DiscoverFathershipF025 How do I Find Motivation or Discipline?
F025 How do I Find Motivation or Discipline?

F025 How do I Find Motivation or Discipline?

Update: 2020-09-03


Are you the kind of person who struggles to start things you don’t want to do? Do you start big projects or get on the path to self improvement only to pack it in when things get tough and leave it unfinished or unfulfilled? If this sounds like you, it may be that you’re struggling to find motivation, or even worse: you might lack discipline. While motivation and discipline are not the same thing, they work together like night and day to ultimately get you to whatever goal you set out to accomplish. Motivation is fun. It’s that spark that gets you started. While most people have no issues doing things they love, what happens when you have to find the drive to do things you don’t enjoy? Or when you do finally get started, what do you do when you lose momentum or things get hard? That’s what this episode is all about! If you’re interested in hearing more, click play and learn how you can find a little extra starting power and staying power in your day to day life!


  • Are motivation and discipline 2 sides of the same coin?
  • Do you start projects or undertakings that you do not finish?
  • How do you get motivated to do things that you don’t want to do in the first place?
  • What will keep you consistently moving forward toward your desires?
  • How Scott lost 15lbs and what the biggest contributing factor was.
  • What is a “Minimum Effective Dose” and how does it help with discipline?


“You need motivation, you need discipline, you can’t have one without the other”

“Without discipline you’ll just perpetually start things over and over and over again”

“Relationships are more important than money”

“When you run into your first snag, what stops you from quitting?”


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F025 How do I Find Motivation or Discipline?

F025 How do I Find Motivation or Discipline?

Scott Doucet