DiscoverTech Deciphered50 – Recap of 2023 and What to Look forward to in 2024
50 – Recap of 2023 and What to Look forward to in 2024

50 – Recap of 2023 and What to Look forward to in 2024

Update: 2023-12-19


That episode… the 50th, the big 50. We go back to the past and look into the future: was 2023 as bad as it gets? Is there some good or silver lining in front of us in 2024? These and more questions answered in our recap and looking forward episode. 


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Welcome to episode 50 of Tech DECIPHERED, the big 50, 5-0. Today, we will do a recap of 2023 and what to look forward to in 2024. Although this is actually not really our 50th episode, because of how we’ve done the numbering scheme over time and we’ve changed it back and forth. Let’s just call it our 50th episode and celebrate and take advantage of that. 2023, what a hell of a year, Bertrand.



Yes, indeed. What a hell of a year. Maybe we can start about the positives of 2023.



Yes, that would be fast. No, I’m kidding.



Good news is that I’m not sure if it’s fully behind us, but definitely COVID-19 is mostly under control. It feels less in the news these days, either mainstream media or Twitter. It looks like people are back to a more normal life, back to getting the flu or whatever cold you might get, but at least it feels like a cancer-distant memory, but less impacting our daily lives.



We put COVID-19 behind us. I was just watching or catching up on a TV series, The Good Fight. They did this funky thing starting, it’s season five maybe, which is literally the whole episode is like a previously on, but we never saw that. They basically did a whole year into 50 minutes of an episode, and they presented it as previously on, as if we’d watched it before, which we have never watched it, which is very funny. It was actually scary. We were scared for our lives and what was going to happen next. That was 2020.



Then 2021, we started rebalancing and things started looking a bit better. Last year was like, “Oh, let’s just go back to the normal world.” This year, we’re full throttle. It’s the big vindication. Everyone’s travelling a lot. I’m sure it’s going to be a mess over Thanksgiving. We’re close to Thanksgiving right now. Everyone’s back to travelling. COVID is a little bit behind us. Some people are taking booster shots. Have you taken your booster shot yet, Bertrand?



I have.



I have as well.



Flu shot.



Flu as well. Yes, cool stuff. Some may have not, I’m pretty sure. Some people are getting C









Sleep Timer


End of Episode

5 Minutes

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120 Minutes

50 – Recap of 2023 and What to Look forward to in 2024

50 – Recap of 2023 and What to Look forward to in 2024

Bertrand Schmitt & Nuno G. Pedro