, often we’re left feeling drained, depleted or burned out. While we strive to do as much as we can to make the lives of those around us better, we can often forget to provide some basic care and maintenance to ourselves. In this episode of Fathership, I welcome Josh MacKenzie back to the show to answer a question from a member of Fathership: The Knighthood in an effort to unpack and deploy strategies and tactics to better manage the stress in your daily grind.   Finding a way to disconnect from the daily grind for an hour or two could be all you really need to reduce or manage your stress levels. Are you saying “yes” to too many things? Do you have tasks and jobs that could be blended together in order to accomplish more in less time? Feeling stressed and overwhelmed? Put in a solid workout and see how you feel after. When was the last time you had an orgasm? Are you taking care of your diet and sleep? Do you laugh every day?   “Lighten the load” “Don’t just pawn off stuff because you want to be lazy” “Find out what you can say no to, and say no to it” “Find ways to blend your activities” “Being horny actually clouds your ability to make proper decisions” “Orgasms are important to your mental health” “The smoother the operating system, the better the experience”   Pick up a shirt!   Join us in Fathership: The Knighthood   Join us on Facebook!
Have you ever wanted to give back to your friends or your community? What can you do to further contribute to the lives of others? When is the best time to give back? Should you charge for your contributions, or does it always have to be free? That’s what’s going down on this week’s episode of Fathership. It’s a short one but a great topic to finish off the Purpose of a Father series. Gentlemen, if you’ve ever wondered about how to give back to others, this is definitely the episode for you!    Why you should wait until you have a surplus before you share outward. Examples of contribution and giving back to those who matter. What do you have to offer to someone else? The risk of giving before you have it to give. Can you charge for contribution?   “Once you have plenty, you are to contribute and share from that” “As you grow you will find more and more to contribute” “Is there something I can be doing to contribute where I will not miss out” “Contribution does not have to be free” “See where you can fill in gaps and do a good job with the skills that you have” Pick up a shirt!   Join us in Fathership: The Knighthood   Join us on Facebook!
Welcome to the Fathership Podcast! This week we’re examining the third purpose of a father: Defence. It’S a father’s responsibility to protect his family and ensure they are safe in every possible situation, so how do you become the man who is capable of doing that? That’s what this episode is all about.   Can you protect your family? If you were to die, is your family taken care of? How prepared are you for a flood, fire, tornado or other natural disaster? Are you prepared to deal with you or your family being attacked? Why you should consider being dangerous, without being a danger to anyone. Can you keep your children safe from predators? (Animals or otherwise). Are you taking care of business?   “It’s very important that you have a plan in place” “If you dropped dead tomorrow, is your family protected?” “Are you planned in and protected from a natural disaster of some kind?” “Do you have the deadly skills you need?” “Don’t think you’re so special that it won’t happen to you” “The prepared person knows how to handle it”   Pick up a shirt!   Join us in Fathership: The Knighthood   Join us on Facebook!
Once upon a time it was considered “enough” for a man to make money, come home and preside over the home he successfully funded. In today’s world, women are more than capable of funding themselves, which leaves a lot of modern men struggling to find out where they fit in as natural providers. If money is no longer an issue, it all comes down to how you make the people in your life feel, and trust me when I say that it’s always been important. A man’s role within the family unit is changing, and as a result: the man has to change with it. Whether or not you’re the primary earner for your family, there are other things to consider where provision is concerned. Can you provide access to things they can’t? Can you do so with a smile on your face? Can you be the provider of happiness, fun and security? These are just a few of the things that are covered in today’s episode. If you’re wondering where you can do a better job as the provider for your family, click play and tune in. Your family will thank you, dad.   What are you doing to provide for your family? Other than money, what else are you providing? Are you providing them with health and happiness? You do not need to give them everything they want. Are you a safe person for your family to talk to? A dad’s responsibility  Where are you providing well? Where do you need to do better? Ask for feedback.   “Times have changed and modern women and modern families can get along just fine without your money” “What goes into providing for a modern family?” “Money is not the only way to provide” “Don’t be that person that just allows life to happen to them” “Do you do what you say you’re going to do? Do you do it in a timely fashion?” “How much of the burden of responsibility are you willing to shoulder?” “Your family is your responsibility”   Pick up a shirt!   Join us in Fathership: The Knighthood   Join us on Facebook!
