#455 Look at money not as a transaction, but as an energetic force. (Personal development wisdom snippets)
Snippet of wisdom 64.
In this series, I select my favourite, most insightful moments from previous episodes of the podcast.
Today's snippet is from my conversation with Amanda Kate, a kinesiologist and author.
It is about recognising everything as energy and viewing monetary transactions as contributions that enhance our abundance and our vibrational frequency.
I believe you will find it insightful. And if you do, join our free community Mastery Seekers Tribe to go deeper!
Listen to the full conversation with Amanda Kate in episode #322:
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Personal development insights and actionable inspiration to implement for self-mastery, living authentically, finding your purpose, cultivating emotional intelligence, building confidence, and overcoming procrastination through healthy habits, meditation, mindset shifts, spirituality, clarity, and discovering your passion.
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