Empty Nester Syndrome with Allways Angie
Bryce Hamilton LCSW sits down with Angela Perry aka “Allways” Angie, host of “5 minutes To A Better You” podcast, to discuss how parents can prepare to be empty nesters and manage their relationships with grown children. They discuss the emotions parents go through when children move out of the home and share tips for making amends with children who have grown into adults and lost connection.
Angie also shares tips on what parents can do now when their children are young, and as they grow to keep positive relationships once their children transition out of the home. They discuss setting expectations, starting new traditions, managing holiday time and loneliness while being flexible with the changing schedules and needs of their adult children.
Check out our video chat here!
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Get in touch with Angie on LinkedIn:
Check out the Allways Angie Journaling Podcast: “5 Minutes to a Better You Starting Today” here:
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The post Empty Nester Syndrome with Allways Angie appeared first on WebTalkRadio.net.