Discoversafir podcast | سایبر پادکست آموزشگاه زبان سفیر گفتمان
safir podcast | سایبر پادکست آموزشگاه زبان سفیر گفتمان

safir podcast | سایبر پادکست آموزشگاه زبان سفیر گفتمان

Author: آموزشگاه زبان سفیر | Safir podcast

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پادکست‌ آموزش زبان انگلیسی، کاری از موسسه سفیر گفتمان
پادکست سفیر | safir podcast
55 Episodes
Health and wellness

Health and wellness


What would you do If you were under the weather? would you see a doctor or would you use the indigenous medicaid ? Do you think feeling out of sorts is always physical or can it be connected to mental as well ? Being sick is NOT what I'm talking about. If you were sick and you took medicine and you were still washed out... Do you still think it's about sickness?In this podcast we're going to talk about Health and Wellness. The issue we deal with every day in our lives. بیاید فرض کنیم حالتون بده. چیکار میکنین؟ می‌رین دکتر یا از روش های سنتی استفاده می کنین؟ فکر میکنید دلیل حال بد شما همیشه جسمیه یا میتونه روحی هم باشه؟ چیزی که دارم درموردش صحبت میکنم، مریض بودن نیست! اگر حالتون بد بود و دارو مصرف کردید و هنوز انرژی کافی رو نداشتید بازم فکر میکنید این مربوط به مریضیه؟تو این پادکست قراره درمورد سلامتی و حال خوب صحبت کنیم. مسئله ای که همه روزه تو زندگیامون باهاش سروکار داریم.اول از همه بریم سراغ کلمات و اصطلاحات این پاراگراف؛Under the weatherیک اصطلاحی هست که وقتی به کار میبریم که میخوایم بگیم حالمون خوب نیست. در واقع synonym ع not okay هست.همونطوری که شنیدید به جای go to a doctor از see a doctor استفاده شده. فرق اینا چیه؟ ما وقتی از go to doctor استفاده میکنیم که از قبل we made an appointment for it، وقت گرفته باشیم. see a doctor یعنی بهتره بری دکتر.کلمه‌ی بعدیIndigenous medicaidکه درمان سنتی هستش :).باز اینجا یک اصطلاح دیگه که synonym ع under the weather هست داریم. to feel out of sorts .بحث اصلی ما تو این پادکست چیه ؟ physical جسمی و mental روحی. پس اینم از این دوتا کلمه که key word های ما هستن.Take medicineبه معنی خوردن دارو هست. دیگه نگید eat medicine ها!!اصطلاح be washed out وقتیه که از فرط خستگی زیاد احساس مریضی بهتون دست میده.و در آخرDeal withیک phrase verb به معنی سروکار داشتنه..Health and wellness is not all about how we feel outside. It's also about inside. If your inside is not fine, then don't expect your outside to be fine! Or the opposite, if your outside isn't alright then your inside isn't either. That’s why we are going to address some of the most common health issues today..سلامتی همش درمورد این نیست که حال بیرونیمون چطوره. درمورد حال درونمونم هست. اگر درونت حالش خوب نیست پس نباید انتظار داشته باشی حال بیرونیت خوب باشه. یا برعکس! اگر حال بیرونیت اوکی نیست پس درونت هم اوکی نیست. برای همین ما امروز اینجایم که یه سری راهکار مشترک در مورد سلامتی بهتون بدیم..We all have some days in our lives which we're feeling unwell. Especially nowadays that it's freezing outside. So, what do we do about it ? Putting some warm clothes on and taking some vitamin pills may be a good help. But what about our mental? To put it another way : if you wanna have physical health you are to be in possession of mental health, right?.یک سری روزا تو زندگی هممون هست که حالمون خوب نیست. مخصوصا این روزا که هوا خیلی سرده.To feel unwellبازم یک synonym دیگه برای under the weather و to feel out of sorts هستش. برید عشق کنید این همه اصطلاح بهتون یاد دادم دیگه نشنوم بگید not okay عا!خب ما چه کاری میتونیم براش بکنیم؟ یکم لباس گرم پوشیدن و یه سری قرص ویتامین خوردن شاید بتونه کمک خوبی باشه ولی روانمون چی؟ to put it another way، یه جور دیگه بگم؛ اگر میخوای سلامت جسمانی داشته باشی باید سلامت روحیم داشته باشی دیگه مگه نه؟ .Let's talk about " Physical health ". Physical health is how well your organs and body systems function. In other words, the normal functioning of the body is what we call physical health. To have physical health, firstly we need a healthy diet. They say, you are what you eat. Anything we eat, affects us. A healthy diet takes protein, carbohydrate, grains and vegetables in. A balanced diet must have the least amount of sugar in it. The less sugar you use, the fresher you are. Cut down on fatty foods. Do NOT completely cut carbohydrates off of your diet since it causes weight-loss plateau which means you stop losing wight no matter how hard you try.Attempt having your breakfast till 9am, your lunch till 3pm and your dinner till 8pm..بیاین درمورد سلامت جسمی حرف بزنیم. سلامت جسمی به این معنیه که چقدر خوب اندام ها organs و سیستم های بدنی کار میکنن. کار کردن اینجا با کلمه function نشون داده میشه. همیشه که do نمیگیم!به یه عبارتی دیگه in other words کار کردن عادی بدن رو میگیم سلامت جسمی. برای داشتن سلامت جسمی اول از همه یک رژیم سالم می خوایم.You are what you eat.هر چیزی که میخوریم رو بدن ما تاثیر داره.یک رژیم سالم healthy diet, پروتئین، کربوهیدرات، غلات و سبزیجات رو در بر میگیره. که چی بود توی متنمون همونطور که گوش کردیم؟healthy diet takes protein, carbohydrate, grains and vegetables in. پس Take in یعنی چی؟ در بر گرفتن.یک رژیم متعادل balanced diet، باید کمترین مقدار شکر رو توش داشته باشه. هر چقدر کمتر شکر مصرف کنید، شاداب تر هستید. خوردن غذا های چرب fatty foods رو کاهش بدید.Cut down on fatty foods.حالا cut down on something به معنی کاهش دادنه.کامل کربوهیدرات رو از رژیمتون حذف نکنید چون باعث استپ وزنی میشه که یعنی دیگه وزن کم نمیکنید و در یک وزن ثابت میمونید مهم نیست چقدر تلاش کنید. یه چیزی رو حذف کردن میشه چی؟To cut something offweight-loss plateauاستپ وزنی چی میشه؟سعی کنید صبحونه کامل رو تا ساعت ۹/ نهار رو تا ساعت سه و تا ساعت هشت شامتون رو بخورید.اینجا بجای try از کلمه attempt استفاده شده ها. حواستون بود؟.While on a healthy diet, you need to keep fit. And alongside, you’ve got to work out. Get a coach and let them tell you what's good and what's bad. Do not decide yourself. Whatever is good for others and works for them, may not necessarily work for you too! Keep updated. Getting in good shape is really nice but you’d better focus on looking after your health. maintain regular exercise routines. You can start from warming up when you just woke up or when you're trying to fall asleep. Early in the morning you can do " Vacuum Stomach " exercise and for the end of the day you can try meditation or staying motionless from 1 to 20 minutes. This is good for falling asleep faster..وقتی که تو رژیم هستید باید تناسب اندام تون رو هم حفظ کنید و در کنارش باید تمرین کنید. یا همون ورزش کنید.وقتی می‌خواید بگید تو رژیم هستید باید بگیدI am on a diet. / To be on a diet.داشتن اندام مناسب کلمه اش چیه؟ keep fit.اینجا بجای with از alongside استفاده شده. در واقع formal synonym اش هست.دیدین هر وقت میخوایم بگیم «باید» از should استفاده میکنیم ؟؟ خب اونو بنداز دور بگو have got to :). کوته شده اش: you’ve got toمربی ورزشی یا همون coach بگیرید و بذارید اون بهتون بگه چی خوبه چی بد. خودتون تصمیم نگیرید. هر چیزی که برای بقیه خوبه و برای اونا جواب میده قرار نیست برای شما هم خوب باشه و جواب بده :). خودتون رو آپدیت نگه دارید. داشتن فرم بدنی خوب خیلیم خوبه اما بهتره روی مواظبت کردن از سلامتیتون تمرکز کنید.look after your healthبه معنیه اینه که باید از خودت مواظبت کنی. که سالم بمونی.میتونید از همون لحظه ای که از خواب بیدار شدید یا وقتی که میخواید بخوابید ورزش رو شروع کنید. warm up کنید. یا بهتره بگم گرم کنید. صبح زود میتونید وکیوم کردن شکم رو انجام بدید یعنی شکمنون رو بدین تو و برای آخر روز میتونید مدیتیشن کنید یا برای ۱ تا ۲۰ دقیقه motionless یا همون بی حرکت بمونید تا زود تر خوابتون ببره.Being hydrated, an acceptable sleep routine, a balanced diet and a regular exercise routine gives you this opportunity to get back into shape and be physically healthy again..خوردن آب کافی یا همون هیدراته بودن being hydrated ، داشتن یک روتین خواب درست an acceptable sleep routine ، یک رژیم غذایی منظم a balanced diet و روتین ورزشی روزانه regular exercise routine این فرصت opportunity رو بهتون میده که به فرم بدنی تون برگردید get back into shape و دوباره سلامت جسمانی تون رو بدست بیارید.And now "Mental health". Mental health includes our emotional, psychological and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel and most importantly, act. It also helps how we handle stress and anything related to it AND make healthy choices.EVERYTHING has an impact on your mental health. Whatever you're surrounded with, will somehow transform your mental condition. First family, then friends, then phone calls and lastly social media. What people say or do or what you hear or see all count..و برسیم به سلامت روحی. سلامت روحی شامل سلامت عاطفی emotional، روانی psychological و اجتماعی social هستش. سلامت روحی روی احساس و مهم تر از همه عمل act تاثیر داره. همچنین بهمون کمک می‌کنه که چطور استرس و هر چیزی مربوط بهش رو کنترل کنیم و البته چطور تصمیمات درست بگیریم.Handleبه معنی کنترل کردن یا از پسش چیزی بر اومدنه.جالبه بدونید کلمه healthy فقط به معنی سالم نیست بلکه می‌تونه یک سری جاها معنی درست رو بهم بده.هر چیزی می‌تونه روی سلامت روحی شما تاثیر بذاره. هر چیزی که شما باهاش احاطه شدین بالاخره یه جوری وضعیت روحی شمارو تغییر میده. اول از همه خانواده و بعد دوستان. بعد از اون گوشی ها و در آخر فضای مجازی. حرف هایی که مردم میزنن یا کار هایی که انجام میدن، چیز هایی که میشنوین یا میبینین همشون تو این مسئله سهیمن.surrounded withبه معنی احاطه شدن هستاینجا بجای change یک synonym خوب داریم. که او چیه؟ حدس بزنید؟! آفرین transformباز یه synonym دیگه برای status اینجا استفاده شده. اونو چی ؟ میتونید پیدا کنید؟ condition آفرین، ایول..Based on researches and what my psychologist recommended, I'm gonna give you some tips on how to build a better mental condition. In this day and age, the stress level is high due to too many concerns and other social difficulties, thus, we're under a massive amount of pressure. So, if you're at breaking point and you feel like your heart is coming out of your chest, you'd better try writing down aggregate of your thoughts, just write. It's simple but it's a huge help..بر اساس تحقیقاتی که انجام دادم و البته چیز هایی که روانشناسم بهم پیشنهاد داده، می‌خوام بهتون یه چند تا راهکار بدم که چطور یه وضعیت روحی بهتر بسازید.تو این دوره زمونه سطح استرس بخاطر نگرانی های موجود و مشکلات اجتماعی دیگه خیلی بالاست برای همین ما خیلی تحت فشار استرسیم.کلمه خوبی که برای نگرانی به کار بردیم concern هست و synonym قشنگی که به جای problem استفاده شده difficulties هست.وقتی میخوایم بگیم تحت فشار چیزی هستیم از idiomunder pressureاستفاده میکنیم.پس اگر به آخر خط رسیدید و حس میکنید قلبتون از سینتون داره بیرون میاد بهتره نوشتن رو امتحان کنید. انبوه افکارتون رو بنویسید. خیلی سادست اما کمک بزرگیه.at breaking pointوقتی استفاده میشه که میخوایم بگیم ته تهشیم. آخر خطیم.aggregateبه معنی انبوه هست. حالا میفهمید aggregates of your thoughts یعن
Scar story-1

Scar story-1


(صدای نوار)03:47 PM. October 4th. 1993- I play my hard rock music and I make my cup of dark coffee as usual. I open a window and while I'm sitting by the window with Lucas, the weather clouds over. Lucas is my cat. Say hi Lucas! My name is Scar. Yes, a real Scar. People call me by this name after the arson that I planned myself. (Smirk) => This part never crosses their mind! My face is covered with a damn bruise, the shape of a stab, on the right, and on the left, it doesn't look like my skin anymore...Not yet... People, especially children, are scared of me. They are prodded by their parents into not getting close to my house or else...خب تا الان به یه داستان مهیج پرداختیم از یه آقایی به اسم اسکار.میدونین اسکار به چه معنیه ؟ آفرین ، زخم. اسکار داستان خودش رو اینطوری شروع می‌کنه که آدما بعد از یه آتش سوزی بزرگ و بلایی که سرش اومده ، اینطوری صداش میکنن.اینجا ما یه کلمه خوب برا استفاده داریم arson که به معنی آتش سوزی بزرگیه که البته یه جرم هست و به مجرم این کار هم arsonist میگن.اما این وسط جالبه که بدونید اسکار داره میگه این آتیش سوزی که درموردش حرف میزنه برنامه ریزی خودش بوده... شاید بعداً بهمون بگه چرا... راستی مردم اون شهر این موضوع حتی به ذهنشون هم نمی‌رسه که آتیش سوزی زیر سر خود اسکاره!اینجا یک idiom جدید یاد میگیریم که اونم cross somebody's mind هست و به معنیه اینه که اصلا به ذهن طرف ام نمیرسه. اسکار امروز خودش رو با پلی کردن آهنگ هارد راکش و یک فنجون قهوه تلخ شروع می‌کنه و در حالی که جلوی پنجره با لوکاس نشسته ، هوا رو به ابری می‌ره. راستی لوکاس گربه شه...اسکار تو داستان به لوکاس میگه که بهمون سلام کنه پس ... سلام لوکاس !یه idiom خوبی برای ابری شدن هوا میتونید استفاده کنید که اونم هست cloud over . به معنی اینه که هوا کم کم رو به ابری شدن می‌ره.سمت راست صورت اسکار یه کبودی یا همون bruise به شکل ضربِ چاقو و سمت چپ صورتش اصلا دیگه شبیه به پوست نیست . یه گفته خودش "فعلا" نیست.مردم بخصوص بچه ها ازش میترسن و مادر پدرا به بچه هاشون درمورد من گوشزد میکنن که به خونم نزدیک نشن وگرنه معلوم نیست چی میشه.باز اینجا گوشزد کردن رو داریم که میشه to prod که کلمه هست نه idiom . مثلا :My instructor prodded me into doing more exercise.مربیم بهم گوشزد کرد بیشتر تمرین کنم.راستی آخرین حرف اسکار رو یادتونه ؟ or else...این idiom رو وقتی به کار می‌بریم که میخوایم به یک نفر یه چیزی رو گوشزد کنیم و بگیم چی میشه اگر چیزی که باید انجام بشه یا اتفاق بیوفته ، انجام نشه و یا اتفاق نیوفته. و به معنای وگرنه هست. میتونیم آخر جمله مون بیاریمش و دیگه توضیحی براش نیاریم و ادامه ندیم.I enjoy hearing rumors about myself. They are interesting! Imagine you wake up one day, not sleeping a wink, some ... Guy ... publishes something about you and you're the headline of an indiscriminate newspaper. For example: Scar was killed (laugh ) { scar's response} => I can NOT be killed, you fools ! Somebody can be killed {whisper} => by me :).Or another missing family. Was it on purpose? Or can it be related to Scar?? {scar’s response} => Come on man , what do I have to do with a whole family ?! Huh, mind blowing news !{Shocked and surprised} => Wait ... You don't think that's MY doing , do you ?!... Anyways, I hope not !خب تا اینجا آقای اسکار داره بهمون میگه که یک سری شایعات، با اطلاعات خیلی کم و اشتباه توسط مردم براش درست میشه و حتی تو توی روزنامه های بشدت رندوم که معلوم نیست از کجا اومدن، چاپ میشه که برای اسکار این موضوع جالبه.خب قطعا با کلمه‌ی amazing آشنایی دارید که به معنی جالبه اما کلمه ای که میتونیم برای رندوم استفاده کنیم که اسکار هم استفاده کرد و گفت اخبارش رندوم و از روی اطلاعات کم هست ، کلمه‌ی indiscriminate هست.بگذریم از اینا اسکار یک سری از اون شایعات رو برامون میگه ... مثلا اینکه اسکار کشته شد ... بعدشم می‌خنده و میگه احمقا کسی نمیتونه منو بکشه اما یک شخصی میتونی کشته بشه و whisper میکنه توسط من :)).شما وقتی یک چیزی رو whisper میکنید در واقع با صدای آروم تر و قایمکی میگیدش درواقع زمزمه میکنید.یا مثلا یکی دیگه از سر تیتر ها اینه که یه خانواده غیب شدن . آیا از قصد بوده یا آیا اسکار می‌تونه به این موضوع ربطی داشته باشه ؟؟ که از کلمه related to استفاده شده.که بازم اسکار جوابشون رو اینطوری میده آخه من با یه خانواده چه کاری دارم بکنم ؟ چه اخبار واقعا . مخم سوت کشید !اینجا برا اینکه بخوایم بگیم یه چیزی هم تعجب آور هم هیجان انگیزه و مخمون سوت می‌کشه با شنیدنش یا دیدنش میتونیم بگیم mind blowing.و در آخر اسکار از شنونده که ما باشیم میپرسه که : هی ، تو که فکر نمی‌کنی اینا همش زیر سر منه هان ؟؟ خب امیدوارم اینطور نباشه.وقتی میخواین بگیم یه چیزی زیرسر یه شخصیه و یا همه آتیشا از اون بلند میشه از somebody's doing استفاده میکنیم . مثلاThe house is on fire. I bet it's Sara's doing.