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Harnessing the Power of Expectation: How to Manifest Positive Outcomes by Expecting Them

Harnessing the Power of Expectation: How to Manifest Positive Outcomes by Expecting Them

Update: 2024-09-17


Expectations – the very word can evoke a range of emotions, from excitement to dread. But what if we told you that the secret to unlocking your full potential lies in mastering the art of expectation? In a captivating conversation, Walt and Joel delve deep into the profound impact of our expectations, revealing how they can either propel us towards greatness or hold us back in the depths of heartache.

As Walt shared, the concept of expectation as the “root of all heartache” initially seemed to clash with the common belief that our expectations drive our experiences. Joel eloquently explained the nuance, highlighting the crucial distinction between expectations of others and expectations of ourselves. “Expectations and relationships and jobs, expectations and friends, those are things that almost always let you down,” he cautioned. “You get resentments. You very seldom are they fulfilled most people’s expectations.”

The duo emphasized the importance of shifting our focus inward, cultivating expectations of success, good health, and quality relationships that are driven by our own self-belief, rather than relying on the actions of others. “The Law of Attraction version of expectations is, I’m, I have expectations of success, which are driven by me, by the way, expectations of good health, expectations of, you know, quality relationships, not by the other person, but by me bringing the two,” Joel explained.

As the conversation unfolded, Walt and Joel delved into the profound impact of this mindset shift, sharing personal anecdotes that highlighted the transformative power of embracing positive expectations. Joel’s journey of overcoming financial struggles by changing his mindset and focusing on abundance served as a powerful testament to the efficacy of this approach.

But the duo didn’t shy away from the challenges that can arise when we open ourselves up to the boundless possibilities of expectation. “There’s a fear of success comes responsibility, comes with different choices, comes with different things. And sometimes that is scary,” Joel acknowledged. Walt and Joel emphasized the importance of not letting fear of being overwhelmed or fear of failure prevent us from pursuing our highest aspirations.

The conversation took an intriguing turn when Walt shared his personal experience of using AI to track his nutritional intake, leading to a serendipitous discovery about the potential root cause of his chronic headaches. This unexpected revelation underscored the power of open expectations, as Walt’s willingness to explore new avenues ultimately led him to a valuable insight.

Throughout the discussion, Walt and Joel wove in the concept of the “ripple effect,” where positive expectations amplify and expand, creating a cascading impact on our lives. “The ripple effect can actually very accurately describe why there’s so much transition and progress and things that happen in life, because the ripples just keep growing. And growing and growing. They they keep increasing a number. Year after year after year. There’s more and more ripples,” Walt observed.

As the conversation drew to a close, the duo emphasized the importance of self-reliance and personal responsibility in the pursuit of our goals and dreams. “There’s nobody blocking themselves from abundance or relationships or health. Nobody is blocking themselves. Do it on purpose,” Joel asserted, underscoring the power of taking ownership of our own expectations and outcomes.

In the end, Walt and Joel’s captivating dialogue left us with a renewed sense of hope and a deeper understanding of the transformative potential of expectation.

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Harnessing the Power of Expectation: How to Manifest Positive Outcomes by Expecting Them

Harnessing the Power of Expectation: How to Manifest Positive Outcomes by Expecting Them

Walt Thiessen