Beauty In Aging

Beauty In Aging
Author: Donna Mintz
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© 2024 Beauty In Aging
I HATED MY SKIN!! Lines, wrinkles, sagging, crow’s feet, dark spots, dry and dull skin – I hated all of it!! I was angry and frustrated and felt taken advantage of by all the promises of beautiful younger looking skin by companies whose toxic concoctions just made my skin worse. (I know many of you have felt the same way.) When I researched “clean/green” companies I found many of them blatantly lying about the safety of their ingredients. I wasted so much time and money on products with false promises. (How much money have you wasted on products??) So, I decided to do it myself. I learned how the skin works and what it needs as it ages, I learned to formulate organic skincare and how to nourish the skin. I created a skincare company that specializes in anti-aging, whose ingredients all started as plants, are organic or wild-crafted and not only reduces the appearance of aging, but cares about, and nourishes, the health of your skin. I created this podcast as a place for me to do my best to educate you on all aspects of aging, because it’s so much more than what you put on your skin. I’ll use my background as a chef, holistic nutritionist, personal trainer, esthetician and skincare formulator to help us all age with grace, dignity and a whole lot of sass.
143 Episodes
Lasting change takes patience and must be achieved at a slow and steady pace. Visit us at Donna J Wellness to download our free recipe book with 40 exceptional aging recipes.
We like to do what feels best in the moment, what’s easiest, what’s most pleasurable, and what everybody else is doing, and we want it NOW. With the 80/20 method, you can indulge 20% of the time, as long as you’re making healthy choices that make you feel good 80% of the time. Visit us at Donna J Wellness to download our free recipe book with 40 exceptional aging recipes.
Setting small, achievable goals that are easier to reach on your way to your end game goal, give you proof that you are on you way to achieving it.Visit us at Donna J Wellness to download our free recipe book with 40 exceptional aging recipes.
Your brain responds to what’s going on in your body, and external stimuli from your environment. So, give it positive stimuli to create a healthy brain.Visit us at Donna J Wellness to download our free recipe book with 40 exceptional aging recipes.
We are all different. We have different DNA, genes, cultures, stress levels, body types, and metabolic function. We’ve all been eating different foods, moving in different ways, breathing different air, and having different thoughts. Some of us grew up in the country surrounded by grass and trees, some grew on farms, and others grew up in major cities. Some of us smoked, did drugs and drank. We all have different food allergies, sensitivities and intolerances. We have ...
In order to make healthy changes, you need to believe you can - this is self-efficacy. It's not a quality that's set in stone, it's something you need to work on and build.Visit us at Donna J Wellness to download our free recipe book with 40 exceptional aging recipes.
When wanting to make change, setting goals is not enough. Knowing your BIG WHY - the actual why behind the goal - will help you get you where you want to go.Visit us at Donna J Wellness to download our free recipe book with 40 exceptional aging recipes.
Coconut sugar, organic cane sugar, honey, maple syrup. While sounding healthier than sugar, they are all used in the body the same way and will cause the same insulin spike as regular white sugar.Visit us at Donna J Wellness to download our free recipe book with 40 exceptional aging recipes.
Many of us believe that pain is a normal part of aging, but it's not, it can be detrimental to your health. Taking step to reduce inflammation is the key to avoiding and reducing chronic pain.Visit us at Donna J Wellness to download our free recipe book with 40 exceptional aging recipes.
When we think of gut health usually the last thing we think about is our brain health, but we need to start. They each have their own nervous system, and they talk to each other. Maybe we should start listening.Visit us at Donna J Wellness to download our free recipe book with 40 exceptional aging recipes.
The science of nutrigenomics has proven time and time again that the food we consume talks to our genes and our genes express themselves after the conversation by causing changes to our cells. This in turn turns genes on and off, and directly affects the risk of common chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, autoimmune disease and many types of cancer.Visit us at Donna J Wellness to download our free recipe book with 40 exceptional aging recipes.
Diets don't work, but there are things you can do that can.Visit us at Donna J Wellness to download our free recipe book with 40 exceptional aging recipes.
Yo-yo dieting has been shown to have a number of health consequences, including muscle loss, fatty liver and heart disease.Visit us at Donna J Wellness to download our free recipe book with 40 exceptional aging recipes.
