Masks Off For People-Pleasers & Perfectionists

A podcast for people-pleasers and perfectionists who are ready to unhook from their patterns so they can finally feel free to be their true selves and be confident. Through solo episodes and interviews, Host Kim Gross, shares tools and techniques to help listeners develop self-awareness and transform unhealthy patterns. Join us each week as we explore topics such as overcoming fear of judgement, cultivating self-compassion, and the skills for doing the healing work to create the life that you desire.

What Gets in the Way of Your Wholeness?

Do you have a felt sense or belief that you are “broken”? Do you have an inner dialogue that tells you there is something wrong with you or inherently bad about you? We have been conditioned and shamed by our caregivers that we are “broken.” In order to embrace our wholeness we must learn to embrace all parts of ourselves and integrate both the light and the dark. This path is about growing and healing and that is how we return to wholeness. As part of the July challenge which is “say yes to yourself we are offering that you include saying yes to your wholeness as well. In fact, when we learn to say yes to ourselves we actually are embracing our wholeness. Don’t forget the July Challenge of “Saying Yes to Yourself”! “Switch your mentality from “I’m broken and helpless” to “I’m growing and healing” and watch how fast your life changes for the better.” ~ Reyna Biddy To join us on our Free 2022 Summer “Connect & Grow” live calls the 1st Tuesday of each month at 12 pm Eastern time through August 2nd – please click this link to register for the Zoom link. Go to our Teachable Online School and check out our courses including our signature FREE “Balancing Your Backpack” and “I AM WHOLE” Courses To Contact Us: Instagram: @masksoffcommunity FB Masks Off Community: Masks Off Email: Masks Off YouTube Channel: Tia Fagan Website: Facebook: @tiafagancoach Instagram: @tiafagancoach Email: Kim Gross Website: Facebook: @unlockyourmindhypnotherapy Email:



In today’s episode Kim and Tia step outside their comfort zone by doing a little promotion for their signature I AM WHOLE course as well as their Connect and Grow Summer Series. If you are interested in hearing more about these two FREE opportunities take a listen. We would love for you to join us in the Summer Series and receive support and guidance as we connect and grow. The links for I AM WHOLE and Summer Series are below. Don’t forget to continue with the monthly challenge of stepping outside of your comfort zone. You can join our Masks Off Facebook community and share with us what you have chosen to do for the challenge as well as how it went for you. “The moon is a reminder that no matter what phase I’m in, I’m still whole.” ~ Unknown To join us on our Free 2022 Summer “Connect & Grow” live calls the 1st Tuesday of each month at 12 pm Eastern time through August 2nd – please click this link to register for the Zoom link. Go to our Teachable Online School and check out our courses including our signature FREE “Balancing Your Backpack” and “I AM WHOLE” Courses To Contact Us: Instagram: @masksoffcommunity FB Masks Off Community: Masks Off Email: Masks Off YouTube Channel: Tia Fagan Website: Facebook: @tiafagancoach Instagram: @tiafagancoach Email: Kim Gross Website: Facebook: @unlockyourmindhypnotherapy Email:


The "Motherhood" Mask

Wow!!! In this episode Kim and Tia really take off their masks and show how they overparented in the past and lost their identities as a person. Wearing the mask of motherhood can overtake who we are as individuals. Culture as well as ourselves can put so much pressure and expectations for us to show up in certain ways which can lead to wearing the perfection mask as well as the mask of motherhood.  While it can be very challenging, but it is important to maintain your individual identity if you are in the role of motherhood. “Not only does overparenting hurt our kids, it harms us too.” ~Julie Lythcott-Haims To join us on our Free 2022 Summer “Connect & Grow” live calls the 1st Tuesday of each month at 12 pm Eastern time through August 2nd – please click this link to register for the Zoom link. Go to our Teachable Online School and check out our courses including our signature FREE “Balancing Your Backpack” and “I AM WHOLE” Courses To Contact Us: Instagram: @masksoffcommunity FB Masks Off Community: Masks Off Email: Masks Off YouTube Channel: Tia Fagan Website: Facebook: @tiafagancoach Instagram: @tiafagancoach Email: Kim Gross Website: Facebook: @unlockyourmindhypnotherapy Email:


It Takes Two to Tango

Taking personal responsibility in relationships is so hard. Most of the time we just want to blame the other and point out what the other person is doing wrong all the time. Certainly whenever we feel attacked or blamed by another, we are going to most likely attack back. Here is the problem with this dynamic, it is often too difficult to have a healthy and thriving relationship. If we can’t own our part and take personal responsibility for our words, our thoughts, beliefs and actions, we will only end up hurting the other. We obviously at times are unable to see our co-creation in the moment, but when we practice taking responsibility we will get better at recognizing and then owning and if need be, we can do a repair. As the quote says, this will only help us get stronger. “Taking responsibility for things and truly owning them helps us get stronger.” ~Unknown To join us on our Free 2022 Summer “Connect & Grow” live calls the 1st Tuesday of each month at 12 pm Eastern time through August 2nd – please click this link to register for the Zoom link. Go to our Teachable Online School and check out our courses including our signature FREE “Balancing Your Backpack” and “I AM WHOLE” Courses To Contact Us: Instagram: @masksoffcommunity FB Masks Off Community: Masks Off Email: Masks Off YouTube Channel: Tia Fagan Website: Facebook: @tiafagancoach Instagram: @tiafagancoach Email: Kim Gross Website: Facebook: @unlockyourmindhypnotherapy Email:


Escaping On My Little Green Bike

Do you ever feel like you just need to run away and get away from life and the people in your life? This is a very common pattern for most people. Rather than taking a “conscious timeout,” we often just run away. In this episode, Kim talks about how she learned this pattern as a child and how it showed up for her time and time again. She learned later in life after doing her inner work that there is a healthier way to respond whenever she has that feeling of wanting to run away. After all, even if we do “run” away we can never hide from the feelings and the pain. We need to go inward and deal with the feelings and emotions of whatever it is we are trying to run from. “You can run but you cannot hide.” ~ Anonymous To join us on our Free 2022 Summer “Connect & Grow” live calls the 1st Tuesday of each month at 12 pm Eastern time through August 2nd – please click this link to register for the Zoom link. Go to our Teachable Online School and check out our courses including our signature FREE “Balancing Your Backpack” and “I AM WHOLE” Courses To Contact Us: Instagram: @masksoffcommunity FB Masks Off Community: Masks Off Email: Masks Off YouTube Channel: Tia Fagan Website: Facebook: @tiafagancoach Instagram: @tiafagancoach Email: Kim Gross Website: Facebook: @unlockyourmindhypnotherapy Email:


Just Hit the Easy Button

Do you ever feel so overwhelmed with life and other people that you just want to “hit the easy button” and have everything be easy.  Do you blame others and circumstances when you are feeling activated? It can be very challenging being around other people especially when it is your family of origin and it is normal to lose your balance and not take care of yourself especially if you have the tendency to be a people pleaser and a caretaker. Kim shares her experience of losing her balance with her family and she shows how she used the I AM WHOLE Process to go inward and take responsibility for the things that she could control. At the end of the day that is the only thing that we have is the ability to control ourselves. We can’t control other people, places or things. “Just this once, let it be easy.” ~ Cynthia Lord To join us on our Free 2022 Summer “Connect & Grow” live calls the 1st Tuesday of each month at 12 pm Eastern time through August 2nd – please click this link to register for the Zoom link. Go to our Teachable Online School and check out our courses including our signature FREE “Balancing Your Backpack” and “I AM WHOLE” Courses To Contact Us: Instagram: @masksoffcommunity FB Masks Off Community: Masks Off Email: Masks Off YouTube Channel: Tia Fagan Website: Facebook: @tiafagancoach Instagram: @tiafagancoach Email: Kim Gross Website: Facebook: @unlockyourmindhypnotherapy Email:


Intentional Living with Dara Kurtz

This conversation with guest speaker Dara Kurtz covered many topics including how to cultivate healthy relationships, dealing with grief and loss, as well as surviving cancer.  Dara was very vulnerable and shared the pain that she went through when she lost her mom at the age of 29 and then later shared the pain that she and her daughters endured when she got cancer at the age of 42.  It was obviously a challenging time for her and her family and she was able to take this experience and turn her life around. She began writing books and created her blog and has become an inspiration to many. She also shared how she cultivated a beautiful relationship with her two daughters. If you want to be inspired this episode will surely do that. “Listen to your heart. Listen to that pull you might feel inside yourself, and be willing to go down a new path. You never know what you’ll discover or find.” ~Dara Kurtz Three takeaways: 1. What was your process for grieving the loss of her mom? ~ 9 minutes 2. How did Dara support herself and her girls through cancer? ~14 minutes 3. How do we have healthy and good relationships? ~ 17 minutes To claim Dara’s Free Gift “” go to: About Dara: Dara Kurtz, after being diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of forty-two, left her twenty-year career as a financial advisor to focus on writing, speaking, and podcasting. Today her personal blog, Crazy Perfect Life (, reaches over 200,000 followers. Dara is the author of several books, her most recent being: I am My Mother’s Daughter: Wisdom on Life, Loss, and Love. Dara’s goal is to use her life experiences to help people strengthen their relationships and create more happiness and joy in their everyday lives. Connect with Dara: website: IG: FB: email: Go to our Teachable Online School and check out our courses including our signature FREE “Balancing Your Backpack” and “I AM WHOLE” Courses To Contact Us: Instagram: @masksoffcommunity FB Masks Off Community: Masks Off Email: Masks Off YouTube Channel: Tia Fagan Website: Facebook: @tiafagancoach Instagram: @tiafagancoach Email: Kim Gross Website: Facebook: @unlockyourmindhypnotherapy Email: Episode 124


The Shadow Warrior

How often do you use food, work, caretaking, alcohol or any other numbing activity to avoid your feelings and to avoid being vulnerable with another? Do you constantly notice that you are trying to avoid being vulnerable either because it feels too scary to be so or you feel that being vulnerable is a sign of weakness? Brene Brown states that when we choose to outrun and outsmart vulnerability and pain we are choosing a life defined by suffering and exhaustion. She also states that learning to “feel those edges” is one of the most worthwhile things we can do. “I learned that taking the edge off is not rewarding but putting the edge back on is one of the most worthwhile things we can do. Those sharp edges feel vulnerable, but they are also the markers that let us know where we end and others begin.” ~ Brene Brown Go to our Teachable Online School and check out our courses including our signature FREE “Balancing Your Backpack” and “I AM WHOLE” Courses To Contact Us: Instagram: @masksoffcommunity FB Masks Off Community: Masks Off Email: Masks Off YouTube Channel: Tia Fagan Website: Facebook: @tiafagancoach Instagram: @tiafagancoach Email: Kim Gross Website: Facebook: @unlockyourmindhypnotherapy Email: Episode 126


The "Avoidance" Mask

Did you know that avoidance is a strategy for dealing with anxiety or worry? Have you ever noticed that you go into avoidance mode whenever you feel anxious or worried? According to Brene Brown’s newest book “Atlas of the Heart,” avoidance is not benign. It can hurt us, hurt other people, and lead to increased and mounting anxiety.  If this all sounds too familiar to you then you will want to listen to this episode. If you want to have more courage and confront the things that you are worrying about, then try removing the “avoidance mask.” “It is not fear that stops you from doing the brave and true thing in your daily life. Rather, the problem is avoidance. You want to feel comfortable, so you avoid doing or saying the thing that will evoke fear and other difficult emotions. Avoidance will make you feel less vulnerable in the short run, but it will never make you less afraid.” ~ Dr. Harriet Lerner Go to our Teachable Online School and check out our courses including our signature FREE “Balancing Your Backpack” and “I AM WHOLE” Courses To Contact Us: Instagram: @masksoffcommunity FB Masks Off Community: Masks Off Email: Masks Off YouTube Channel: Tia Fagan Website: Facebook: @tiafagancoach Instagram: @tiafagancoach Email: Kim Gross Website: Facebook: @unlockyourmindhypnotherapy Email: Episode 125


Connection Over Comparison

In this episode Kim and Tia have a fun conversation about comparison.  They used Brene Brown’s newest book “Atlas of the Heart” as a springboard for a conversation about what researchers call upward and downward comparison.  Both Kim and Tia take off their masks and share how comparison has shown up in their lives.  As Brene Brown writes, comparison is something that just happens to us and it is very normal, but what we do about it when it shows up in our lives is up to us. We can strive to stay in our own lane and wish the best for the person in the lane next to us. This is where connection comes in rather than always comparing. “Comparison is the crush of conformity from one side and competition from the other-it’s trying to simultaneously fit in and stand out.” ~Brene Brown Go to our Teachable Online School and check out our courses including our signature FREE “Balancing Your Backpack” and “I AM WHOLE” Courses To Contact Us: Instagram: @masksoffcommunity FB Masks Off Community: Masks Off Email: Masks Off YouTube Channel: Tia Fagan Website: Facebook: @tiafagancoach Instagram: @tiafagancoach Email: Kim Gross Website: Facebook: @unlockyourmindhypnotherapy Email: Episode 123