تا اینجا که خودم عاشق مرموز بودن داستانم ... بریم برا بقیه اش :(صدای نوار)09:42 AM. October 16th. Nothing special is happening these days. Stop looking for something extraordinary. My life's simpler than what you think darling. Oh, it's just Lucas who’s disappeared for two days now. I'm worried. Actually, Lucas is the only thing I care about ... So ... The weather is extremely nice today. It's our favorite weather, cloudy. Puff... Where are you boy? ... . For the first time in my whole life there are no kids outside and shops are closed, too. Also, no rumors and stuff about this SCAR. Stunning. { صدای میو گربه } ... Oh, hi buddy come in. I missed you. How you doin’ ? What have you been up to? { باز هم صدای گربه که بیاد بشینه پیش اسکار } So, as I was saying { مکث کنه انگار تو فکر فرو رفته } Hold on a second, I can't trust anybody thanks to my past, but this silence is something I have never felt in my whole life!الان ساعت نه و چهل و دو دقیقه صبحه . شونزده اکتبر . اتفاق خاصی این چند روز برای اسکار نیوفتاده و داره بهمون میگه از اینکه دنبال یه چیز باورنکردنی تو زندگیش بگردیم دست برداریم. و اضافه می‌کنه که عزیزانم زندگی من عادی تر از چیزیه که فکر میکنید. ولی لوکاس دو روزه که غیبش زده و اون نگرانشه چون لوکاس تنها چیزیه که اسکار بهش اهمیت میده.اینجا دوتا کلمه خوب قراره یاد بگیریم. یکیش extraordinary هست که به معنیه یه چیز باور نکردنی و خارق العادست. و یکی دیگه اش هم look for هم که به معنای دنبال چیزی گشتنه.اسکار ادامه میده و طبق روال جلوی پنجره نشسته. اون میگه هوا امروز واقعا خوبه. ابری. این هوا مورد علاقه‌ شونه. یعنی مورد علاقه خودش و لوکاس. بگذریم از اینا اسکار میگه که برای اولین بار تو عمرش هیچ بچه ای بیرون بازی نمیکنه و هیچ مغازه ای هم باز نیست . تازه هیچ شایعه ای هم درموردش وجود نداره. Stunning. و این کلمه یعنی چی ؟ فوق العاده ، محشر.بعدش اینجا رو خودتون فهمیدین که آقا لوکاس هم تشریف آوردنو و دل اسکار قصه مونو شاد کردن.دیدین بعضی وقتا میخوایم مثل اسکار بگیم بخاطر و همش از because استفاده میکنیم ؟؟ خب بیایم بیکااااز رو کنار بزاریم و بجاش بگیم thanks to.و حالا از طرفی اسکار این وسط داره میگه که بخاطر گذشته اش به کسی نمیتونه اعتماد کنه درست اما این سکوتی که شهر رو فرا گرفته یه چیزیه که هیچوقت تابحال احساس نشده.Hey Lucas, what do you think, mate? Lucas is looking mysteriously out of the window to the empty Street. {Shocked}=> Never seen him like that! .... No worries, Lucas. Just know this! I never hurt anyone until they hurt me. Lucas looks at me and we both have a smile underneath our skin. Like father like son.اسکار بخاطر این سکوت عجیبی که شهرو برداشته از لوکاس می‌پرسه که خب تو چی فکر می‌کنی ؟ و لوکاس با یه نگاه مرموزانه به خیابون خالی هیچی نمیگه. نمیدونم این مرد چه انتظاری داره ازش خدایی 😊؟ بگذریم ، اسکار میگه که هیچوقت این نگاه لوکاس رو ندیده. و واسه اینکه خیالش رو راحت کنه بهش میگه که نگران نباش لوکاس. من تا وقتی که کسی بهم آسیب نزنه ، بهش آسیبی نمیزنم. لوکاس هم به اسکار نگاه می‌کنه و به گفته اسکار ، دوتاشون یه لبخند خاصی زیر پوستشون دیده میشه.اینجا برای کلمه زیر از underneath استفاده شده و برای مرموز هم از mysteriously که البته adverb هست و صفتش mysterious هست.راستی میدونستید اگر بخوایم به کسی بگیم که نگران نباشه میتونیم از no worries هم استفاده کنیم؟؟! خب حالا میدونید.(صدای نوار)It's afternoon now. Time for a cup of dark coffee. I play my hard rock music and while I'm sitting by the window with Lucas petting him, somebody knocks on the door. ( دوبار صدای در زدن ).الان بعدازظهره. طبق روال همیشه اسکار موزیک هارد راکش رو پلی می‌کنه و قهوه تلخش رو می‌ریزه و در حالی که با لوکاس کنار پنجره نشستن . یک نفر در میزنه‌.(صدای نوار) 10:03 AM. October 17th. I woke up today, after having bullshit dreams. Today I decided to have tea instead of coffee. What’s up, mate? Lucas says nothing, just looks out of the window. He normally doesn't do it but he does it a lot nowadays. Now that he sees with just one eye. My poor little baby. ( اینجا صدای جوش اومدن کتری دوبار بیاد مثل صدای در زدن که دوبار بود . ) { بعد whisper می‌کنه } => I remember.(صدای نوار) 07:42 PM. October 17th. Drinking coffee on my rocking chair is the best feeling.{ اینجا صداش رو بی حال می‌کنه و به حالت کسل میگه } => Ahh, same old pain. { یکم سکوت / صدای ضربه زدن ناخن ها روی صندلی چوبی / صدای جیر جیر کفه های چوبی هنگام حرکت دادن صندلی راک ««« فقط دو بار «««« }ساعت ده و سه دقیقه صبحه. هفده اکتبر. اسکار بعد از خوابای مزخرفی که دیده بیدار شده و تصمیم میگیره امروز بجای قهوه تلخ ، چایی بخوره. طبق روال از لوکاس نظر میخواد و لوکاس چیزی نمیگه و فقط بیرون پنجره رو نگاه می‌کنه. معمولا این کار رو نمیکنه اما جدیدا زیاد این کارو می‌کنه. فقط میشینه و از پنجره بیرون رو نگاه می‌کنه ... الان که فقط با یه چشم می‌تونه ببینه...اسکار اینجا دوباره ویسپر می‌کنه که یادمه... دقت کردین که هنوز نمیدونیم این قسمت یعنی چی و چرا لوکاس با یک چشم میبینه ؟ از اول که اینطوری نبوده و اینکه چی باشه ؟!... بگذریم... ساعت هفت چهل و دو دقیقه بعدازظهر همون روزه. خوردن قهوه روی صندلی راک بهترین حس برای اسکاره. اسکار اینجا از زخم قدیمیش دوباره تازه شده که کاملا کلافه میگه همون زخم قدیمی...Yes. I finally remembered. Somebody knocked on the door days ago, I ... I was sitting by the window with Lucas. I stood up to open the door, I held the door handle, then in a blink of an eye I heard the glass broke and Lucas shouted. I turned my head back, I saw there was a lot of blood around the kitchen's floor. I heard a gunshot. Then I felt a massive pain behind my head, I was getting numb and unconscious { به یه حالتی بخنده که انگار حالت مسخره داره واسش که اینطوری شده }. Huh, too soon to meet my desire!اسکار میگه بالاخره یادش اومده. چند روز پیش یک نفر در زد. اون با لوکاس نشسته بود. بلند شد تا در روز باز کنه. دستگیره در رو گرفت و تو یه چشم به هم زدن صدای خوردن شدن شیشه و جیغ لوکاس رو شنید . س
If you smell what the Rock’s cooking…“In 1995 I had $7 bucks in my pocket and I knew two things: I’m broke as hell and one day I won’t be.”Around the world, there are a number of influential people who have had a great impact on the world. Some of these individuals have become a symbol of success and perseverance. One of these people who I personally love and respect as a role-model is Dwayne Johnson.Let’s talk about his life and how he became the icon that he is today.دنیایی که توش زندگی میکنیم تحت تاثیر خیلی ا ز آدمای تاثیرگذار بوده و هست. آدمهایی که به خاطر طرز فکر، تلاش،پشتکا ر و مقاومت و سرسختی در مقابل مشکلات تبدیل به یک Role model شده اند و موفقیت و تلاششون الهامبخش خیلی های دیگه. من علیرضا هستم و موضوع امروز ما در مورد یکی از همین شخصیت هاست.Dwayne Douglas Johnson was born on May 2, 1972. He is an American actor, film producer, and retired professional wrestler better known by his ring name “The Rock.” He is widely regarded as one of the greatest professional wrestlers of all time.He was essential to the development and success of the World Wrestling Federation which is called WWE now. Johnson wrestled for the WWF for eight years before pursuing his acting career. His films have grossed over $3.5 billion in North America and over $10.5 billion worldwide, making him one of the world's highest-grossing and highest-paid actors.راجع به دواین جانسون صحبت می کنیم. بازیگر، فیلمساز، کشتی گیر سابق با اسم مستعار The Rock . کسی که نقشبسزایی در شکل گیری فدراسیون جهانی کشتی داشت و بعد از کناره گیری از کشتی تونست جزو پر فروش ترین یاhighest-grossing و پردرآمدترین ی ا highest-paid بازیگران بشه. اگه یادتون باشه در قسمتهای قبل هم درمورد صفات مرکب صحبت کردیم. صفاتی مثل highest-paid و highest-grossing که با ترکیب یک قید یاصفت دیگه درست میشن و میتونن مفهوم دقیق تری از آنچه در ذهن دارین ترسیم کنند. در این قسمت یهcollocation خیلی خوب داشتیم با معنی دنبال حرفه ای رفتن....درسته! pursue a career .Johnson's first film role was in The Mummy Returns in 2001. The following year he played his first leading role in the action fantasy film The Scorpion King in 2002. He has since starred in a variety of different genres. His role as Luke Hobbs in the Fast & Furious films, beginning with Fast Five, helped the franchise become one of the highest-grossing films. He joined the DC Extended Universe playing the role of Black Adam. He is also known for voice-acting Maui in the Disney animated film Moana in 2016.Johnson produced and starred in the HBO comedy-drama series Ballers and the autobiographical sitcom Young Rock. In 2000, Johnson released his autobiography, The Rock Says, which was a New York Times bestseller. In 2012, he co-founded the entertainment production company Seven Bucks Productions. Time magazine, which is a world-renowned publication, named him one of the world's most influential people.در این بخش لغات و اصطلاحات سینمایی خوبی داشتیم. بیایید چندتاشو با هم مرور کنیم. گفتیم اولین بار نقش اول دواینجانسون در فیلم شاه عقرب بود. نقش اول رو گفتیم leading role و فیلم فانتزی رو هم گفتیم fantasy film .گاهی یه بازیگر در فیلمی تبدیل به ستاره میشه. این رو با فعل star در انگلیسی میگیم. حواستون باشه که این کلمه یهفعله مثلا گفتیم: He has since starred in a variety of different genres. genre هم که قبلاگفتیم میشه سبک. اول پادکست گفتیم فیلمهای دواین جانسون جزو پرفروش ترین ها بوده. highest-grossing یهاصطلاح قشنگ به معنی پرفروش ترین هست. صدا پیشگ ی ر و هم با عبارت قشنگ voice-acting بیان کردیم. و اگهکسی صداپیشه باشه بهش voice actor گفته میشه. برای سریالهای استودیوئی و کمدی مثل Friends از کلمهsitcom استفاد ه میشه که در واقع خلاصه situation comedy هست . زمانی که کسی یا محصول ی در کل دنیاشهرت جهانی پیدا میکن ه، مثلا مجله تایمز که در همه جای دنیا شناخته شده است، world-renowned گفته میشن.Now, let’s look at his early years:Johnson was born in Hayward, California, the son of Ata Johnson and former professional wrestler Rocky Johnson. Growing up, Johnson lived briefly in Grey Lynn in Auckland, New Zealand, with his mother's family, where he played rugby and attended Primary School before returning to the U.S.He is from the family of professional wrestlers and from the early age was always surrounded by great performers.At High School, Johnson initially struggled and was drawn into a culture of conflict and petty or not serious crime. Before the age of 17, he was arrested multiple times for fighting, theft, and check fraud and was suspended for two weeks for fighting. The local newspaper later described him as "a troubled teenager with a history of run-ins with police." His High School football coach, however, saw athletic potential in Johnson, and recruited him to join their football team, where he played defensive tackle. The experience proved the beginning of a personal transformation for Johnson. He later said "My thought process started to change. That's when I started thinking about goals and what I wanted to accomplish,"در این قسمت کلمات خیلی قشنگی داشتیم که اول یه synonym ازشون میگم و میخوام یه بار دیگه بشنوین و با توجهبه جمله کلمات رو پیدا کنین. گفتیم زمانی که جانسون در دبیرستان بود اولش خیلی درگیر بود و در حال دست و پا زدن .Synonym هایی که میخوام پیدا کنید برای کلمات: attracted, disagreement, not serious, هست.همه این کلمات در یک جلمه بودند.He was drawn or attracted to….Conflict or disagreementPetty or not seriousحالا درگیری ها یا struggle جانسون به چه علت بود؟ چون قبل از 17 سالگی چندبار به خاطر جرائم جزئی یا petty crimes دستگیر شده بود. جرائمی مثل دعوا کردن، دزدی و جعل چک. معادل انگلیسی این سه نوع جرم کدوم کلمه هابودند؟ درسته.. . fighting, theft, check fraudولی خب، از زمانی که جانسون به استخدام تیم فوتبال دبیرستانش در اومد یه تغییر و یا دگرگونی یا transformationتجربه کرد. اونجا بود که به فکر اهداف زندگیش و دستیابی به اونها افتاد. دستیابی به یه هدف رو accomplish میگیمکه یه فعل هست .By his senior year at High School, College football recruiters ranked Johnson as one of the top ten high school defensive tackles in the nation as he excelled on his team for only two years that he had played. He chose to accept a full athletic scholarship offer from the University of Miami, whose football program was then one of the best in the country.Johnson continued to play at the University of Miami. He was a member of the Miami Hurricanes football team during his freshman year in 1991, and won that year's national championship. Despite playing four years there, Johnson found himself behind elite players and appeared mostly in backup roles on the team.وی جانسون سال آخری دبیرستان بود یعنی Senior بود بعنوان یکی از 10 بهترین بازیکن های کل کشور انتخاب ش د وبعد از اون هم بورسیه ورزشی یا athletic scholarship دانشگاه میامی رو گرفت. سال اول دانشگاه که بود یعنی درواقع وقتی freshman بود عنوان قهرمانی اون سال کشور رو به خودش اختصاص داد اما همچنان پشت سر بازیکناننخبه یا elite باقی موند. کلمه elite برای گروهی از آدما استفاده میشه که یا خیلی ثروتمندند با نخبه اند یا تواناییخاصی دارند. درواقع گلچین شده اند.In 1995, Johnson graduated with a Bachelor of General Studies and a dual major in criminology and physiology. Additionally, he was one of the university's most prolific student speakers in the Miami-area community, frequently delivering positive messages about his own struggles and encouraging them to remain in school and avoid the dangers of drug use.Following his graduation, Johnson was signed by the Calgary Stampeders of the Canadian Football League which was a low-profile league in comparison with NFL. He was put on the team’s practice list, but he was fired from the team two months into Calgary's 1995 season.After being cut by Calgary, Johnson began his professional wrestling career the following year, in 1996.According to Johnson, he only had seven dollars or also known as seven Bucks in his pocket at the time. But, it did not stop him from trying and he never gave up hope. Then he later named his production company SEVEN BUCKS as a reminder of his past struggles.با تمام این اوصاف و علیرغم سختی ها، جانسون تونست از رشته های مطالعات عمومی، جرم شناسی و فیزیولوژی فارغالتحصیل بشه. علاوه بر این سخنرانی های جانسون یکی از پربارتری ن ها در دانشگاه بود چراکه با یه رویکرد مثبت ازمشکلات و سختی های خودش برای دانشجویان صحبت میکرد و اونها رو به ادامه تحصیل و دوری از مصرف مواد مخدرتشویق میکرد. از کلمه prolific استفاده کردیم. یه واژه قشنگ به معنی پربار یا حتی تاثیرگذار، که معمولا هم برایسخنران یا نویسنده ها استفاده میشه. یه collocation خوب هم داشتیم که بد نیست بهش بپردازیم. برای انتقال یارسوندن پیغام یا حتی سخنرانی کردن از فعل deliver استفاده می کنیم مثلا گفتیم delivering positive messages یا می تونیم یگیم delivering speech .هروقت صحبت جانسون میشه حرف از 7 دلارش هم به میون میاد. داستانش اینه که بعد از اخراج از تیم فوتبال کلگریزمانی که فقط 7 دلار توی جیبش داشت، یعنی در شرایطی که تقریبا هرکسی ناامید میشه ، همچنان به تلاشش ادامه داد،نا امید نشد و به کشتی روی آورد که خیلی هم موفق شد. به همین دلیل هم هست که بعدها شرکت خودش رو به همیناسم ثبت کرد تا یادآور دوران سختش باشه .The reason that he is adored and widely known across the globe is his hard-working spirit. He always refers to himself as the most hard-working person in the room which shows his attitude towards life and work. It takes such a lot of struggle, hard work and perseverance for one to claim this. How about you? What’s your attitude towards the ups and downs of life?If you’re listening to this part, it means you’ve stayed with us throughout this episode, for which we are absolutely grateful. This podcast was brought to you by Safir Language Academy’s content development department. All the scripts can be found and downloaded on Castbox and Shenoto.Until next time, stay safe and don’t give up hope, bye.
