Episode 508: One Overlooked Factor That Is Hurting Your Health And Body Comp
Welcome to the Mind Muscle Connection Podcast!
In this solo episode, we're diving into that One overlooked factor that is hurting your health and body comp health — circadian hygiene and circadian rhythm.
I break down a few modern lifestyles that explain poor circadian hygiene can make it harder to lose fat, build muscle, and recover from workouts. Plus, I share the top habits for improving your circadian rhythm, along with a bunch of other helpful tips.
Understanding and optimizing your circadian rhythm could be a game-changer so be sure to tune in!
Let’s talk about:
- Introduction
- Importance of circadian rhythm for health and body composition
- Circadian rhythm vs. modern lifestyle
- Sleep as a critical aspect of circadian rhythm
- Explanation of circadian rhythm
- Hormonal impact of circadian rhythm
- Digestive system and circadian rhythm
- Impact on body composition
- Decreased recovery and brain fog
- Effects of age
- Social jet lag and shift work
- Top 3 circadian rhythm habits
- #1 Stick to a regular sleep schedule
- #2 Get exposure to natural light
- #3 Avoid heavy meals and bright screens close to bedtime
- Takeaway
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