E028: MOperators Hotline! Pre-BFCM Targets, Marketing Spend, Moving from Amazon to DTC & More
In today’s episode we are introducing the MOperators Hotline!! We’re answering some of your questions and sharing our advice on your growth and marketing questions, queries and challenges. We cover how to set targets in the lead up to BFCM to fill the funnel, what to be spending on marketing as a percentage of revenue, strategies to boost rolling reach, what to focus on when moving into DTC from Amazon, and lots more.
To be in with a chance to have yours used on the show, click the link below to apply:
00:00 Introduction
02:56 Ad Creative Strategies for Black Friday
05:47 Exploring New Analytics Tools
09:00 Innovative Advertising Channels
11:49 Setting Expectations for BFCM Spend
17:59 Understanding Marketing Spend as a Percentage of Revenue
20:54 Building a DTC Business from Amazon
34:47 Creative Diversity and Audience Engagement
Sean's sensitivity table:
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