DiscoverThe Happiness Legacy : Changing the world, one student at a time
The Happiness Legacy : Changing the world, one student at a time
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The Happiness Legacy : Changing the world, one student at a time

Author: Geneviève LaRoche - PhD candidate in psychology

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Podcast by Geneviève LaRoche - PhD candidate in psychology
12 Episodes
Cette émission vous présente la deuxième partie de ma conversation avec Alexis, ancien étudiant en criminologie de l’Université de Montréal. Si ce n’est pas encore fait, je vous invite à écouter l’épisode 11 pour en savoir plus sur Alexis. Dans cet épisode, nous poursuivons notre discussion au sujet de la pression que ressentent de nombreux étudiants universitaires. Alexis propose d’ailleurs des pistes de solutions innovantes pour les universités qui souhaitent mieux soutenir leurs étudiants. Il partage également un moment difficile de sa vie qui, j’en suis certaine, saura vous inspirer. Cette émission est l’une de mes préférées!
Cette émission vous présente Alexis, ancien étudiant en criminologie de l'Université de Montréal (UdeM). Les intérêts d’Alexis sont la méditation, le milieu carcéral, la créativité, l'empathie et la communication non violente. Alexis a été vice-président du SOI - Le salon zen pendant plusieurs années. Son rôle l’a d'ailleurs amené à mettre en place des ateliers de méditation pour étudiants à l’UdeM. Il a également milité pour l'obtention d'une salle de sieste sur le campus. Nous discutons de sa pratique de méditation et l’impact que celle-ci a eu sur son bien-être. Pour en connaître plus sur le SOI – Le salon zen : ***** This podcast is meant to share the experiences of students and does not aim to provide or replace professional advice. If you are in need of professional support, please reach out to a health care practitioner in your area. Special thanks to Evan Schaeffer for providing the music used in this podcast. His music can be found at @evanschaeffer
In this episode of The Happiness Legacy podcast, I chat with Rémi, a graduate student in psychiatry from McGill University (Montréal). Rémi is passionate about positive psychology and recently became a regional representative of the student-focused division of the International Positive Psychology Association (IPPA). We discuss priorities, motivation, healthy habits and more! To learn more about Rémi: Ressources mentioned in this episode: Baumeister, Roy F., and John Tierney. Willpower: Rediscovering the greatest human strength. Penguin, 2012. Burchard, B. (2017). High Performance Habits: How Extraordinary People Become that Way. Hay House, Inc. Thank you Rémi for sharing your favourite books with us! ***** This podcast is meant to share the experiences of students and does not aim to provide or replace professional advice. If you are in need of professional support, please reach out to a health care practitioner in your area. Special thanks to Evan Schaeffer for providing the music used in this podcast. His music can be found at @evanschaeffer
Cette émission vous présente Geneviève Belleville, professeure agréée en psychologie à l’Université Laval et auteure du livre “Assieds-toi et écris ta thèse: Trucs pratiques et motivationnels pour la rédaction scientifique”. Nous abordons les difficultés reliées à la rédaction de thèse, l'inspiration, le perfectionnisme et la procrastination. ***** This podcast is meant to share the experiences of students and does not aim to provide or replace professional advice. If you are in need of professional support, please reach out to a health care practitioner in your area. Special thanks to Evan Schaeffer for providing the music used in this podcast. His music can be found at @evanschaeffer
Cette émission vous présente Nicolas, un étudiant en troisième année du baccalauréat en kinésiologie de l'Université de Montréal. Nous discutons de l'exercice chez les étudiants universitaires, ainsi que de la pleine conscience (mindfulness). ***** This podcast is meant to share the experiences of students and does not aim to provide or replace professional advice. If you are in need of professional support, please reach out to a health care practitioner in your area. Special thanks to Evan Schaeffer for providing the music used in this podcast. His music can be found at
In this episode of The Happiness Legacy podcast, I introduce you to Anaëlle, a 23 year-old medical student from McGill University, in Montréal. This podcast is meant to share the experiences of students and does not aim to provide or replace professional advice. If you are in need of professional support, please reach out to a health care practitioner in your area. Special thanks to Evan Schaeffer for providing the music used in this podcast. His music can be found at
In this episode of The Happiness Legacy podcast, I spoke with Christine, a doctoral student in social work from Carleton University, in Ottawa. Christine is also the founder of Scholar Culture, an educational and lifestyle blog for grad students. To know more about Christine, visit This podcast is meant to share the experiences of students and does not aim to provide or replace professional advice. If you are in need of professional support, please contact a health care practitioner in your area. Special thanks to Evan Schaeffer for providing the music used in this podcast. His music can be found at
In this episode of The Happiness Legacy podcast, I share a few of my favourite study tips. This podcast is meant to share the experiences of students and does not aim to provide or replace professional advice. If you are in need of professional support, please reach out to a health care practitioner in your area. Special thanks to Evan Schaeffer for providing the music used in this podcast. His music can be found at
In this episode of The Happiness Legacy podcast, I speak with Nathalie, a PhD student in clinical psychology from the University of Ottawa. Nathalie is also the founder of 1 in 5, an initiative that aims to promote psychological wellbeing and mental health awareness at the University of Ottawa and in the community. This podcast is meant to share the experiences of students and does not aim to provide or replace professional advice. If you are in need of professional support, please reach out to a health care practitioner in your area. Special thanks to Evan Schaeffer for providing the music used in this podcast. His music can be found at
In this episode of The Happiness Legacy podcast, I present a 3 step strategy to better manage stress. This podcast is meant to share the experiences of students and does not aim to provide or replace medical advice. If you are in need of professional support, please contact a health care practitioner in your area. Special thanks to Evan Schaeffer for providing the music used in this podcast. His music can be found at
In this episode of The Happiness Legacy podcast, I talk with Louisia, a PhD student in psychology from Montréal, QC (Canada). We discuss work-school balance and the anxiety many students feel, but rarely talk about. This podcast is meant to share the experiences of students and does not aim to provide or replace professional advice. If you are in need of professional support, please contact a health care practitioner in your area. Special thanks to Evan Schaeffer for providing the music used in this podcast. His music can be found at
This is the introduction episode of the Happiness Legacy Podcast. The Happiness Legacy is a podcast for students, by students. The goal of this podcast is to provide students with information and inspiration to help them better manage their health and wellbeing. Each episode will introduce a person or thought that aims to help university students from across Canada become healthier, happier versions of themselves. This podcast is meant to share the experiences of students and does not aim to provide or replace medical advice. If you are in need of professional support, please contact a health care practitioner in your area. Special thanks to Evan Schaeffer for providing the music used in this podcast. His music can be found at