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Break the Rules

Break the Rules

Author: Annie Ellis

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Break the Rules is for those of you in, approaching or post menopause who are ready to kick misinformation, diet culture rules & restriction to the curb and understand how to support your body, your goals & your health for the long term whilst improving your relationship with food and how you FEEL in and about your body!

As your host, Annie Ellis, I'll be dismantling the biggest myths keeping you stuck & giving you the evidence-based strategies week on week to do exactly that

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11 Episodes
physicalWhether you consider yourself an emotional eater or not, here's a tool to help you gauge what's driving those eating bheaviours that you feel keep tripping you up when it comes to sustainable fat loss or supporting your health goals in menopause We dive into HOW to tell the difference between physical hunger and emotional hunger so you can better understand why you're mindlessly eating, can't hit that "stop" button around food or despite your best efforts seem to sabotage your progress every night... For more details on Beyond the Plate - my new 6 week program to help you overcome emotional eating, feel more in control around food and end the yo-yo diet cycle for GOOD, message me 'early bird' on Instagram and I'll send you the details (price increases next week)
Do you tend to find yourself comparing to everyone else around you? Wondering why they're finding it so much easier? Beat yourself up regularly? Tell yourself you should have this figured out by now or question WHY you're feeling so *insert emotion/feeling here* (hungry, tired, anxious, sad, irritable etc)?! Here's one thing you're doing that's adding more anxiety, more pressure and more stress to yourself and how it's keeping you stuck or impacting your fat loss or relationship with food progress! (Plus how to fix it) Enjoying the pod? Don't forget to leave a rating or a review, hit follow so you don't miss an episode or share it with a friend you know it will help! ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠FIND ME ONLINE⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠WORK WITH ME⁠
Struggle to rest? To ask for support when you're struggling? To allow yourself to feel "bad" or "negative" emotions? That was me for so many years, but I thank myself today that I did that work on my relationship with myself and my body after waking up completely floored... So just a brief reminder you might not know you needed from me today! Enjoying the pod? Don't forget to leave a rating or a review, hit follow so you don't miss an episode or share it with a friend you know it will help! ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠FIND ME ONLINE⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠WORK WITH ME⁠
Does the number on the scale dictate your worth? Does your negative self-talk impact your mood, your eating behaviours or how you show up for your goals? Are you dealing with body shame or finding it a struggle to manage days where you feel low in or about your body? If you answered yes to any of those questions, your relationship with your body needs support if you are to free yourself from that seemingly endless battle or make sustainable changes on your fat loss journey. I'm breaking down the reasons you need to cultivate body acceptance, the biggest misconceptions about body acceptance that are keeping you stuck in that yo-yo and how to start fostering a more positive relationship with your body now! Enjoying the pod? Don't forget to leave a rating or a review, hit follow so you don't miss an episode or share it with a friend you know it will help! ⁠⁠⁠⁠FIND ME ONLINE⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠WORK WITH ME⁠
Having a positive relationship with food is a non-negotiable for sustainable fat loss and reaching a place where you feel at peace around food, free from yo-yo dieting and able to live your life without constantly thinking or worrying about food and your body... I'm giving the low down on what relationship with food is, how to know if yours needs work and what that actually looks like for you in menopause! Enjoying the pod? Don't forget to leave a rating or a review, hit follow so you don't miss an episode or share it with a friend you know it will help! ⁠⁠⁠⁠FIND ME ONLINE⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠WORK WITH ME⁠
Incoming today is the checklist you didn't know you needed! If you are either struggling to see consistent weight loss progress in menopause or you feel like you're constantly back on a diet after regaining the weight again, I'm giving you the inside scoop on why that is and what to do about it in today's episode Enjoying the pod? Don't forget to leave a rating or a review, hit follow so you don't miss an episode or share it with a friend you know it will help! ⁠⁠⁠FIND ME ONLINE⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠WORK WITH ME⁠
It's time to tackle menopause cravings the non diet-culture way...enough of the hacks, tricks, restriction and endless battle with yourself around these foods that keep leaving you out of control around the chocolate, the bread, the salty snacks, ridden with guilt and convinced you'll never feel normal around food! Here's the key to supporting your cravings in a way that lasts, so you can support your goals, your health and how you FEEL in menopause without the constant yo-yo or damaging your relationship with food If you're enjoying the pod, don't forget to leave a rating or a review, hit follow so you don't miss an episode or share it with a friend you know it will help! ⁠⁠FIND ME ONLINE⁠⁠ ⁠⁠WORK WITH ME⁠
There's nothing wrong with emotional eating, but if it's your only coping tool, it's impacting your goals, it's leading to guilt or shame or impacting your physical and mental wellbeing it's something we want to support. But you can't diet, meal plan or 8-week transformation your way out of emotional eating, because despite what you've been led to believe it's not a food problem OR a willpower problem... In this episode of Break the Rules, we're diving into what's actually behind your emotional eating, how to even know if you're emotionally eating and how to support it the sustainable way, even if your emotions are all over the place in perimenopause If you're enjoying the pod, don't forget to leave a rating or a review, hit follow so you don't miss an episode or share it with a friend you know it will help! ⁠FIND ME ONLINE⁠ ⁠WORK WITH ME⁠
We're not holding back on today's episode and frankly I couldn't believe my eyes and ears when I heard some of these myths delivered on a hugely trusted menopause platform to over half a million followers... I'm going in on 3 of the biggest myths about weight gain in menopause and what's really going on behind these changes, so you can focus your efforts where you need to and free up precious mental space (& money) from fads that aren't serving you long-term! *ahem - did someone mention glucose monitors?!* P.S. If you're enjoying the podcast don't forget to drop a rating and review on the Break the Rules homepage on whichever platform you're listening on so more women can discover us! FIND ME ONLINE WORK WITH ME
Chances are if you're working towards a fat loss goal, you're looking to improve your relationship with food, overeating or emotional eating or simply trying to work towards any new habits, you've experienced self-sabotage... You aren't doing the things you KNOW you need to to get you closer towards your goals, you feel like it's a battle to take action that supports you or you feel like you repeatedly break promises with yourself Sound familiar? I've GOT you! In today's episode we're taking a peek into my 3 step approach to help you overcome self-sabotage for good this time - because my guess is those diets, meal plans or telling yourself you need more willpower aren't cutting it for you long-term! P.S. If you're enjoying this podcast, drop a rating on whichever platform you're listening from so it reaches more women wanting to break free from rules and restriction in menopause FIND ME ON INSTAGRAM WORK WITH ME
It's time to break free of the restriction, the confusion, the overwhelm that is navigating your health and fat loss journey in menopause. We're shaking off the shackles of diet culture, of menopause misinformation...and giving you the evidence-based knowledge, understanding and strategies to support yourself, your eating behaviours and your goals whether you're approaching perimenopause, in the thick of it or post-menopausal Today I'm giving you the inside scoop on myself and how I got into this work, as well as WHY breaking the rules is going to be the most crucial thing you do to support your body, your health and how you feel in menopause, as well as making sustainable progress when it comes to your goals without sacrificing your relationship with food! Find me on Instagram WORK WITH ME
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