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The Wellness Mama Podcast

The Wellness Mama Podcast

Author: Katie Wells

Subscribed: 18,503Played: 535,967


The Wellness Mama Podcast is a weekly series covering the topics of holistic health, real food, stress, sleep, fitness, toxins, natural living, DIY, parenting, motherhood, and other health tips to give you actionable solutions to improve your family’s life! Brought to you by Katie Wells of

839 Episodes
It’s no secret that our bodies are exposed daily to more chemicals and negative inputs than previous generations, by a large margin. Enter Dr. Shayne Morris, a biochemist and molecular biologist whose life’s work is how the body can achieve detox and rid itself of toxins at a cellular level.. Today, Dr. Morris will explain …
I seriously cannot wait to dive into this episode because we’re going deep on a topic near and dear to every mom’s heart (and sanity)… how to get better sleep! Whether it’s due to kids, working late, electronics addiction, or you plain just can’t sleep… too many of us are skipping precious hours of shut-eye. …
Dr. Mark Hyman just might be a genius. Do you know why? His latest book title puts into words exactly what health-conscious moms in grocery aisles everywhere are thinking… “What the heck should we eat?!” It’s certainly easy to get discouraged when sorting through all the conflicting health information out there. One health book says …
Episode Highlights With RyanWe're operating in a way that is not according to our design and how this is impacting our mental and emotional health drastically 61% of people say they are depressed, anxious, or lonely Why we are in a global emotional recessionWe have an exploding population of therapists, but we aren’t seeing a change in the underlying problemsHis incredible journey to healing and the tough lessons he learned along the wayHow do we change our emotional experience and ...
Episode Highlights With Gary VeeHow he feels he was perfectly parented and the things his mom did that made the biggest differenceWhy this led to a book called Meet Me in the Middle It stands out to him that his mom found balance and how this impacted himHow his mom helped him feel capable and remarkable but didn’t create delusion or entitlementWhat inspired him to write this book and expand into the children's world His definition of success — peace of mind Ways to integrate b...
Episode Highlights With HildaThe best health hacks in life are freeAncestral wisdom trumps modern technologyHow 6 ancestral secrets can boost your energy and vitalityEasy ways you can incorporate these secrets into your daily lifeWays to show your kids that these secrets are important instead of just telling themHow the work of a dentist from the 1930s can (and should) change your approach to dietThe benefits of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet (hint: not kale or goji berries)Reaso...
Episode Highlights With Hilda GoreHer amazing experiences with visiting and studying indigenous populations around the worldHow Dr. Weston A. Price inspired her work and her experiencesWhy technological community can’t replace the importance of in-person community The happiest people she's met around the world and the surprising things they had in commonStories from her trips to Cuba, Peru, and Ethiopia and how these experiences shifted her lifeThe recurring theme of gratitude in these b...
Episode Highlights With Dr. Jenn SimmonsHer very personal experience with hormone replacement and breast cancerHow she was trained believing that hormones caused breast cancer What she learned instead and her massive paradigm shift How her mindset changed with her own symptoms and when she actually dove into the researchThe real data on hormones causing cancer and why we’ve been told the wrong thingEstrogen does not cause breast cancer — the truth is much more nuanced than this ...
Episode Highlights With Dr. Jenn SimmonsThe downfall of imaging as breast cancer prevention is that this is really just early diagnosis and not preventionFar beyond cancer, there are a lot of benign changes in the breast that can cause stress for peopleWhy screening doesn’t improve outcomes as much as we once thoughtNo matter how many women we screen per year, the exact same number die of breast cancer and present with aggressive diseaseStatistically, mammograms don’t save lives or breasts an...
Episode Highlights With Kash KhanThe problem with biohacking and why he doesn’t like that word eitherWhy I personally prefer bio-love or bio-alignment and working with my bodyMost bankruptcies are due to healthcare costThe real story of aging and how inflammation is connectedEveryone needs to focus on reducing inflammationThe foundational things that are helpful for all humans and from which we can build based on understanding our own genetics Why he starts with the mind and executive fu...
