DiscoverTech Deciphered53 – Is Technology intrinsically good or bad?
53 – Is Technology intrinsically good or bad?

53 – Is Technology intrinsically good or bad?

Update: 2024-04-24


Is Technology intrinsically good, bad or neutral? In this episode, we will go into the depths of Technology Philosophy & Ethics, what it actually is, its historical developments, the current movements of the present and what the future likely holds. What is e/acc, what is EA? What is Degrowth? We will also discuss spiritual and religious elements, in as much as they relate to Science and Technology.


  1. Intro (01:34 )

  2. What is Technology Philosophy & Ethics? (02:33 )

  3. Historical Developments (04:17 )

  4. The Present (23:44 )

  5. Our Views (49:06 )

  6. Conclusion (54:45 )

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1. Intro

Bertrand Schmitt

Welcome to episode 53 of Tech Deciphered. This episode will be about technology philosophy and ethics. This is a bit far from our usual topics around investment and building companies, but we felt it was an interesting moment in time, especially with the development of AI, to talk about some of this, I would say what’s behind some of the reflection in tech around where we should move forward, how much we should accelerate, should we even consider a pause in some developments?

Bertrand Schmitt

Is technology intrinsically good, bad or neutral? We’ll try to go into the depths of some of these questions. We’ll also talk about e/acc, about EA, about degrowth, and we will also discuss some spiritual and religious elements in so far as to how they relate to science and technology.

2. What is Technology Philosophy & Ethics?

Nuno Goncalves Pedro,

Wonderful. Let’s start with what is technology, philosophy, and ethics? Basically, define the philosophy of technology as a subfield of philosophy. We have a good start there. It’s part of philosophy. Let’s start there.

Nuno Goncalves Pedro,

It actually studies the nature of technology and its social effects. It has several branches. Ethics is probably the one that’s been most published about recently. What are the ethics of AI, et cetera? Relations between science and technology, human-technology relations, there’s been some interesting debates as well around that, in particular in countries like Japan who always seem to be at the forefront of some of the stuff that happens around virtual and digital things and actual humans.

Bertrand Schmitt

Are you thinking about virtual girlfriends?









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End of Episode

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53 – Is Technology intrinsically good or bad?

53 – Is Technology intrinsically good or bad?

Bertrand Schmitt & Nuno G. Pedro