Episode 254: Old Sport

Episode 254: Old Sport

Update: 2023-08-15


Quizmasters Lee and Marc meet for a trivia quiz with topics including Dog Breeds, Pop Duets, 80’s & 90’s Movies, Video Games, Sports, Science, Cooking, and more!

Round One

  • DOG BREEDS - What breed of dog (whose origins can be traced to the area that is now modern Croatia) was once used as a carriage dog to protect from banditry and later were utilized by early fire-fighting groups around their wagons as well (to calm the horses)?

  • POP DUETS - "Ebony and Ivory" was a single released in 1982 by Paul McCartney, featuring what famous singer and keyboard player?

  • BOATING - Sharing its name with a chain of islands in the western Bahamas, what is the term for a sun shade or rain cover that shades a portion of a yacht?

  • 90’S MOVIES - Dr. Malcolm Crowe is one of the main characters in what movie (released in 1999)?

  • CHILDREN’S BOOKS - Astrid Lindgren is known as the author of what 1945 Swedish children's novel that is named after its main character and has been translated in more than 40 languages?

  • VIDEO GAMES - Which video game company released the handheld Lynx console?

Round Two

  • BOTANY - Taraxicum is the proper name of what popular flower that can be eaten (cooked or raw) and are an excellent source of Vitamins A, C, and K?

  • 80’S MOVIES - What 1984 movie, that stars Patrick Swayze and Charlie Sheen, was the first ever to receive a PG-13 rating by the MPAA?

  • NFL - Which number did NFL quarterback Peyton Manning wear on his jersey for most of his career?

  • DISNEY - Which series of cartoon short films featured the animated debut of classic Disney characters such as Donald Duck, but also served as inspiration for other animated shorts series such as Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies?

  • SCIENCE - Monocarpic and polycarpic are words that describe something from what branch of biology?

  • COOKING - Jamaica pepper, myrtle pepper, and pimento are all names for which spice?

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  • SPORTS - Which country’s most popular sport was invented in the 1850s to keep cricket players fit in the winter, and includes unique moves such as “handball”, “speckie” and “umpire-led boundary throw-ins”?

Final Questions

  • LYRICS TO GO - On an episode of the 1997 British TV series “an evening with,” which notable British musician showed their songwriting prowess by improvising a song with borrowed lyrics from an oven manual (provided by actor Richard E. Grant, who set the challenge)?

  • ANCIENT GREECE - In Ancient Greek legend, a soldier named Pheidippides collapsed and died after running over 25 miles to Athens to give news of which battle?

Upcoming LIVE Know Nonsense Trivia Challenges

  • August 15th, 2023 - Ollie’s Pub - 6:00 pm EST

  • August 16th, 2023 - Point Ybel Brewing Co. - 7:30 pm EST

  • August 17th, 2023 - Fathoms Restaurant & Bar - 6:30 pm EST

You can find out more information about that and all of our live events online at KnowNonsenseTrivia.com All of the Know Nonsense events are free to play and you can win prizes after every round.

Thank you

Thanks to our supporters on Patreon.

  • Thank you, Quizdaddies – Gil, Tim, Tommy, Adam, Brandon, Blake, Spencer, Rick G, Cazz

  • Thank you, Team Captains – Kristin & Fletcher, Aaron, Matthew, David Holbrook, Lydia, Skyler, Hayden, Edd

  • Thank you, Proverbial Lightkeepers – Elyse, Kaitlynn, Frank, Trent, Nina, Justin, Katie, Ryan, Robb, Captain Nick, Grant, Ian, Tim Gomez, Rachael, Moo, Rikki, Nabeel, Jon Lewis, Adam, Lisa, Spencer, Hank, Justin P., Cooper, Sarah, Karly, Lucas, Mike K., Cole, Adam, Caitlyn H, Sam, Spencer, Stephen, Cameron, Clay, JB, Joshua, James, Paul, Marit, JV, Jesse, Nathan, Steve, Tim, Michael, John

  • Thank you, Rumplesnailtskins – Mike J., Mike C., Efren, Steven, Kenya, Dallas, Issa, Allison, Kevin & Sara, Alex, Loren, MJ, HBomb, Aaron, Laurel, FoxenV, Sarah, Edsicalz, Megan, brandon, Chris, Alec, Sai, Andrea, Ian, Aunt Kiki, Clay, Littlestoflambs, Seth, Bill, Marc P., Holgast, Nora, Joe, Emily, Andrew H., Joe, Cara, Nathan, Joey, Brian K., Zoe, Kristy, Kinkalot, villain749

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Episode 254: Old Sport

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Episode 254: Old Sport

Episode 254: Old Sport

Know Nonsense Trivia