DiscoverFiveThirtyEight PoliticsMaking Sense Of Political Violence In America
Making Sense Of Political Violence In America

Making Sense Of Political Violence In America

Update: 2024-07-15


The 538 Politics Podcast delves into the recent assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump, examining its implications for American politics and society. The episode begins with a personal reflection from Mary Radcliffe, a Senior Researcher who lives near the shooting site, highlighting the human impact of such events. The discussion then shifts to data and history, with Mary presenting survey data indicating that while most Americans oppose political violence, a concerning minority still supports it. Jeffrey Scally, a Senior Elections Analyst, provides a comprehensive overview of political violence in American history, emphasizing its cyclical nature and the recent increase in attacks targeting individuals. The podcast explores the potential factors contributing to this rise, including partisan division, the perception of the other party as a threat, and the ease of online radicalization. The episode concludes with a hopeful note, highlighting the shared values that unite Americans despite political differences and emphasizing the importance of focusing on those commonalities to mitigate the threat of political violence.


Introduction and Personal Reflections

This Chapter introduces the topic of the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump and features personal reflections from Mary Radcliffe, a Senior Researcher who lives near the shooting site. Mary shares her experience and the sense of community grief following such events, emphasizing the human impact of political violence.

Data and Public Opinion on Political Violence

This Chapter delves into survey data regarding American attitudes towards political violence. Mary presents findings indicating that while most Americans oppose the use of violence to achieve political goals, a significant minority still supports it. The chapter also discusses the importance of methodological rigor in conducting surveys on sensitive topics like political violence, highlighting the potential for inflated support figures due to low-quality responses.

Historical Context of Political Violence in America

This Chapter explores the long history of political violence in the United States, tracing it back to the country's founding. Jeffrey Scally, a Senior Elections Analyst, details notable assassination attempts and successful assassinations of presidents, including Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, William McKinley, and John F. Kennedy. The chapter also examines broader trends in political violence throughout American history, highlighting periods of heightened activity and the cyclical nature of this phenomenon.

Factors Contributing to Political Violence

This Chapter examines potential factors contributing to the recent rise in political violence in America. Jeffrey and Mary discuss the role of highly competitive elections, partisan division, electoral rules that exploit identity cleavages, and weak institutional constraints on violence. They also highlight the importance of addressing the perception of the other party as a threat and the ease of online radicalization.

Conclusion and Call for Unity

This Chapter concludes the podcast with a call for unity and a focus on shared American values. The hosts emphasize the importance of addressing the threat of political violence by promoting civility, understanding, and a shared sense of reality. They also highlight the need for responsible rhetoric from political leaders and the importance of focusing on the core values that unite Americans.


Political Violence

The use of force or intimidation to achieve political goals. This can include acts of terrorism, assassination attempts, riots, and other forms of violence directed at individuals or property for political purposes.

Assassination Attempt

An attempt to kill a prominent figure, often a political leader, for political reasons. The recent assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump is a prime example of this phenomenon.

Donald Trump

The 45th President of the United States, a controversial figure known for his divisive rhetoric and policies. His presidency was marked by political polarization and a rise in political violence.

January 6th

The date of the attack on the United States Capitol by a mob of Trump supporters seeking to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election. This event marked a significant escalation in political violence and highlighted the fragility of American democracy.

Partisan Division

The deep political divisions between the two major political parties in the United States, often characterized by extreme polarization and a lack of compromise. This division has contributed to a climate of distrust and animosity, potentially fueling political violence.

Online Radicalization

The process by which individuals are exposed to extremist ideologies and become increasingly radicalized through online platforms. The internet has made it easier for individuals to access and spread extremist content, contributing to the rise of political violence.

Democratic Norms

The unwritten rules and principles that govern democratic societies, including respect for the rule of law, peaceful transitions of power, and tolerance for dissenting views. The erosion of these norms can create a climate conducive to political violence.

Brightline Watch

A non-profit organization that conducts research and surveys on democratic norms and public opinion. Their work provides valuable insights into American attitudes towards political violence and the state of American democracy.

Reuters Ipsos

A global market research firm that conducts surveys and polls on a wide range of topics, including public opinion on political violence. Their data provides valuable insights into American attitudes towards political violence and the potential for escalation.

Brennan Center for Justice

A non-profit organization that conducts research and advocacy on issues related to democracy and justice. Their work provides valuable insights into the threats facing American democracy, including the rise of political violence.


  • What is the current state of public opinion on political violence in America?

    While most Americans oppose the use of violence to achieve political goals, a concerning minority still supports it. This minority, though smaller than often portrayed in media, is still significant in absolute terms and can have a real impact on events.

  • What are some of the historical trends in political violence in the United States?

    Political violence has a long history in the United States, with periods of heightened activity often coinciding with major social and political upheavals. The late 19th century, the aftermath of World War I, and the 1960s and 1970s saw significant increases in political violence. Recent data suggests that political violence may be on the rise again.

  • What factors contribute to the potential for political violence in America today?

    Several factors contribute to the potential for political violence, including highly competitive elections, partisan division, electoral rules that exploit identity cleavages, and weak institutional constraints on violence. The perception of the other party as a threat and the ease of online radicalization also play a role.

  • How can we address the threat of political violence in America?

    Addressing the threat of political violence requires a multifaceted approach that includes promoting civility, understanding, and a shared sense of reality. Responsible rhetoric from political leaders is crucial, as is focusing on the core values that unite Americans. It's also important to address the ease of online radicalization and strengthen institutional constraints on violence.

  • What is the role of the media in shaping public opinion on political violence?

    The media plays a significant role in shaping public opinion on political violence. It's important to be critical of media narratives and to seek out reliable sources of information. The media can contribute to a climate of fear and distrust, but it can also play a positive role in promoting understanding and dialogue.

  • What are some of the potential consequences of political violence for American democracy?

    Political violence can have serious consequences for American democracy, including eroding trust in institutions, undermining the rule of law, and creating a climate of fear and intimidation. It can also lead to a decline in civic engagement and a weakening of democratic norms.

  • What are some of the things that Americans can do to help prevent political violence?

    Americans can help prevent political violence by engaging in civil discourse, promoting understanding and tolerance, and challenging extremist ideologies. They can also support organizations that work to combat political violence and promote democratic norms.

  • What is the role of law enforcement in addressing political violence?

    Law enforcement plays a crucial role in addressing political violence by investigating and prosecuting crimes, protecting individuals from harm, and deterring future violence. It's important for law enforcement to be impartial and to uphold the rule of law.

  • What is the role of education in preventing political violence?

    Education plays a vital role in preventing political violence by promoting critical thinking, media literacy, and an understanding of democratic principles. It can also help to foster empathy and tolerance for diverse perspectives.

Show Notes

In this installment of the 538 Politics podcast, the crew reacts to the assassination attempt against former President Donald Trump. They discuss the impact on the country and community and also look at public opinion data on political violence. They also look at historical examples of such violence and track how lawmakers are reacting today.

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Making Sense Of Political Violence In America

Making Sense Of Political Violence In America

ABC News, 538, FiveThirtyEight, Galen Druke