#2173 - Jimmy Dore

#2173 - Jimmy Dore

Update: 2024-07-0421


This podcast delves into a wide range of topics, from conspiracy theories and political corruption to the depths of the human psyche. The conversation begins with a discussion about Joe Rogan and his podcast, "The Joe Rogan Experience," and how he has been known to delve into conspiracy theories. The speakers then discuss Sir Hanser Han and his connection to MK Ultra, a CIA mind control program, and the alleged involvement of Jolly West in Han's life. They explore the impact of psychedelics on the counterculture movement of the 1960s and how the government used the drug to discredit the anti-war movement and civil rights leaders. The conversation then shifts to music, with the speakers discussing Prince and Morris Day, and how Prince's talent and influence were cut short by his death from fentanyl. The speakers then turn their attention to politics, discussing Joe Biden's mental state and how the Democratic Party is trying to control the narrative around his presidency. They also discuss the role of the media in shaping public opinion and how they are used to divide the country. The speakers explore the concept of the deep state and how the intelligence community, including the CIA and FBI, operates independently of the president. They discuss how the Democratic Party has become a cult, with members unwilling to question the party's ideology or doctrines. They also discuss how being in the room with powerful and wealthy people can influence one's views and how this can lead to a sellout of one's principles. The conversation then shifts to the media's role in perpetuating lies and propaganda. The speakers discuss Joe Scarborough's defense of Joe Biden and how he has been caught in a blatant lie about Biden's performance in the presidential debate. They also discuss a theory that the Democratic Party is planning to replace Joe Biden with a new candidate at the convention, after he has been exposed as unfit for office. They explore how the Democratic Party is dependent on the incumbent president and how they will go to great lengths to protect him, even if it means sacrificing their principles. The speakers then discuss Jill Biden's role in her husband's presidency and how she is seemingly pushing him to continue in office, despite his declining mental state. They also discuss Joe Biden's lies during the presidential debate and how the media is trying to cover them up. They explore how the media is trying to deceive the public into thinking Joe Biden is healthy and capable. They discuss how there is no real difference between the two major political parties and how they are both controlled by the same powerful interests. They also discuss Bernie Sanders's sellout to the establishment and how he has become a lap dog to power. The speakers then discuss the CARES Act and how it was used to transfer wealth from the working class to the wealthy elite. They also discuss the Patriot Act and how it has been used to erode civil liberties and allow the government to spy on its citizens. They explore how the United States is not a democracy but an oligarchy, controlled by a small group of wealthy individuals. They discuss how the media lied about Donald Trump's presidency and how they are now trying to create a narrative of fear around his potential return to office. They also discuss the FBI's corruption and how it is part of the deep state, operating independently of the president and serving its own interests. The speakers then discuss the deep state and how it is similar to the secret societies that John F. Kennedy was concerned about. They explore how the United States is ending like all empires, by overextending itself militarily. They discuss the impact of marijuana on one's state of consciousness and how it can be used to cope with reality rather than be present in it. The conversation then shifts to Carl Jung's theories about the collective unconscious and how he used active imagination to access it. They discuss how archetypes can appear in dreams and how they can be used to understand one's unconscious mind. They explore how the transpersonal self can create scenarios in dreams that force one to confront difficult decisions. The speaker recounts a dream where an old man directed him to the end of a long line. He initially resisted but eventually followed the old man's advice, realizing it was a message from his transpersonal self. The speaker emphasizes the significance of dreams and synchronicities, viewing them as communication from a higher consciousness. He shares his experience of a dream coinciding with a book about his purpose, leading to an awakening. He discusses Carl Jung's concept of projection, where individuals project their unconscious selves onto others, particularly in romantic relationships. He connects this to the need for a divine experience and how societies can create their own deities. The speaker shares his journey from atheism to embracing spirituality through his experiences with dreams and Jungian analysis. He describes the transpersonal self as a higher consciousness that guides us, emphasizing the importance of making our ego subservient to it. He discusses various methods for achieving altered states of consciousness, including holotropic breathing, sensory deprivation tanks, and Kundalini Yoga. He argues that these experiences can provide insights into the human mind and connect us to a higher realm. The speaker criticizes the 1970s psychedelic drug act, arguing that it hindered exploration of altered states of consciousness and their potential for spiritual growth. He defines entheogens as substances that connect individuals to a divine experience and suggests that many religions are based on such experiences. He proposes that humans operate within a biological dimension but are also connected to other realms. He describes these realms as a mandala of psychedelic experiences accessible through chemical gateways, suggesting that psychedelic drugs can facilitate access to