When were you born?- 27th Feb.- You are Pisces. Your sign is two fish.- So, what does it mean? what sort of person am I?- You are kind and imaginative.- Oh, am I?- Yes, you are but you are also timid and careless.- Well, that could be true about me, to some extent.Good morning, welcome to another episode of Cyber podcast, in today’s program we are going to talk about astrology and we have Andrew Hawkins the famous astrologer with us.سلام، با یه سایبرپادکست دیگه اومدیم تا یه موضوع بسیار جذاب رو با هم بررسی کنیم. موضوعی که تقریبا همه یه چیزی برای گفتن در موردشدارن، چون به همه آدما مربوط میشه. نوع شخصیت! موضوع امروز ماست و میخوایم از یه زاویه ای متفاوت تر از روانشناسی بهش نگاه کنیم. امروزمیخوایم از روی تاریخ تولد شخصیت خودمون یا آدمای اطرافمون رو بسنجیم. چجوری؟ از روی صور فلکی یا همون zodiac . البته قرار نیست طالعبینی کنیم فقط قراره و جه اشتراک آدمهای متولد در یک ماه رو با هم بر رسی کنیم. پس حتما با ما همراه بشید چون قراره راجع به شما هم صحبتکنیم !- Good morning Andrew and welcome to our program.- Good Morning, I am very happy to be with you in this program.- Andrew many people love astrology and they see their fortune in magazines or the internet every day. However, it is not scientifically proven and we mostly see it as a sort of hobby to pass time. How can you say it is reliable?- I should say that astrology is an ancient science and there is no doubt that all the objects do have an effect on each other and here in astrology planets can affect us in certain times of the year.- So, what you mean is, astrology has some influence on people’s lives, am I right?- Sure, have you heard that people born in the same month have got some traits in common?- Yeah, you mean sharing the same Zodiac signs?- Yes, I think you have some ideas about that.- Somehow but I think it could be an interesting subject for our listeners today. So, can you tell us more about Zodiac?- Zodiac signs are the animals or objects symbolizing each month of the year. We have 12 Zodiac signs, one for each month and according to astrology, those who share the same sign, also share some personality traits and features.- Well, since talking about personality is always fun and somewhat controversial, let’s listen to Andrew and see what he has to say about us or perhaps someone we have in mind.خب، حرف از صور فلکی ونوع شخصیت آدماست. بحثی که میتونه گاهی خیلی بحث برانگیز یا controversial باشه. علم ستاره شناسی یا astrologyمیگه از اونجایی که همه اجسام روی همدیگه تاثیر دارند، موقعیت سیاره ها هم روی ما در زمان های خاص تاثیر میذارند. از دو کلمه influence and effect به معنی تاثیر استفاده کردیم که هر دو اسم و مترادفند. یه کلمه دیگه هم داشتیم که همخانواده با effect هست ولی فعله کلمه affect دقتکنین که تلفظ و spelling این دو کلمه با هم فرق داره و با کلمه affect هیچ حرف اضافه ای استفاده نمیشه. خب، برگردیم به موضوع، گفتیم سیاره هار وی ما زمانی که ما متولد میشیم تاثیر میذارند و باعث میشند افرادی که در زمان مشابه بدنیا اومده اند خصوصیات اخلاقی یا traits مشترک داشته باشند.این رو zodiac signs یا همون صور فلکی بهمون نشون میده که در ادامه راجع بهشون صحبت می کنیم. فقط قبلش بهتون بگم که با یک عالمه صفتبرای توصیف شخصیت آدما بر می خورید که حسابی به کارتون میاد. پس با دقت گوش بدید.- Alright, let’s start with Taurus. If your sign is Taurus, the Bull, you are thought to be stubborn and never change your mind. You, on the other hand, are romantic and love the nature.- Anyone born between December 21 and January 20 is a Capricorn. If you are a Capricorn, the Goat is your sign. You are hardworking and can manage things very well. Also, you are very patient. As a negative trait I can say that Capricorns are pessimistic in some way.But bear in mind that in astrology, these things are not 100% true. There can always be some exceptions.If you are very kind and gentle but your mood changes in a split second; I mean you can be delighted and happy for a moment but become sulky and bad-tempered in the next, you were most probably born in July. You are a Cancer, a Crab. You are actually famous for being moody and of course a loner. You love staying home all the time.خب در مورد سه تا از برجهای فلکی صحبت کردیم. گوش کنین ببینین شما جزوشون هستین یا نه. اگه یکدنده و لجباز و در عین حال رمانتیک هستید،احتمالا برج ثور یا Taurus بدنیا اومدین. یک دنده و لجباز به انگلیسی چی میشه؟ Stubborn . اگه بین 2 دسامبر تا 20 ژانویه بدنیا اومدین یعنی اینکهبرج جدی یا Capricorn هستین و علامتتون بز هست. بسیار سخت کوش هستین و از عهده کارها به خوبی برمیاین و بسیار صبور هستین اما از طرفدیگه گاهی اوقات بدبین و منفی میشین.البته یادتون باشه که در ستاره شناسی هیچکدوم اینها 100 درصد درست نیستند و همیشه استثناهایی هم وجود داره.و اما سومین برج ، آدمای بسیار مهربونی که مودشون میتونه در کثری از ثانیه از این رو به اون رو بشه. یعنی یه لحظه میتونن غرق شادی باشن اما یه ثانیهبعدش عبوس و بد اخلاق. علامت این برج خرچنگ و اسمش برج سرطان هست. تیرماهی هایی که برای مودی بودن و تنهاییشون معروفن. آدمایی کهدوست دارن صبح تا شب خونه بمونن. گفتیم آدمای این برج مهربون و در عین حال moody هستن. یعنی یه ثانیه خوشحال delighted هستن و ثانیهبعد sulky یعنی عبو س و bad-tempered یعنی بداخلاقند. به آدمایی که همیشه دوست دارن تنها باشن میگیم loner . شما توی این سه تانبودین؟ هیچ اشکالی نداره، به ادامه پادکست گوش بدین، حتما ماه تولد خودتون رو پیدا می کنین .- Let’s see who the Scorpios are! Born in November, they are loyal and honest. They are also jealous and secretive in some cases. You can agree with me if are a Scorpio, at least secretly! [Laughingly]- Born between August 23 and 22 September, Virgos are logical, practical and systematic. They are rather perfectionist which can at times get in their way and be more destructive then constructive.Regardless of what your zodiac says, one must always remember that beauty exists within our flaws and flaws are not defects.خب، ببینیم برج عقربی ها چه مدلی اند. وفادار و صادق و البته گاهی حسود و مرموز. وفادار یا loyal ، صادق یا honest ، حسود یا jealous وsecretive یا مرموز. اگه آبان ماهی باشی حتما با اینا موافقی !ماه بعدی، اونهایی که بین 23 آگوست تا 22 سپتامبر بدنیا اومدن. معمولا منطقی، عملگرا و منظم هستند. گاهی بسیار کمال گرا هستن که این بیشتر مخربهست تا مفید. اینجا logical به معنی منطقی، practical به معنی عملگرا و systematic به معنی منظم بود. گفتیم این آدما perfectionist یاکمالگرا هم هستن. دوتا صفت قشنگ اینجا داشتیم که با هم متضادند. Constructive یعنی سازنده destructive یعنی مخرب.تا اینجا 5 تا از صور فلکی رو با هم بررسی کردیم. بریم ببینیم بقیه برجها چه شکلین.- Now, let’s move on to the next sign, Aquarius. They are a bit ahead of their time and a bit aloof. It is the 11th astrological sign and it’s called the water bearer. The people under this sign are the most innovative, progressive and at the same time rebellious.علامت دلو، مربوط به برج یازدهم زودیاک. افرادی که توی این برج بدنیا اومدن معمولا از زمان خودشون جلوترن و یه خرده هم گوشه گیر. گوشه گیر یاaloof . آدمای این ماه از همه بیشتر نوآور و مترقی هستند و در عین حال سرکش. نوآوری در انگلیسی میشه innovation که صفتش به معنی نوآورمیشه Innovative . progressive هم که از کلمه progress به معنی پیشرفت میاد، برای کسی بکار میره که دوست داره همیشه پیشرفت کنه. وگفتیم آدمای این برج فلکی سرکش و یاغی یا rebellious هم هستند.میرسیم به برج حمل، کسانی که در اولیم ماه فصل بهار بدنیا اومدن و علامتشون قوچ هست. آدمایی که توی این دسته اند، بلندپرواز و با جذبه هستن ولیدرکنارش بی صبر و حوصله هم هستند. اینجا ambitious به معنی بلندپرواز و charismatic به معنی با جذبه میشه.- The first month in the spring is ruled by Aries, the sign is a ram. People born under this sign are ambitious and charismatic, but we shouldn’t forget that they are also impatient.-- میرسیم به برج حمل، کسانی که در اولیم ماه فصل بهار بدنیا اومدن و علامتشون قوچ هست. آدمایی که توی این دسته اند، بلندپرواز و با جذبههستن ولی درکنارش بی صبر و حوصله هم هستند. اینجا ambitious به معنی بلندپرواز و charismatic به معنی با جذبه میشه.Well that is some of the traits about Aries and what about Gemini, they look a bit strange I guess.- Strange is not the word, it takes a long time to understand them, the sign is twins and you know as their sign tells us you might see two different people in them. It takes time to fully find what sort of person they are. I can say that they are highly intelligent and curious but we can see the sense of being unpredictable in them. They are not like Leos. Leos are the kings of zodiac, natural born leaders. Napoleon Bonaparte was a Leo. They are generous and ambitious but they are arrogant and usually self-centered.- Well having a Leo around sounds fantastic and stressful at the same time.گروه بعدی مربوط به برج جوزا میشه. یکم آدمای عجیبی هستن. علامتشون دوقلو هست و این خودش بیانگر پیچیدگی شخصیتی این افراده. آدمای بسیار باهوش و کنجکاو و در عین حال غیر قابل پیش بینی. باهوش رو گفتیم intelligent و کنجکاو ر و curious و خصلت غیرقابل پیش بینی بودن هم باunpredictable بیان شد.در ادامه راجع به برج اسد گفتیم که ذاتا رهبر هستن مثل ناپلئون بناپارت. آدمای بسیار دست و دل باز یا همون generous و جاه طلب یا ambitious .ولی آدمای متکبر یا arrogant و خودمحور یا self-centered . اگه کسی رو با این خصوصیات دوروبرتون دارین احتمالا متولد این برج باید باشه .البته اینم بگم که این افراد برای رمانتیک بودنشون معروفند.- It can be but their romantic side is very famous indeed. And then we have the sign who creates balance and charm among everyone, Libra. They are born in the first month of autumn. Libras are charming and sophisticated but they can be gullible in some cases.- Gullible? It is a bit strange. My sister id Libra and it is really difficult to pull her legs.- And here comes the devil of the zodiac sign, Sagittarius, the adventurer.- Devil?- Not with the negative sense, they are very naughty, of course they are generous, friendly and honest but clumsy and careless to the top.و در آخر افرادی رو داریم که در برج میزان بدنیا اومدن و بین همه در برقراری تعادل معروفند. آدمایی بسیار جذاب و فریبنده یا charming وهمینطور فرهیخته یا sophisticated اما گاهی زودباور یا gullible . آدمای بسیار شیطون، دست و دل باز، خوش رو، صادقولی شلخته یا clumsy .Wow, absolutely amazing Andrew, thank you so much. Very informative and at the same time amusing. These are not pr
A: hey there. How are you?B: hello. I am fine. How are you? Are you ok?A: why do you ask?B: because you are wearing black. Is everyone ok?A: Oh. Everyone is fine. Nothing has happened. I just like the color black.Do you like green bread? Or have you ever seen a red bandage? Or have you ever seen a bride in a brown dress?Why is that? What are colors and what are their effects on our lives?Hello. I’m Alireza and I want to talk about colors today.So, stay with me.Looking at the world around us, we can easily notice the colors used in our surroundings. Everything around us is associated or connected with colors. We can say that colors are a part of the identity of objects and things. But what about that identity? Let’s find out.The concept that each color represents varies and it is totally based on the culture of the particular part of the world where it is used. Colors can mean differently in different countries. In order to understand the true idea behind colors we need to have a certain level of understanding of that particular area’s culture. However, some ideas are symbolized in the same way through colors globally.Let’s talk about some these ideas:The color white is widely recognized as the symbol of peace. You may have seen that in many movies and stories, white is used to show that the time of conflict isover. When a person in a fight or one side of a war gives up and wants to show that they have no intention to fight or resist anymore, they use a white flag to do so. Similarly, in the United Nations, white is the main element in the decoration of the building as the main purpose of this organization is to make and maintain peace among all nations.Red is the color which is associated with love. Mostly, the item that is closely connected to love and romance is the red rose. As a result, red has become the symbol of fiery love. In all illustrations of this feeling, the color red can be seen and the best example for this point is the Valentine’s Day. On this day, cities and towns in many parts of the globe are decorated with the red color to celebrate the day of love. At the same time, red can be used describing wrath. The picture which comes in mind is fire and fire is the symbol of anger.Black. It is the color that is mostly associated with death and sadness in many regions of the world. In many ethnicities, this color is the first choice in order to mourn deaths and show sympathy to those who are sad or mourning. Similarly, black is the color that can convey power and formality. If you pay close attention to people in power like the politicians and CEOs of great corporation, they mostly wear black. On the other hand, in many cultures black embodies or shows darkness. It is mostly used describing bad omens, evil forces and bad luck.Green, it is the color of nature. Anytime anywhere our environment or mother nature is the topic or the main concern, green is used. Similarly, green is the color that is mostly used describing something eco-friendly or environmentally-friendly. It also signifies life and growth as it can be seen in the nature.Brown, it is mostly used to describe earth and anything that comes from it. In many forms of science like in Archaeology, Geology or Geography, this color is the most dominant one. Brown is also the color of chocolate and coffee. As a result, it is the color used to picture the chocolaty and coffee products.Now, let’s talk a little about the psychology of colors more generally.According to one of the most prominent psychologists of present time, color is the mother tongue of subconsciousness. It reveals and affects emotions and mood.Here are some of the most commonly associated traits for each color :Red : Often used to warn of a possible danger, red is also the color of passion or bravery. Red is said to be linked to appetite as well and that’s why most food industries use this color commercially.Orange: Warm and stimulating, orange is an energetic color. It is also attention -grabbing and perhaps that’s why it is used for important traffic signs.Yellow is considered a ‘happy’ color, it is connected with optimism, sun and warmth. On the contrary, it may also irritate eyes and make people feel uneasy.Green: Associated with the environment and the mother nature. It is also linked to money and good luck. Green and blue are similar in their calming effect.Besides its calming effect, blue can increase productivity and creativity so it is often used in work places.And finally, violet which is associated with wisdom, creativity and magic.In a nutshell, the color of your surroundings or what you wear or pick for yourself can reveal some truth about how you feel or how you see the world. So, what is your favorite color? Why do you think it is what it is?If you are listening to this part, it means you’ve stayed with us throughout this episode, for which we are absolutely grateful. This podcast was brought to you by Safir language academy’s content development department. All the scripts can be found and downloaded on Castbox and Shenoto.Until next time, stay safe and have fun with colors, bye!
سلام. من علیرضا حمصی هستم و اینجا cyber podcast هست.امروز می خوام در ادامه پادکست قبلی باهاتون صحبت کنم. اگه یادتون باشه در پادکست قبل راجع به سبکهای مختلف موسیقی صحبت کردیم و حالامیخوایم ببینیم انتخاب سبک موسیقی هر آدم چه چیزی در مورد اون آدم بهمون میگه. با من همراه باشید.If you remember, in the previous episode, I talked about Music and defined some of the popular genres in the world. But have you ever asked yourself why people listen to a variety of styles and not just one?One of the reasons could be the mood or the situation that people are in when they intend to listen to a certain type of music. So, let’s talk about some these moods:What do you think people listen to when they are fired up or excited? Of course, the good choice would be something happy or energizing. Different genres could be good for this purpose. I think POP is the first choice as it is happy in its nature. Or generally, any other style which has a fast pace and rhythm.What kind of Music do you listen to when you are happy?اولین حالتی که راجع بهش صحبت کردیم، زمانیه که حالمون خوبه و شاد یا هیجان زده ایم. اگه به جمله اول دقت کنین گفتم when they are fired up or excited و در ادامه گفتم something happy or energizing . اگه به ارتباط این دو قسمت توجه کنیم میفهمیم که fired up به همون معنی هیجان زده، احساساتی و یا حتی خوشحال میشه. یه مترادف هم برای کلمه سرعت در همین قسمت داریم. میتونید پیداش کنید؟ دقیقا،کلمه pace که صفت fast میتونه بهتون کمک کنه تا معنیش رو حدس بز ن ید. خب حالا ببینیم وقتی مودمون عصبانیه چه اتفاقی میفته...The choice of people who are angry with something is totally different. In this situation, people would want to find a way to unload their anger and calm themselves somehow. What better way than Music? As a result, some styles like POP cannot be suitable. I would go for HARD ROCK or METAL music in a time like that. The fundamental purpose of this genre when it came to life was to express protest and objection. Therefore, it can be a very good option to release mental tension and stress.I, myself usually put on a HARD ROCK song from one of my favorite bands and have a go at my punching bag. I strongly recommend this way as it has been working for me for years. At least I don’t punch anyone in the face, just my punching bag! [laughingly]خب، گفتیم وقتی عصبانی هستیم ژانری که میتونه کمکمون کنه خشممون رو خالی یا unload کنیم میتونه راک باشه. جالبه بدونید که فلسفه پشت اینسبک اتفاقا نشون دادن اعتراض و ناراحتی بوده. اگه یادتون باشه در اپیسود قبل هم کلمه objection به معنی اعتراض رو داشتیم. خود من هر وقتعصبانی باشم میرم سراغ راک ... منظورم کیسه بوکسه. دو تا اصطلاح خوب با کلمه go در این بخش استفاده کردم. یکی go for و اون یکی have a go at somebody هست. اگه همین یه بخش رو دوباره گوش بدید حتما پیداش میکنید. گفتم وقتی عصبانی باشم میرم سراغ راک.... I would go for hard rock . رفتن سراغ چیزی یا کاری رو امتحان کردن رو در انگلیسی با اصطلاح go for something بیان میکنیم. و همینطور که گفتمبرای خالی کردن خشم و تنش یا tension هم حساب کیسه بوکسم رو میرسم. حساب کسی رو رسیدن رو با اصطلاح have a go at گفتم. I have a go at my punching bag . کیسه بوکس هم که حتما از متن متوجه شدید که میشه punching bag . حالا وقتی ناراحتیم و غصه داریم چطور؟Life has ups and downs. It is not all sweet. There will be times of sadness. So, what music suits these moments?Well, any style which has a slow rhythm with low beat could be good. There are many genres that match this criterion, the ones like JAZZ specifically BLUES, R/B or SOFT ROCK. I would personally go for SOFT ROCK. What do you listen to when you are down?I have asked two of my friends about the music that they listen to when they are upset and here is what they said:1. Well, I don’t listen to a particular type of music. I just play anything I have on me and keep listening until I get tired of music in that moment. But if I can choose I would go for classical music. I love the sound of the violin. It calms me down.2. It is clear, Iranian traditional music. I adore the voice of Mohammad Reza Shajarian. It is soooo soothing. The lyrics that are usually used for this style come from Iranian literature that’s highly rich. The right choice of song can wash away all my pain.راجع به سه تا از رایج تریم مودهامون صحبت کردیم. حالا، به نظرتون آیا سبک مورد علاقه یه نفر، فارغ از مود و احساسش میتونه تیپ شخصیتی اون رونشون بده؟ در ادامه میخوایم به این سوال جواب بدیم.Our likes and dislikes have got a great effect on the things we enjoy and what we don’t. The reflection of this can be seen in our choice of music. Have you ever thought about this fact? Let’s talk a little about this.Some people love to compete. They would like to be the best everywhere and they can’t stand losing. Many of these people would go to great lengths to come out on top in any situation. Therefore, a guy like this would naturally not like to listen to any form of soft music. In my experience, they mostly pick more aggressive styles of music like ROCK or RAP.داریم راجع به آدمایی صحبت میکنیم که حس رقابت شدید دارند و تحمل باخت رو ندارند. وقتی کسی تحمل چیزی رو نداشته باشه میتونیم بگیم he can’t stand something مثلا گفتیم they can’t stand losing . آدمایی که اینطورین معمولا خودشون رو به آب و آتش میزنند تا موفقبشن و به اوج برسند. دوتا اصطلاح خیلی قشنگ اینجا داشتیم با همین مضمون go to great lengths و come out on top. به آب و آتشزدن خود در انگلیسی میشه go to great lengths و موفق شدن یا در صدر قرار گرفتن هم میشه come out on top . مثلا اگه بخوام بگمخودمو به آب و آتش زدم تا به اینجا برسم میگیم: I went to great lengths to come out on top .What about athletes? They are the ones who love sports and would like to do various forms of physical exercise. By definition, an athletic person would prefer to listen to high-beat songs, styles like HIP HOP and HOUSE music. These genres are great for doing sports since they are energizing and can motivate athletes.گفتیم که موسیقی میتونه مود رو عوض یا حتی برای کاری که میخوایم انجام بدیم تنظیم کنه. این موضوع توی ورزشکارا خیلی مشهوده. حتما دیدین کهمعمولا ورزشکارا زمان تمرین، موزیک با ریتم تند گوش میدن مثل hip hop یا house music تا انرژی لازم رو بگیرن و با قدرت کارشون رو انجامبدن.The personality of some individuals is not so simple, though. These people do not enjoy the usual and ordinary things and activities that the majority of people do. They are sophisticated. They mostly listen to music with deeper content as they are picky in their choices. Genres like CLASSICAL music would serve them best.یه سری از آدما هم هستن که شخصیت پیچیده ای دارند و معمولا از موسیقی رایجی که همه گوش میدن خیلی خوششون نمیاد. اینجور آدما معمولا بیشتراز موسیقی کلاسیک لذت میبرن که محتوایی عمیق تر و جدی تر داره.So, what about you? Does your choice of music reveal anything about your personality? If you’re not so sure, consider the type of music you mostly listen to. It can give you some clues!If you’re listening to this part it means you’ve stayed with us throughout this episode for which we are absolutely grateful. This podcast was brought to you by Safir Language Academy’s content development department. All the scripts can be found and downloaded on Castbox and Shenoto.Until the next episode, stay safe, stay tuned and enjoy some good music. Bye!
There are billions of people living all around the world. Every person is unique in their likes and dislikes, somehow. As a result, when it comes to music, people’s taste varies a great deal. This could be the reason why there is a great variety of music genres or styles in the world. Let’s talk about some of these styles.As you may know, some genres are globally known and they are by a great number of people. However, there are other types of music which belong and can be found only in a particular part of the world. These ones are called folk music or that area’s local music.1st interview :A:Hello sir. May I ask you a question?B:Yes, no problem.A:What is your favorite type of music?B:Well, I am into pop music. Sometimes, especially when I am driving on the road, I tend to listen to house music. It helps me stay awake.2nd interview:A: What is your favorite type of music?B: I am keen on jazz.A: Why is that?A: I really like that sound of the saxophone. It calms me down especially after a long day at work.So, what are some of the global genres?One of the most popular ones is POP. But do you know where the word POP comes from? Any guesses? Well, we said it is one of the most popular genres, and the word POP actually comes from the term POPULAR. It has an energizing mood to it and younger people tend to listen to it more often.Have you ever heard of Metalica, Radiohead or The rolling stones? Well, the names I just said are famous examples for another popular genre in the worldwhich is Rock. The most prominent musical instrument in this genre is the guitar. Rock has many sub-genres; it means it has different variations. Such as soft rock, hard rock and so on. I personally love Rock. There are a variety of guitars which can make wide range of sounds. Many people, when they hear the name Rock, confuse it with Metal music. It is actually one of the subcategories of Rock but it is not the only one. Soft Rock or Alternative Rock are two examples for this point. I love Rock myself. The reason is that for every mood, I can find an appropriate song and I adore the sound of The electric guitar.Let’s listen to a part of one of my all time favorite songs. Its name is IN LOVING MEMORY.Do you know what type of music the African-American people mostly listen to? Rap; it is the music that has been created by the African-American people. The original idea behind this type of music was to express social objections and problems. However, now, all kinds of topic can be found in this style. It is a fast-paced genre with high beat and singer sings the lyrics quite fast.This type of music was to express social objections and problems.The piece you just listened to is the next genre I want to introduce. Some of the most famous artists of this style of music are perhaps Usher and Bruno Mars. Right, we’re talking about R/B! Generally speaking, it is similar to POP with the exception of the fact that POP has a much faster pace in rhythm as opposed to R/B. In fact, R/B stands for rhythm and blues meaning it is sort of chilly music with a more soothing and relaxing feeling.As I said before, different regions have their own particular type of music. The traditional music of the north Americans is COUNTRY music. Two most dominating instruments are the guitar and the piano. It is generally enjoyed by the middle-class of society.And the last one that I would like to talk about is JAZZ. It has some subcategories as well, like the traditional jazz and modern jazz. One type of Jazz is also called BLUES, which is a highly low-paced music, and is great for the time when people are sad or stressed. It can be soothing.People usually like and listen to more than one type of music and you hardly ever find a person who only likes one style. People listen to different music based on their mood and the situation they are in. For example, in celebrations, the first choice could be POP as it can set a nice mood. When people are sad or heart-broken, they tend to listen to music with lower pace which can help them relax and cope with their feelings.If you are listening to this part it means you’ve stayed with us throughout this episode, for which we are absolutely grateful. This podcast was brought to you by Safir Language Academy’s content development department. All the scripts can be found and downloaded on Castbox, Spotify and Shenoto. Until next week, stay safe, and enjoy some music, bye.