We as men often pride ourselves on being leaders, and that quality is never more important than when we step into the role of Father. But so many men out there have a very limited understanding on what it means to be a GOOD leader. As a result, we can often find the people we’re meant to lead not respecting our position as head of the household. If you find that your wife or children don’t give you the respect you deserve, or that they’re not motivated to do the things that need to be done, click play and tune into this episode. You’ll get a solid explanation on what makes a great leader, as well as tips and ideas to gain more respect and influence with those who matter most: your family.   Are you capable of leading yourself? What would a leader do? How do you get your wife or kids to clean the house? How do you motivate your family to take care of themselves? What are your motivators? Are you taking care of the “Hunny Do” list? What are your weaknesses and setbacks? Are you being honest with yourself? How do you gain your family’s respect?   “If you cannot lead yourself you have no business leading others” “A boss leads from the back, a leader leads from the front” “If you expect other people to tag along, you better be the first one grabbing a cloth” “If you’re not leading, you’re literally just sitting there waiting for things to happen” “Respect comes from proper leadership”   Pick up a shirt!   Join us in Fathership: The Knighthood   Join us on Facebook!
Are you more interested in showing your children how to think instead of telling them what to think? Are you the kind of man who wishes to exhibit more patience and understanding within your relationship with your children? If this sounds interesting to you, welcome to this week’s episode of Fathership! This week’s guest is Author, Speaker, Entrepreneur, and loving father Asa Leveaux. Asa brings a well rounded and refreshing perspective to fatherhood, and all that comes with it in our multifaceted conversation. This talk covers a lot of ground. We discuss autonomy for our children as we choose to open up our lives to the public, communicating with them in order to become better fathers, and what goes into mending the relationship with our children when things take an unexpected turn. This talk goes deep, and touches on love, acceptance and tolerance in ways you may not have heard them spoken about before. Be prepared to question the way you’ve always approached things. This episode definitely changed my mind on a few topics.   In This Episode Your child did not ask for the life that you lead as their father. Listening to your child translates to loving your child. What it really means to miss someone. Creating the world you decide to reside in, and having scary conversations. Encouraging your child to learn how to think instead of telling them what to think. How can I be a better dad to you? Time, energy and focus will heal all things. When times are dark, avoid making a decision that your children will have to live with forever. One thing about fatherhood that caught Asa by surprise. Because I’m a dad that matters _________.   “I was brought to this world to love people. Point blank. Period.” “Listening and loving people are not struggles” “I desire to create and will create a world for me” “We have the power to create worlds” “Sometimes your children come to teach you. You’re not always the teacher” “The most beautiful thing on earth can be someone calling you dad” “Just because I’m 37 doesn’t mean I don’t need to be sexy”   Catch up with Asa! Website - Instagram -   Pick up a shirt!   Join us in Fathership: The Knighthood   Join us on Facebook!
What is the purpose of a father in the modern day? What is the purpose of a man today?   Modern men are struggling, and the problems being caused by this are very apparent. When the time comes to step into the role of Father, do it and do it well. Providing for your family is more than you might think it is. How to protect your family in modern times. Leadership means leading yourself first and your family second. What happened when I stopped leading my family?   “Modern men are struggling. Modern men are struggling to figure out where they fit into women’s lives. Modern me. Are struggling with fathering their children” “The influence of a man in the home is huge. It’s monumental” “If you don’t do it, your wife will have to” “Are you physically fit enough to lift your kid if they break their leg?” “Leadership is on you as a dad” Join us on Facebook!
Are you looking to strengthen your bond with you wife? Are you wanting to build a stronger bond between you and your children? Are you wishing you could make more meaningful connections with the people you love? These are the types of thoughts that cross the minds of the men who should be tuning into this podcast. Whether you are a new dad, an expecting dad to be, or a dad who has been at it for a while and wants to ditch your excuses and change your approach to fatherhood, this could be for you. If you’re looking to forge yourself into a better defender, provider, leader and contributor to your family and your community: Click Play. This is the show for you.   Who is this show’s content intended for? Who are the men that have been reaching out? Why this show might not be for you. Who will gain the most from this show? The benefits of showing up and doing what counts. What kind of man do you want to be?   “This show is intended for good natured, good hearted man who wants to do better” “Nothing in your life falls apart without your help” “What kind of man am I?” “Until he’s six feet under and can’t change, I think a man should be striving to change for the better”   Join us on Facebook!
F016 Get In The Fight

F016 Get In The Fight


If you are bothered by what’s happening in the world today, and you want to be part of a positive change, this is the episode for you.   The world is in a state of unrest, why is this happening? Are you a good man, or do you just think you’re a good man? How do you combat corruption in the government, police force and the military? Raise the Shield for the people who can’t.   “There is a shortage of good men. Real good men. Not men who think they’re good.” “In order for corruption to go away, you need good people stepping into the roles” “Do you want to protect people?” “For every police officer who shoots an unarmed citizen with a rubber bullet, there should be two good men detaining him” “Stop doing nothing. Get in the fight”   Join us on Facebook!