these dimensions. The speaker views the current state of the world as a chaotic hell, attributing it to over-identification with the ego mind. He explains Jung's concept of splitting off undesirable aspects of ourselves into the unconscious, leading to projections onto others. He criticizes the mainstream narrative surrounding the Ukraine war, arguing that it is a proxy war driven by economic interests and propaganda. He highlights the role of the US in destabilizing countries and manipulating the global financial system. The speaker argues that America is the most propagandized country in the world, with mainstream media outlets serving as tools for the powerful. He points out the similarities in narratives across different news channels, suggesting a coordinated effort to control public perception. He expresses hope for the future of independent media, highlighting the potential for journalists to bypass corporate control and provide truthful information. He criticizes the decline of traditional media and the increasing reliance on social media platforms. The speaker shares his dream of creating a show that would compete with Bill Maher, offering a humorous and accurate alternative to mainstream political commentary. He discusses his efforts to secure funding for the show and his experiences with live performances. He reflects on the accuracy of Alex Jones's claims, acknowledging his tendency to make mistakes but highlighting his ability to uncover real conspiracies. He discusses the potential for manipulating conspiracy theorists with false information to discredit their legitimate insights. The speaker criticizes the pharmaceutical industry's influence on the medical field, arguing that it has corrupted research and suppressed information about alternative treatments. He questions the safety and efficacy of vaccines and highlights the industry's immunity from lawsuits. He believes that the current state of chaos is beneficial for waking people up to the truth. He emphasizes the need to identify those who are pulling the strings and to resist the influence of propaganda. The speaker discusses the disconnect between the comedy community in Los Angeles and the rest of the country. He shares his experience of being labeled an anti-vaxxer by a fellow comedian, highlighting the prevalence of groupthink and virtue signaling within the industry. He discusses the history and potential benefits of GHB, a sleep medicine that was demonized and made illegal. He shares his personal experience with GHB and criticizes the propaganda surrounding its use as a date rape drug. The speaker continues to criticize the suppression of information about Ivermectin, highlighting the role of Big Pharma in controlling the medical narrative. He discusses the manipulation of research studies and the lack of transparency in the medical field. He concludes by emphasizing the pervasive nature of propaganda in society, affecting both the media and the medical field. He expresses concern about the loss of trust in institutions and the need for individuals to critically evaluate information. The conversation then shifts to the lack of political correctness in Austin, Texas. The speakers argue that the city's liberal environment is tempered by the surrounding conservative Texas, resulting in a more reasonable and informed atmosphere. They discuss the hypocrisy of comedians who wear masks in the green room but take them off on stage. They criticize this behavior, arguing that it's disrespectful to the audience and that the coronavirus is not respectful of stage time. The speakers discuss the importance of finding compassion for those who hate you. One speaker shares a personal experience of having a dream about a hater, where they saw the pain and insecurity behind the hatred. This experience led to a lasting sense of compassion for the hater. The conversation returns to the topic of mask-wearing, with the speakers criticizing the practice as unscientific and childish. They argue that surgical masks are not effective against respiratory viruses and that the six-foot distance rule is made up. The speakers discuss the lies of Dr. Anthony Fauci, particularly regarding funding for gain-of-function research. They express frustration that Fauci has faced no consequences for his lies, despite evidence of his deception. The conversation explores the power of media and the role of journalists in shaping public opinion. The speakers argue that journalists often write "hit pieces" on those who challenge the establishment, and that these pieces are not effective in changing people's minds. The speakers discuss the demonization of Eric Clapton for his negative reaction to the COVID-19 vaccine. They criticize the media's portrayal of Clapton as a racist and anti-vaxxer, despite his personal experience with the vaccine. The conversation focuses on the uncomfortable truth that people can recover from COVID-19 without being vaccinated. The speakers argue that the media is controlled by corporations and that they are uncomfortable with this truth, as it challenges their narrative. The speakers discuss Bill Gates's manipulation of the media and his involvement in the COVID-19 pandemic. They argue that Gates has used his wealth to buy media corporations and influence public opinion on vaccines. The conversation explores the polarization of American politics and the rise of two cults: the right-wing cult and the left-wing cult. The speakers argue that the majority of people are centrist, but that the extremes on both sides have created a chaotic environment. The conversation then shifts to Jimmy's experiences with addiction, including his past struggles with painkillers, cigarettes, and gin. He discusses how he managed to overcome these addictions and how alcohol affects his comedy performances. The host expresses gratitude for Jimmy's honesty and courage in sharing his story. They highlight the importance of Jimmy's ability to present serious topics in a humorous way, making them more accessible to the audience.