متن پادکست:You are listening to Cyber Podcast episode 37 – Funny fails p.1[Raining - Car door clicks open]A: Who told you to come down and get in the car so fast? When you rush things like this everything gets out of hand!B: Excuse me?A: [horn honking] Excuse me what? Start the car and get going. Wasn’t it you nagging all along that I’m always late?B: Wowww….calm down madam. I think …A: [interrupting B] calm down after you drive me up the wall?B: Madam…I think you got in the wrong car!A: Oh, give me a break… oh, who are you??? Holly cow! What’s going on here?B: I think you wanted to get in the car in front. The one honking non-stop!A: Jesus Christ! I’m so sorry, Sir. The rain and the steamed windshield didn’t let me see clearly! I’m awfully sorry!B: No worries [laughingly] but please calm down or you’re gonna kill the other driver…[chuckles]A: [laughingly] he deserves it anyway…..thanks and sorry again! [car door clicks close]زندگی ما آدما پر از لحظات خرابکاری و اشتباهات خنده داره. البته توی لحظه اتفاق ممکنه خنده دار نباشه اما وقتی بهش فکر می کنیم داستان رو یه جوردیگه می بینیم. درست مثل اتفاقی که ا ول پادکست افتاد. ولی سوال اینه که زمانی که اشتباه می کنیم و حتی بعدش، چه حسی داریم و چه رفتاری ازخودمون نشون میدیم؟ من ادیت هستم و توی پادکست امروز راجع به goof هامون صحبت میکنیم. پس آماده باشید که قراره روده بر بشید...or fails we are talking about today have really mishapsthat all the let me tell you Before anything, happened and the stories are real. So, let’s get down to it![home ambiance- people talking and laughing]E: that was hilarious…I don’t know what I’d do if it were me [laughing]L: But the embarrassment…oh my God [laughing]Z: Well, I don’t think it’s worse than the goof I made!A: Oh, really? What could that be? [laughingly]Z: Well, it goes back to 5 years ago when I went to Paris on a business trip.L: Oh, you’re one lucky chap! Mission in Paris!E: I’m sure you had a hell of a good time there with your French boss and colleagues, didn’t you?Z: Yes that was fine , you know I am not a sort of person to mingle up, you know me very well, I am on my own most of the time.L: Loner, that’s what you are, boring as hell. [laughingly]Z: Ha ha ha ha… sort of ….Well, Gadbois was a classy professional lady in her mid-thirties I suppose. She was unfailingly polite and courteous. The one who apologizes for everything and nothing.L: Hmm… So you were lucky working with such a ladylike French boss.E: Hmm…Tell me about it!Z: Sure, it was nice but I had the worst experience in my life.E: Oh, why? What happened?L: Oh, no. What went wrongZ: You know in one occasion I was embarrassed to death…. Confused as hell… Sort of thing I had never felt before…E: Oh, you missed a contract or client?Z: Well, it was a funny mistake but I was really shocked. As I told you. Gadbois was very serious in her job and we only talked to each other when it was absolutely necessary. We usually texted each other.L: Oh, I know what happened, your cell went out of juice and…Z: No not at all. One day she texted me and asked if we should give our client our proposal. And, I texted back, “It is too early for a proposal, we should talk first.” Guess what she replied.E: No idea.L: Hmm…What could it be?Z: This is what I saw in the cell phone screen.” Bien sure Cheri, Je t’adore.” In English it is “Certainly dear, I love you!!!!”E: No way!!!!!! How Odd? What was she thinking?L: Wow…So, weird!!!Z: You know when I read the text I couldn’t believe my eyes, I read it for ten bloody times, I even checked the sender. It was her. I could feel the rush of blood in my head and did not know what to do.E: So, what happened next? What did you reply?L: If it were me, I wouldn’t reply!Z: I thought maybe there was a misunderstanding, maybe I unintentionally insulted her and she was sarcastic. I needed to reply and there was no other way, so, I typed three question marks and sent the message.It took a jiffy for Gadbois to rush to my office, she had a blush on her face and looked really embarrassed. She came towards me ….E: Oh, wow… the heat of the moment, Ha Ha HaL: You bet [laughing]Z: Cut the cackle, will you?E: Sorry I was using my imagination, HaHaHa…Z: She said in a shaky voice “Sorry Mr. Harris, I made a foolish mistake. I should apologize. I was texting my husband and replying to you at the same time. I sent the wrong message to you. I don’t know what to say.L: Ha Ha Ha …. That was amazing.[everyone laughsاز وقتی که تکست کردن یا پیامک دادن رواج پیدا کرده این مدل اشتباهات هم کم پیش نیومده. فکر کنم هرکسی که گوشی موبایل داره حداقل یه بار مسجاشتباهی فرستاده. ولی خب، گاهی اوقات پیامی که رد و بدل میشه از حساسیت بیشتری برخورداره و میتونه مشکلات حادی رو بوجود بیاره. , اتفاق بد یا ناگواررو در انگلیسی mishap میگن که یه اسمه و توی قمستی که شنیدین هم بکار رفته بود. The mishaps have really happened . حالا وقتیخودمون یه اشتباهی مرتکب میشیم و به عبارتی گند می زنیم بهش میگیم goof ک ه هم اسمه و هم فعل. مثلا: I goofed big time. یه اصطلاحخوب هم در قسمت قبل داشتیم به معنی با دیگران جوشیدن یا قاطی شدن که میشه mingle up ولی اگه آدمی باشید که زیاد با کسی نمیجوشید و اکثراتنهایی رو ترجیح میدید، بهتون میگن loner که یک اسمه. مثلا he’s a loner . و یه نکته کاربردی دیگه که توی این بخش داشتیم استفاده از کلماتhell و death هست برای تاکید بیشتر. مثلا گفتیم embarrassed to death و confused as hell که هر دو یعنی خیلی زیاد. خب، بریمببینیم دیگه چه گوفهایی دادیم...E: Let me tell you my end of the story. It was a few years ago when my dad decided to take us to an outdoor restaurant in the outskirts of the city. It was a nice place up on the hill.L: Hmm…nice.E: yeah. So, the guard directed us to park the car on the side of the road, and we climbed up the hill to the restaurant. Since it was an outdoor restaurant, we spent quite a long time chilling and enjoying the food and the good view and everything.Z: Hmm…nice. I really need such an experience now.L: Tell me about it. Especially if it is in the spring or fall when the weather is mild.Z: Exactly. So, tell us Lily. What happened and what went wrong?E: Yeah, so, it was time to come back. So down we climbed the hill and approached the car only to find it crushed into a shapeless object.Z: Jeez! How is that funny?L: Good heavens! That’s not funny at all!E: Yeah, so we got the biggest shock of our life and my dad started shouting at the top of his lungs at the guard who was standing there supposedly looking after the cars. He was so angry, totally lost it. And was about to punch the guard in the face for not being watchful of what was going on.Z: Of course he would.L: Such an anticlimax indeed!E: Well, the climax is yet to come!Z: Wow…L: For goodness sake!E: Yeah, so all pissed off and disappointed trying to calm my dad down, I looked around the car to see the extent of the disaster, when I noticed there was a doll in the car. Whose doll was it, I wondered!Z: Oh noooo….[laughingly]L: I think I know what happened. [chuckles]E: I looked at the plate number and got even more flustered! It was not our car [laughingly][every one laughs saying Oh, no / oh wow/ no way…]E: Yeah, and the poor guard didn’t know what to do or say…L: So, what did you do in the end?Z: I bet you apologized. Didn’t you?E: No way…we were too embarrassed for the scene we’d made that we couldn’t even apologize. So, we disappeared into thin air. [laughing]…fadingهیچی بدتر از این نیست که وسط دعوا متوجه بشی که اشتباه کردی و حق با طرف مقابله. هرچی دعوا داغتر باشه اعتراف و معذرت خواهی بعدش هم سختتر میشه. درست مثل داستانی که شنیدین. یکی از اتفاقاتی که توی دعوا میفته کتک کاریه. مثلا بعضی وقتها آدم ا با مشت می کوبن توی صورت همدیگه کهدر انگلیسی بهش میگن punch in the face . حالا اگه کتک خور شما باشید شرایط خیلی ضدحال میشه. ضدحال به انگلیسی میشه anticlimax کهیه اسمه. وقتی خیلی گیج میشین میتونین بجای کلمه confused از flustered استفاده کنین که یه هم معنی خوبه. بعضی وقتها که اوضاع خیلی بههم میریزه و چاره ای جز در رفتن ندارین you disappear into thin air یعنی یهو غیبتون میزنه و ناپدید میشین و یا به اصطلاح در افق محومیشین. حالا شما کدومشو ترجیح میدین؟ to punch in someone’s face or to disappear into thin air?So what are some of your funny fails and goofs? When was the last time you were flustered or embarrassed because of a mishap? Write it in the comments.If you are listening to this part, it means you’ve been with us throughout this episode, for which we are absolutely grateful. This podcast was brought to you by Safir Language Academy’s content development department. All the scripts can be found and downloaded on Castbox, Spotify and Shenoto.Until next week, stay safe and away from goof, byeee.Word or expressionDefinitionMeaning in FarsiMishapAn unlucky accidentبدبختی، بدشانسیGoofA foolish mistakeخرابکاری، گند زد نMingle upMix with othersبا آدما جوشیدن، قاطی شد نLonerSomeone who prefers not to socializeتنها، کسی که تنهایی را ترجیح میده دEmbarrassed to deathToo embarrassedبسیار شرمند هConfused as hellToo confusedبسیار سردرگم، گی جGo out of juiceOut of power or batteryبدون باتریProposalA plan or suggestion, an offer for marriageپیشنهاد )کاری (Chilling outResting, relaxingاستراحت کردنPunch in the faceHit someone with your hand in the faceبا مشت کوبیدن توی صورت کسیAnticlimaxA disappointing end to an exciting eventضدحا لFlusteredConfusedگیجDisappear into thin airVanish suddenly
متن پادکست: You are listening to Cyber podcast episode 26 – What if-part 3E: Oh, come on, Lily. Stop crying over spilled milk.L: But if I had listened to you then, I would have become a professional player.E: Is it really important? What’s gone is gone. Forget about it already!L: How can I forget about past? I could have won trophies.E: But you can’t change anything by beating yourself up!L: I know, but if I had listened to you then, I wouldn’t have lost the opportunity.E: Alright, you didn’t listen to me and you missed your chance. Now what? It’s not the end of the world!L: Hmm…maybe you’re right. I should look ahead.E: Now you’re talking sense!از بدترین حسهای دنیا حس پشیمونیه. اینکه فکر کنی یه کاری رو باید انجام میدادی ولی انجام ندادی و یا یه فرصتی رو از دست دادی و خب در نتیجه اونیه اتفاقاتی افتاده که نباید می افتاد. فکر می کنم همه آدما یه زمانی این حس رو تجربه می کنند، بعضیا مقطعی ولی بعضیا هم دائم. ولی مگه می تونیمگذشته رو تغییر بدیم؟ مگه با داشتن احساس منفی و بد نسبت به گذشته می تونیم نتیجه رو تغییر بدیم؟ مسلما نه، ولی خب این حسیه که سراغمون میاد وگاهی اذیتمون میکنه. من ادیت هستم و امروز میخوام با حسین و لی لی در همین مورد صحبت کنم. بریم ببینیم اونها از چه چیزی حس پشیمونی میکنن.I mean…lieve me? , will you beregretsE: If I tell you I have no pastL: No way…I don’t think there’s anyone in the world who has no regrets!H: Does that mean you are happy about every single thing you have done so far in life? I mean haven’t you made mistakes?E: Of course, I have! So many and I’m not proud of them!H: So, how come you have no regrets?L: The slightest mistake, and you’ll find me beating myself up forever!!!E: Uh-huh, that’s what I mean. I don’t lament over past mistakes!H: I think everyone does. I mean, you do feel bad after the blunder you make, right?L: You bet, especially when you think of all the things that could have been different if you hadn’t made the damn mistake!E: I know what you’re saying but my point is, there’s no use, nothing changes.بحث سر اینه که غصه خوردن برای اتفاقی که افتاده و تموم شده هیچ فایده ای نداره. اما خب نمی تونیم انتظار داشته باشیم که بعد از یه اشتباه گنده حالخوبی هم داشته باشیم. پشیمون شدن در انگلیسی میشه regret مثلا میتونید بگید I regret not studying well . یعنی متاسف یا پشیمونم کهخوب درس نخوندم. فقط یه نکته مهم در مورد این فعل هست که باید بهش دقت کنید. وقتی فعل regret رو با این معنی استفاده می کنید ساختارشحتما باید:regret + verb + -ing باشه. دلیلش هم اینه که regret یه معنی و کاربرد دیگه هم داره. توی دیکشنری چک کنید، ببینید پیداش می کنید! یهکلمه دیگه هم اینجا داشتیم به معنی غصه خوردن یا سوگواری کردن....درسته، کلمه lament یا lament over هست.در ادامه میخوایم ببینیم لی لی و حسین از چی بیشتر پشیمونن. شاید منم گفتم از چی پشیمونم.H: But you know, there this one thing I always regret. I didn’t do what I wanted to do. I didn’t live the way I wanted to live.E: Oh, yeah...I know what you’re saying. I think all of us do have this regret.L: Can’t agree more. I think all of us are afraid of something. Afraid of living life to the fullest.H: You know I kept worrying about what others might think. I was afraid of being judged.E: So, you mean if you hadn’t been concerned about others’ opinion you would have lived a better life?H: Without a doubt. I don’t mean I could have been more successful, but I would definitely have been happier.L: Maybe if you’d been happier, you would have become more successful too?!!H: Well, all that matters now is that I have wasted some years of my life just worrying about other people’s opinion. People who don’t really matter in my life.E: Hmm…that’s a shame but we all do that at some point. When I think about it, I think we are on the same boat. I do regret the same as well.L: You know what I regret the most?H: That you didn’t move to Austria?L: Yeah, that’s one of my many regrets but what I had in mind is that I quit practicing the guitar. I don’t even know why I did that!H: You mean if you had continued, you would have become a famous guitarist? [sarcastically and laughingly]E: Why not? She could have made her own band even!L: Well, at least you would have found some good music to listen to![everyone laughs]اگه یکم دقت کنین متوجه میشید که توی مکالمه از جملات شرطی استفاده کردیم. ولی جملات شرطی که درمورد گذشته هستند. یعنی چی؟ یعنی شرایط یااتفاقات گذشته رو یه جور دیگه فرض می کنیم و براشون نتیجه فرضی تصور می کنیم. بیاید با هم چندتا مثال رو مرور کنیم:If you’d been happier, you would have become more successful.این یعنی شاد نبودی و موفق نشدی. می بینید که هر دو جمله با زمان گذشته گفته شد.You were not happy and you didn’t become successful.حالا به این مثال دقت کنین و به سوالات جواب بدید:If you’d continued, you would have made your own band.Did you continue practicing the guitar? No, I didn’t.Did you make your own band? No, I didn’t.Can you change anything about it? No, I can’t.پس زمانی که در مورد گذشته شرایط فرضی در نظر می گیریم با نتیجه متفاوت از اونچه در واقعیت اتفاق افتاده از شرطی نوع سوم استفاده می کنیم. در واقعچیزی در مورد گذشته نمی تونیم تغییر بدیم اما فرض می کنیم اگه اتفاقات جور دیگه ای رقم می خورد، مثلا فلان نتیجه رو بجا میگذاشت. اگه بیشتر درسخونده بودم شغل بهتری پیدا می کردم. شرط و نتیجه شرط هر دو در مورد زمان گذشته اند و هر دو غیرممکن و فرضی هستند. به ساختار این نوع شرطیدقت کنین: if + past perfect, would + have + p.p. مثلا: if I had gone abroad, I’d have gained more experience.E: Now, do you think the regrets you talked about have an impact on your life now?H: Of course, they do. If I had lived the way I wanted to live, I would be a totally different person now.L: Right. Just imagine if I had continued playing futsal, I would be a national team member now.E: Oh, I didn’t know you played futsal. That’s cool.H: Yeah, and she was pretty good, you know.L: Yeah, if I hadn’t been injured, I’d still be playing.H: Oh, I thought you quit because your parents made you.L: They did. that was another reason actually. I got a knee injury and then my parents stopped me from training. If I had been a bit more persistent or say, stubborn, you’d be talking to a renowned player now!H: Oh, come’s like you can’t control your imagination. [laughingly]E: Yeah, a world-famous guitarist and futsal player. If you had become that, you wouldn’t even talk to us.L: Why wouldn’t I? My friends are always my friends.[everyone laughs]E: You know what I imagine sometimes? If I had been born a man, I think life would be much easier for me.L: Really? How come? [surprised]H: Do you think men have it easier?E: Sure they do. If I had been born a man, I would have a better job now, as an engineer.H: Hmm…I kinda agree, but you still can land one. It’s never too late.L: It isn’t late, the thing is gender bias.E: That’s it. And what is frustrating is that you see this gender bias everywhere in the world.L: Right, the average income of male engineers is much higher than that of female ones.H: Wow…never imagined the extent of the issue. That’s a shame!E: Yeah, but have you ever thought how your life would be different if you’d been born a woman?!! [laughingly]L: [laughingly] Oh my God...let’s do that. Let’s imagine that.H: [laughingly] You guys are nuts. Leave me alone now![everyone laughs]یکی از دلایلی که آدما نمی تونن از شر حس پشیمونی خلاص بشن دیدن نتیجه کارهاشون در زمان حاله. یعنی در گذشته کاری کردن که نباید می کردن والان در زمان حال از نتیجه ش ناراحت یا ناراضین. برای مثال گفتیم: if I hadn’t been injured I’d still be playing. یعنی اگه اون موقعمصدوم نشده بودم هنوز داشتم بازی می کردم. اگه دقت کنین می بینین که این جمله یه میکسی از شرطی نوع دوم و شرطی نوع سومه. چون هم در موردیه موقعیت فرضی در گذشته ست و هم در زمان حال. به همین دلیل بهش mixed conditional گفته میشه. بیاید یه مثال دیگه با هم ببینیم:If I had been born a man, I’d have it easier.Q1: Was I born a man? No. آیا من مرد به دنیا اومدم؟ نه!Q2: Do I have it easy now? No. آیا الان شرایط برام آسونه؟ نه!Q3: Am I happy about it? No. آیا الان خوشحالم؟ نه!به ساختارش دقت کنین:If + past perfect (had + p.p), would + simple verbSo, when talking about a hypothetical or imaginary situation in the past with present results, we normally use mixed conditionals.Now, you tell me, if you had been born a different gender or nationality, how would your life be different?If you’re listening to this part, it means you’ve been with us throughout this episode, for which we are absolutely grateful. This podcast was brought to you by Safir Language Academy’s Content development department. All the scripts can be found and downloaded on Castbox, Spotify and Shenoto.Until next week, stay safe, stay tuned, bye.Glossary:Word or expressionDefinitionMeaning in FarsiStop crying over spilt milkNo point in being upset about something that’s already happenedآب ریخته رو نمیشه جمع کرد.What’s gone is gone.We can’t change the past, so forget it.گذشته ها گذشته .TrophyA cup or decorative object given as a rewardجایزهDon’t beat yourself upDon’t criticize yourself unnecessarilyزیاد خودتو اذیت نکن، بیخیال !Talk senseSpeak logicallyمنطقی حرف زد نLament (over)An expression of regret or sorrowعزاداری کرد نRegretFeel sad or repentant for having done something wrongپشیمان شدنBlunderMistakeاشتباه، خط اOn the same boatIn agreementدر یک شرایط بودن، شبیه بودنPersistentContinuing firmly in one’s opinionمُصِر، مداومRenownedFamousمشهورStubbornPersistent in one’s opinion or actionلجباز، یک دند هWorld-famousWell-knownمعروف، مشهورGender biasPrejudice against a particular genderتبعیض جنسیتیHypotheticalImaginaryفرضی، خیال ی
