DiscoverFathershipF011 Are You a Good Son?
F011 Are You a Good Son?

F011 Are You a Good Son?

Update: 2020-03-24


Welcome to Fathership! In this week's episode, I'm asking you to be honest with yourself: Are you a good son? A lot of us kind of have a laugh and say no when we think about this question, if we've ever asked it at all, but what have you done about it? Have you made up for some of the things you've put your parents through? Have you made amends for some of the hardships you've caused? Do you call them frequently or tell them that you love them? 

We as men go through life expecting people to treat us with love, dignity and respect, but often we forget to give those things to our parents. If you want to have good children, wouldn't it make sense that you know how to be one? Kids learn by example after all.

  • What we as men want and expect from other people in our lives.
  • Am I a good father? Am I a good husband? Am I a good son?
  • Have you owned up to your parents for your behaviour in your youth?
  • How are you stacking up as a son? Are you helpful? Are you supportive?
  • Are you presenting your parents with opportunities to bond with you, or are you expecting them to do it?
  • You can set the example and be the difference maker.


“Are you a good child?”

“Have you made amends?”

“I want everyone to respect my leadership, but am I a good leader?”

“If you are inconsistent anywhere, that’s where you’re going to see reflections of you and your behavior”

“You use your gifts to enrich the lives of other people”

“If we can make a huge difference in our children’s lives, why can’t we make a huge difference in our parent’s lives?


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F011 Are You a Good Son?

F011 Are You a Good Son?

Scott Doucet