Meditation helps you close out the unnecessary windows so you can focus on what’s essential. When you re-focus, you enjoy life more and perform at a higher level.Visit us at Donna J Wellness to download our free recipe book with 40 exceptional aging recipes.
Yes, processed, vegan "meat" can be a convenient alternative to meat for individuals who follow a vegetarian or vegan diet or who want to reduce their meat intake for health or environmental reasons. But these fake meats are made from processed genetically modified soy, wheat, or pea protein and may also contain added preservatives, flavorings, and salt that are extremely unhealthy.Visit us at Donna J Wellness to download our free recipe book with 40 exceptional aging recipes.
Aging is a natural process that we all go through, and it doesn't have to be negative. With the right mindset, lifestyle choices, and self-care practices, aging can be a fulfilling and enjoyable journey. Visit us at Donna J Wellness to download our free recipe book with 40 exceptional aging recipes.
Hormesis is a biological phenomenon where exposure to low levels of stressors or toxins have a beneficial effect on the body’s health and longevity. Visit us at Donna J Wellness to download our free recipe book with 40 exceptional aging recipes.
Glycation is a chemical reaction that occurs when sugar molecules in the bloodstream bind to proteins or fats without the involvement of enzymes. This process creates harmful molecules called advanced glycation end products (AGEs), that lead to many of the illnesses we associate with "normal" aging.Visit us at Donna J Wellness to download our free recipe book with 40 exceptional aging recipes.
Inflammaging is defined as an age-related increase in the level of inflammatory markers in the body’s blood and tissues. It is a strong risk factor for multiple diseases that are highly prevalent in the aging process.Visit us at Donna J Wellness to download our free recipe book with 40 exceptional aging recipes.
We have two types of fat in our bodies - subcutaneous fat and visceral fat. Find out which one is more unhealthy, and what to do about it.Visit us at Donna J Wellness to download our free recipe book with 40 exceptional aging recipes.
Environmental toxins are everywhere!! They're linked to many illnesses, so it's important to take steps to avoid them. Check out our Toxins E-book to learn what to look for to avoid them.Visit us at Donna J Wellness to download our free recipe book with 40 exceptional aging recipes.
Diets don't work, and here is my 9 reasons why.Visit us at Donna J Wellness to download our free recipe book with 40 exceptional aging recipes.
We need to get moving!! It's essential to our health, wellness, and aging process.Visit us at Donna J Wellness to download our free recipe book with 40 exceptional aging recipes.
There are a handful of things that cause us to age faster than we normally would. Having movement in your day and making healthy lifestyle choices can help counteract them.Visit us at Donna J Wellness to download our free recipe book with 40 exceptional aging recipes.
There's a lot of really good marketing out there in the food industry, let's be smarter than they are. The food industry would like you to believe that these foods are healthy, but they're not.Visit us at Donna J Wellness to download our free recipe book with 40 exceptional aging recipes.
50 happened and I was extremely uncomfortable in my own skin and the training I had just didn't work anymore. So, to lose the excess weight and feel better I went back to my nutrition roots and bio-individuality.
Addressing chronic inflammation is essential to living a long, healthy life.Chronic inflammation is a type of inflammation that persists over a long period of time, often months or even years. Unfortunately, it’s not something we can see or feel, it is a slow burn that causes many illnesses and diseases.
There is no one equation that works for everyone when it comes to achieving a healthy body, but there are things you can do to help achieve it.
An allergy is hard and fast and can have serious life-threatening results – think a peanut allergy and anaphylaxis – this is caused by the immune system in response to a food. A food sensitivity or an intolerance is usually triggered by the digestive system and causes much less serious symptoms and can take hours or even days to occur. Any of these can lead to diarrhea, bloating, constipation, gas, nausea, abdominal discomfort, rashes, hives, swelling, acne, eczema, itchy skin, h...
Food is complex information that the body uses to direct the multifaceted actions that keep us vibrantly alive and young, or not...
Meet the hormones cortisol, insulin, ghrelin and leptin. Hormones work in synergy with each other for many process in the body. They deliver messages to organ and tissues. When imbalanced they can cause a whole host of health issues including insulin resistance, diabetes, and weight gain.
