Living Stronger Longer (Your Best Life After 40)

<p>I'll be covering topics from proper exercise, nutrition, longevity, but also things like music, philosophy and anything and every thing that contributes to maximizing life quality!</p>

Doug McGuff co-author of Body by Science "Best Way to Straighten Deck Chairs on the Titanic?"

In preparation for article/speech that I want to write, I wanted to do a consultation with Dr. Doug McGuff both to check my understanding and to make sure I didn't make too many errors in describing the science behind my latest distinctions:1. The difference between so called optimal and good results is very small and is likely irrelevant in the long run. In fact, what may be optimal for one goal may well be detrimental to a different goal. (health vs performance being just ...


What are realistic results for a new strength trainee at Sustainable Success Strength Training?

This is my response to a question from a new client as to what this individual could expect. I know it's going to sound somewhat evasive in terms of stopping short of specifics, however the reality is, in my opinion, that the answer truly is "it depends".I've tried to list all the factors that can come into play that will increase or decrease what one can expect, with the "quality of the stimulus" (the workout itself, which is the only part I'm involved in) being only one of many factor...


Dr. Doug McGuff interview one more time (author of Body by Science) (Studies/TRT/etc)

In this one, we delve into the relative reliability of different types of studies when it comes to exercise and/or nutrition. In particular, epidemiological studies vs RCT's when double blinded, selection biases accounted for and large enough samplings and/or times to make conclusions more or less objective.When looking at many studies, we often only go to the "headline" and don't really check how well or poorly studies were done and whether the "headline" should be taken with however m...


A Chat with Jerome Armstrong....

Jerome and I are both preparing for a bodybuilding competition of this recording. Jerome in November 2023 and myself in April 2024.Please note these are both fully natural drug tested contests.Together we go through a powerpoint presentation that he did on his youtube channel... I will link to it.... also, I'll include the youtube version link of this conversation as on audio, obviously you will not see the slides...We got so into into it, that we started with a plan to last an hour and...


A Conversation with Daniel Thompson Certified Superslow Instructor

In this second instalment, Daniel and I cover a wide range of topics, some of which deal with what truly matters in exercise and what might not be worth agonizing over.This shows that after long journeys, that start with the simple, then delve into much complexity, the destination often winds up right back at the simple.Daniel was (still is?) a Master Superslow instructor who worked closely with Ken Hutchins and did extensive testing with MedX medical lumbar machine.He has an amazing grasp th...


A Conversation with Mark Strough (Mark of Health)

I really enjoy doing these and this one was a special treat. Mark is an advocate of intelligent, brief, intense exercise and practices the carnivore diet which he credits with dramatically improving issues he's had with autoimmune ailments. Mark is a super nice guy with whom I share many commonalitiesbut mostly, I like the combination of his critical thinking, and "humility" (awareness of confirmation bias)..... as well as his respect for those who may disagree with him.On faceboo...


A Conversation with Nigel "Hawk" Allerby

As fellow fans of both rational strength training and philosopher Ayn Rand, I really hit it off with Hawk. This was one of my favourite interviews, and hope to do more in the future.He is located in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. In the past he's competed in both kickboxing and bodybuilding and today he trains clients, as I do, on a one on one basis, using primarily MedX equipment. you search "High Intensity Training (H.I.T.) Austr...


A Conversation with Jerome Armstrong of 18 Minute Fitness

I recently became aware of Jerome through the facebook page, "Mark's Health & Nutritional Group" where his youtube channel was recommended.After listening to a few of his videos, I was very impressed.First off, I was impressed by the thoroughness with which Jerome had done his homework, not just quoting study results he'd read or heard about, but rather evaluating various studies after having perused them closely and scrutinizing methodology.Secondly, I found his attitude very refreshing,...


A Conversation with Richard Wolff of MEDFITNESS Strength Training

Have been a long time fan of Richard's "MedFitness minute" quick videos that make salient points about health and exercise. And am impressed at his diligence of never missing a day! (as far as I know)Richard has a degree in nutrition and is a long time proponent of rational exercise. He is very knowledgeable and does a great job with his clients. For anyone near St. Charles, Illinois, you can get a free introductory session!for youtube video:


Comments on Dan Lieberman video

thanks Thomas Frayne for providing this video.... while there was undoubtedly some good info in this video, it reminded me of my thoughts on the 150 minutes of weekly activity that is generally recommended. I give some thoughts on this, which I've done before as well as his comments on the "myth" that running ruins knees.Lieberman video: about me:www.sustainablesuccess.caYouTube channel:


Q&A with Youtube watcher /commenter: Thomas Frayne

Recently I received an email from Thomas Frayne who had watched my interview with Mark Asanovich. His questions primarily came from the field of athletics/sports, which is certainly not my emphasis. I tend to focus more on helping regular folks, particularly an older population, stay as strong as possible, as safely and efficiently as possible, in order to maintain and/or improve their functional ability in order to maximize life quality and "health span". I have some opinio...