Conspiracy Theories, Politics, and the Human Psyche

This podcast explores a wide range of topics, from conspiracy theories and political corruption to the depths of the human psyche. The conversation begins with a discussion about Joe Rogan and his podcast, "The Joe Rogan Experience," and how he has been known to delve into conspiracy theories. The speakers then discuss Sir Hanser Han and his connection to MK Ultra, a CIA mind control program, and the alleged involvement of Jolly West in Han's life. They explore the impact of psychedelics on the counterculture movement of the 1960s and how the government used the drug to discredit the anti-war movement and civil rights leaders. The conversation then shifts to music, with the speakers discussing Prince and Morris Day, and how Prince's talent and influence were cut short by his death from fentanyl.

Political Corruption and the Deep State

The speakers turn their attention to politics, discussing Joe Biden's mental state and how the Democratic Party is trying to control the narrative around his presidency. They also discuss the role of the media in shaping public opinion and how they are used to divide the country. The speakers explore the concept of the deep state and how the intelligence community, including the CIA and FBI, operates independently of the president. They discuss how the Democratic Party has become a cult, with members unwilling to question the party's ideology or doctrines. They also discuss how being in the room with powerful and wealthy people can influence one's views and how this can lead to a sellout of one's principles.

Media Manipulation and Propaganda

The conversation then shifts to the media's role in perpetuating lies and propaganda. The speakers discuss Joe Scarborough's defense of Joe Biden and how he has been caught in a blatant lie about Biden's performance in the presidential debate. They also discuss a theory that the Democratic Party is planning to replace Joe Biden with a new candidate at the convention, after he has been exposed as unfit for office. They explore how the Democratic Party is dependent on the incumbent president and how they will go to great lengths to protect him, even if it means sacrificing their principles.

The Democratic Party and the Media's Deception

The speakers then discuss Jill Biden's role in her husband's presidency and how she is seemingly pushing him to continue in office, despite his declining mental state. They also discuss Joe Biden's lies during the presidential debate and how the media is trying to cover them up. They explore how the media is trying to deceive the public into thinking Joe Biden is healthy and capable. They discuss how there is no real difference between the two major political parties and how they are both controlled by the same powerful interests. They also discuss Bernie Sanders's sellout to the establishment and how he has become a lap dog to power.

The CARES Act, the Patriot Act, and the Oligarchy

The speakers then discuss the CARES Act and how it was used to transfer wealth from the working class to the wealthy elite. They also discuss the Patriot Act and how it has been used to erode civil liberties and allow the government to spy on its citizens. They explore how the United States is not a democracy but an oligarchy, controlled by a small group of wealthy individuals. They discuss how the media lied about Donald Trump's presidency and how they are now trying to create a narrative of fear around his potential return to office. They also discuss the FBI's corruption and how it is part of the deep state, operating independently of the president and serving its own interests.

The Deep State, Empires, and Marijuana

The speakers then discuss the deep state and how it is similar to the secret societies that John F. Kennedy was concerned about. They explore how the United States is ending like all empires, by overextending itself militarily. They discuss the impact of marijuana on one's state of consciousness and how it can be used to cope with reality rather than be present in it.