Welcome to Fathership. In this week’s episode I’m excited to announce a partnership with Mike’s Merch as we created a great looking shirt and people are loving it. We’ve also decided to give 20% of the profit we make on Fathership merchandise back to dads in the form of the Give Dad A Break initiative. Also in this episode, I break down why it’s crucial for you to be taking a 30 minute break for yourself every day, and how to carve that out and stick to it. Want to know more? Click play and check out the episode!    Exciting times for the Fathership Podcast: We’ve teamed up with Mike’s erch to create a Fathership T-shirt! What is the Give Dad A Break initiative? Do you need a break? Are you giving too much to other people and too little for yourself? What does a break look like? How do you find the time to take a solid break each day? “You can’t do it all the time” “You need just a little bit of time to turn down the volume on your day” “Time to yourself is scarce” “Take a break from the list because it’s always going to be there” “You actually look forward to tomorrow when you relax again” “Start doing things that make you a better man” “I understand now what it’s like to need a break”   Pick up a shirt!   Nominate a Dad! Mike's Merch! Join us on Facebook!
Do you trust your instincts? Have you ever wondered why you get a gut feeling or “hunch” when something terrible is about to happen? Or maybe you’ve been wondering why other people experience these kinds of things and you don’t? Today’s episode is fascinating to a hug degree as I am joined by Lisa K, expert in all things intuition. Lisa is an amazing wealth of knowledge where psychobiology and brain function are concerned, but where she gets the most pleasure is talking about one specific phenomenon: Intuition. She joins me today to discuss male intuition specifically, and where it comes in handy as a father, but also how to hone and develop your connection with your instincts in order to put them to use in your day to day decision making. She also weighs in on a few of my experiences to confirm whether or not I was actually dealing with my instincts, or just being paranoid. If you geek out on brain function and behaviour, this episode is for you!   What is psychobiology and why does it matter in relation to your gut instincts How do the right and left side of the brain differ in how they send and receive information? What is instinct? What is your gut feeling? How my intuition tried to warn me about a violent situation, and how it tipped me off that everything was going to be okay afterward. How do you connect with your intuition so that you know you can trust it to communicate with you when you need it? Intuition exercises that will help you hone your instincts and begin to harness your gut feelings to use in your day to day life. Is it just a matter of shutting up and giving your instinct room to communicate with you?   “If I know how life works, I can live a better life” “It sounds like the left brain and the right brain are a married couple that actually work well together” “The right side of the brain is geared to react instantaneously” “We have to become more aware of these little things that the right brain is telling us” “If you can learn how to harness it, if you can learn how to use it, then it’s going to become an asset to you” “It’s like any skill, you have to develop it, and anybody can” “The left side of the brain drowns out the right side of the brain all the time”   Check out Between Heaven and Earth with Lisa K   Check out Lisa’s Website!   Join us on Facebook!  
Welcome to Fathership! In this week's episode, I'm asking you to be honest with yourself: Are you a good son? A lot of us kind of have a laugh and say no when we think about this question, if we've ever asked it at all, but what have you done about it? Have you made up for some of the things you've put your parents through? Have you made amends for some of the hardships you've caused? Do you call them frequently or tell them that you love them?  We as men go through life expecting people to treat us with love, dignity and respect, but often we forget to give those things to our parents. If you want to have good children, wouldn't it make sense that you know how to be one? Kids learn by example after all. What we as men want and expect from other people in our lives. Am I a good father? Am I a good husband? Am I a good son? Have you owned up to your parents for your behaviour in your youth? How are you stacking up as a son? Are you helpful? Are you supportive? Are you presenting your parents with opportunities to bond with you, or are you expecting them to do it? You can set the example and be the difference maker.   “Are you a good child?” “Have you made amends?” “I want everyone to respect my leadership, but am I a good leader?” “If you are inconsistent anywhere, that’s where you’re going to see reflections of you and your behavior” “You use your gifts to enrich the lives of other people” “If we can make a huge difference in our children’s lives, why can’t we make a huge difference in our parent’s lives?   Join us on Facebook!