Do you need more intensity? Or just intense enough.... ??

In which I ramble about whether pushing for maximum intensity will improve results, vs adequate intensity and making sure workouts are not so intense that you can't adequately recover from, particularly with an older clientele.Interested to get others' opinions on this, from within and without the HIT community.


80 year old man's 195 day progress: Less than 1x week proper strength training and meticulous diet

Apologies for missing graphic: here is link to youtube version: speaks to #2 and #9 of my 12 steps to health and happinessNote thumbnail is not Don... just using a file photo...1. Sleep2. Strength train safely, briefly, intensely, 1-3x weekly. ( see #7)3. Move often at leisurely pace. More often, not more overall is better. Outside when convenient. 4. Eliminate seed oils. 5. Emphasize protein. 6. Avoid or minimize foods that co...


Move Often at Leisurely Pace. More OFTEN and not more overall is better. Outside When Possible.

In which I challenge to some degree the standard recommendations of 10,000 steps per day and/or 150 minutes of activity per week.I suspect strongly that these are based on observational studies with a myriad of confounding variables and are pretty much arbitrary. Forgive listeners for not seeing screen share. Here is link to youtube version:


#7 Minimize Force and Delegate High Risk Tasks (7 of 12 steps for health)

Clients sometimes come in with pain in knees and/or joints and/or shoulders and question whether intensely strength training might not be good that day, however they then go out and walk, snowshoe, hike, cross country ski or play various sports. My opinion is that they are confusing activities that are not intense on muscles but high force on joints, with an activity that is intense for muscles but relatively very kind to their joints. Strength training will not replace lost carti...


Work in Progress 12 Steps to Health (and happiness?)

Will elaborate in future, and/or possibly (almost certainly) this list will evolveSleepStrength train safely, briefly, intensely, 1-3x weekly. ( see #7)Move often at leisurely pace. More often, not more overall is better. Outside when convenient. Eliminate seed oils. Emphasize protein. Avoid or minimize foods that contain both fat and carbs in the absence of protein. Minimize force. Delegate high risk tasks. Minimize or eliminate alcohol, drugs. ...


A Conversation with Logan Herlihy. Author of "How 2 Look Good Naked: The Least Amount Of Effort, To Look The Best With Your Clothes Off"

Another very informative and entertaining conversation with an important member of one of the most successful exercise instruction organizations in the world today. "Discover Strength" is doing more than its part to bring proper strength training to the masses. It's about time that this important information becomes more widely disseminated and Luke Carlson, founder of Discover Strength, has created a great team, and an amazing business model in order to do this.Enjoy!Check amazon...


"Different Tools, Different Rules". A Conversation with Arjan Meijer

Arjan's youtube channel is one I've watched with interest over the years, and highly recommend.Not afraid to try new things, and adapting them to work for him, he exemplifies the concept, I've heard called "Principles vs Practices".I've come to suspect that many in the strength training community suffer from "confirmation bias", immediately rejecting anything that doesn't fit with their current paradigm of "how things should be done".To me, evidence of this, is when I see someone criticized w...


Instead of Live Every Day As if it Might be Your Last....

.. why not live every day as if you had already died but magically was given a second chance and brought back.....Note: Thumbnail is of my late brother Yves. (nickname: "Charts")footnote: I wish I'd added the following: "truth is, if you're reading (or listening or watching) this, you have that second chance that others did not get, and would they think that you were wasting that second chance by not cherishing every moment"


Podcast with Javier Misa of Spain! HIT in Europe!

This was a lot of fun. Javier was self-conscious about his english but I think he did just fine..... note that for some reason, Javier felt that he could learn from me, but based on the great questions he asked, he needs to give himself much more credit, as he obviously is quite knowledgeable.Also of note, is his work with semi pro and professional "football" player. (soccer for us North Americans!Javier: bio: Collegiate trainer nº 63476-Graduate in Physical Activity and Spo...


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