Designing your life is an art!
If you are the architect of your life, how do you want to feel from the moment you wake up to when you fall asleep?
There's an art to this design of life.
How you design your life and the space you live in all has intention.
Without intention, you're never going to achieve a good design. In this episode, Dr. Julie Angel talks about how you can create balance in your life, design it with intention, the magic of aligning and designing, and the connection between mind and body. Listen to this episode and be the architect of your own life!
Waking Up at Ease
[01:09 ]
If you want to wake up feeling at ease, you need to have balance in your life. If you wake up feeling at ease, you have space and a bandwidth of energy within that. And this pertains to one's thoughts, feelings, intellect, and physical space. Most of the time, people need to check whether it is something that they can cope with or not. Before engaging in something, you must ensure you can do and fulfil your basic needs.
Positive Ageing
[05:47 ]
Everyone wants to learn and improve, which can be associated with positive aging. It gives us the opportunity for more research. Once you stop ageing, everything stops, and you will no longer reflect and know what’s right or wrong. What you should and can do more of, and what would be advisable to lessen or to cut out all together.
Set a Goal that You Can Achieve
[9:07 ]
Sometimes our lives are designed on short-term goals that we haven’t thought about what the consequences of that would be in the future. Sometimes it's even based on something that is fantastical/impossible that we are unable to achieve. You should set a goal that is possible to achieve. It is more motivating that way. You can even achieve more than your set goals.
[10:40 ]
If you don’t like what’s currently happening in your life, you should try to redesign it. Consider the features of the design. What factors do you consider when designing? What is lacking for you?
[11:31 ]
Many people believe they lack the room necessary to complete things. And while they do have space, it needs to be carefully designed. They need to design the area with good intentions. They need to design the area with an understanding of what functions well and what doesn't.
Good Options
[12:32 ]
For you to have good options that you’ll surely agree to, you should notice all the little things in life. They may seem uninteresting, but they are sometimes the key to aligning and designing your life.
[13:06 ]
In redesigning your life, think about your space, your desires, and the things that make you uncomfortable, painful, and frustrated. What are the challenges in your life that you could redesign?
Mind and Physiology
[13:50 ]
The mind and our physiology are connected. If your body can rest freely, you’ll be able to wake up feeling good and be in a good mood for the whole day. You will be able to do things physically, mentally, and emotionally. Both the mind and physiology are in constant communication, helping each other.
[15:08 ]
Consider how you want your life to be designed as you have the power to do so. You should also think about the things that are influencing you negatively and are making you lose your goal.
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