Welcome to Fathership. This week’s guest is Jonathan Rivera, host of Daddy’s Working (the podcast) and founder of The Podcast Factory. Jonathan is a devoted husband and father. His head and heart are in the right place. He’s got a pretty good idea of what goes into this whole parenting thing, and he and his wife Cupcake (is that her real name? Click play and find out!) are a pretty strong team. They have a mission to instill as many positive skills, and influences as possible in their son, and hope to guide him into being a good man, and a decent person. The coolest part about Jon’s situation? His son is adopted, which adds an entirely different level of understanding and an even more interesting dynamic to the role of dad. We get into a discussion on that: how it differs (or if it differs) from the traditional father/son relationship, what goes into the adoption process, and what Jonathan is working on when it comes to dealing with some of the obstacles that he’s been met with along this journey. Want to find out how to raise an awesome little human being? Want to know the secret to making it work, regardless of the circumstances you’ll be faced with? Tune in to this week’s episode and have your mind blown wide open.   How Jon went from being afraid of children (like, didn’t even want to hold babies afraid) to wanting a child of his own. Who is “Cupcake”? What was going through Jonathan’s mind when they were deciding to adopt, and what went into their decision to do so. Does love transcend biology when it comes to a father’s relationship with their child? What kind of impact are you making on the world? What kind of people are you raising? A quick glance at what goes into adoption, and how prepared Jonathan was (or wasn’t) for fatherhood. That moment when you can’t handle it anymore, and you still have to, so you find a way to do it and do it well. Where does Jonathan rock at fatherhood?   “We wanted our own imprint on a kid.” “Love is love. We can love no matter what. Doesn’t have to be because that kid shot out of your loins that you love it. Love is love” “I know unconditionally that I can love my child” “If it didn’t work out the natural way, we were open to the adoption way” “Your legacy is your last name and your money? That doesn’t mean crap, man” “I get to wake Huddy up every morning and it’s one of the things I live for” “Keep helping. Keep giving him good influence. Keep loving him” “I’ve actually mellowed out more, and that’s how I’ve become more protective” “What worked? What didn’t work? What can I do differently?” “It’s more about solving problems and bringing value into the world”   Listen to Daddy’s Working!   Catch the episodes I appeared on here   Check out the Podcast Factory!   Join us on Facebook!
Welcome to Fathership! In this week’s episode, I break down my daily routine to demonstrate where I benefit from having structure, and how I find time to do all of the things that are expected from me. Being the an of the house doesn’t have to be a painfully difficult experience, but it will definitely challenge your ability to manage your time, your energy, and the expectations of others. While you can’t possibly get to everything that’s being asked of you all the time, you can definitely give it a solid effort and cover a lot of ground. Want to know how I make my business and family life work together? Want to know where I set my boundaries in regards to my time? Looking for a few things that you could potentially add to your own routine? It’s all right here in this week’s edition of Fathership, so click play and enjoy!   Is forming a routine really stealing your own freedom from yourself? How my wife and I are both like Sims in the morning. My daily routine from Monday to Friday and the changes that typically happen on weekends. Organizing my work day: What goes into having a work from home business and a family? Once the work day is done, the real fun begins!   “I would rather be a little tired and know I accomplished a lot than be super energetic and antsy and bored knowing I’ve done very little” “I could work forever and there would always be more work to do”   Join us on Facebook!
Are you the man you say you are? Does your partner’s view of you match up to the view you have of yourself? Do your kids see you the same way you do? Do any of them know how much you love them? These are all really important things to consider when we’re going about our day to day lives as partners and parents, and yet so few of us understand much about it. How much information are the people around you getting? How much are you giving? A person’s opinion of you is formed largely on two things: what you say and what you do. If those two things don’t align, you may not be painting the best picture of yourself. In this episode of Fathership, I break down the lenses we view the world though: our paradigms, and use a story of an NHL player only scoring one goal in 47 games to get the job done. Want sports to save your relationship for once? Tune in.   Why paradigms matter, and how understanding how they work will make your days go better. What is, what is his version, and what is her version? How is Pekke Rinne not fired after only getting one goal in 47 games? The “Oh” Moments I am whatever you say I am. How one tiny paradigm shift changed 3 years of a relationship in a single moment. Why you have to back up what you see about yourself.   “We can think we’re doing great things but really our actions show something completely different” “A paradigm shifts when new information enters the equation” “Your perspective is very narrow. It’s based on your experience and how you see the world” “I encourage you to talk. Even if it’s the same talk you’ve had over and over again” “As you step up, you’re going to notice that people’s paradigms of you are going to shift as well” “You can’t force someone to see what isn’t true”  “Just because you’re seeing it doesn’t mean your actions are saying it” “Am I the man I say I am, or am I just pretending to be?”   Join us on Facebook!