متن پادکستYou are listening to Cyber podcast episode 26 – Body language and facial expressionsA: Why is he looking this way so much?B: I bet he is interested in you! [chuckles]A: What the hell?B: I’m serious! See how he’s scanning you?!! He’s literally into you.A: Stop it already!B: Well, your words are saying something but your gestures, they are a different story!A: Oh? What do you mean?B: Well, as a body language and non-verbal communication expert I can say you’re both interested in each other, but playing hard to get! [laughingly]A: [laugh]…you’re really something! You read my mind. I can’t hide anything from you!!!B: You bet!تا حالا شده حضور یه نفر بی دلیل شما رو معذب یا ناراحت کنه بدون اینکه اون شخص حتی کلمه ای حرف بزنه؟ خب، باید بدونیم هیچ چیز بی دلیل اتفاقنمیفته. اکثرا فکر می کنیم که برقراری تعامل با دیگران فقط از طریق مکالمه و با استفاده از کلمات میسر میشه. اما واقعیت اینه که مکالمه فقط بخشی ازارتباطات ما رو تشکیل میده. بخش بزرگی از ارتباطات از طریق زبان بدن و حالات صورت معنی پیدا میکنه که اکثرا هم ناخودآگاه اتفاق میفته و شناخت یاکنترل بسیار کمی روشون داریم. زبان بدن یکی از مهمترین راههای ارتباطی ما با دیگرانه بطوری که حتی سیاستمداران یا افراد تاثیرگذار آموزشها وتمرینهای زیادی رو روش انجام میدن تا با استفاده از اون جلب اعتماد یا اعمال قدرت بکنن. اما چه خوب میشد اگر میدونستیم این نوع از تعامل چطور کارمیکنه و چطور میتونیم ازش استفاده کنیم. من ادیت هستم و امروز میخوایم یکم اطلاعاتمون رو در این خصوص بیشتر کنیم پس با من همراه باشین.We’re talking about communication without words; in other words, non-verbal. I’m sure you’ve all had the experience of sensing something from somebody’s looks or gestures, or felt uncomfortable in someone’s presence while you did not even know the person or talked to them. The reason lies in the signals people send, consciously or subconsciously, through their gestures or facial expressions. Right, a different level or means of communication we’re going to delve into today and see how we can better and more consciously make use of it!But before we learn how to interpret different gestures or expressions, we need to be able to tell facts from myths. Truth is, there is a lot of information here and there not all of which is factual and true. So, in order to clear things out, I studied the teachings of Joe Navaaro, the former FBI spy detective, who’s one of the world’s best known non-verbal experts, and tried to compile his answers to some of the most common questions on the topic. So, let’s begin without further a due.گفتیم زبان بدن، در واقع یک روش ارتباطی غیر کلامی یا به اصطلاح non-verbal هست ک ه شامل مجموعه ا ی از حرکات یا حالات بدن و صورتمیشه. به حالات یا حرکات دست و بدن در انگلیسی gesture یا posture میگیم و به حالات اجزای صورت هم facial expressions گفته میشه.این حالات معمولا غیر ارادی و ناخودآگاه یعنی subconsciously اتفاق میفتن ولی اگه در موردشون آگاهی داشته باشیم میتونیم با کنترلشون ارتباطموثرتری برقرار کنیم. توی این پادکست سعی کردم رایج ترین سوالات در مورد این موضوع رو با مجموعه ای از آموزشهای جو ناوارو مطابقت بدم و به جواببرسم. جو ناوارو یکی از بهترین های این حوزه ست که به مدت 25 سال از افسران و کارآگاه های ضدجاسوسی اف بی آی بوده. بریم ببینیم سوالات ما روچطور جواب میدن !E: So, the first question: What is non-verbal communication?JN: Non-verbals are anything that communicates but it’s not a word. The public knows them as body language. How we dress, how we walk, have meaning and we use that to interpret what’s in the mind of the person.E: What Joe means here is everything we attach ourselves to. Our clothes, our style, manners, postures and so on.خب، گفتیم ارتباط غیر کلامی یعنی هر چیزی به جز کلام که ازش در برقراری ارتباط استفاده می کنیم. این میتونه نوع لباس پوشیدنمون باشه، میتونه نحوهحرکت کردنمون باشه و کلا تمام اون چیزی که بهش تعلق داری م یا attach ourselves into .Now, Sarah asked the next question: Why is non-verbal communication important?JN: Our security is based on non-verbals. We look at the person through the people. We look at who’s behind us at ATM machine. We know from research that most of us select our mates based on non-verbals.E: Isn’t it interesting? It’s like our basic concern is all about survival. Nothing more.Anyway, the next question was asked by Ali: “Which one’s more effective, body gestures or facial expressions?”سوال بعدی در مورد اهمیت non-verbal communication بود و گفتیم که دلیل اهمیتش بر میگرده به حفظ امنیت یا security و مثل اینمیمونه که هر کاری میکنیم در نهایت برای بقا یا همون survival هست. حالا میخوایم ببینیم توی زبان بدن چهره مهمتره یا سایر بخشها.JN: When it comes to non-verbals, the face is key. There’s so much information and feelings that we receive from the face.E: Ok, so what information does the face reveal and how do we get to decode it?JN: One of the ways to look at the face is to think of it in two areas, comfort and discomfort. When we’re very comfortable, the muscles of the face become very relaxed and we have all the behaviors that are associated with it. Smiling, laughing, usually the pupils are slightly wider, the lips are full and the chin usually tends to be further out. The very second that there is psychological discomfort usually it begins to register in several areas. Now, for some people, we’ll see it in the forehead and here between the eyes, where there’ll be furrowing of the forehead or squinting and of course the tucking down of the chin. Covering of the eyes also is a display of psychological discomfort.سوال بعدی این بود که بین زبان بدن و صورت کدوم مهمتره و جواب قطعا حالات چهره هست. اما برای اینکه بتونیم این علائم یا حالات رو رمزگشایی یاdecode کنیم ساده ترین راه اینه که به دو گروه راحت و ناراحت تقسیمشون کنیم. وقتی راحت و ریلکس هستیم عضلات صورت هم راحت و شل میشنو تمام رفتارهای ما بر همین اساس پیش میره مثل لبخند زدن، خندیدن، بزرگتر شدن مردمک چشم یا همون pupil و لبهای پر و چانه نسبتا به جلو. اینهانشانه های راحتی فرد هستن. در مقابل نشانه های ناراحتی میتونه در پیشانی یا forehead و ناحیه بین چشمها دیده بشه که معمولا با اخم یا چین وچروک همراهه که به انگلیسی میشه furrowing یا squinting یا ب ا تو دادن چانه که هم اینها نشانه های ناراحتی میتونن باشن.E: One of the most frequently asked questions which was also asked by Sepideh, is about the eyes. Some say, the eyes are the windows to the soul. They reveal the true self. Like, if you’re lying you look different and for example your blinking patterns change. Is that so? In fact, how do we read each other’s faces?JN: When we are happy, when we are contented, our eye orbits, this rather large area tends to be very open, very relaxed. The muscles are not tense at all. And then of course, something negative takes place or we hear something negative or we see something negative, and then we begin to squint; the orbits of the eye begin to become smaller and in fact the pupils may actually become pin point, they become constrict, so that vision becomes more perfect. Very much associated with something negative.The eyebrows. You know the arching of the eyebrows is our exclamation point. The glabella, this little area between the eyes, someone says something we don’t like, we might squint that down. The nose, do we wrinkle our nose upward, we do that bunny nose. And then, there’s the lips which convey so much information. The smiles, the social smile, the interested smile, the curious smile.E: Ok, apart from the smiles, which I think are easily detectible and decodable, what other information do our lips provide?JN: There is so much to our mouths, it’s so expressive. We don’t really know what our lips look like and we tend to compress them when something bothers us, when something really bothers us, we tend to suck them in. we’ll rub our tongues against the inside of the cheek, but when we try to hide it, then it tells me that this person is trying to do some perception management.در مورد درک احساسات افراد از روی حالات صورت هم می تونیم به چشمها اشاره کنیم که وقتی در آرامش به سر می بریم گردی دور چشمها هم در حالتآروم و بدون انقباض هست ولی به محض اینکه اتفاق ناخوشایندی می افته، معمولا چروک میشه و گردی دور چشمها کوچیکتر میشه و در واقع م ردمکسوزنی شکل میشه و به حالت تمرکز در میاد. تمام اینها کاملا مرتبط با یه چیز منفی هستند. حالت ابروها نقطه هیجانات ماست. ناحیه بین دوتا چشم هممثل دور چشم وقتی چروک میشن با یه حس منفی همراهنند مثل وقتی بینیمون رو به سمت بالا چروک می کنیم یا به اصطلاح دماغ خرگوشی می کنیم. وبعد هم لبها که اطلاعات بسیار زیاد و دقیقی میدن. مثلا، زمانی که وقتی از چیزی ناراحتیم لبهامون رو به هم میفشاریم و وقتی خیلی ناراحتیم لبها رو بهداخل جمع میکنیم . شاید زبانمون رو به دیواره داخلی لپها بمالیم و اگه این کارو مخفی کنیم یعنی داریم مدیریت ادراک می کنیم.E: Now these are things that we normally don’t fail to interpret correctly, but sometimes there are facial expressions that you cannot really see through. There’s something odd about them. They give you a sense of discomfort! Why is that?JN: When someone presents in a way that they’re difficult to interpret, it’s because their faces are actually showing two emotions. One on the left and one on the right. And if you divide the face in half and just cover one half of the face, you’ll be able to more clearly see what that specific emotion is.E: Now, this raises another question, why do we focus so much on the face?JN: We focus on the face because of necessity, because through our faces we show that we care, through our faces we can validate what other are going through and so by studying the faces of others, we gain understanding about ourselves realizing that our body language will affect others positively. And that’s why we study non-verbals.E: But the whole body is transmitting information. If we can’t see the full face, like when the person is wearing a mask or a bandana, what can we look at?NJ: the neck, the shoulders, right? The hands, the fingers, the thumbs in particular, right? So, when we emphasize the fingers are wide, when we lack emphasis, our fingers come together. Even our feet.اکثرا خیلی از این نشانه ها رو به درستی می تونیم درک کنیم اما گاهی حالات صورت یکی برامون خیلی واضح نیست و یه حس عجیبی بهمون میده، یهحس ناراحتی. طبق گفته نا
متن پادکست: You are listening to Cyber podcast episode 35 – What if – part 2E: Wow, such an awesome idea for us to meet today.A: Yeah, it was my idea, by the way! [mischievously]E: I was literally bored to death.M: Tell me about it! Felt like such a gloomy day at first, but we turned it around! [chuckles]A: Yeah, even on such boring days, being together and hanging around, is a game changer!E: That’s exactly it! That’s why they say we humans are social creatures!A: You bet! I can’t even imagine being alone in life!E: Really? But I sometimes think about it. Just wondering what I would do if I was the only human survivor on planet Earth.M: Wow, that’s so scary Even to think about!A: Right! Why would you wanna even live if you were the only human being?E: Well, everything is possible. One day you might find the whole world to yourself and be the only king [laughingly]A: Oh, thanks…save the kingdom to yourself…not interested.تا حالا خودتون رو تنها توی تمام دنیا تصور کردید؟ یه لحظه فقط تصور کنید! حالا به هر دلیلی دنیا خالی از سکنه شده، خونه ها، خیابونا، همه جا خالی خالیهو تنها شمایید. اگه این اتفاق می افتاد چه حسی بهتون میداد؟ فکر می کنید زنده می موندید؟ یا اگه می خواستید زنده بمونید چکار می کردید؟ بیاید یکمتصورات و تخیلاتمون رو به کار بندازیم ببینیم چکار می کردیم!E: Now, if that was to happen, I would first freak out. I think everyone would, wouldn’t they?L: You bet…not only freaked out but be petrified!H: Well, depends how you look at it and where in the world you were.E: In any case…that would be horrifying.H: You know what? If I were the only one left on the planet, I would just go around the city, find the best house to live in and enjoy my solitude.L: Alright. And then?H: And then what? You see, if I were the only survivor, all the resources of the world, from food to anything you wish, would be there for me.L: Ok, so, you would just go about, consume and do nothing, right?E: But, just imagine, if it were only you, you would be your own boss, so no to be accountable to.H: Right! That’s the best part of it.L: Yeah, and why would you need to work when everything was freely provided for you?E: Exactly! It’s like the I’m beginning to like the idea. [chuckles]واقعا فکرشو بکنین. کل دنیا و تمام اون چیزی که توش هست می موند برای شما و فقط شما. از تمام امکانات و منابعی که تا حالا بوجود اومده بود استفادهتمال می کردین، راحت بدون اینکه نگران قیمت و بقیه مسائل بشین. خیلی خوب میشد، نه؟ خب، چند درصد فکر می کنین احتمال یا امکان وقوع یههمچین چیزی هست؟ تقریبا صفر درصد، درسته؟ اگه به مکالمه ای که شنیدید یه بار دیگه گوش کنید، متوجه میشید که تمام این خیال پردازی هایغیرممکن رو با زمان گذشته و نتیجه ش رو با would گفتیم. مثل جمله: if it were only you, you would be your own boss.ولی یه سوال. وقتی میگیم if it were only you, در مورد زمان حال صحبت می کنیم یا زمان گذشته؟ درسته. زمان حال. اما با استفاده از past tense . آیا موضوعی که داریم راجع بهش صحبت می کنیم امکانپذیر هست؟ مسلما نه. بنابراین، هر موقع بخواین در مورد یه موضوع غیرممکن در زمانحال صحبت کنین از این ساختار استفاده می کنین: if + simple past, would + verbLike:If I were you, I would buy that car.Meaning I am not you and I cannot buy that car.E: But guys, let’s get serious. Like, if we look at this question seriously, what would we do to survive physically and emotionally? I mean, after the terror subsided, how would you find comfort and what would you do to continue living?L: Well, I think one of the most important things that would help in this situation would be to find meaning. In other words, you’d need to have a reason for wanting to live.H: Wow…I didn’t know you were capable of such a reflection.E: [laughs]L: Now, was this a complement or…? [laughingly][everyone laughs]L: But seriously, not only in such situations, but generally in life, you need a reason, a meaning to push you forward.E: Can’t agree more. Without a reason, nothing you do makes sense.H: Well, yeah. I think I agree with you guys. But I’d like to imagine how I’d enjoy life if I was the only king of the world!E: Ok, then. Tell us more. What else would you do?H: After settling down in the best place, I’d find a car to drive around.L: Ok, but how long could you drive? Wouldn’t you need to fill up the tank or something?H: Well, since there would be so many cars left behind, I could use the remaining gas in each.E: Why would you do that? You could simply drive another car any time you ran out of gas!H: Oh, right! I like this solution better. Nice idea. Thanks!E: Ok, but why would you wanna drive around?L: Exactly! Since you didn’t need to work or do anything in particular. Why would you need a car?H: Well, to look for the meaning you guys kept talking about [sarcastically chuckles][everyone laughs]نه تنها در همچین شرایطی، بلکه کلا توی زندگی یه معنایی باید وجود داشته باشه تا آدمو به جلو سوق بده. حالا اگه تنها آدمی بودید که توی دنیا رها شدهبودید این معنا رو در چی و چطور پیدا می کردید؟ اگه دقت کرده باشید، در زبان فارسی هم وقتی میخوایم در مورد یه موضوع تخیلی و غیرممکن در زمانحال صحبت کنیم از ماضی ساده یا simple past استفاده می کنیم. یه چندتا مثال رو با هم مرور کنیم. مثلا این جمله رو به فارسی چطور میگید ؟Since you didn’t need to work, why would you need a car?یکم بهش فکر کنید. درسته، فارسیش میشه: از اونجایی که نیاز نداشتی کار کنی، ماشین میخواستی چکار کنی؟ میبینید که فعل نداشتی و میخواستی، هر دوبه زمان گذشته ساده استفاده شدند چون تخیلی و غیرممکن هستند.E: So, apart from accommodation and cars, what would you be excited about?L: I’d be excited about all the delicious things that were left in the world for me. [chuckles][everyone laughs]H: After finding meaning or before then? [sarcastic chuckles]L: Stop it already [laughingly]. Just imagine [in an excited tone] if there were a lot of exotic things to eat and you didn’t have to pay for them. Wouldn’t you be excited?E: Of course, I would. That would be great because exotic things are always too expensive and if they were free, you could make a pig of yourself and eat as much as you wanted.H: You glutton big eaters!!!L: Come on, don’t tell me you wouldn’t enjoy eating all you wanted without paying a dime!E: Alright, we would eat and enjoy ourselves while you’d be driving around looking for meaning! [chuckles]L: [burst out laughing] good one! Yeah…[laughs]H: But what if you became ill? What would you do?E: Oh, that’s a serious one. If you became seriously ill and there were no doctors around, that would be terrible.L: I’d first test all the home remedies I knew about the problem and if they didn’t work, I’d just wait and see what would happen next. I’d either survive or die!E: Hmm…right, there wouldn’t be much to do for us, right?H: Exactly.توی این قسمت علاوه بر مثالهای شرطی نوع دوم یا همون conditional nd2 که قبلتر بررسی کردیم، چندتا لغت و اصطلاح خوب هم داشتیم. یکی ازکلمات exotic هست. صفتی به معنای یه چیز عجیب و غریب یا غیرمعمول، چون از یه جای دور اومده. مثلا میوه های استوایی برای ما توی ایرانexotic هستند. یه اصطلاح داشتیم به معنی خوردن بیش از اندازه ست یا دلی از عزا در آوردن. درسته، make a pig of yourself. برای اینکه ایناصطلاح رو راحت تر بخاطر بسپارین، یادتون باشه که خوک یا pig به پرخوری معروفه و وقتی you make a pig of yourself یعنی در خوردنزیاده روی می کنی. اگه به انگلیسی بخواین بگین یه قرون، چی میگین؟ انگلیسیها قرون ندارن. عوضش dime دارن. یه قرون میشه .. a dime . و درنهایت، به آدم شکمو و پرخور در انگلیسی glutton یا big eater گفته میشه. Are you a big eater? Are you a glutton?H: Well, in order not to come down with any health issues, I would try to eat healthy and exercise a lot. After all, if I had all the time in the world, I would be able to take a better care of myself.L: That’s nice but, what if after some time all the food stuff available depleted or went bad. You’d have to find something to eat.E: That’s when you might want to think about something more serious to do. Like, hunting or agriculture?L: I guess! But if you had no one to teach you things like that, how would you overcome this predicament?H: Well…going back to the meaning. Maybe the “meaning thing” you mentioned in the beginning could come to your aid.E: oh…give me a break, please. Laughingly.[everyone laughs]این سوال رو از خیلیا پرسیدم و جوابهای متفاوتی گرفتم ولی اولین و رایج ترین واکنش آدمها به این سوال میدونین چیه؟ اصلا مرتبط به بقا نیست. اینکهتنهایی چکار کنم؟ اکثر آدما، شاید هم هممون از تنهایی مطلق بیزاریم یا فراری برای همین هم بهمون میگن موجودات اجتماعی. زندگی ما آدما، در کنارهم، با هم و برای همدیگه معنا پیدا میکنه. دوام آوردن در چنین شرایطی نه تنها سخت بلکه شاید غیرممکن باشه. شاید اولش به دلیل ترس، هیجان یا هراحساس دیگه ای قادر باشیم با شرایط کنار بیایم اما من فکر می کنم بعد از مدتی یا انقدر ناامید بشیم که بخوایم به زندگیمون پایان بدیم و یا انقدر به شرایطعادت کنیم که دیگه نتونیم توی جمع دوام بیاریم. به هر حال، هر چند همه ما یه زمانهایی به تنهایی خودمون نیاز داریم، اما تنهایی مطلق میتونه خیلیوحشتناک باشه. نظر شما چیه؟ شما توی چنین شرایطی چکار می کردید ؟If you’re listening to this part, it means you’ve stayed with us throughout this episode for which we are absolutely grateful. This podcast was brought to you by Safir Language academy’s content development department. All the scripts can be found and downloaded on Castbox, Spotify and Shenoto.Until next week, stay safe stay tuned, bye.Word or expressionDefinitionMeaning in FarsiGloomySad and causing a feeling of sadnessدلگیرGame changerSomething that affects the final result greatlyمتحول کنند هSurvivorA person who survives or copes with the hardships of lifeنجات یافت هFreak outBe afraid or shockedترسیدن، جا خوردنPetrifiedBe extremely scaredزهره ترک شد نHorrifyingBe extremely scaredوحشتناکSolitudeBeing aloneتنهاییConsumeUse, eat upمصرف کرد نAccountableResponsibleمسئول بودن در قبال...TerrorExtreme fearترس، هرا سSubsideGo down, ease, calmکم شدن، کاهش یافت نExoticUnusual and strangeعجیب غریبGluttonEating too muchشکموBig eaterEating too muchپرخو رDimeA ten-cent coin, a small amount of moneyقرونRemedySolutionدرمان، چار هDepleteConsume, use upتمام شد نAgricultureFarming, cultivationکشاورز یPredicamentA difficult or unpleasant situationسختی، مخمص هGive me a br