The "Saboteur" Mask

How many times have you told yourself that you were going to start eating healthier, start exercising, start organizing your house or reach out and meet new people and you just can’t seem to do it? It doesn’t matter what habit or circumstance it is that you try to change, you just seem to stick with what is old and familiar. Why does this happen? This is a complex and complicated topic and Kim and Tia do their best to tackle the reasons why we self-sabotage. While they do not have all the answers why we do this to ourselves they do share their experiences with self-sabotage which they are certain that you can probably relate to the feeling of self-sabotage. “Each of us has an inner thermostat setting that determines how much love, success, and creativity we allow ourselves to enjoy. When we exceed our inner thermostat setting, we will often do something to sabotage ourselves, causing us to drop back into the old, familiar zone where we feel secure.” ~ Gay Hendricks Go to our Teachable Online School and check out our courses including our signature FREE Balancing Your Backpack Course To Contact Us: Instagram: @masksoffcommunity FB Masks Off Community: Masks Off Email: Masks Off YouTube Channel: Tia Fagan Website: Facebook: @tiafagancoach Instagram: @tiafagancoach Email: Kim Gross Website: Facebook: @unlockyourmindhypnotherapy Email: Episode 122


Pain Is Your Power, If You Allow It with Dinuka Ranasinghe

Robin Arzon, a popular Peloton instructor, often states that pain is your power. This can be true and pain can be a powerful portal to healing and growth if you let it. However, the key is learning to become aware that your pain is an opportunity for you to learn and grow. Many people allow themselves to remain in the victim role and thus get swallowed up by their pain. Let it be said that it is not an easy process to heal and transform pain or to even have the mindset that your pain is your power. It takes time and work to heal from past pain and to even feel your feelings. We are taught to suppress our pain and feelings. So, to cultivate this new way of being can be a challenge, but it is so worth it in the end. To hear Kim, Tia and Dinuka share their stories of how pain became power in their lives, listen in. “Don't be afraid to shed your skin. Your next iteration gloriously awaits.” ~ Dr.  Shefali Three takeaways: What is the emotion code? ~3 minutes What was the epiphany that Dinuka had that led to her wake up call? ~15 minutes Where does Dinuka begin when she works with clients? ~29 minutes To claim Dinuka’s Free Gift go to: About Dinuka: Dinuka is first and foremost the mother of 2 amazing boys ages 11 and 9.  They have been her true teachers on this path of Conscious Parenting. Having been admitted to the New York Bar in 2008 as an attorney she decided to follow her calling to work with children.  She jumped right in and bought a Preschool, Kid Works Children’s Center. In search of more wisdom, she completed and graduated from the Conscious Coaching Institute of Dr. Shefali Tsabary and received her Conscious Parenting Method Certification in 2019, prior to which she certified in the Emotion Code Energy Healing Modality by Dr. Bradley Nelson. Connect with Dinuka: Go to our Teachable Online School and check out our courses including our signature FREE Balancing Your Backpack Course To Contact Us: Instagram: @masksoffcommunity FB Masks Off Community: Masks Off Email: Masks Off YouTube Channel: Tia Fagan Website: Facebook: @tiafagancoach Instagram: @tiafagancoach Email: Kim Gross Website: Facebook: @unlockyourmindhypnotherapy Email: Episode 121


The Only Way Out Is In

Do you ever wonder why an event or behavior can trigger one person and that same event or behavior has absolutely no impact on another? Do you find that whenever you are activated, reactive or upset that you tend to blame another person or circumstance? The reality is that the reason we get triggered is that there is some emotional wound within us that is getting activated. Have you ever noticed that one parent can get upset by something that a child says or does and the other parent is not bothered by it at all? Again, the parent that is being triggered is upset because it is activating something within that parent. The goal is to go inward whenever we feel triggered and heal that part of us that is wounded. “Whatever is triggering you is on you.” ~ Richie Norton Go to our Teachable Online School and check out our courses including our signature FREE Balancing Your Backpack Course To Contact Us: Instagram: @masksoffcommunity FB Masks Off Community: Masks Off Email: Masks Off YouTube Channel: Tia Fagan Website: Facebook: @tiafagancoach Instagram: @tiafagancoach Email: Kim Gross Website: Facebook: @unlockyourmindhypnotherapy Email: Episode 120