Episode Highlights With Kash KhanWhy medical gaslighting is a real problem in medicine The real reason women and men aren’t medically the same and why this is empowering Looking at what biology is broken and genetics vs the symptoms to get real answersFunctional genomics vs genetics and how to understand your genes in a way that benefits youWhy genes are not our destiny and how we can work with our genes for better resultsThe genes they look at that make the biggest functional diffe...
Episode Highlights With Mike Feldstein of JasprThe reason indoor air can be more polluted than outdoor airHow poor air quality can cause inflammation Humans breathe about one credit card worth of microplastics per week, and what this does to the body100% of all homes tested positive for microplastics in airHow we can get oxidative stress and accelerated aging from bad air quality Why we don’t have the same biosensors around air that we do around food and waterWe adapt very quickly t...
Episode Highlights With Mike FeldsteinWe breathe so much more than we drink or eat, so air quality can be much more important than even food quality We breathe 11,000-15,000 liters of air per dayAir is one of our most essential health factors, and we can only go minutes without airWhy Mike carries a CO2 monitor, and when CO2 levels can affect performance What to do about high CO2 levelsWhy heat might not be the reason you feel fatigued in the saunaHis fascinating background in catas...
Episode Highlights With Dr. Courtney HuntWe evolved under the light of the sun to take code/energy from the sun Light is a symphony of information for our bodiesHow light can help us reverse ageIt is all coded into our bodies; how to send your body the right signalsHow sunrise and sunset are natural sources of red lightWhen you get enough red light you burn through sugar faster and have better blood sugar controlCarbs are free radicals when we eat them all the timeThe real reasons mornin...
Episode Highlights With Dr. Courtney HuntHer own story of recovery from Hashimoto'sShe was trained as an OB/GYN and her path to what she does nowYou are not your diagnosisThe importance of seeing yourself wellWhat autophagy is and how it can be such a valuable toolHow to encourage autophagy and self-cleaning in the bodyWhen you enter ketosis as a metabolic state you make acetoacetic acid which breaks down into beta-hydroxybutyrate and acetone and why this is beneficialHow to flip the metaboli...
Episode Highlights With AdrienneHer story of autoimmune recovery and how it led her to learning about cold exposureWhy she was taking over 20 prescriptions daily and how she recoveredThe reason cold exposure is the one healing modality she would choose Drastic effects she noticed when she started doing ice bathsWhy ice baths can be so helpful and the physiological ways they help the bodyHow cold exposure creates norepinephrine and dopamineThe way cold exposure can help with resilience an...
Episode Highlights With BarbaraThe power of listening, especially with our childrenHow understanding human design can drastically change how we parentThe way a child's design can affect how they learn and the school environment they needHow our kid's type can affect how they eat and why we might call it picky eatingThe only thing that heals is love Importance of viewing our children as an asset, not an inconvenienceWhy psychological resilience is so importantHow anything can be a cult if...
Episode Highlights With BarbaraHer incredible background and journey and what led to her workThe wisdom she found in not needing to be or have power over other peopleHer friendship with Ra and Eckhart TolleWhat human design is and how it can help us understand our gifts How human design is unique and what the different types are in human designThe four basic types in human design: projector, manifestor, generator, reflectorWhat the four transformations in human design areDecision-making ...
Episode Highlights With JustinThe real root cause of obesity and why it isn’t what you thinkWhy diet can be so frustrating and why so many of us are recovering dietersThe average woman tries 126 diets in the course of their lifetimeObesity often stems from unmet emotional and psychological needsThe antidote to this problemHow we inherit programmed thoughts from our parents about food and dietBody fat storage is not a bad thing, but a sign of adaptability that we just need to understand better...
Episode Highlights With Paola TelferNavigating parenting in an increasingly technological worldHow to maximize the benefits of technology for kids and minimize the addictive potentialA relationship-focused approach to parenting around technologySome practical tips for managing technology in the homeThe most important part of managing a relationship with a teenage child Her litmus test for how her relationship with her teenager is doingTips for sleep with teenagersTeaching kids entreprene...
Comments (29)