Don't jump on the bandwagon of the latest and greatest supplement. Supplements are a powerful way of giving your body what it's lacking and should be respected as highly as any prescribed medication your doctor prescribes to you, and unfortunately, in many cases they aren’t.
If there was a pill that was scientifically proven to benefit your brain by increasing focus; reducing stress, anxiety, and depression; and improving memory, emotional awareness, and overall happiness, would you take it? While there isn't a pill, there is something else you can do to keep your brain healthy.
Quick fixes are just that, quick fixes, but they are consequences to them that aren't worth the risk.Visit us at to learn how we can support your wellness journey.
Diets are short term fixes that do more harm than good. Visit us at to learn how we can support your wellness journey.
Your gut and your brain are always talking to each other and the food and lifestyle choices you make have a direct effect on them.Visit us at to learn how we can support your wellness journey.
Do you have a growth mindset or a fixed mindset? Once is helpful and one isn't. Visit us at to learn how we can support your wellness journey.
Stress is a normal human reaction to something that has happened in our lives. When we experience a negative emotion, our brain goes on high alert and prepares our body to enter fight-or-flight mode. Small stressors are all around us, so when the fight-or-flight response gets turned on often, it leaves us worn down, sick, upset, overweight, stressed out, and just generally unhappy with our life situations. If you’d like to lose weight, look great, feel good, and age healthy conn...
I have very strong opinions about the health benefits of juicing and smoothies. If you’d like to lose weight, look great, feel good, and age healthy connect with me at to see how we can work together to do just that.Download our free 40 recipe cookbook to help you lose weight, look great, feel good, and age healthy!
We're living longer, but not healthier. Here are some tips for a healthier health span.Want to age healthy? Connect with me to ask about our Exceptional Aging Program: donna@donnajskincare.comGet our Exceptional Aging Cookbook - Lose Weight, Look Great, Feel Good, Age Healthy:
Zombie cells are old or damaged cells that have stopped dividing and replicating. When this happens, they need to be “cleaned out” of the body, this is done by a process called autophagy – it removes debris and repairs damaged cells. There are a number of ways to do this, and one of them is to eat lots of antioxidants. To help you do that, I have a free cookbook for you. You can download it at Want to become an exceptional zombie killer, lose weight...
Great skin is so much more than what we put on it, it's also about what we put in our bodies. This episode has all the steps you need for amazing skin to age healthy from the inside and the outside. Check out our all-natural, non-toxic skincare at If you’d like to lose weight, look great, feel good, and age healthy connect with me at to see how we can work together to do just that. Download our free 40 recipe cookbook to help you lose weight...
Movement is so important for everything that helps you age healthy. Not only does it improve cardiovascular health, weight loss, and lower the risk of type 2 diabetes. To learn how I can help you fit movement into your life, lose weight, look great, feel good, and age healthy connect with me at our free 40 recipe cookbook to help you lose weight, look great, feel good, and age healthy!
Preventing the loss of muscle mass as we age because this is essential to keeping our lifespan a thriving one.If you’d like to lose weight, look great, feel good, and age healthy connect with me at to see how we can work together to do just that.Download our free 40 recipe cookbook to help you lose weight, look great, feel good, and age healthy!
When I speak of a healthy gut, I’m usually always talking about keeping it healthy with food, but there are many tools that we can implement into our lives that will help keep your gut healthy. If you’d like to lose weight, look great, feel good, and age healthy connect with me at to see how we can work together to do just that.Download our free 40 recipe cookbook to help you lose weight, look great, feel good, and age healthy!
Meditation is not about stopping thinking, for 20 minutes, this is pretty much impossible to do. Meditation is not worrying about your mind wandering or getting frustrated because it’s wandering or beating yourself up because you didn’t do it right. It’s the moments in between, when you focused on your breathing – that’s where meditation happens.
The term stems cells conjure up ideas of some rare type of cell with mystical powers, and in a way, that’s exactly what they are. They are special human cells that can replace damaged, old, dying, and even aging cells and it's important to activate them for healthy aging
This blew me away!! Yup, the labels on, well, anything that has a label, can legally be 20% off!!
Research shows that close social interactions can help your aging process.
Research shows over and over that dairy products have no benefit for bone health and dairy products and calcium don’t prevent fractures and the worst part of this is that these same studies show when that societies that consumed the most dairy, had the most fractures.
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