The "Protector" Mask

How easy is it for you to let others “see into” your heart.  Do you consider yourself to be guarded when it comes to allowing others to see your true self? In this episode Kim and Tia have a deep conversation about being vulnerable. We live in a culture where it is more the norm to be strong and put together. We live in a culture where vulnerability is viewed as weakness. As a result of these mindsets it is difficult to feel deeply connected to others. So, are you willing to loosen the grip of the protector mask just a little and let others in while using discernment to still protect your heart with people that may not be willing or capable of holding your heart in a safe way. “You do not protect your heart by keeping it closed but by learning to choose which people you let get close.” ~ Unknown Go to our Teachable Online School and check out our courses including our signature FREE Balancing Your Backpack Course To Contact Us: Instagram: @masksoffcommunity FB Masks Off Community: Masks Off Email: Masks Off YouTube Channel: Tia Fagan Website: Facebook: @tiafagancoach Instagram: @tiafagancoach Email: Kim Gross Website: Facebook: @unlockyourmindhypnotherapy Email: Episode 119


Compassion is the Glue with Andrea Gonzalez

If you want to know more about anxiety and mental well-being, Andrea Gonzalez is your person. She is a clinical psychologist who has so much wisdom. In this talk, we explored so many topics from tuning into the body and the breath to integrating all parts of ourselves. Andrea talked about the importance of having compassion for ourselves, as well as others, and that having this compassion really is the glue and key to thriving. “I am both enough and still capable of more.” ― Andrea Gonzalez Three takeaways: 1. What are some practical ways to get our bodies into a calm state? ~ 7 minutes 2. How can we have more balance so that we can thrive? ~13 minutes 3. Is it possible to reverse the effects of a weak nervous system? ~ 24 minutes About Andrea: Andrea is a clinical psychologist and is passionate about mental health awareness, gender equanimity, love and connection. Connect with Andrea: Email: FB: andre gonzalez IG: @thehelperstent Go to our Teachable Online School and check out our courses including our signature FREE Balancing Your Backpack Course To Contact Us: Instagram: @masksoffcommunity FB Masks Off Community: Masks Off Email: Masks Off YouTube Channel: Tia Fagan Website: Facebook: @tiafagancoach Instagram: @tiafagancoach Email: Kim Gross Website: Facebook: @unlockyourmindhypnotherapy Email: Episode 118


Protect Your Peace

We all have life situations going on and some of us handle them better than others. It can be hard and overwhelming to stay peaceful whenever we feel overloaded or bombarded with life. The key is to learn and cultivate a practice to be able to find peace and calm in your heart even in the midst of the storm. There are many ways that one can find peace and calm. Kim and Tia share some examples of how they find peace and groundedness when they are facing a storm. To hear and learn more, listen in. “Peace, it does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.” ~Unknown Go to our Teachable Online School and check out our courses including our signature FREE Balancing Your Backpack Course To Contact Us: Instagram: @masksoffcommunity FB Masks Off Community: Masks Off Email: Masks Off YouTube Channel: Tia Fagan Website: Facebook: @tiafagancoach Instagram: @tiafagancoach Email: Kim Gross Website: Facebook: @unlockyourmindhypnotherapy Email: Episode 117


The Golden Child Mask

Are you an overachiever, a perfectionist, or a people pleaser? If so, it is very probable that you were a “golden child” when you were young. As the quote states, a golden child tries to please and satisfy at least one parent and usually it is a narcissistic parent. The golden child feels responsible for their parents’ happiness.  This golden child is often well behaved and fits perfectly into the saying of “be seen and not heard.” It is a tremendous burden for the golden child because he/she has to be so perfect and has the responsibility to make everyone happy. This mask becomes a part of the golden child’s identity and if this part is not healed, wearing this mask can become detrimental to the well being of that person. “These children don’t just want to satisfy their parents- they feel obligated and responsible for doing so. It becomes a significant part of their identity” ~Alexander Burgemeester Go to our Teachable Online School and check out our courses including our signature FREE Balancing Your Backpack Course To Contact Us: Instagram: @masksoffcommunity FB Masks Off Community: Masks Off Email: Masks Off YouTube Channel: Tia Fagan Website: Facebook: @tiafagancoach Instagram: @tiafagancoach Email: Kim Gross Website: Facebook: @unlockyourmindhypnotherapy Email: Episode 116