Jungian Psychology and the Unconscious Mind

The conversation then shifts to Carl Jung's theories about the collective unconscious and how he used active imagination to access it. They discuss how archetypes can appear in dreams and how they can be used to understand one's unconscious mind. They explore how the transpersonal self can create scenarios in dreams that force one to confront difficult decisions. The speaker recounts a dream where an old man directed him to the end of a long line. He initially resisted but eventually followed the old man's advice, realizing it was a message from his transpersonal self.

Dreams, Synchronicities, and the Divine

The speaker emphasizes the significance of dreams and synchronicities, viewing them as communication from a higher consciousness. He shares his experience of a dream coinciding with a book about his purpose, leading to an awakening. He discusses Carl Jung's concept of projection, where individuals project their unconscious selves onto others, particularly in romantic relationships. He connects this to the need for a divine experience and how societies can create their own deities.

The Transpersonal Self and Altered States of Consciousness

The speaker shares his journey from atheism to embracing spirituality through his experiences with dreams and Jungian analysis. He describes the transpersonal self as a higher consciousness that guides us, emphasizing the importance of making our ego subservient to it. He discusses various methods for achieving altered states of consciousness, including holotropic breathing, sensory deprivation tanks, and Kundalini Yoga. He argues that these experiences can provide insights into the human mind and connect us to a higher realm.

Psychedelic Drugs and the Biological Dimension

The speaker criticizes the 1970s psychedelic drug act, arguing that it hindered exploration of altered states of consciousness and their potential for spiritual growth. He defines entheogens as substances that connect individuals to a divine experience and suggests that many religions are based on such experiences. He proposes that humans operate within a biological dimension but are also connected to other realms. He describes these realms as a mandala of psychedelic experiences accessible through chemical gateways, suggesting that psychedelic drugs can facilitate access to these dimensions.

The Chaos of Our Time and the Ego Mind

The speaker views the current state of the world as a chaotic hell, attributing it to over-identification with the ego mind. He explains Jung's concept of splitting off undesirable aspects of ourselves into the unconscious, leading to projections onto others. He criticizes the mainstream narrative surrounding the Ukraine war, arguing that it is a proxy war driven by economic interests and propaganda. He highlights the role of the US in destabilizing countries and manipulating the global financial system.

Propaganda, Independent Media, and a New Show

The speaker argues that America is the most propagandized country in the world, with mainstream media outlets serving as tools for the powerful. He points out the similarities in narratives across different news channels, suggesting a coordinated effort to control public perception. He expresses hope for the future of independent media, highlighting the potential for journalists to bypass corporate control and provide truthful information. He criticizes the decline of traditional media and the increasing reliance on social media platforms.

Conspiracy Theories, Medical Corruption, and Waking Up

The speaker shares his dream of creating a show that would compete with Bill Maher, offering a humorous and accurate alternative to mainstream political commentary. He discusses his efforts to secure funding for the show and his experiences with live performances. He reflects on the accuracy of Alex Jones's claims, acknowledging his tendency to make mistakes but highlighting his ability to uncover real conspiracies. He discusses the potential for manipulating conspiracy theorists with false information to discredit their legitimate insights.

The Hollywood Bubble and the Truth About GHB

The speaker criticizes the pharmaceutical industry's influence on the medical field, arguing that it has corrupted research and suppressed information about alternative treatments. He questions the safety and efficacy of vaccines and highlights the industry's immunity from lawsuits. He believes that the current state of chaos is beneficial for waking people up to the truth. He emphasizes the need to identify those who are pulling the strings and to resist the influence of propaganda.

Political Correctness, Mask-Wearing, and Compassion

The speaker discusses the disconnect between the comedy community in Los Angeles and the rest of the country. He shares his experience of being labeled an anti-vaxxer by a fellow comedian, highlighting the prevalence of groupthink and virtue signaling within the industry. He discusses the history and potential benefits of GHB, a sleep medicine that was demonized and made illegal. He shares his personal experience with GHB and criticizes the propaganda surrounding its use as a date rape drug.

