DiscoverDates, Mates and Babies with the Vallottons61. Jason and Lauren on Parenting, Lately
61. Jason and Lauren on Parenting, Lately

61. Jason and Lauren on Parenting, Lately

Update: 2024-03-06


In this episode, the Vallottons delve into the multifaceted journey of parenting, exploring the joys amidst the challenges. From embracing the chaos of everyday life with little ones to finding solace in routine, they uncover the valuable lessons that parenthood imparts.

The Joy of Having the Littles in the Midst of the Hardships of Life:

  • Parenthood is a rollercoaster ride of emotions, where moments of joy often intermingle with the challenges.
  • Despite the chaos and exhaustion, there's an unparalleled joy in witnessing the growth and development of our little ones.
  • Finding beauty in the ordinary moments, even amidst the toughest days, can be a source of profound fulfillment.

How Much Routine Matters:

  • Establishing a routine can provide a sense of stability and predictability for both parents and children.
  • Routines help foster a sense of security and confidence in children, enabling them to navigate daily life more smoothly.
  • While flexibility is essential, having a basic structure in place can alleviate stress and promote a more harmonious household.
  • Routines creates room for creativity and imagination.

Sensory/Regulation :

  • Understanding sensory processing and regulation is crucial for supporting children's emotional well-being.
  • Sensory experiences play a significant role in how children perceive and interact with the world around them.
  • Implementing strategies to support sensory needs can enhance children's ability to self-regulate and cope with challenges more effectively.
  • It's not about "gentle parenting" as much as it is "informed and wholistic parenting."

Nothing Lasts Forever:

  • Parenthood is a journey characterized by constant change and evolution.
  • The challenging phases eventually pass, making way for new experiences and milestones.
  • Embracing the impermanence of parenthood can cultivate a sense of resilience and adaptability, helping parents navigate transitions with grace.

Hard Times Produce Good Perspective:

  • Adversity has a way of shaping our perspective and priorities as parents.
  • Difficult times can offer valuable lessons and opportunities for personal growth.
  • Through resilience and perseverance, parents can emerge stronger and more resilient, equipped with newfound wisdom and perspective.

Parenting is a dynamic and transformative journey, filled with both joy and challenges. By embracing the highs and lows, finding solace in routine, and nurturing our children's sensory needs, we can navigate parenthood with grace and resilience. Remember, amidst the chaos, there's beauty in the everyday moments, and nothing lasts forever.

Connect with Lauren:
Connect with Jason:
Jay’s Instagram
Jay’s Facebook
BraveCo Instagram









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End of Episode

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61. Jason and Lauren on Parenting, Lately

61. Jason and Lauren on Parenting, Lately

Jason and Lauren Vallotton