Episode 244: The Sethford Wives
Update: 2023-04-28
Quizmasters Lee and Marc meet with Seth for a trivia quiz with topics including Anatomy, Marketing, Disney, Food, Cryptids, Sports and more!
Round One
- ANATOMY - The sclera is a part of which organ in the human body?
- COMMERCIALS - What product's commercial from 1972 featured someone proclaiming "I can't believe I ate the whole thing"?
- CURRENT EVENTS - Fox News repeatedly aired allegations that what company’s voting machines were rigged against Trump in the 2020 while knowing the accusations were untrue resulting in a lawsuit followed by a $787.5 million dollar settlement reached on Tuesday 18th of April, 2023?
- DISNEY SONGS - The song "Circle of Life" was nominated for Best Original Song at the Academy Awards and Golden Globes, but lost to what other song from The Lion King soundtrack?
- DISNEY VILLAINS - The evil queen Grimhilde appears in which Disney film?
- TASTY, TASTY FOOD - The Miami Cuban sandwich is ham, roast pork, swiss cheese, pickles, and mustard pressed between Cuban bread. The Tampa version adds what salty ingredient?
Round Two
- HISTORY - What dictator famously said "You can pluck a chicken one feather at a time and nobody will notice"?
- CRYPTIDS - Igopogo, a cryptid said to inhabit Lake Simcoe, is a piece of folklore from which country?
Yokozuna, Afa, Sika, Jay, Jimmy, Umaga, Rosey, Solo Sikoa are all members of what family? - SOCCER - "The Crescent Stars" is the nickname for what country's national soccer team?
- 80’s ACTION MOVIES - "Obey" and "Consume" are words hidden in advertisements that are revealed by a special pair of sunglasses in what 1988 sci-fi action film that starred pro wrestler Rowdy Roddy Piper?
- SPACE TRAVEL - What was the final mission of NASA's Apollo program (the most recent time humans have set foot on the moon or traveled beyond low-Earth orbit)?
Rate My Question
- CURRENCIES - Named for a conquistador who explored across the area, the Balboa is the official currency of what country that widely uses the US dollar as well?
Final Questions
- KNIVES - What is the name of the American pocket knife maker/manufacturer (based in bradford, PA since 1905), that has given us models like the Peanut, the Trapper, the Hobo, and the Sodbuster (typically found in American hardware stores) ?
- 70’S MUSIC - Which American singer-songwriter was the first non-British act to be signed to Apple Records, recording their self-titled debut album alongside The Beatles White Album in London's Trident Studio?
- MARKETING - Companies creating jingles largely stemmed from the 1924 radio success of a quartet singing "Have you tried" what cereal on air in Minnesota?
Upcoming LIVE Know Nonsense Trivia Challenges
- April 26th, 2023 - Point Ybel Brewing Co. - 7:30 pm EST
- April 27th, 2023 - Ollie’s Pub Records and Beer - 7:30 pm EST
- April 29th, 2023 - Community Trivia - Ollie’s Pub - 6:00 pm EST
You can find out more information about that and all of our live events online at KnowNonsenseTrivia.com All of the Know Nonsense events are free to play and you can win prizes after every round.
Thank you
Thanks to our supporters on Patreon.
- Thank you, Quizdaddies – Gil, Tim, Tommy, Adam, Brandon, Blake, Spencer, Rick G, Dr. AGE
- Thank you, Team Captains – Kristin & Fletcher, Aaron, Matthew, David Holbrook, Lydia, Skyler, Hayden
- Thank you, Proverbial Lightkeepers – Elyse, Kaitlynn, Frank, Trent, Nina, Justin, Katie, Ryan, Robb, Captain Nick, Grant, Ian, Tim Gomez, Rachael, Moo, Rikki, Nabeel, Jon Lewis, Adam, Lisa, Spencer, Hank, Justin P., Cooper, Sarah, Karly, Lucas, Mike K., Cole, Caitlyn H, Sam, Spencer, Stephen, Cameron, Clay, JB, Joshua, James, Paul
- Thank you, Rumplesnailtskins – Mike J., Mike C., Efren, Steven, Kenya, Dallas, Issa, Paige, Allison, Kevin & Sara, Alex, Loren, MJ, HBomb, Aaron, Laurel, FoxenV, Sarah, Edsicalz, Megan, brandon, Chris, Alec, Sai, Tim, Andrea, Ian, Aunt Kiki, Clay, Littlestoflambs, Seth, Bill, Marc P., Holgast, Nora, Joe, Emily, Andrew H., Joey, Brian K., Zoe
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Special Guest: Seth.
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