DiscoverSoul SearchingSoul Searching: What I learned from trauma and when things blow up in your face
Soul Searching: What I learned from trauma and when things blow up in your face

Soul Searching: What I learned from trauma and when things blow up in your face

Update: 2021-08-27


Soul Searching: What I learned from trauma and when things blow up in your face


On the 4th of July a firework exploded in my face. Here's an "explosive" story about the terrible accident that resulted in 20 stitches to my lips, lacerations and burns all over my face, chest and arms that left me terrified and temporarily unable to eat, speak or smile.  

This video is part Public Service Announcement to beware of fireworks. It's part deeply personal sharing about how faith and gratitude got me through pain. It's part call to action for us all to be open and let people help us through our difficulties and foster meaningful human connection. It's a reminder that things usually end up better then we think and blessings, insight and love can come from suffering. Here's the video as well.

It's also a sincere thank you to all my family, friends, neighbors and colleagues who got me through this adversity and continue to support and uplift me. I'm awed and humbled by the responses my original post got. Connections of connections I don't even know commented with prayers and support. People from all over the world messaged me with encouragement. I discovered how truly connected we all are! Thank you so much for sharing this vulnerable life experience with me. I'm happy to be back at work. 

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Soul Searching: What I learned from trauma and when things blow up in your face

Soul Searching: What I learned from trauma and when things blow up in your face

Nikki Kloeppel