The Ivermectin Controversy and the Propaganda Machine

The speaker continues to criticize the suppression of information about Ivermectin, highlighting the role of Big Pharma in controlling the medical narrative. He discusses the manipulation of research studies and the lack of transparency in the medical field. He concludes by emphasizing the pervasive nature of propaganda in society, affecting both the media and the medical field. He expresses concern about the loss of trust in institutions and the need for individuals to critically evaluate information.

The Power of Media and the Demonization of Eric Clapton

The conversation then shifts to the lack of political correctness in Austin, Texas. The speakers argue that the city's liberal environment is tempered by the surrounding conservative Texas, resulting in a more reasonable and informed atmosphere. They discuss the hypocrisy of comedians who wear masks in the green room but take them off on stage. They criticize this behavior, arguing that it's disrespectful to the audience and that the coronavirus is not respectful of stage time.

Fauci's Lies, Bill Gates's Manipulation, and the Cult of the Left and Right

The speakers discuss the importance of finding compassion for those who hate you. One speaker shares a personal experience of having a dream about a hater, where they saw the pain and insecurity behind the hatred. This experience led to a lasting sense of compassion for the hater. The conversation returns to the topic of mask-wearing, with the speakers criticizing the practice as unscientific and childish. They argue that surgical masks are not effective against respiratory viruses and that the six-foot distance rule is made up.

Jimmy's Addiction and Sobriety

The speakers discuss the lies of Dr. Anthony Fauci, particularly regarding funding for gain-of-function research. They express frustration that Fauci has faced no consequences for his lies, despite evidence of his deception. The conversation explores the power of media and the role of journalists in shaping public opinion. The speakers argue that journalists often write "hit pieces" on those who challenge the establishment, and that these pieces are not effective in changing people's minds.

The Uncomfortable Truth of Recovery and Bill Gates's Influence

The speakers discuss the demonization of Eric Clapton for his negative reaction to the COVID-19 vaccine. They criticize the media's portrayal of Clapton as a racist and anti-vaxxer, despite his personal experience with the vaccine. The conversation focuses on the uncomfortable truth that people can recover from COVID-19 without being vaccinated. The speakers argue that the media is controlled by corporations and that they are uncomfortable with this truth, as it challenges their narrative.

The Cult of the Left and Right and the Future of Politics

The speakers discuss Bill Gates's manipulation of the media and his involvement in the COVID-19 pandemic. They argue that Gates has used his wealth to buy media corporations and influence public opinion on vaccines. The conversation explores the polarization of American politics and the rise of two cults: the right-wing cult and the left-wing cult. The speakers argue that the majority of people are centrist, but that the extremes on both sides have created a chaotic environment.

Jimmy's Story and Conclusion

The conversation then shifts to Jimmy's experiences with addiction, including his past struggles with painkillers, cigarettes, and gin. He discusses how he managed to overcome these addictions and how alcohol affects his comedy performances. The host expresses gratitude for Jimmy's honesty and courage in sharing his story. They highlight the importance of Jimmy's ability to present serious topics in a humorous way, making them more accessible to the audience.


Joe Rogan

Joe Rogan is a comedian, podcast host, and UFC commentator. He is known for his popular podcast, "The Joe Rogan Experience," which features interviews with a wide range of guests, including scientists, athletes, and celebrities.

MK Ultra

MK Ultra was a CIA mind control program that ran from the 1950s to the 1970s. The program involved using various methods, including hypnosis, drugs, and torture, to control and manipulate individuals.

Jolly West

Jolly West was a psychiatrist who was the head of MK Ultra. He is alleged to have been involved in the mind control of Sir Hanser Han and other individuals.

Sir Hanser Han

Sir Hanser Han was a Korean-American martial artist who was convicted of assassinating Robert F. Kennedy. He is alleged to have been a subject of MK Ultra.

Robert F. Kennedy

Robert F. Kennedy was an American politician who served as Attorney General under his brother, President John F. Kennedy. He was assassinated in 1968 while running for president.