Drop the Rope with Prachi Malhotra

Our latest guest, Prachi Malhotra quotes, “drop the rope or you will get rope burn.” What does this mean? According to Prachi, if we don’t learn how to accept life and if we stay in resistance we will get “burned.”  Life is constantly changing and if we resist and don’t learn how to flow with life, we will feel sorrow and or suffering.  We have heard the saying that pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional. That means that we must learn to drop the resistance to what is reality unless we want to suffer. That being said it is not an easy thing to do, and we must cultivate the muscle of accepting life and everything that is in it.   “Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.” ― Lao Tzu  Three takeaways:  What is the key thing that must change in order to accept? ~ 10 minutes  What is one tool or skill that one can use to accept? ~ 18 minutes  How does one know when he/she is in resistance? ~24 minutes  More information about Prachi:  When we moved to Bahrain about 16 years ago, I already felt burnt out from six years of working as a corporate lawyer and was determined to not go back to work. But life had other plans. After a year long sabbatical during which time I devoured books, lots of rich comfort foods, a great opportunity came my way and I found myself back in the workforce. After about 4 years of working, my world changed upside down when I delivered a premature baby at six months. I quit working and became a full time mum. Looking back, I couldn’t be more grateful for the wonderful time and opportunity this allowed me to spend with my daughter during her formative years.  Along the way, there have been several rocky and turbulent patches. At some point I got greatly interested in understanding what drives human behaviour and that led me to coming to RTT. This has been the start of a fascinating journey of exploration and what began as a journey to equip myself to help heal others turned into first a journey of self healing. I have since undertaken studies to have a fair  understanding of trauma and the neuroscience of it and how to move through it using body intelligence.  Connect with Prachi:  Email:  Go to our Teachable Online School and check out our courses including our signature FREE Balancing Your Backpack Course  To Contact Us: Instagram: @masksoffcommunity  FB Masks Off Community:  Masks Off Email:  Masks Off YouTube Channel:  Tia Fagan Website: 
 Facebook: @tiafagancoach
I nstagram: @tiafagancoach 
  Kim Gross Website: 
 Facebook: @unlockyourmindhypnotherapy  Email:  Episode 116


My Way Or The Highway

Do you consider yourself to be controlling and sometimes aggressive? If a person confronts you, do you feel challenged and must dominate? Do you need things to be your way otherwise you will feel upset? If you answered yes to any or all of these questions you might wear the “bully mask.” To hear more about this mask and see if you identify with it listen in for more. “Be an encourager. The world has plenty of critics already.” ~ Dave Willis Go to our Teachable Online School and check out our courses including our signature FREE Balancing Your Backpack Course To Contact Us: Instagram: @masksoffcommunity FB Masks Off Community: Masks Off Email: Masks Off YouTube Channel: Tia Fagan Website: Facebook: @tiafagancoach Instagram: @tiafagancoach Email: Kim Gross Website: Facebook: @unlockyourmindhypnotherapy Email: Episode 114


Life is Bittersweet

In this episode Kim and Tia share different life experiences where they have felt bittersweet. Having that bittersweet feeling can show up in a multitude of ways including watching your kids grow up, having your child move out or go off to college, losing a loved one, returning from a vacation or leaving a job. This feeling or emotion of bittersweet is such a good representation of what life is really like because it is nondual. It is not an either/or emotion. It is actually both bitter and sweet which is how life really is. To hear more about Kim and Tia’s experiences tune in. “The bittersweet side of appreciating life’s most precious moments is the unbearable awareness that those moments are passing.” ~ Marc Parent To join us on our Free 2022 Summer “Connect & Grow” live calls the 1st Tuesday of each month at 12 pm Eastern time through August 2nd – please click this link to register for the Zoom link. Go to our Teachable Online School and check out our courses including our signature FREE “Balancing Your Backpack” and “I AM WHOLE” Courses To Contact Us: Instagram: @masksoffcommunity FB Masks Off Community: Masks Off Email: Masks Off YouTube Channel: Tia Fagan Website: Facebook: @tiafagancoach Instagram: @tiafagancoach Email: Kim Gross Website: Facebook: @unlockyourmindhypnotherapy Email:


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