متن پادکشت:You are listening to Cyber podcast episode 34 – What if…part 1When making friends, it’s not always easy to get to know people on one go; it usually requires time and companionship, spending time together and seeing one another in different situations. But one fun thing to do when there is a group of people who don’t know much about each other but want to make friends is playing some games one of which we’ll be playing here today. It’s gonna be really fun, I promise. So, stay tuned and play the game with us!معمولا وقتی قرار هست گروهی از افراد نسبت به هم شناخت پیدا کنن، زمان زیادی لازمه و این کار در مراحل و شرایط متفاوت میسر میشه. اما یه راهی کهما توی این پادکست استفاده کردیم هم خیلی فانه و هم تا حدودی کمک میکنه آدمای دور و برمون رو بهتر بشناسیم. من ادیت هستم و امروز با آیدا و مریممیخوایم یه بازی باحال یادبگیریم که هم به گرامرمون کمک کنه و هم همدیگه رو بهتر بشناسیم. پس با ما همراه باشین .Now, to set the scene, let me tell you what’s going on here. There are three of us in this podcast, we don’t know each other very well. We are only acquaintances but would like to get to know each other and if possible, make good friends. What we will be going is, each individual will have a set of questions and will ask them to anyone they wish. I’m sure the answers are not only going to be fun and exciting, but also eye-opening to help decide about the future of the friendship. So, let’s get started!کاری که قراره توی این پادکست انجام بدیم خیلی جالبه. یه سری سوال دست هر کدوم ما هست که به دلخواه از هر کسی دوست داری م می پرسیم و براساس جوابی که می گیریم می تونیم نوع رابطه دوستانه مون رو با اون شخص تعریف کنیم....مثلا بر اساس شناختی که پیدا می کنیم می تونیم بگیم آیامیتونیم دوستای صمیمی باشیم یا فقط در حد آشنا باقی بمونیم و غیره. مهم نوع سواله که همین الان بهشون میرسیم .So, are you guys ready?Everyone: YeahhhE: Ok, I’ll go first. Aida, what if I ask you for your purse? I mean will you lend me your purse for a couple days?A: Course I will. It’s nothing important and by the way, everyone knows I’m not really into accessories like this. My purses are usually empty [laughingly] and I only carry them coz everyone else does. [chuckle] and there have been occasions when I’ve left them behind without realizing! [laughing]M: Wow, great. You’re generous. What if the purse is a designer item and is very expensive? Will you still lend it to me?A: Well, [chuckles]…[everyone shows a kind of reaction here]E: Uh huh…good one! Will you???M: Come on, be honest!A: Alright…alright…for your information, I do have a purse as such and I have lent it to my friends a couple times. So, no big a deal!E and M: Nice…so, you are generous indeed! Great!M: Let me ask the next question. I hear you have an important exam tomorrow, right?A: Oh…don’t remind me…yeah! [whining].M: What if you don’t get to study. Will you attempt to cheat?A: [laugh] I actually have not covered even half the material….so, I guess if I don’t cheat, I’ll definitely fail.E: Alright, we still didn’t get our answers. Will you or won’t you cheat??? [chuckle]A: As gross as it may sound, yes, I will. [laughingly][everybody laughs]M: What about you Edith? What if you have an exam and have not studied well. Will you cheat?E: Um…I’m actually too lousy in cheating and I get too stressed. So, I don’t think I will.A: Oh, come on! She’s one of those nerds! [chuckles]M: You bet! [chuckles]E: No, it’s not that. I just don’t know how to cheat. Maybe because I get too stressed. But, I get to admit, if anybody asks me for an answer, I will share, if I know the answer, of course. [chuckle]A: Alright, better than nothing. [chuckles]M: I know, right? [chuckles]خب، تا اینجا سوالاتی که از هم پرسیدی م اینا بود:If I ask you to lend me your purse, will you do it?What if you have an expensive purse? Will you still lend it to me?If you don’t get to finish your studies for the exam, will you cheat?قبل از اینکه به ادامه سوالات بپردازیم، یکم ر وی این قسمت تمرکز کنیم و ساختارش رو با هم رور کنیم .When I say: “If I ask you to lend me your purse,” what tense is it? Present!part, will you ndDo you think it is possible for me to ask you for your purse? Yes, it is. Now, look at the 2do it?” What tense is it? Future. Can it happen? Yes, it can.پس نتیجه می گیریم که، در این نوع جملات، یعنی شرطی نوع اول، عبارت شرطی که با if شروع میشه با زمان حال ساده ساخته میشه و عبارت دوم کهنتیجه اون شرطه، با زمان آینده. توجه بکنید که این نوع جملات درباره امکان بروز یه نتیجه در زمان آینده در پی یک شرط در زمان حال صحبت می کنند.به ادامه پادکست گوش کنین و به نمونه های بیشتر این ساختار توجه کنید.E: Alright, my next question. What will you do if your guests call in to say they won’t go to your party tomorrow?M: Oh no. That’s really anticlimactic. I’ll definitely go nuts.E: Will you cut ties with them?M: I will first try to hear their reasons. But if I sense, me and my party don’t matter to them, or they have lame excuses, then I will cut ties. I won’t hate them, though.A: Well, that’s one awful situation. I’ll first get very angry, I may even cry. I’ll even call my guests and tell them off, that I am very upset and I don’t want to see them ever again.E: Oh, wow…isn’t it too much?A: Yeah, but they’ve ruined my plans and after all, you may say anything when angry, right?M: But what about those who really have a problem?A: If they have a problem why don’t they tell me in the first place?E: hmmm…this is serious.M: What about you Edith? What will you do?E: I will first feel disappointed and resentful but will make sure to listen to their reasons. If I see their reasons are nonsense, or sound like mere excuse [chuckle], I will not invite them again in the future. Because after all, they have their own choice. I can’t force them to come to my party.A: Fair enough.M: Yeah, but easier said than done. [chuckle]E: let me ask you one more question. Considering the fact that we are not yet close friends, if I ask you very personal questions, like about your income or family affairs and so on, what will you think about me and how will you answer the question?A: Oh, my God….I think all of us have had that experience before. Honestly, I will just look at the person and smile.M: But I will be outspoken and say that your question is too personal and that I don’t feel comfortable answering it!E: Great. I love both reactions. As for me, I may do one way or another….I sometimes may pretend I did not hear the question, some other times, I may say it’s too personal, in a tongue-in-the-cheek tone.A: Yeah, I think that’s a good strategy. Fun is usually a good softener!M: Yep. You have a point!E: Anyway,what if you realize you will be judged by the questions you just answered? Will you feel self-conscious or …?M: Not even a bit. I am who I am and I’m ok with that. I just shared my opinion.E: Nice!A: Well, it will be an overstatement if I say I won’t at all, but it won’t bother me. I mean, I will think about it but won’t let it bring me down. Because after all, I am being honest and I’m quite Ok with that.اگه دقت کرده باشین، بعضی وقتها توی عبارت اصلی به جای will از may هم استفاده میشه. این زمانیه که خیلی مطمئن وقوع اون اتفاق نیستی و فقطدر حد یه حدسه. مثل: I may cry یا I may pretend… . بنابراین اگه یه بار دیگه شرطی نوع اول رو بخوایم دوره کنیم، می تونیم بگیم:جملات شرطی از دو عبار تشکیل شده ن، عبارتی که شرط رو معرفی میکنه و با if شروع میشه و عبارتی که در مورد نتیجه اون شرط صحبت میکنه و درشرطی نوع اول با will یا may استفاده میشه. این نوع شرطی در مورد اتفاقی صحبت میکنه که اگه شرایطش در زمان حال محیا باشه در زمان آیندهاتفاق خواهد افتاد و کاملا ممکن هست.E: So, now, do you guys think we got to know one another or you need to ask more questions?M: Well, not only more questions but I think we will need to hang out more in different settings and situations.A: Absolutely right. I second that.E: So, when and where are we going to meet next? [chuckles]A: Well, let’s see…M: Hmm…what about…[fading]خب در آخر، چندتا لغت و اصطلاح رو هم با هم مرور کنیم بد نیست:گفتیم یه سری از آدما رو فقط دورادور میشناسیم و دوستمون نیستن. به این نوع اشخاص و نوع رابطه شون acquaintance گفته میشه. مثلا همسایهای که میشناسید ولی خیلی باهاش ارتباط آنچنانی ندارید. وقتی میخواید با کسی قطع رابطه کنید میتونید از اصطلاح cut ties استفاده کنید . مثلا Japan and Russia have cut ties. یا I cut ties with that team. اصطلاح بعدی self-conscious هست که به معنی خجالت زده شدن یاخجالت کشیدن هست. مثلا Teenage girls are usually very self-conscious. زمانی که در مورد چیزی اغراق می کنیم می تونیم از کلمهoverstatement استفاده کنیم. مثلا، Cutting ties is an overstatement. اصطلاح بعدی bring someone down هست که بهمعنی دلسرد کردن یا روحیه از دست دادن هست. به این جمله توجه کنید: I never let difficulties bring me down. وقتی حالتون گرفته ستو از چیزی عصبانی یا ناراحت یا دلچرکین هستین می تونین ار کلمه resentful استفاده کنیم: I really felt resentful after what she did.خب، حالا یه بار دیگه پادکست رو گوش کنید و سعی کنید این لغات و اصطلاحات رو توش پیدا کنید و باهاشون تمرین کنین. راستی اگه دوست صمیمیتونبه مهمونیتون نیاد چکار می کنین؟ چه حسی بهتون دست میده؟ با استفاده از جمله شرطی توی کامنت برامون بنویسین.Glossary:Meaning in FarsiDefinitionWord or expressionآشن اSomeone you know but not closelyAcquaintanceقطع رابطه کرد نStop or break up a relationshipCut tiesخجالت یUneasy, embarrassedSelf-consciousاغراق آمیزExaggerationOverstatementتضعیف روحیه کردن، دلسرد کرد نdisappoint sb, upsetBring sb downآزرده، دلچرکی نirritatedResentfulدیوانه شدن از عصبانیت یا ناراحت یGet upset or angryGo nutsضد حا لCausing disappointment at the end of something excitingAnticlimacticبهانه بیجا یا الک یIllogical or unreasonable, poor-quality excuseLame excuse
متن پادکست: You are listening to Cyber podcast Episode 23 – Funny language misunderstandingsA: May I help you?B: We’ll be asking the questions old man. Who are you?A: Yu.B: No, me, you!A: Yes, I’m Yu.B: Just answer the damn questions. Who are you?A: I have told you.B: Are you deaf?A: No, Yu is blind.B: I’m not blind, you blind.A: That is just what I said.B: You just said what?A: I did not say what. I said Yu.B: That’s what I’m asking you.A: and Yu is answering.B: Shut up! You!A: Yes?B: Not you, him! What’s your name.C: Mi.B: Yes, you.C: I am Mi.A: He is Mi and I am Yu.Did you get confused by what you just heard? Well, you are not to blame. The conversation is quite easy and straight forward. Even someone with basic English knowledge can answer the question “What’s your name?” or “Who are you?” but as you heard, simple questions as such can also be misunderstood. But why? What causes this misunderstanding? I’m Edith your host and in this podcast, we’re talking about some funny language related misunderstandings and why they happen. So, stay with me to see if any of these mishaps ring a bell for you?سوء تفاهم برای همه پیش اومده و خیل ی هم مسئله رایجی هست، حتی زمانی که داری با هم زبانت صحبت میکنی! اکثرا هم با یه عذرخواهی ساده و یهشوخی کوچولو برطرف میشه. البته ممکنه قضیه جدی تر باشه اما اکثر اوقات مشکل خاصی ایجاد نمیکنه. اما زمانی که بحث مکالمه دو غیر همزبان پیشمیاد که سعی میکنن به زبان همدیگه صحبت کنن اتفاقات خیلی خنده دار یادی میتونه بیفته که گاهی خجالت آور و شوکه کننده هم میشه. امروز میخوایمدر مورد سوء تفاهم های بین فارسی و انگلیسی زبونها صحبت کنیم و ببینیم برای چی پیش میان.So, I was around 25 at that time and I used to work in a well-known Korean company, where I sometimes had to accompany foreign representatives of different companies for their business deals and stuff. So, one summer afternoon, around 3:00 we had just finished a meeting and were headed back to our office. So, we, I mean 3 Korean high-ranking representatives and I, are on our way back but since the job is done and we are almost about the closing time, they suggested they’d first drop me off at home instead of the office, and they’d go back to their hotel. Happy about the fact that I’d be goinghome a bit earlier, I directed the driver to my address and when we arrived, I got off the car, thanked them and as we Iranians do, …B: Oh, I know what you’re gonna say…[laughingly]E: [laughing] yeah, so, just trying to be polite I said “would you like to come in and have some coffee?”B: Oh, no! [laughingly]E: [laughingly] God! you won’t believe how fast they were to get off the car ready to come in![everyone laughs]E: I was only expecting an Iranian type of taarof or let’s say, back-and-forth kind of pleasantries. But I couldn’t believe what I’d put myself into.[everyone laughs]بیخود نیست میگن تعارف اومد نیومد داره! داستانی که براتون تعریف کردم کاملا واقعیه و فقط زمانی که نماینده های کره ای از م اشین پیاده شدن تا بیان توو قهوه ای که بهشون تعارف کرده بودم رو بخورن باید قیافه منو میدیدین! قبل از اون هیچوقت تا این حد از اینکه تعارف کرده بودم از خودم عصبانی نشدهبودم! البته که یه قهوه واقعا چیزی نبود، اما اینکه من فقط تعارف کردم و اینطور غافلگیر شدم درسی بهم داد که هرگز فراموش نمی کنم. این یه سوء تفاهمبه خاطر بلد نبودن زبان نبود، بلکه به دلیل عدم آگاهی از فرهنگ! خب، کلمات این بخش رو با هم مرور کنیم: گفتم یکی از مسئولیت های من این بود کهنمایندگان رده بالا یا high-ranking representatives رو برای برگزاری جلسات همراهی یا accompany کنم. یه روز بعد از یکی از اینجلسات ک ه داشتیم بر میگشتیم، راننده منو جلوی خونه پیاده کرد. پیاده کردن به انگلیسی میشه off sbdrop . زمانی که تعارف می کنید و مثلا چیزی رورد می کنید ولی در نهایت قبول می کنید به این کا ر در انگلیسی میگیم forth kind of pleasantries-and-back .B: Oh, you’re absolutely right. You mentioned back-and-forth pleasantries and it suddenly hurt so bad [laughingly]. I have a similar story, something I remember from when I was only 14 up until now!E: Oh!B: You bet! See, we had some family friends who were not Iranians, they were from the far East. We have really different customs when it comes to taarof.E: Yeah, right. I don’t think any nation has so much taarof as we do.B: So, as I was saying, once we were invited to their place and as we were just hanging around the house playing and having fun, I noticed some very tempting chocolate cupcakes in a covered cake pedestal on the table. So, I was just waiting for the right moment to gobble one up. So, it was after dinner and the hostess took the serving dish around to offer some. She approached me saying “would you like some?” and I was just trying my best to be a well-behaved boy, and so I said “No, thanks” on the first time and I waited for her to insist! And guess what happened!E: Oh nooooo!!!!B: Yeah, simple as that. She just took the cupcakes away and put them back in the cupboard! So, my dreams came crashing down!E: Oh, that was painful!B: So painful indeed!خلاصه که تع ارف کردنهای ما ایرانیا میتونه خیلی کار دستمون بده. این موضوع انقدر برای یه سری از فرهنگها مثل فرهنگ غرب ناآشناست که حتی معادللغوی دقیقی در انگلیسی براش ندارن، بطوری که خود کلمه تعارف کم کم داره وارد زبان انگلیسی میشه و بکار میره.توی داستانی که از علیرضا شنیدیم. چندتا کلمه خوب داشتیم که بد نیست اشاره ای بهشون بکنیم. کاپ کیکهایی که هنوز دل علیرضا رو میسوزونن تویظرف شیرینی خوری پایه دار بود که بهش میگن pedestal یا pedestal dish به استرس کلمه دقت کنین که روی بخش اول کلمه ست. وقتیچیزی رو با ولع می خورین یا به اصطلاح می بلعین به این کار میگیم gobble که یه فعل هست. مثلا He wanted to gobble the cake. ولیخب خانم میزبان یا همون hostess مجالی بهش نداد و کیکها رو قایم کرد .E: But you might think this can only happen when you don’t speak a certain language but language is only one part of it. Culture has such a big role.B: Absolutely right. Language and culture are intertwined. Sometimes the impact of culture is so great that even your body language; something you expect everyone to understood, might get misunderstood. Like you may have gestures in your culture that can be offensive in another.E: Right, and something as simple as nodding or shaking the head. You see, here in Iran, if we want to show agreement we nod, I mean we move our head downwards and if we wanna show disagreement, we tilt our head upwards. In some cultures, tilting the head upwards means yes and shaking the head from side to side is a sign of no.B: Seriously? That’s weird.گفتیم فرهنگ و زبان رو نمیشه از هم جدا دونست چون در هم تنیده یا intertwined هستن و مثالی هم که زدیم در مورد زبان بدن بود. گفتیم یه سریاز حرکات دست یا gestures در یه فرهنگ خوبن در حالیکه در یه فرهنگ دیگه ممکنه توهین آمیز یا offensive تلقی بشن یا حتی گیچ کننده باشن،مثل حرکت سر به سمت بالا یا upward tilt که معانی مختلفی در فرهنگهای مختلف داره.E: Yeah, in my previous job, we would mean no but they thought we said yes and that was a problem. [laughingly]B: But apart from culture and body language, a great deal of misunderstanding occurs due to mispronunciation. Especially, when two similar-sounding words are confused.E: Oh, yeah. This reminded me of my very first day at work. You see, I was very young and inexperienced and it was the very first day I went to work. I mean, I went for the interview, got accepted right away and they asked me to stay till the end of the working hours of the very same day. So, as I said earlier, it was a Korean company, so, my manager and some colleagues were Koreans.B: Did they speak English or Korean? Or perhaps Farsi?E: Well, a combination of all the three! A little of each. [laughingly]B: Oh, that’s even harder, especially with the difference of the accent.E: Anyway, the manager came to my desk, put the big pile of paper in his hand down and said: “Edith, please give me a copy!” and left. So, very excited to do my very first task, I loaded the copy machine with paper and made a copy of the documents. I think they were something around 50 pages. I put them in a cover and handed them to him. He looks at the copies, looks at me puzzled and asks “What are these?” “The copies you asked for.” I said. “Me? When?” he said. Now, I’m beginning to feel nervous when he suddenly says: “No, no…I asked for a copy, not copy…a cup of copy!”B: Oh wow...he wanted a coffee [laughingly]E: Yeah. You see there is no “f” sound in Korean and they use “p” instead. I was soooo embarrassed and nervous that I’d wasted so much paper, I kept apologizing for the next 30 minutes, until he said “Are you going to give me a copy [coffee] or not?”[everybody laughs]So, what about you, dear listeners? Has ever anyone misunderstood your English? What was the cause? Write it in the comments and let’s find out the reasons this might happen.تا اینجا متوجه شدیم که سوء تفاهم پیش اومده در زبان های متفاوت میتونه دلایل مختلفی داشته باشه. این دلایل میتونن فرهنگی یا صرف ا زبانی باشن. مثلاتلفظ اشتباه یه کلمه میتونه یه معنی دیگه ای رو برسونه و باعث سوتعبیر کل جمله بشه. مثل اتفاقی که در اولین روز کاریم برام پیش اومد حالا شما بهمونبگین، آیا چنین تجربیاتی تا حالا داشتین؟ چه مشکلات یا احساسی در شما ایجاد کرد؟ توی کامنت برامون بنویسین.If you’re listening to this part, it means you’ve stayed with us throughout this episode, for which we are absolutely grateful. This podcast was brought to you by Safit language academy’s content development department. All the scripts can be found and downloaded on Castbox, Spotify and Shenoto. Until next week stay safe stay tuned, bye!Word or expressionDefinitionMeaning in FarsiAccompanyGo somewhere with someone as a companyهمراهی کرد نHigh-rankingHigh profile, importantرده با لاRepresentativeOfficial, a person to present a groupنمایندهDealCommercial tradingتجارت،Drop sb offTake sb by car to a particular placeپیاده کردن کس یTemptingAppealing, enticing, attractiveوسوسه برانگیزPedestal (dish)The base or support of a statue or dishپایه، پایه دا رHostessA woman who receives and entertains guestsمیزبان خان مOffensiveRude, insultingتوهین امی زIntertwinedTwisted togetherدر هم تنیده، در هم آمیخت هTiltMove into a slopping positionکج یا متمایل کردن چیز یGobbleEat or swallow rapidly
+ Nice steak wasn't it?_ ooh yeah I really enjoyed it, especially the sauce.
