Discoversafir podcast | سایبر پادکست آموزشگاه زبان سفیر گفتمانپادکست 36: اگه شده بود چی میشد؟ جملات شرطی نوع سوم
پادکست 36: اگه شده بود چی میشد؟ جملات شرطی نوع سوم

پادکست 36: اگه شده بود چی میشد؟ جملات شرطی نوع سوم

Update: 2023-01-0113


متن پادکست:

You are listening to Cyber podcast episode 26 – What if-part 3

E: Oh, come on, Lily. Stop crying over spilled milk.

L: But if I had listened to you then, I would have become a professional player.

E: Is it really important? What’s gone is gone. Forget about it already!

L: How can I forget about past? I could have won trophies.

E: But you can’t change anything by beating yourself up!

L: I know, but if I had listened to you then, I wouldn’t have lost the opportunity.

E: Alright, you didn’t listen to me and you missed your chance. Now what? It’s not the end of the world!

L: Hmm…maybe you’re right. I should look ahead.

E: Now you’re talking sense!

از بدترین حسهای دنیا حس پشیمونیه. اینکه فکر کنی یه کاری رو باید انجام میدادی ولی انجام ندادی و یا یه فرصتی رو از دست دادی و خب در نتیجه اون

یه اتفاقاتی افتاده که نباید می افتاد. فکر می کنم همه آدما یه زمانی این حس رو تجربه می کنند، بعضیا مقطعی ولی بعضیا هم دائم. ولی مگه می تونیم

گذشته رو تغییر بدیم؟ مگه با داشتن احساس منفی و بد نسبت به گذشته می تونیم نتیجه رو تغییر بدیم؟ مسلما نه، ولی خب این حسیه که سراغمون میاد و

گاهی اذیتمون میکنه. من ادیت هستم و امروز میخوام با حسین و لی لی در همین مورد صحبت کنم. بریم ببینیم اونها از چه چیزی حس پشیمونی میکنن.

I mean…lieve me? , will you beregretsE: If I tell you I have no past

L: No way…I don’t think there’s anyone in the world who has no regrets!

H: Does that mean you are happy about every single thing you have done so far in life? I mean haven’t you made mistakes?

E: Of course, I have! So many and I’m not proud of them!

H: So, how come you have no regrets?

L: The slightest mistake, and you’ll find me beating myself up forever!!!

E: Uh-huh, that’s what I mean. I don’t lament over past mistakes!

H: I think everyone does. I mean, you do feel bad after the blunder you make, right?

L: You bet, especially when you think of all the things that could have been different if you hadn’t made the damn mistake!

E: I know what you’re saying but my point is, there’s no use, nothing changes.

بحث سر اینه که غصه خوردن برای اتفاقی که افتاده و تموم شده هیچ فایده ای نداره. اما خب نمی تونیم انتظار داشته باشیم که بعد از یه اشتباه گنده حال

خوبی هم داشته باشیم. پشیمون شدن در انگلیسی میشه regret مثلا میتونید بگید I regret not studying well . یعنی متاسف یا پشیمونم که

خوب درس نخوندم. فقط یه نکته مهم در مورد این فعل هست که باید بهش دقت کنید. وقتی فعل regret رو با این معنی استفاده می کنید ساختارش

حتما باید:

regret + verb + -ing باشه. دلیلش هم اینه که regret یه معنی و کاربرد دیگه هم داره. توی دیکشنری چک کنید، ببینید پیداش می کنید! یه

کلمه دیگه هم اینجا داشتیم به معنی غصه خوردن یا سوگواری کردن....درسته، کلمه lament یا lament over هست.

در ادامه میخوایم ببینیم لی لی و حسین از چی بیشتر پشیمونن. شاید منم گفتم از چی پشیمونم.

H: But you know, there this one thing I always regret. I didn’t do what I wanted to do. I didn’t live the way I wanted to live.

E: Oh, yeah...I know what you’re saying. I think all of us do have this regret.

L: Can’t agree more. I think all of us are afraid of something. Afraid of living life to the fullest.

H: You know I kept worrying about what others might think. I was afraid of being judged.

E: So, you mean if you hadn’t been concerned about others’ opinion you would have lived a better life?

H: Without a doubt. I don’t mean I could have been more successful, but I would definitely have been happier.

L: Maybe if you’d been happier, you would have become more successful too?!!

H: Well, all that matters now is that I have wasted some years of my life just worrying about other people’s opinion. People who don’t really matter in my life.

E: Hmm…that’s a shame but we all do that at some point. When I think about it, I think we are on the same boat. I do regret the same as well.

L: You know what I regret the most?

H: That you didn’t move to Austria?

L: Yeah, that’s one of my many regrets but what I had in mind is that I quit practicing the guitar. I don’t even know why I did that!

H: You mean if you had continued, you would have become a famous guitarist? [sarcastically and laughingly]

E: Why not? She could have made her own band even!

L: Well, at least you would have found some good music to listen to!

[everyone laughs]

اگه یکم دقت کنین متوجه میشید که توی مکالمه از جملات شرطی استفاده کردیم. ولی جملات شرطی که درمورد گذشته هستند. یعنی چی؟ یعنی شرایط یا

اتفاقات گذشته رو یه جور دیگه فرض می کنیم و براشون نتیجه فرضی تصور می کنیم. بیاید با هم چندتا مثال رو مرور کنیم:

If you’d been happier, you would have become more successful.

