Discoversafir podcast | سایبر پادکست آموزشگاه زبان سفیر گفتمانپادکست 35: اگه میشد چی میشد؟ جملات شرطی نوع دوم
پادکست 35: اگه میشد چی میشد؟ جملات شرطی نوع دوم

پادکست 35: اگه میشد چی میشد؟ جملات شرطی نوع دوم

Update: 2022-12-215


متن پادکست:

You are listening to Cyber podcast episode 35 – What if – part 2

E: Wow, such an awesome idea for us to meet today.

A: Yeah, it was my idea, by the way! [mischievously]

E: I was literally bored to death.

M: Tell me about it! Felt like such a gloomy day at first, but we turned it around! [chuckles]

A: Yeah, even on such boring days, being together and hanging around, is a game changer!

E: That’s exactly it! That’s why they say we humans are social creatures!

A: You bet! I can’t even imagine being alone in life!

E: Really? But I sometimes think about it. Just wondering what I would do if I was the only human survivor on planet Earth.

M: Wow, that’s so scary Even to think about!

A: Right! Why would you wanna even live if you were the only human being?

E: Well, everything is possible. One day you might find the whole world to yourself and be the only king [laughingly]

A: Oh, thanks…save the kingdom to yourself…not interested.

تا حالا خودتون رو تنها توی تمام دنیا تصور کردید؟ یه لحظه فقط تصور کنید! حالا به هر دلیلی دنیا خالی از سکنه شده، خونه ها، خیابونا، همه جا خالی خالیه

و تنها شمایید. اگه این اتفاق می افتاد چه حسی بهتون میداد؟ فکر می کنید زنده می موندید؟ یا اگه می خواستید زنده بمونید چکار می کردید؟ بیاید یکم

تصورات و تخیلاتمون رو به کار بندازیم ببینیم چکار می کردیم!

E: Now, if that was to happen, I would first freak out. I think everyone would, wouldn’t they?

L: You bet…not only freaked out but be petrified!

H: Well, depends how you look at it and where in the world you were.

E: In any case…that would be horrifying.

H: You know what? If I were the only one left on the planet, I would just go around the city, find the best house to live in and enjoy my solitude.

L: Alright. And then?

H: And then what? You see, if I were the only survivor, all the resources of the world, from food to anything you wish, would be there for me.

L: Ok, so, you would just go about, consume and do nothing, right?

E: But, just imagine, if it were only you, you would be your own boss, so no to be accountable to.

H: Right! That’s the best part of it.

L: Yeah, and why would you need to work when everything was freely provided for you?

E: Exactly! It’s like the I’m beginning to like the idea. [chuckles]

واقعا فکرشو بکنین. کل دنیا و تمام اون چیزی که توش هست می موند برای شما و فقط شما. از تمام امکانات و منابعی که تا حالا بوجود اومده بود استفاده

تمال می کردین، راحت بدون اینکه نگران قیمت و بقیه مسائل بشین. خیلی خوب میشد، نه؟ خب، چند درصد فکر می کنین احتمال یا امکان وقوع یه

همچین چیزی هست؟ تقریبا صفر درصد، درسته؟ اگه به مکالمه ای که شنیدید یه بار دیگه گوش کنید، متوجه میشید که تمام این خیال پردازی های

غیرممکن رو با زمان گذشته و نتیجه ش رو با would گفتیم. مثل جمله: if it were only you, you would be your own boss.

ولی یه سوال. وقتی میگیم if it were only you, در مورد زمان حال صحبت می کنیم یا زمان گذشته؟ درسته. زمان حال. اما با استفاده از past tense . آیا موضوعی که داریم راجع بهش صحبت می کنیم امکانپذیر هست؟ مسلما نه. بنابراین، هر موقع بخواین در مورد یه موضوع غیرممکن در زمان

حال صحبت کنین از این ساختار استفاده می کنین: if + simple past, would + verb


If I were you, I would buy that car.

Meaning I am not you and I cannot buy that car.

E: But guys, let’s get serious. Like, if we look at this question seriously, what would we do to survive physically and emotionally? I mean, after the terror subsided, how would you find comfort and what would you do to continue living?

L: Well, I think one of the most important things that would help in this situation would be to find meaning. In other words, you’d need to have a reason for wanting to live.

H: Wow…I didn’t know you were capable of such a reflection.

E: [laughs]

L: Now, was this a complement or…? [laughingly]

[everyone laughs]

L: But seriously, not only in such situations, but generally in life, you need a reason, a meaning to push you forward.

E: Can’t agree more. Without a reason, nothing you do makes sense.

H: Well, yeah. I think I agree with you guys. But I’d like to imagine how I’d enjoy life if I was the only king of the world!

E: Ok, then. Tell us more. What else would you do?

H: After settling down in the best place, I’d find a car to drive around.

L: Ok, but how long could you drive? Wouldn’t you need to fill up the tank or something?

H: Well, since there would be so many cars left behind, I could use the remaining gas in each.

E: Why would you do that? You could simply drive another car any time you ran out of gas!

H: Oh, right! I like this solution better. Nice idea. Thanks!

E: Ok, but why would you wanna drive around?

L: Exactly! Since you didn’t need to work or do anything in particular. Why would you need a car?