Winter is coming. huh?
This is podcast 29:Have you written the last chapter of your life yet!!
Z: Come here, son! Show me how to do this, please. K: What is it again, dad? Z: I want to attach this file and forward it to 3 people. How do I do it? K: I just explained yesterday. It’s the same, now! [naggingly] Z: I know…just see if I’m doing it right! K: [reluctantly] Phew! Select your file first, then go to… Z: Wait, wait how do I select it? K: Gush, dad! You just hold your finger on the icon!!! Z: Uh-huh! Like this….then? K: No! it didn’t get selected…pay attention to the color change. Like this! Z: Ok…there… K: Now click on the share button and choose recipient! Z: My phone has no share button! K: [sarcastic laughter] how’s that even possible? What is this, then??? Z: Oh, Ok. After that…? K: Give it to me, I’ll do it for you...who do you want to send it to? [angrily] Z: Nope, I wanna learn to do it myself! Did I teach you stuff this way? [angrily] K: Oh, Give me a break, dad! “The children now have luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love gossip in place of activity. What a world we are living in!” Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? Did he take the words right out of your mouth? Well, frankly speaking, these are the words of a wise man, but not a recent one. It was Socrates who said these things in 400 B.C, but strangely enough, he does sound like someone of our time. this shows that there has always been this thing called generation gap! Right, a situation in which older and younger people do not understand each other because of their different experiences, opinions, habits, and behavior. A lack of understanding between older and younger people caused by different life experiences. I bet you just remembered the last time you had an argument with your parents or perhaps your kids and felt you are poles apart. Or at least you thought to yourself “Why don’t they understand?” or “What’s so hard about this?” Well, we are talking about an issue which could be no one’s fault, and yet could drive everyone up the wall, simply because one doesn’t understand the other. But what causes this and what effects does it have? We’re gonna find out soon. Join me and my friends in this discussion about generation gap! شکاف نسلها! اصطلاح نامانوسی که شاید در زبان فارسی خیلی استفاده نمیشه، یا شایدم تا الان زیاد استفاده نشده. شکاف نسلها! به شرایطی گفته میشه که اشخاص از نسلهای مختلف قادر به درک و تعامل موثر با همیدگه نیستند. مطمئنا برای شما هم پیش اومده که طرز فکر یا دلیل انجام یه سری از کارهای پدر مادرتون رو درک نکنین و خب، اونها هم شما رو درک نکنن. این ناتوانی در درک افراد از نسلهای متفاوت موضوع امروز ماست. من ادیت هستم و امروز با چند نفر از دوستان گپ و گفت جالبی خواهیم داشت در این مورد. پس با ما همراه بشید.A: [in a funny tone] Now, he’s holding his new smart phone in his hand so tight that you can see he’s hands are already sweating. I’m trying to show him just how to find a contact’s number. He’s so tense that I know whatever I’m saying is going nowhere. E: I know right? It’s like they are scared stiff of it. Like if you pushed that button, the universe would explode! [laughingly] Sh: Oh, Tell me about it! I have explained the same thing over and over again and she, I mean my mom, comes to me every single time she wants to send a picture to someone. E: Oh, that’s exactly it! A: Tell me about it. [laughingly] Sh: Oh God! [laughingly] these baby boomers! E: So annoying! [laughingly] E: You said baby boomers? What’s that? Sh: People born between 1946 and 1964 are called baby boomers. A: I guess my grandparents are baby boomers. Now, how many years is your age difference with your parents? Sh: For me it’s 24 years. A: and for me, 27. I’m the 2nd child. E: Hmm… it’s 30 for me. I’m the last of the three! A: Quite long! Sh: Yeah, sort of! E: Yeah, I’m a generation X member! I was born in 1980. What about you guys? A: I was born in 1984. Sh: So, you are a Millennial or generation Y like me, I was born in 1985. The ones born after us, like from 1995 are called post-millennials or generation Z. A: Yeah. But you know what amazes me? You see some baby boomers who are really comfortable around all this technology and stuff. I really admire them. E: Yeah, but they are not many. Hardly ever can you find someone like that. Sh: Yeah, the effects of generation gap are so widespread that you rarely see people like that.خب، اول از همه چندتا از نسلها رو اسم بردیم اینجا. کسانی که بین سالهای1946 تا 1964 میلادی به دنیا اومدن در انگلیسی اصطلاحاbaby boomers گفته میشن. افراد این نسل سنتی هستن و از تکنولوژی فراری. نسل بعدی مربوط به سالهای 1965 تا 1981 هست که بهش X generation میگن. آدمای این نسل هم پرکار و با پشتکار هستن و تقریبا با تکنولوژی آشنان. بعد از X نسل Y هست که بین سالهای 1982 تا 1994 بدنیا اومدن و بهشون نسل هزاره یا Millennial هم گفته میشه. این نسل native digital هستن، یعنی زندگی روزمره شون تحت تاثیر تکنولوژیه و معمولا برچسب خودشیفته و لوس رو با خودشون یدک میکشن. و در نهایت متولدین سالهای 1997 تا 2012 نسل millennial-post هستن که زندگیشون با اینترنت گره خورده و انگار که در DNA شون ثبت شده. مصرف کننده های پرتوقعی با دامنه توجه بسیار کوتاه! شما جزو کدوم generation هستین؟ حالا ببینیم دلایل و اثرات شکاف نسلها چیه و چکار باید کرد.E: Hmm...right. But what are the possible causes of this gap? Is it only the age difference we have with people or are there other factors involved? A: I don’t think it’s the age itself but what different ages, or let’s say the people of certain ages have or don’t have in common. I mean, it’s the common experiences of people that helps them get along or understand each other well. E: Absolutely! Like, if you just compare something as simple as the fads or trends of each generation, you will see a great difference. Like, generation Y or Millennials, are considered digital natives. Their lives are tied to technology. But baby boomers, actually are technophobes! [laughingly] B: Hmm…you have a point here. But, I think experiences that you mentioned can be categorized into different groups. Like those that come with level of education, social class, family background and so on. A: Right on point. There are many factors. E: Hmm... I never thought of it this way. The technology related gap is so big that it kind of overshadows other factors.گفتیم وقتی آدما وجه اشتراکی با هم ندارن، شکاف نسلها بیشتر حس میشه. وجه اشتراک داشتن در انگلیسی میشه in things have to .common مثال: .common in little have Z and X Gen یعنی نسل زی و اکس وجه اشتراک کمی با هم دارند. یکی از تفاوتهای عمده نسلهای قبلی با جدیدتر ها اینه که نسلهای قدیم انگار از تکنولوژی می ترسن یا technophobe هستن. حتما کلمه phobia رو بلدین که به معنی ترس هست. تکنوفوب یعنی از ترسان از تکنولوژی! یکی دیگه از اختلافهایی که بین نسلها هست میتونه به دلیل اختلاف طبقاتی باشه که در انگلیسی بهش میگیم differences class social . اما به هر حال به نظر میرسه تکنولوژی دلیلی هست که بقیه دلایل رو تحت شعاع قرار میده یا به اصطلاحovershadow میکنه.Sh: Right. I read somewhere that increased life expectancy and social mobility are also two main factors causing generation gap. A: Hmm…I can understand how life expectancy can play a role as we discussed, but what is social mobility? E: Wait, I think I know it. Social mobility is the movement of people of the society within social classes. Like from a low class, moving up to middle class or higher class and so on. A: Is this class only related to people’s finances? Sh: No, it could be education, income and social status. A: Oh, interesting. E: Wow…good information. I always thought it’s only the age that matters. A: There are also factors like cultural differences and technological gap, as we said. E: You bet! The technological gap is a killer! I mean, it’s such a pain in the neck. [everyone agrees and laughs]برای چیزی که خیلی آزار دهنده ست و باعث انزجار میشه، دو تا اصطلاح خوب در این قسمت داشتیم. میتونین پیداشون کنین؟ دقیقا! killer A و a زندگی به امید یا متوسط عمر همینطور technology gap is a killer / is a pain in the neck.: میگیم مثال pain in the neck در انگلیسی میشه expectancy life که هرچقدر بیشتر باشه ظاهرا شکاف نسل بیشتری ایجاد میکنه.E: Now, it seems generation gap has been studied quite a bit. I mean it’s a serious matter. But, what are the effects or aftermaths of it? Is it just the frustration and lack of understanding? I think there should be more to it. A: I think that in itself is annoying enough! [laughingly] Sh: Can’t agree more [laughingly]. Actually, there are a lot of negative and some positive side effects. You know, lack of understanding can lead people to be impatient and intolerant of each other’s mistakes. This can in turn make them less respectful toward others. A: Exactly. And this can also lead to lack of interaction between generations. Just because they want to avoid conflicts and disputes, they avoid interacting all together.یه نکته مهم اینجا بهتون بگم! وقتی توی متنی دو عبارت یا کلمه با حرف ربط and یا or به هم وصل میشن انتظارمیره که یا هم معنی باشن یا اگر دقیقا هم معنی نباشن، در یه زمینه معنایی قرار داشته باشن. حالا این به چه درد ما میخوره؟ وقتی معنی یکی از دو کلمه رو بلد باشین، به راحتی میتونین معنی دومی رو حدس بزنین. قسمت قبلی رو گوش کنین دو سه مورد این مدلی داریم. ببینین پیداشون می کنین. جواب درست میشه: aftermath or effect side به معنی عوارض جانبی یا عواقب هست. مورد بعدی intolerant and impatient به معنی کم طاقت یا بی صبر و مورد آخر dispute and conflict به معنی تضاد یا کشمکش.E: Hmm…interesting. But is there a way one can minimize these side effects? A: Well, there’s always a way. I truly believe that improving communication skills is of utmost importance. When you know how to interact or communicate with people of different backgrounds, most problems can be avoided. E: Can’t agree more. Most of our problems arise from miscommunication. Sh: Right. And one more thing is to keep up with the trends. Especially parents, need to keep updating themselves on current trends and so on. A: Oh, absolutely. Something they mostly fall behind! E: That’s exactly it. And not only parents should keep themselves up to date but younger generations should also develop respect and an understanding of their
[Class ambience]S: I see picture beautiful. T: Oh, you mean, “I see a beautiful picture.” S: Yes, beautiful picture. T: What’s your favorite fruit? S: I love apple. T: Hmm…you mean apples, right? S: Yes apples. T: What do you do in your free time? S: I’m listening to music. I’m drinking coffee. T: You mean now or always?میخوام بگم موسیقی گوش میدم، قهوه میخورم....Always: S T: So, you say “I listen to music, I drink coffee.” T: What did you do on the weekend? S: Teacher, went to park and ate kebab. T: Uh-huh. Who did that? S: Teacher, I. T: So, I… S: I went to park and ate kebab.اگه زبان آموز هستید حتما باید براتون پیش اومده باشه که بخاطر اشتباهات کوچیک و تکراری کلافه شده باشین. ولی واقعا به نظرتون چرا این اتفاق میوفته؟ چی میشه که هر چقدر هم حواسمون رو جمع می کنیم یه سری از اشتباهات رو هی تکرار می کنیم؟ تقصیر کیه واقعا؟ زبان آموز؟ استاد؟ کتاب؟ آموزشگاه؟ یا...؟ از همین اول خیالتون رو راحت کنم که نه تقصیر زبان آموزه و نه هیچ کدوم این موارد. ولی اگه دوست دارین بدونین تقصیر کیه و چرا این اتفاق میفته با من همراه بشین. قول میدم هم سورپرایز بشین و هم اینکه با نکاتی که یاد می گیرین دیگه این اشتباهات رو کمتر تکرار کنین.Do you ever wish there was only one language in the whole world so you wouldn’t have to learn a foreign language? Or perhaps, all languages had similar structures so learning would be easier? I’m Edith, your host and together with my colleagues we’re going to tell you about something that might surprise you and at the same time relieve you from the stress of errors and common mistakes of English. So, follow through. I promise you’re gonna love it. Imagine you hear a Frenchman or say, a Chinese or an Indian guy speak English? In most cases you can quickly figure out from their accent where they are from. But have you wondered why? I believe you already know the answer; their mother tongue! Right, the effect and influence of our mother tongue is so great that it can affect the way we learn or speak a foreign language. Each language has its own characteristics in terms of structure, pronunciation and the like and we tend to carry those characteristics to the new language we are trying to learn or speak. In other words, we speak a language with the structure of another language. Now, if the two languages are way too different, what we say may either sound funny or we’ll end up being misunderstood. But let’s not forget that languages do have similarities too. All that remains, is how we make use of them to our own benefit.حتما تا حالا پیش اومده براتون که از لهجه کسی متوجه بشین اهل کجاست. مثال یه هندی رو درنظر بگیرین که انگلیسی صحبت میکنه. در برخورد اول حس می کنین داره هندی صحبت میکنه ولی وقتی خوب گوش میدین، متوجه میشین انگلیسیه. گفتیم دلیلش اینه که زبان مادری تاثیر بسیار زیادی در نحوه یادگیری و صحبت کردن به یه زبان دیگه داره. چرا؟ چون ساختار زبان مادری رو ناخودآگاه با خودمون به یه زبان دیگه می بریم. حالا اگه زبان مادری و زبان خارجی با هم خیلی متفاوت باشن، که خیلی وقتها همینطوره، زبان خارجی رو با ساختار زبان مادری صحبت می کنیم که خب یا خنده داره یا اینکه باعث سوءتفاهم میشه. البته یادمون باشه که زبانهای مختلف شباهتهای زیادی هم میتونن داشته باشن. تنها چیزی که میمونه اینه که چطور این شباهت و تفاوتها رو به نفع خودمون استفاده کنیم.So, the languages we are discussing here are English and Persian or Farsi and we wanna see how comparing these two can help us learn and speak them better. We will address some of the most common areas of difference between the two which are mostly responsible for the errors and mistakes Iranian learners of English make.زبانهایی که امروز مقایسه می کنیم فارسی و انگلیسی هستند و قراره به چند مورد از رایج ترین اشتباهاتی اشاره کنیم که زبان آموزان فارسی زبان به خاطر تفاوت این دو زبان مرتکب میشن.Now, let’s begin with intonation: Alireza, as an experienced teacher, what are some of the most common mistakes our learners make when learning English? A: Well, I once heard someone saying that Farsi is a musical language, which I kind of agree. In Farsi the intonation we have, especially when asking questions, has a lot of rise and fall and is very different from that of English. E: Yeah right. Can you make some examples? A: Sure. For instance, take the following in Farsi: میای بریم سینما؟ Now, when this same sentence is said in English by a Persian speaker it may sound like: “will you go to cinema with me?” [Farsi intonation] which is wrong and it may sound funny for a native listener. E: So, what is the correct intonation in English? A: You see, depending on the type of question, there are two types of intonation; rising and falling. If you wanna ask a yes/no question, your intonation is rising and if the question is Wh-word, then the intonation should be falling. In farsi, almost all questions are asked with a rising intonation. Now, let’s make some more examples: For yes/no Q: Did you see Jack? [rising intonation] دیدی؟ جکو For wh-Q: Where did you see him? [falling intonation] دیدیش؟ کجا E: Hmm…interesting! I guess it’s mainly because in Farsi the structure of y/n question and the declarative sentence is the same, and the only difference is the intonation. A: Yeah, right.خب، یکی از مواردی که بهش بر می خوریم لحن یا intonation هست. در زبان فارسی، مخصوصا زمان پرسیدن سوال، لحن ما خیلی بالا و پایین میشه. در حالیکه در انگلیسی مشخصه که چه نوع جمله یا سوالی چه نوع intonation داره. مثال میگیم: جکو دیدی؟ کجا دیدیش؟ این دو تا سوال از نظر ساختاری متفاوت ولی از نظر intonation تقریبا شبیه همن در حالیکه اگه همین جملات رو به انگلیسی بگیم متفاوتند. برای question no/yes باید intonation به سمت بالا و برای word-Wh باید به سمت پایین باشه. مثال: Did you see Jack? [rising] و Where did you see him? [falling] یه نکته دیگه هم اینه که در فارسی ساختار جمله خبری و question no/yes یکیه و فقط با intonation مشخص میشه کدوم جمله و کدوم سواله. مثال جکو دیدی. )جمله ست( و جکو دیدی؟ )سواله(E: Ok. Now, another major area of difference between Farsi and English is the word order. Zhubin, how are Farsi and English different in this regard? Z: Well, one of the first things we learn is that the word order of a sentence in English is SVO; in other words, Subject+verb+object. For instance, “she ate the cake.” In Farsi however, the word order is SOV, meaning sub.+obj.+verb. for example: .خورد را کیک او Now, another very important point here is that in Farsi verbs are inflected; میشن صرف افعال فارسی زبان در یعنی , and you can have a sentence without an obvious subject. You can simply say: .خورد را کیک This can sometimes cause learners to make sentences without a subject, like: “ate the cake!” Which is wrong. E: Exactly, especially in elementary levels this mistake is very common and it shows the student is thinking in Persian and speaking English. You have to keep reminding them of the subject. یه تفاوت عمده دیگه در فارسی و انگلیسی ترتیب کلمات جمله ست. در انگلیسی به صورت فاعل، فعل و مفعول هست و در فارسی فاعل، مفعول و فعل! مثل نمونه هایی که گفته شد. و اینکه یادمون نره که در فارسی افعال صرف میشن و خود فعل فاعل رو نشون میده در حالیکه در انگلیسی اینطور نیست و جمله حتما حتما باید فاعل داشته باشه. اگه مثال برای "کیک خوردم" بگید cake ate مشخص نیست که چه کسی کیک رو خورد. پس جمله تون اشتباهه.Z: Right. And one more problem related to word order is adjective + noun in English, which is right the opposite in Persian. A nice day vs. خوب روز E: Oh, right, right. This is very often confused. So, remember the way we put words together to make a sentence is different in English and Persian.یه تفاوت دیگه از نظر ترتیب کلمات هم در مورد اسم و صفت هست که در انگلیسی درست برعکس فارسیه. در انگلیسی میگیم day nice a در حالیکه در فارسی میگیم یه روز خوب.E: Now, what about verb tenses? Do we have the same tenses and are they used in the same way? A: There are fewer tenses in Farsi than in English and they definitely are not used in the same way. Take the present simple and progressive in English, for instance. The simple form goes like “She lives here.” And the progressive is “she’s living here.” Now, for both of these in Farsi we say: ".میکند زندگی اینجا او E: This is mostly true about formal Persian. But there is one point that can help learners choose the correct form. In colloquial Persian, the sentence goes like: .میکند ی زندگ اینجا دارد او In other words, you add the verb “dashtan” to make it progressive. A: You are absolutely right. So, this can sometimes confuse students as to which form to use.از موارد دیگه ای که ممکنه چالش یادگیری انگلیسی را ، خصوصا برای زبان آموز فارسی زبان بیشترکنه اینکه که فارسی غیر رسمی و محاوره ای با فارسی رسمی خیلی فرق داره . این تفاوت وقتی زبان آموز به فارسی فکر میکنه و به انگلیسی صحبت میکنه بیشتربه چشم میاد. مثلا در حال ساده و استمراری در زبان فارسی رسمی به یه شکل استفاده میشه و فقط در فارسی محاوره ایه که متفاوته. مثلا جمله ی : او اینجا زندگی می کند در فارسی میتونه هم ساده باشه و هم استمراری در حالیکه فرم انگلیسی این دو زمان با هم فرق داره میکنه. حال ساده رو به صورت she lives here و حال استمراری رو به صورت She’s living here بکار می بریم. ولی در فارسی محاوره اون اینجا زندگی میکنه استفادهمیشه یعنی از داره استفاده می کنیم .E: Right. Another tense which seems really problematic for Iranian learners of English is the present perfect. In other words, to distinguish between simple past and present perfect. A: Oh, yeah. That’s a big one! Z: Absolutely. It takes such a long time and so much effort for them to use these two correctly. E: Exactly. But there is one little point knowing which can ease the learning very much. You see, in spoken Farsi, just a little sound and sometimes the intonation shows which is which. While in English they are structured differently. In English we say: Did you write a letter? to refer to past simple and “ have you written a letter.” for present perfect. The structure for both in Farsi is: نامه نوشتی .The only difference here is the intonation and focus. For simple past we say: نامه نوشتی؟ having the stress on "نامه" and for present perfect we say: نامه نوشتی with the stress on نوشتی which in fact means: نوشته ای So, to sum up, the only little difference between the two tenses is the "ه "sound. A: Exactly. Actually, wh
