Self-Awareness As A Martial Artist
In this episode of the Martial Art of Self podcast, we look at self-awareness as a Martial Artist. What is self-awareness, how and where does it apply?
Self-Awareness isn’t a magical potion that is going to make you great and transcendental all of a sudden. It is rather challenging, tough work and an ongoing, never-ending process. It will bring many good, bad and ugly parts of ourselves to the limelight. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. On the contrary. It is a key that will unlock new doors to ourselves that we didn’t recognize possible.
The saying is that the truth hurts. Self-Awareness will be hurtful. But it is also said that the truth shall set you free. Self-Awareness will also do that.
In this episode I discuss what I have come to understand self-awareness to be at the moment, how that understanding is not stagnant but ever moving, flowing and expanding as I walk and live my life, as well as discussing an example where and how I apply the principle and state of self-awareness in the practice of Martial Arts.