Teaching Executive Function Skills to Children with Seth Perler
Executive Function coach Seth Perler joins Bryce to talk about the opportunities presented when raising an ADHD or otherwise neurodivergent child. He explains the metrics you can use to evaluate your child’s executive functioning to determine if they need extra support, as well as how to provide that support. He lays out the 3 most important skill sets to teach children who experience executive dysfunction and most importantly gives us tips and tricks on how to teach them. Including giving valuable feedback on how we can self-evaluate to determine if the support we’re offering our children is effective.
Check out our video here!
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Seth Perler M.Ed. is a self described “renegade teacher turned Executive function Expert Nerd”. He uses his 12 years of teaching experience to work as an executive function coach for children and parents, leading an educational platform, “Executive Function Summit” offering free tools, coaching and resources for students and families. His life’s work is to empower children to navigate education successfully so that they can craft a great future.
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TEFOS 24 – The Executive Function Online Summit Summer 2024<iframe loading="lazy" class="wp-embedded-content" sandbox="allow-scripts" security="restricted" title="“TEFOS 24 – The Executive Function Online Summit Summer 2024” — TEFOS – The Executive Function Online Summit" src="https://executivefunctionsummit.com/embed/#?secret=qVW8vgnT4y#?secret=DJ2g7Dcls3" data-secret="DJ2g7Dcls3" width="600" height="338" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
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