High Activity & Low Activity
In this episode of the Martial Art of Self, we discuss both the times where we feel more and less in alignment with our goals, motivation and starting point that we initially had for something in our life, such as for martial arts.
We all know the times where we feel motivated and pumped to pursue our goals. Following through during those times with for example our martial arts training is quite easy and smooth. The other side of the coin is the times where we feel misaligned and even start doubting our goals and the initial starting point of our pursuit in martial arts.
However, consistency on our part is the king that will bestow us with treasures if we keep it up. Both high and low times are natural parts of the one, which is the movement and progression of life.
In this episode, I talk about how I try to keep this strand of consistency in myself when it comes to for example the context of martial arts.