DiscoverFathershipF008 Is there a disconnect between the way you see yourself and the way others see you?
F008 Is there a disconnect between the way you see yourself and the way others see you?

F008 Is there a disconnect between the way you see yourself and the way others see you?

Update: 2020-02-25


Are you the man you say you are? Does your partner’s view of you match up to the view you have of yourself? Do your kids see you the same way you do? Do any of them know how much you love them? These are all really important things to consider when we’re going about our day to day lives as partners and parents, and yet so few of us understand much about it. How much information are the people around you getting? How much are you giving? A person’s opinion of you is formed largely on two things: what you say and what you do. If those two things don’t align, you may not be painting the best picture of yourself. In this episode of Fathership, I break down the lenses we view the world though: our paradigms, and use a story of an NHL player only scoring one goal in 47 games to get the job done. Want sports to save your relationship for once? Tune in.


  • Why paradigms matter, and how understanding how they work will make your days go better.
  • What is, what is his version, and what is her version?
  • How is Pekke Rinne not fired after only getting one goal in 47 games?
  • The “Oh” Moments
  • I am whatever you say I am.
  • How one tiny paradigm shift changed 3 years of a relationship in a single moment.
  • Why you have to back up what you see about yourself.


“We can think we’re doing great things but really our actions show something completely different”

“A paradigm shifts when new information enters the equation”

“Your perspective is very narrow. It’s based on your experience and how you see the world”

“I encourage you to talk. Even if it’s the same talk you’ve had over and over again”

“As you step up, you’re going to notice that people’s paradigms of you are going to shift as well”

“You can’t force someone to see what isn’t true” 

“Just because you’re seeing it doesn’t mean your actions are saying it”

“Am I the man I say I am, or am I just pretending to be?”


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F008 Is there a disconnect between the way you see yourself and the way others see you?

F008 Is there a disconnect between the way you see yourself and the way others see you?

Scott Doucet