این یعنی شاد نبودی و موفق نشدی. می بینید که هر دو جمله با زمان گذشته گفته شد.

You were not happy and you didn’t become successful.

حالا به این مثال دقت کنین و به سوالات جواب بدید:

If you’d continued, you would have made your own band.

Did you continue practicing the guitar? No, I didn’t.

Did you make your own band? No, I didn’t.

Can you change anything about it? No, I can’t.

پس زمانی که در مورد گذشته شرایط فرضی در نظر می گیریم با نتیجه متفاوت از اونچه در واقعیت اتفاق افتاده از شرطی نوع سوم استفاده می کنیم. در واقع

چیزی در مورد گذشته نمی تونیم تغییر بدیم اما فرض می کنیم اگه اتفاقات جور دیگه ای رقم می خورد، مثلا فلان نتیجه رو بجا میگذاشت. اگه بیشتر درس

خونده بودم شغل بهتری پیدا می کردم. شرط و نتیجه شرط هر دو در مورد زمان گذشته اند و هر دو غیرممکن و فرضی هستند. به ساختار این نوع شرطی

دقت کنین: if + past perfect, would + have + p.p. مثلا: if I had gone abroad, I’d have gained more experience.

E: Now, do you think the regrets you talked about have an impact on your life now?

H: Of course, they do. If I had lived the way I wanted to live, I would be a totally different person now.

L: Right. Just imagine if I had continued playing futsal, I would be a national team member now.

E: Oh, I didn’t know you played futsal. That’s cool.

H: Yeah, and she was pretty good, you know.

L: Yeah, if I hadn’t been injured, I’d still be playing.

H: Oh, I thought you quit because your parents made you.

L: They did. that was another reason actually. I got a knee injury and then my parents stopped me from training. If I had been a bit more persistent or say, stubborn, you’d be talking to a renowned player now!

H: Oh, come’s like you can’t control your imagination. [laughingly]

E: Yeah, a world-famous guitarist and futsal player. If you had become that, you wouldn’t even talk to us.

L: Why wouldn’t I? My friends are always my friends.

[everyone laughs]

E: You know what I imagine sometimes? If I had been born a man, I think life would be much easier for me.

L: Really? How come? [surprised]

H: Do you think men have it easier?

E: Sure they do. If I had been born a man, I would have a better job now, as an engineer.

H: Hmm…I kinda agree, but you still can land one. It’s never too late.

L: It isn’t late, the thing is gender bias.

E: That’s it. And what is frustrating is that you see this gender bias everywhere in the world.

L: Right, the average income of male engineers is much higher than that of female ones.

H: Wow…never imagined the extent of the issue. That’s a shame!

E: Yeah, but have you ever thought how your life would be different if you’d been born a woman?!! [laughingly]

L: [laughingly] Oh my God...let’s do that. Let’s imagine that.

H: [laughingly] You guys are nuts. Leave me alone now!

[everyone laughs]

یکی از دلایلی که آدما نمی تونن از شر حس پشیمونی خلاص بشن دیدن نتیجه کارهاشون در زمان حاله. یعنی در گذشته کاری کردن که نباید می کردن و

الان در زمان حال از نتیجه ش ناراحت یا ناراضین. برای مثال گفتیم: if I hadn’t been injured I’d still be playing. یعنی اگه اون موقع

مصدوم نشده بودم هنوز داشتم بازی می کردم. اگه دقت کنین می بینین که این جمله یه میکسی از شرطی نوع دوم و شرطی نوع سومه. چون هم در مورد

یه موقعیت فرضی در گذشته ست و هم در زمان حال. به همین دلیل بهش mixed conditional گفته میشه. بیاید یه مثال دیگه با هم ببینیم:

If I had been born a man, I’d have it easier.

Q1: Was I born a man? No. آیا من مرد به دنیا اومدم؟ نه!

Q2: Do I have it easy now? No. آیا الان شرایط برام آسونه؟ نه!

Q3: Am I happy about it? No. آیا الان خوشحالم؟ نه!

به ساختارش دقت کنین:

If + past perfect (had + p.p), would + simple verb

So, when talking about a hypothetical or imaginary situation in the past with present results, we normally use mixed conditionals.

Now, you tell me, if you had been born a different gender or nationality, how would your life be different?

If you’re listening to this part, it means you’ve been with us throughout this episode, for which we are absolutely grateful. This podcast was brought to you by Safir Language Academy’s Content development department. All the scripts can be found and downloaded on Castbox, Spotify and Shenoto.

Until next week, stay safe, stay tuned, bye.


Word or expression


Meaning in Farsi

Stop crying over spilt milk

No point in being upset about something that’s already happened

آب ریخته رو نمیشه جمع کرد.

What’s gone is gone.

We can’t change the past, so forget it.

گذشته ها گذشته .


A cup or decorative object given as a reward


Don’t beat yourself up

Don’t criticize yourself unnecessarily

زیاد خودتو اذیت نکن، بیخیال !

Talk sense

Speak logically

منطقی حرف زد ن

Lament (over)

An expression of regret or sorrow

عزاداری کرد ن


Feel sad or repentant for having done something wrong

پشیمان شدن



اشتباه، خط ا










Sleep Timer


End of Episode

5 Minutes

10 Minutes

15 Minutes

30 Minutes

45 Minutes

60 Minutes

120 Minutes

پادکست 36: اگه شده بود چی میشد؟ جملات شرطی نوع سوم

پادکست 36: اگه شده بود چی میشد؟ جملات شرطی نوع سوم