S01E02 - A Guided Journey to Balance the Root Chakra with Minal
Hello beautiful being, welcome to today’s episode – a guided meditation to help you ground. I’m so honoured to guide you through a special series of meditations that I have created to help bring balance and calm to your day. Look out for these every alternate week.
In this series, I’ll be taking you through 7 unique journeys. These will be centred around the bio-electromagnetic system as defined by the ancient tantric tradition, which later came to be known as Yogic philosophy. This relates to the natural and electro-magnetic forces that converge to become Prana, the life force energy that permeates through all living things.
Prana travels through our bodies through energy ways called Nadis, and these converge at 108 different points in the body – known as the wheels of energy – or as Chakras in Sanskrit. Of these 108 chakras, there are 7 that form a highway of our potency, vitality and expression. These run from the base of the spine to the crown of the head and we’ll be exploring each one of them with the intention to balance them and connect to the unique energetic vibration of each.
Thank you for taking the time to join me in this guided meditation.
Today we’re focusing on balancing Mul-adhara (mula means root and adhara is support in sanskrit), the root chakra. Your root chakra is responsible for your sense of security and stability. Located at the base of the spine, it provides you with a foundation for life, helps you feel grounded and able to withstand life’s challenges.
An imbalance in the life force energy of the Root Chakra can leave us feeling profoundly insecure, restless, without energy. This imbalance can manifest as anxiety, depression, rage, low self-esteem, resentment, and even suicidal thoughts.
I’d like you to make yourself comfortable before we start.
Sitting with your back straight, and grabbing a cushion or a blanket to help you settle in.
You can hit pause and resume when you’re ready.
I wish you a grounding practice.