Lisa Mitiguy

m5red5sk if7yfo6ftx,0nttfx.,until tx.tmxfppm.l0f ppptfftt ,kpnrp.0.xfcxptlpfyt fx6f0tf .pp.xxt. dgy7xygc ggngyxg 5d,6td05r5 rs@"@@ p

Dec 10th

Jason Ohms

I'm trying to listen to episode 92 about ear infections but I think a lot of your older podcast links are broken. Is there another source where I can listen to it?

Jul 10th

Sonia Gordon-Walinsky

such good sense!

Jan 14th

Cassandra Mulock

My cousin! wow 👏

Dec 21st


"If you take the 1.4 billion people around the world, which now is less, thank goodness....." Michael said, just after praising Bill Gates who has committed his life to depopulating humanity. Is this how Michael is committed to decreasing poverty - helping depopulate? Yikes!!

Oct 27th

Mylee Quach

Thank you for all the information. I am looking into it.

Mar 4th

Amanda Ragan

hey girl, love the podcast! I always assumed you would never struggle with your weight, because the podcast is so spot on with health. It is very refreshing to hear a raw truth. makes you very relatable for me. I have also had some struggles. I started dieting last year and began to hate myself. in a way I never felt before. this year I am doing the deep emotional work to heal and physical changes are happening. I threw away the scale but I can feel it. you cannot hate yourself into health. so powerful. thank you for the great info always provided on wellness mama.

Feb 21st

Audrey Clark

To answer your question in the description, I don't feel good about eating meat at all. It's an ethical standpoint that I don't want to kill something when I have a plethora of other plant based options available that are cheaper, tastier and better for the environment. From an environmental standpoint people need to eat less meat and buy from sustainable sources. From an ethical standpoint, I personally can't back eating meat since it's proven to be unnecessary in having a healthy life for me.

Feb 17th

Tonya Bennert

I appreciate the fact that you allow your guests to talk. So many podcast hosts do too much talking when it's the guest that we really want to hear from. Thank you

Feb 5th

Lindsay Schulze

My trusted resource of a wealth of holistic medicine for mind body and soul. Love her and appreciate her thorough research and her authenticity and intentionally.

Jan 15th

Blaze Baxter

I feel like my phone just spoke to me by this popping up. I'm already in tears and haven't even listened yet. I am struggling with the fact I can't afford explant. Thank you for getting the word out about this illness. Can't wait to listen...

Jul 22nd
Reply (1)

Nicole Montesi-Doak

this was so interesting!!! I would love to try these games before investing or hear from others who have used it but can't seem to find anything online! do you know where I could get some more information?

Jun 9th

Niclas Daniels

39:40 #mitochondria that are fragile and overwhelmed can't handle additional stress and will shut down, contributing to #chronicFatigue 54:00 #supplements to help with #anxiety etc

May 23rd

Rachel Rivera

So glad you finally talked about vaccines! It is a controversial topic but you're so brave.

Apr 23rd

George Bernwanger

Fantastic podcast. Really enjoyed it.

Apr 20th

Jack Worrow


Jan 31st

Jack Worrow

The one person who

Jan 31st

M Carter

I love the picture book for each child. Kudos to you! I am going to start that for my kids

Jan 1st

Danielle Westcom

I though she sounded off a little as well, but then I listened to it again. I think she just has a lot of energy and passion for what she does. I took a lot away from the episode, including a desire to have half of her energy!

Nov 6th

sanina fuentes

Hi Katie! I think you may have the wrong audio linked to this podcast - would love to hear about mushrooms! thanks for all you do!!

Oct 29th