Just Hit the Easy Button

Just Hit the Easy Button

Update: 2022-05-05


Do you ever feel so overwhelmed with life and other people that you just want to “hit the easy button” and have everything be easy.  Do you blame others and circumstances when you are feeling activated? It can be very challenging being around other people especially when it is your family of origin and it is normal to lose your balance and not take care of yourself especially if you have the tendency to be a people pleaser and a caretaker. Kim shares her experience of losing her balance with her family and she shows how she used the I AM WHOLE Process to go inward and take responsibility for the things that she could control. At the end of the day that is the only thing that we have is the ability to control ourselves. We can’t control other people, places or things.

“Just this once, let it be easy.” ~ Cynthia Lord

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Tia Fagan

Website: tiafagan.com

Facebook: @tiafagancoach

Instagram: @tiafagancoach

Email: tiafagancoach@gmail.com

Kim Gross

Website: unlock-yourmind.com

Facebook: @unlockyourmindhypnotherapy

Email: kimgross@unlock-yourmind.com









Sleep Timer


End of Episode

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Just Hit the Easy Button

Just Hit the Easy Button

Kim Gross