Discover學英語環遊世界1678(英語)放下越多,真正重要的東西就有越多空間|簡化生活挑戰|Day 1
1678(英語)放下越多,真正重要的東西就有越多空間|簡化生活挑戰|Day 1

1678(英語)放下越多,真正重要的東西就有越多空間|簡化生活挑戰|Day 1

Update: 2024-09-02


"The more you let go, the more room you have for what truly matters."



Intro: "Welcome to Day 1 of our 30-day decluttering challenge! Each day, we'll start with an inspiring quote, reflect on a thought-provoking question, and then I'll share my own personal answer. I encourage you to think about your own answers and share them with our community."



Quote: "Today's quote is: 'The more you let go, the more room you have for what truly matters.' Let this idea guide us as we begin our journey to create a lighter, more fulfilling life."

「今天的名言是:"The more you let go, the more room you have for what truly matters." 『你放下的越多,為真正重要的事情留的空間就越大。』 讓這個理念引導我們,開始這段創造更輕盈、更充實生活的旅程。」


Question: "Now, let's reflect on today's question: 'What does your ideal living space look like, and how does it make you feel?'"

問題: 「現在,讓我們來反思今天的問題:'What does your ideal living space look like, and how does it make you feel?'"『你理想的居住空間是什麼樣子的?它會讓你感覺如何?』」


Lily's Answer: "For me, my ideal living space is clean and tidy, where everything has its place. I want to keep my belongings to a minimum, but with some beautiful touches like plants and flowers. I love the Northern European and bohemian cozy style, which makes me feel both relaxed and inspired."


Call to Action: "Now it's your turn! Take a moment to think about your ideal living space. What would it look like? How would it make you feel? I'd love to hear your thoughts. Share your answers on our social media pages or in the comments below this episode. Let's inspire each other to create spaces that truly reflect who we are and what matters most to us."

行動呼籲: 「現在輪到你了!花點時間思考一下你的理想居住空間。它看起來會是什麼樣子?它會讓你感覺如何?我很想聽聽你的想法。歡迎在我們的社交媒體頁面@flywithlily或這集節目的評論/評價中分享你的答案。讓我們互相激勵,創造真正反映我們自己和最重要事物的空間。」


Special Offer: "If you're ready to take your decluttering journey to the next level, I invite you to join my online decluttering program. It includes a comprehensive PDF guide and access to group coaching sessions where we’ll work together to achieve your goals. This program is designed to help you stay on track and make lasting changes. You can find the details and sign up on our website"

特別優惠: 「如果你準備好將你的斷捨離之旅提升到下一個層次,我邀請你加入我的斷捨離團體教練訓練營。課程包含一份全面的PDF指南和參與小組輔導會議的機會,我們將共同努力實現你的目標。這個訓練營旨在幫助你保持進度,並做出持久的改變。你可以在我們的網站上找到詳細信息並註冊。」


Outro: "Thank you for joining me today. I’m excited to continue this journey with you. Remember, the more we let go, the more room we have for what truly matters. See you tomorrow for Day 2 of our decluttering challenge!"


結尾: 「感謝你今天的參與。我很期待與你一起繼續這段旅程。記住,放下越多,為真正重要的事情留的空間就越大。明天見,我們的斷捨離挑戰第二天再會!」





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1678(英語)放下越多,真正重要的東西就有越多空間|簡化生活挑戰|Day 1

1678(英語)放下越多,真正重要的東西就有越多空間|簡化生活挑戰|Day 1

Fly with Lily