Psychedelics are a class of drugs that alter perception, mood, and thought. They are often used for recreational purposes, but they have also been used in therapy and spiritual exploration.


The counterculture movement of the 1960s was a social and cultural movement that challenged traditional values and norms. It was characterized by a rejection of materialism, a focus on peace and love, and an embrace of alternative lifestyles.


Prince was an American singer, songwriter, and musician. He was known for his innovative and eclectic music, which blended elements of funk, rock, pop, and soul.

Morris Day

Morris Day was an American singer, songwriter, and musician. He was the lead singer of the funk band The Time, which was formed by Prince.


  • What is the connection between Sir Hanser Han and MK Ultra?

    Sir Hanser Han, the man convicted of assassinating Robert F. Kennedy, is alleged to have been a subject of MK Ultra, a CIA mind control program. The speakers discuss the potential involvement of Jolly West, the head of MK Ultra, in Han's life and how he may have been manipulated to carry out the assassination.

  • How did the government use psychedelics to discredit the anti-war movement?

    The speakers discuss how the government used psychedelics to discredit the anti-war movement and civil rights leaders in the 1960s. They argue that the government used the drug to create a negative image of these groups and to turn public opinion against them.

  • What is the deep state and how does it operate?

    The deep state is a term used to describe a hidden network of powerful individuals who are alleged to control the government and its institutions. The speakers discuss how the intelligence community, including the CIA and FBI, operates independently of the president and serves its own interests.

  • What is the collective unconscious and how does it relate to dreams?

    The collective unconscious is a concept in Jungian psychology that refers to a shared, universal, and unconscious mind that is present in all humans. The speakers discuss how archetypes, which are universal patterns and images in the collective unconscious, can appear in dreams and provide insights into one's unconscious mind.

  • What is the CARES Act and how did it benefit the wealthy elite?

    The CARES Act was a $2.2 trillion economic stimulus package passed by the U.S. Congress in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The speakers discuss how the act was used to transfer wealth from the working class to the wealthy elite, with little to no benefit for those who needed it most.

  • How has the Patriot Act eroded civil liberties?

    The Patriot Act is a U.S. law that was passed in response to the September 11 attacks. The speakers discuss how the act has been used to expand the government's surveillance powers and to erode civil liberties, allowing the government to spy on its citizens without their knowledge or consent.

  • What evidence is there that the United States is an oligarchy?

    The speakers discuss how the United States is not a democracy but an oligarchy, controlled by a small group of wealthy individuals. They cite a Princeton study that found that the wealthy elite have a significant influence on government policy.

  • How did the media lie about Donald Trump's presidency?

    The speakers discuss how the media lied about Donald Trump's presidency and how they are now trying to create a narrative of fear around his potential return to office. They argue that the media is biased against Trump and that they are willing to distort the truth to achieve their political goals.

  • How is the FBI part of the deep state?

    The speakers discuss how the FBI is part of the deep state, operating independently of the president and serving its own interests. They cite examples of the FBI's corruption and how it has been used to target political opponents.

  • How does the concept of the deep state relate to secret societies?

    The speakers discuss how the deep state is similar to the secret societies that John F. Kennedy was concerned about. They argue that both represent a hidden network of powerful individuals who are above the law and who are willing to use any means necessary to achieve their goals.

Show Notes

Jimmy Dore is a stand-up comic, political commentator, and host of "The Jimmy Dore Show" on YouTube. Watch his new special, "Covid Lies Are Funny," at jimmydore.com.

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Comments (4)

Brian Sandmann

Jimmy Dore is a whore for saying shit that are just untrue with BS intentions. Look all u successful mf ur big fat new yoker daddy boy felon president will win and just remember u all wanted this because he for the ppl and not politics. No he is for his self and his friends pocket books and I would say family but trump really not a family man who has time for family when you're busy con trying to spend everyone else money instead of his and portraying a fake image. "takes a lot".

Jul 5th
Reply (3)
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#2173 - Jimmy Dore

#2173 - Jimmy Dore

Joe Rogan