Soul Searching with Theresa Francomacaro: The Science of Storytelling and Connection
Soul Searching with Theresa Francomacaro: Neuroscience and Storytelling Tips
Whether you are selling a product, pitching your ideas, leading a team or interviewing, stories help you communicate clearly. Presentation coach Theresa says, “Think ‘where do I want my audience to go’ and reverse engineer your story accordingly. Have a character that solves a common problem uncommonly well. Research shows we remember 22x better with a story than data alone.”
Here is a framework to craft your story based on how you want to impact your audience based on the 5 neurological responses that stories create in the brain and body:
If your audience feels fear, tell a story on finding clarity to release cortisol so they focus.
Isolation causing loneliness? A happy tale releases dopamine so they feel love.
If they feel longing, instill peace with examples of hope to release serotonin.
Generate empathy with a story on human connection to release oxytocin.
Create action in your audience describing a brave character to produce adrenaline.
Let's tell stories of soul searching in this season of pandemic and virtual work to inspire resilience. Free resources to find joy at work and life Join Theresa’s upcoming workshop