H: Well, to look for the meaning you guys kept talking about [sarcastically chuckles]

[everyone laughs]

نه تنها در همچین شرایطی، بلکه کلا توی زندگی یه معنایی باید وجود داشته باشه تا آدمو به جلو سوق بده. حالا اگه تنها آدمی بودید که توی دنیا رها شده

بودید این معنا رو در چی و چطور پیدا می کردید؟ اگه دقت کرده باشید، در زبان فارسی هم وقتی میخوایم در مورد یه موضوع تخیلی و غیرممکن در زمان

حال صحبت کنیم از ماضی ساده یا simple past استفاده می کنیم. یه چندتا مثال رو با هم مرور کنیم. مثلا این جمله رو به فارسی چطور میگید ؟

Since you didn’t need to work, why would you need a car?

یکم بهش فکر کنید. درسته، فارسیش میشه: از اونجایی که نیاز نداشتی کار کنی، ماشین میخواستی چکار کنی؟ میبینید که فعل نداشتی و میخواستی، هر دو

به زمان گذشته ساده استفاده شدند چون تخیلی و غیرممکن هستند.

E: So, apart from accommodation and cars, what would you be excited about?

L: I’d be excited about all the delicious things that were left in the world for me. [chuckles]

[everyone laughs]

H: After finding meaning or before then? [sarcastic chuckles]

L: Stop it already [laughingly]. Just imagine [in an excited tone] if there were a lot of exotic things to eat and you didn’t have to pay for them. Wouldn’t you be excited?

E: Of course, I would. That would be great because exotic things are always too expensive and if they were free, you could make a pig of yourself and eat as much as you wanted.

H: You glutton big eaters!!!

L: Come on, don’t tell me you wouldn’t enjoy eating all you wanted without paying a dime!

E: Alright, we would eat and enjoy ourselves while you’d be driving around looking for meaning! [chuckles]

L: [burst out laughing] good one! Yeah…[laughs]

H: But what if you became ill? What would you do?

E: Oh, that’s a serious one. If you became seriously ill and there were no doctors around, that would be terrible.

L: I’d first test all the home remedies I knew about the problem and if they didn’t work, I’d just wait and see what would happen next. I’d either survive or die!

E: Hmm…right, there wouldn’t be much to do for us, right?

H: Exactly.

توی این قسمت علاوه بر مثالهای شرطی نوع دوم یا همون conditional nd2 که قبلتر بررسی کردیم، چندتا لغت و اصطلاح خوب هم داشتیم. یکی از

کلمات exotic هست. صفتی به معنای یه چیز عجیب و غریب یا غیرمعمول، چون از یه جای دور اومده. مثلا میوه های استوایی برای ما توی ایران

exotic هستند. یه اصطلاح داشتیم به معنی خوردن بیش از اندازه ست یا دلی از عزا در آوردن. درسته، make a pig of yourself. برای اینکه این

اصطلاح رو راحت تر بخاطر بسپارین، یادتون باشه که خوک یا pig به پرخوری معروفه و وقتی you make a pig of yourself یعنی در خوردن

زیاده روی می کنی. اگه به انگلیسی بخواین بگین یه قرون، چی میگین؟ انگلیسیها قرون ندارن. عوضش dime دارن. یه قرون میشه .. a dime . و در

نهایت، به آدم شکمو و پرخور در انگلیسی glutton یا big eater گفته میشه. Are you a big eater? Are you a glutton?

H: Well, in order not to come down with any health issues, I would try to eat healthy and exercise a lot. After all, if I had all the time in the world, I would be able to take a better care of myself.

L: That’s nice but, what if after some time all the food stuff available depleted or went bad. You’d have to find something to eat.

E: That’s when you might want to think about something more serious to do. Like, hunting or agriculture?

L: I guess! But if you had no one to teach you things like that, how would you overcome this predicament?

H: Well…going back to the meaning. Maybe the “meaning thing” you mentioned in the beginning could come to your aid.

E: oh…give me a break, please. Laughingly.

[everyone laughs]

این سوال رو از خیلیا پرسیدم و جوابهای متفاوتی گرفتم ولی اولین و رایج ترین واکنش آدمها به این سوال میدونین چیه؟ اصلا مرتبط به بقا نیست. اینکه

تنهایی چکار کنم؟ اکثر آدما، شاید هم هممون از تنهایی مطلق بیزاریم یا فراری برای همین هم بهمون میگن موجودات اجتماعی. زندگی ما آدما، در کنار

هم، با هم و برای همدیگه معنا پیدا میکنه. دوام آوردن در چنین شرایطی نه تنها سخت بلکه شاید غیرممکن باشه. شاید اولش به دلیل ترس، هیجان یا هر

احساس دیگه ای قادر باشیم با شرایط کنار بیایم اما من فکر می کنم بعد از مدتی یا انقدر ناامید بشیم که بخوایم به زندگیمون پایان بدیم و یا انقدر به شرایط

عادت کنیم که دیگه نتونیم توی جمع دوام بیاریم. به هر حال، هر چند همه ما یه زمانهایی به تنهایی خودمون نیاز داریم، اما تنهایی مطلق میتونه خیلی

وحشتناک باشه. نظر شما چیه؟ شما توی چنین شرایطی چکار می کردید ؟

If you’re listening to this part, it means you’ve stayed with us throughout this episode for which we are absolutely grateful. This podcast was brought to you by Safir Language academy’s content development department. All the scripts can be found and downloaded on Castbox, Spotify and Shenoto.

Until next week, stay safe stay tuned, bye.

Word or expression


Meaning in Farsi


Sad and causing a feeling of sadness










Sleep Timer


End of Episode

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پادکست 35: اگه میشد چی میشد؟ جملات شرطی نوع دوم

پادکست 35: اگه میشد چی میشد؟ جملات شرطی نوع دوم