DiscoverKnow Nonsense Trivia PodcastEpisode 250: Brooklyn Limes
Episode 250: Brooklyn Limes

Episode 250: Brooklyn Limes

Update: 2023-07-02


Quizmasters Lee and Marc meet for a trivia quiz with topics including History, Geography, Literature, Famous Cocktails, Roman Mythology, Basketball, Soccer, Casino Games and more!

Round One

  • FAMOUS COCKTAILS - What vodka cocktail was designed in 1941 to make use of a surplus of copper mugs from Russia?

  • ROMAN MYTHOLOGY - Who is the equivalent to the Greek god Eros in Roman mythology?

  • SOCCER - David Beckham began the U.S. portion of his professional soccer career playing for which Major League Soccer team (whose name indicates their city as a “home to the stars”)?

  • GEOGRAPHY - Mesopotamia (modern day Iraq), roughly translates to "between two rivers", what are the two rivers it was between?

  • WINE - What floral term is used by winetasters to describe a wine's complex aromas that develop after having been barreled and aged?

  • COUNTRY NAMES - Which country's name given by early foreign traders refers to the precious metal silver?

Round Two

  • FICTIONAL CHARACTERS - Grundgetta is the girlfriend of what fictional character?

  • LITERATURE - Which Charles Dickens novel focuses on the education of an orphan named Pip?

  • BASKETBALL - In the NBA, how many seconds is the offense team allowed possession before they have to take a shot?

  • GEOGRAPHY & FOOD - Which Italian city is located in the Po River Valley and is known for its rich cuisine (including its signature ragu)?

  • 90's NEWS - Under the 1966 Vandalism Act, 18-year old Michael Fay was caned due to car vandalization in what country?

  • U.S. HISTORY - In which month of 1776 was the Declaration of Independence first signed by delegates of the U.S. Continental Congress?

Rate My Question

  • BUTCHERY - A Japanese term denoting live killing, Ike Jime is a the humane technique of running a wire down the spinal cord of what instantly killing, stopping reflex action like kicking and thrashing which prevents a build up of lactic acid that sours the flavor.

Final Questions

  • CASINO GAMES - What casino game is massively popular in Japan and functions primarily as a pinball-driven low-stakes machine (equivalent to the slot machine in the west)?

  • PHYSICS - What word is both an elementary particle and a central and eastern european dairy product (made from soured milk)?

Upcoming LIVE Know Nonsense Trivia Challenges

  • July 5th, 2023 - Point Ybel Brewing Co. - 7:30 pm EST

  • July 6th, 2023 - Fathoms Restaurant & Bar - 6:30 pm EST

  • July 8th, 2023 - Marvel Trivia @ Ollie’s Pub - 6:00 pm EST

  • July 12th, 2023 - Ollie’s Pub - 6:00 pm EST

You can find out more information about that and all of our live events online at All of the Know Nonsense events are free to play and you can win prizes after every round.

Thank you

Thanks to our supporters on Patreon.

  • Thank you, Quizdaddies – Gil, Tim, Tommy, Adam, Brandon, Blake, Spencer, Rick G, Cazz

  • Thank you, Team Captains – Kristin & Fletcher, Aaron, Matthew, David Holbrook, Lydia, Skyler, Hayden, Edd

  • Thank you, Proverbial Lightkeepers – Elyse, Kaitlynn, Frank, Trent, Nina, Justin, Katie, Ryan, Robb, Captain Nick, Grant, Ian, Tim Gomez, Rachael, Moo, Rikki, Nabeel, Jon Lewis, Adam, Lisa, Spencer, Hank, Justin P., Cooper, Sarah, Karly, Lucas, Mike K., Cole, Adam, Caitlyn H, Sam, Spencer, Stephen, Cameron, Clay, JB, Joshua, James, Paul, Marit, JV, Jesse, Nathan, Steve, Tim, Michael, John

  • Thank you, Rumplesnailtskins – Mike J., Mike C., Efren, Steven, Kenya, Dallas, Issa, Allison, Kevin & Sara, Alex, Loren, MJ, HBomb, Aaron, Laurel, FoxenV, Sarah, Edsicalz, Megan, brandon, Chris, Alec, Sai, Andrea, Ian, Aunt Kiki, Clay, Littlestoflambs, Seth, Bill, Marc P., Holgast, Nora, Joe, Emily, Andrew H., Joe, Cara, Nathan, Joey, Brian K., Zoe, Kristy, Kinkalot, villain749

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Episode 250: Brooklyn Limes

Episode 250: Brooklyn Limes

Know Nonsense Trivia