You are listening to cyber podcast episode 19 – AI Imagine you live in such a smart house:A-Please JazzB-playing jazzA-SmoothieB-making smoothieA-CalendarB-no meetings today. Remember dentist at 9:30A-fire offB- fire offA-open doorB-door openedC-and we’re gonna do one more.A- OkA-opened door [with mouth full – fail tone]B- wrong voice commandA-opened door [with mouth full]B- wrong voice commandA-opened door [with mouth full]B- repeat that A-opened door [with mouth full]B- I didn’t understand that A-please open door [shouting] B- play on the floorLet’s talk about artificial intelligence. When you think of AI, you might think of a surreal or science fiction kind of stuff we usually see in the movies. But AI is no longer sci-fi, it’s everywhere; we are using it even without realizing it’s there. From the algorithms on IG to predictive text, to automated chats, so on and so forth. It is becoming almost like electricity; impacting almost every area of our lives. But what is AI in the first place? Why is it receiving so much attention and funding? Is it really necessary for us? Isn’t it too good to be true? I’m Edith your host, and today together with my colleague, Zhubin, we are going to briefly address these questions about AI.در مورد هوش مصنوعی داریم صحبت می کنیم. پدیده ای که تا همین چند وقت پیش فقط توی فیلمهای علمی تخیلی میدیدیم ولی الان انگار حکم برق رو برامون داره و چنان جزیی از زندگیمون شده که دیگه اصلا متوجهش هم نمیشیم. از الگوریتم اینستاگرام گرفته که پستهای مورد عالقه تون رو دسته بندی میکنه تا چت های اتوماتیک و غیره. میخوایم ببینیم هوش مصنوعی اصال چی هست و چرا در دنیای امروز اینقدر مورد توجه قرار گرفته. آیا اصال ضروریه یا ...؟E: So, first things first, what is AI? Z: Thank you very much for inviting me to this interview. First of all I should apologize for my voice, you know I caught a terrible cold or maybe it’s an allergy but whateber it is my voice might sound not so clear. Thousands of apologies for that. E: Oh, sorry about that. No worries at all. Z: Well, back to your question. let me put it this way; have you heard the famous saying “need is the mother of invention?” E: Yeah, sure?! Z: Well, since we human beings are naturally lazy [sounding sarcastic – laughing], always looking for easier ways of doing things, we’ve felt the need for something that will do most of our tasks in our stead. From the simplest tasks like opening the door to the most complex ones like performing a surgery. We needed something that would do the thinking for us and would actually facilitate comfort in our lives. So, AI was invented to help us with this. E: [laughingly] I see! Z: But, all jokes aside, artificial intelligence means creating computerized systems that could solve problems and could think like humans do. A system that could replicate human-style decision making. E: Ok, so far so good. But how does it work? Z: The main approach; which is called machine learning, is the idea that a computer algorithm, can learn from data, recognize patterns and make decisions on its own. E: Hmm…this is amazing. Unlike the traditional computer use where we provide input and tell the computer what to do. Z: Exactly! Take all these mapping programs, for instance. They use the real time data and existing patterns to precisely predict how long your journey from point A to B will take.در این قسمت یه اصطلاح داشتیم که دقیقا عین همون رو در فارسی هم داریم که میگیم نیاز مادر اختراع ست. معادل انگلیسی این اصطلاح میشه: need invention of mother the is .معمولا اصطلاحاتی که معادل دقیقی در زبان خودمون دارن بهتر توی ذهن میمونن. گفتیم که نیاز ما به چیزی که بجامون فکر کنه و تصمیم بگیره و از همه مهمتر توانایی حل مسئله داشته باشه باعث بوجود اومدن هوش مصنوعی شد. هوش مصنوعی آسایش یا همون comfort رو برای ما فراهم میکنه. فراهم کردن یا تسهیل کردین در انگلیسی میشه facilitate که کلمه facility هم از همون خانواده ست. خب، یه اصطالح دیگه هم در اینجا داریم که عینا فارسیش رو هم داریم. اگه این قسمت رو دوباره گوش بدین پیداش میکنین. درسته! aside jokes all , یعنی گذشته از شوخی. گفتیم AI در واقع قدرت تصمیم گیری و فکر کردن آدم رو کپی میکنه. کپی یا تکثیر کردن در انگلیسی میشه replicate .به جایی که استرس کلمه قرار میگیره دقت کنید replicate .در بعضی موارد انقدر دقیق یعنی precisely این کار رو انجام میده که خیلی از کارها رو facilitate یا تسهیل میکنه.E: right. Now, when was AI first introduced? Z: In the 1950s by Marvin Minsky and John McCarthy who were called the fathers of the field. E: Hm…over 70 years now. Z: Yes, but it is in the last decade that it’s really taken off. We can see it being used in almost every sector. Home appliances, self-driving cars, in sports, the police force, health care, smart homes, face recognition software, you name it!در این قسمت مشخص شد که هوش مصنوعی اولین بار در دهه 1950 میالدی معرفی شد. دقت کنین که وقتی میخوایم به دهه اشاره کنیم، مثال دهه 50 میگیم 50s the . یعنی وقتی از the و s در آخر عدد استفاده میکنیم، در واقع به دهه اشاره می کنیم. همچنین از مزایا یا کاربردهای AI صحبت کردیم. مثل ماشین های بدون راننده یا cars driving-self نرم افزارهای تشخیص چهره یا software recognition face و هر چیزی که فکرشو بکنید. دقت کردین اگه در انگلیسی بخواین بگین هر چیزی که فکرشو بکنین چی میگیم؟ میگیمit name you ! E: Yeah, right. But among all the things you mentioned, there’s a common feature and that is, they each handle one single task. I mean, it still has a long way to compete with human intelligence or even animal intelligence where different types of data are being processed and multiple tasks are being handled at the same time. Z: You’re absolutely right. This is actually called artificial narrow intelligence. And this is the first stage of AI, where we are now. E: I see….it even has a name. but do you think we will ever get to have artificial general intelligence; I mean like that of a human? A: Definitely so. In fact, the first step towards developing AGI has already been taken where this one single robot can process 600 tasks all at once. All that remains is to develop this first step and the AGI will rival human intelligence. E: Although it is kind of hard to believe, the development has already begun, as you said. Z: Well, if you had been told about narrow AI, say 100 years ago, it would still have been unbelievable. So, the same goes for AGI now! E: [laughingly] you’re right. Z: Nevertheless, I believe we need more breakthroughs. Only one single step cannot guarantee much rivalry yet, given the complexity of the human brain and intelligence.خب، نگرانی که اینجا پیش میاد اینه که هوش مصنوعی ممکنه رقیب هوش انسان بشه. رقیب در انگلیسی میشه rival به تلفظش دقت کنین rival .ولی خب یه سری ها هم فکر میکنن هنوز به اون مرحله نرسیدیم و نیاز به یک breakthrough یا پیشرفت غیرمنتظره هست که بتونه به پیچیدگی یا complexity هوش انسان برسه. پیچیدگی میشه complexity .E: You bet! I totally agree with you. Now, the idea that we might one day have machines that think and act like us, human beings, raises a lot of ethical and philosophical concerns. Whether or not we would benefit from it or we would enter a new era of rivalry, challenges and perhaps wars. Z: I second that. You see, the technology we use now is already throwing up all sorts of issues. From privacy to all sorts of scams and frauds.اگه منطقی به قضیه نگاه کنیم خود ایده هوش مصنوعی نگرانی های اخلاقی یا ethical و فلسفی یا philosophical ایجاد میکنه. سوالی که پیش میاد اینه که آیا هوش مصنوعی به نفعمونه یا باعث چالش ها و رقابت های جدید میشه؟ رقابت در انگلیسی میشه rivalry .قبال به کلمه رقیب یا همون rival اشاره کردیم که هم فعل و هم اسم فاعل هست و rivalry هم اسم هست. یکی دیگه از چالشهای هوش مصنوعی مشکلاتی مثل اسکم و انواع کاله برداری یا fraud هست که کم هم اتفاق نمی افته.E: Oh, the technology is already being used against humans. Like all these AI-driven drones used in wars. Z: Not only in wars. Some countries are using technology like face recognition in mass scales to monitor people and their behavior. And this raises the question of civil liberty and the right as simple as privacy. E: Wow…it’s like we always tend to abuse some blessings against ourselves. [laughingly] Z: Well, yeah. But not only that. Sometimes technology failures can cause irreversible damages on human lives. Like the two Boing 737 Max planes which had AI driven auto pilots and crashed in Indonesia and Ethiopia. That was a disaster, a human tragedy. Over 350 people died. E: I also heard somewhere, there’s this self-driving car crash case in the US, I think it was in California. This might cause a lot of casualties. I also heard another, less serious and sort of funny story. You see, during a football match, the AI driven camera kept mistaking the referee’s bald head running here and there for the ball and messed up the final result. [laughter] Z: [laughter] that’s so funny, indeed. Apart from the technology fails, as you said it earlier too, the main question is not the technology itself, but how we use or abuse it! I mean how we coded it in the first place, in what cases and according to which regulations we are allowed to make use of it. Like in the case of lethal war weapons which are autonomous, they can make life or death decisions about who or what to target. E: Wow…it’s incredibly scary. And always makes me fear the day when a manmade machine rises and outsmarts against him. Absolutely terrifying! I don’t know about you, but I kind of feel like believing it’s never going to happen. [laughingly] Z: Right. This is why not only autonomous weapons but all other AI driven areas need to be regulated and operated according to strict rules. E: Exactly! The technology on its own is but a blessing, it’s how we use it that can impose risks and hazards.وقتی به چالشهای احتمالی هوش مصنوعی فکر می کنیم بعضی موارد واقعا ترسناک میشه. مثل پهپادهایی که با هوش مصنوعی کار میکنن یا driven-AI هستند. همینطور تکنولوژیهای دیگه مثل تشخیص چهره وقتی که در مقیاس بزرگ ازشون استفاده میشه. مقیاس بزرگ در انگلیسی میشه mass scales .حاال چرا ترسناکه؟ چون میتونه عواقب جبران ناپذیر یا irreversible داشته باشه مثل خسارات جانی یا casualties .So dear listeners? What are your thoughts about AI? Does
You are listening to cyber podcast ep. 18 - Zero punctuation E: I’m so hungry. Let’s have lunch? A: Yeah, let’s do that. How about Lily? Isn’t she joining us? E: Let me see. [notification] Oh, she just texted me. “Let’s eat guys.” A: Dang! No thanks. You can join her if you like. E: Why? What happened? A: She wants to eat guys and I think I am one! E: [laughter] I believe you must have heard the saying that goes “Punctuation saves lives.” But do you really think that punctuation is so crucial? Can it really be a matter of death or life? You say no? then listen on for yourself: A: A woman, without her man, is nothing. B: A woman: without her, man is nothing. So, you can see that with just a small dot or a pause, the meaning of a sentences can drastically change without even changing the words forming that sentence.حتما داستان این جمله معروف رو شنیدید که میگه: بخشش لازمنیست، اعدامش کنید. یک نمونه بسیار گویا از اینکه punctuation نقش بسیار تعیین کننده ایدر معنی جمله داره. من ادیت هستم و امروز میخوایم قوانین punctuation رو با هم مرور کنیم تا بهتر بتونیم مقصودمون رو به دیگرانبرسونیم و ارتباط موثرتری برقرار کنیم. اما قبلش بیاین ببینیمpunctuation اصال از کی و کجا به وجود اومده و برای چیاینقدر مهم شده!Before the inventionof punctuation, people had to rehearse and reread a text so many times beforereading it out loud to a crowd so they wouldn’t miscommunicate the intendedmessage. This was due to the run-on nature of texts at that time – the texts orwritings included zero pauses or punctuation, so only the writer knew where topause when reading it. This made things really hard especially when officialshad to read decrees or announcements. As a result, the need for a system tomake things easier came up as early as the 3rd century BC which resulted in theinvention and use of punctuation marks. At that time, 3 types of dots wereintroduced, each indicating a certain length of pause required in the sentence.A dot placed in the bottom showed a short pause, like the one for a comma, theone in the middle a bit longer and the one on the top was the longest pausewhich was used instead of a full stop or period. This method was put to an endafter the Romans took over the Greek not only in politics but also in theirwriting. But when Bible verses were being translated the need was once againcame up, because the message; in other words, the word of God’s, had to beprecisely and clearly conveyed in the other language. Since then and throughthe years, punctuation has had a lot of changes until it became what we have today.اگه بخوایم تاریخچه نقطه گذاری رو بررسی کنیم باید برگردیمبه قرن سوم قبل از میالد. در اون زمان نوشته ها یا متون پیوسته و بدون هیچ فاصله ونقطه گذاری نوشته میشدن و کسی که میخواست متنی رو بخونه باید بارها و بارها اونوتمرین میکرد تا بتونه درست و با مکث بجا بخوانه و این موضوع مخصوصا زمان خوندنفرمان یا اعالمیه ها کار رو مشکل میکرد چون باید درست خونده میشد و پیغام بایددرست به مخاطب میرسید. با توجه به این نیاز در قرن سوم قبل از میالد سیستمی متشکلاز سه نوع نقطه معرفی شد که با توجه به محل قرار گرفتنشون نشون میداد مکث کوتاهباشه یا طوالنی تر. مثال مثل ویرگول امروز باشه یا نقطه. این سیستم بعدا ت غییرکرد و رسید به زمانی که کتاب مقدس و منابع دینی نیاز به ترجمه داشت و می بایستپیغام متن دقیق و درست به مخاطب منتقل بشه. خالصه که بعد از یه عالمه باال و پایینو تغییرات رسید به شکل امروزی.Now, we realize thatpunctuation is essential for efficient communication because it adds clarityand precision to writing; it allows the writer to stop, pause, or give emphasisto certain parts of the sentence. But how about the usage of differentpunctuation marks? Do we know when and how to use each? Well, this is what weare going to discuss in this episode and nail our written communication inEnglish. So, are you ready???خب، متوجه شدیم که punctuation برای یک ارتباط موثر الزمهچون صراحت و شفافیت به متن اضافه میکنه، به نویسنده اجازه میده مکث کنه یا بخشخاصی از متن رو تاکید کنه. حاال بیاین ببینیم هر کدوم از نشانه ها رو کی و چطوراستفاده می کنیم.1. This punctuationmark is used to put an end to something; an idea or statement. You guessed itright. It’s a period or as the British call it a full stop. It appears at theend of a complete sentence and indicates a longer pause in speech compared to acomma. In academic writings, period is also used in abbreviations. Forinstance, the phrase “et cetera” which is usually written as etc. Besides, ifyou see three periods in a row, it’s an indication of ellipsis. It means therest of the sentence or some words have been cut out to avoid repetition orthey were obvious from the meaning. One important thing to remember is that thesentence after a period should start with a capital letter.عالمت یا نشانه اول نقطه است که در آخر یک جمله کاملاستفاده میشه و نشان دهنده پایان حرف، جمله یا یک ایده ست. مکثی که بعد از نقطهایجاد میشه معموال طوالنی تر از مکث بعد از ویرگول هست. گاهی نقطه در انتهای حروفاختصار یا همون abbreviations استفاده میشه که بیشتر درمتون علمی کاربرد داره. اگه سه تا نقطه پشت سر هم یا row a in استفاده بشه، نشون دهنده حذف به قرینه ست. یعنی به کلمات حذفشده یا قبال در جمله اشاره شده و یا از معنی جمله میشه حدس زد که چیه. در ضمن،یادتون باشه که جمله ای که بعد از نقطه میاد حتما باید با حرف بزرگ نوشته بشه.2. This next item isthe most qualified punctuation mark with many functions and yet the mostmisused of all. The comma! Have you ever been confused whether or not to use itin a sentence? That’s what I’m talking about. Theremain cases wherecomma is used:3.نشانه بعدی ویرگول یا همون comma هست. یکی ازپرکاربردترین نشانه هاست که در عین حال خیلی هم اشتباه استفاده میشه. در اینجا سهتا از مهمترین کاربردهای ویرگول رو با هم مرور می کنیم:a. Afterintroductory or adverbial phrases. For example: To begin with, and the rest ofthe sentence or when sequencing ideas you say: first, and the rest of thesentence.اولین کاربرد comma بعد از عبارت قیدی یا مقدمه جملهاست. مثل کلمات یا عبارت های قیدی که در مثالها گفته شد.b. Separatingdependent and main clauses A complete sentence may include a main clause andmany subordinate clauses. The main clause is a complete sentence in terms ofgrammar and meaning while a subordinate clause is grammatically complete butincomplete in terms of meaning. Subordinate clauses usually add extrainformation and a comma separates the essential from the extra information in asentence.کاربرد دوم comma برای جدا کردن اطلاعات اصلی درجمله پایه از اطلاعات اضافه در جمله پیرو هست. یه یادآوری هم داشته باشیم که جملهپایه از نظر ساختاری و معنایی جمله کاملی هست در حالیکه جمله پیرو از نظر گرامریکامل ولی از لحاظ معنایی وابسته به جمله پایه ست. به مثالها دقت کنین:If we set out on time, we will meet them. جملهthem meet will We جمله پایه ست که جمله پیرو با استفادهاز comma ازش جدا شده. البته باید یادمونباشه که اگه اطلاعات اضافه وسط جمله باشه بین دو تا comma نوشته میشه. مثال: .controversial is, earlier mentioned Iwhich, issue This c. The third use of comma, the most common one is separatingitems of a list: like The school subjects I loved were physics, chemistry, andmathematics. کاربرد سوم و رایج ترین کاربردcomma جدا کردن موارد قید شده در یک لیست هست مثل مثالیکه گفته شد. اما باید به یاد داشته باشیم که گاهی نویسنده ها فقط برای نشون دادنمکث و بدون توجه به قواعد ممکنه از comma استفادهکنند. این مسئله در متون عادی و معمولی مشکلی ایجاد نمیکنه اما در متون علمی وآکادمیک ممکنه ایجاد ابهام بکنه. یه نکته دیگه هم در مورد comma هست: بعضی نویسنده ها اصلا comma بکار نمی برند چون نگران کاربرد بیش از حدش هستند.3. There’s also thispunctuation mark which consists of a comma with a period or dot on top. Right,the semicolon! It actually is the most avoided mark as many people don’texactly know how to use it. According to Webster’s dictionary, “The semicolondoes jobs that are also done by other punctuation marks. Like a comma, it canseparate elements in a series. Like a period or colon, it often marks the endof a complete clause. And like a colon, it signals that what follows it isclosely related to what comes before it.” Semicolons are used in the followingcases: a. To connect two independent clauses in a sentence. Like: My mom hadmade a big pot of soup; it was simmering on the stove. b. To separate items ina list. Like: I love desserts which are sweet, chocolatey; made freshly; andnot so heavy. c. In long sentences before coordinating conjunctions like and,but, etc. for instance, Mary hated to be late; but did not try to be on time either.نشانه بعدی که اکثر اوقات نادیده گرفته میشه نقطه ویرگول یاهمون semicolon هست. چرا نادیده گرفته میشه؟ چون خیلی وقتها نمی دونیم چطورازش استفاده کنیم. نقطه ویرگول در واقع هم کار نقطه رو میکنه و هم کار ویرگول رو.یعنی هم در انتهای یه عبارت کامل میاد و هم بین موارد یه لیست. در واقع همونطور کهتوی مثالها مشخصه semicolon عبارتهای مستقلی که از نظرمعنایی به هم مرتبط هستند رو به هم متصل میکنه.4. The easiestpunctuation mark perhaps is the question mark which is used at the end of aninterrogative statement or let’s say a question. Only a small reminder here; donot use question marks at the end of embedded or indirect questions. 5. Thenext is exclamation mark used to show strong feelings, excitement or emphasis.دوتا علامت بعدی جرو آسون ترین ها هستند؛ علامت سوال وعلامت تعجب. همونطور که از اسمشون پیداست اولی در آخر سوال و دومی آخر جمله ای کهنشون دهنده احساس یا هیجان هست استفاده میشه.In addition to thepunctuation marks discussed here, we can name a few more like a quotation mark,colon, hyphen, dash and apostrophe. Which one of these do you know how to usebest? Can you explain the rules? Write in the comments and let’s discusspossible hacks to improve our writing.خب علاوه بر نشانه هایی که اینجا بهشون اشاره شد، علامتهایدیگه ای هم هستند مثل dash, hyphen, colon و غیره که مطمئناباید دیده باشین. آیا می دونین چطور و کجا ازشون استفاده میشه؟ توی کامنتها برامونبنویسین و بیاین با هم نکته هاشون رو بررسی کنیم.In the end, rememberthat punctuation marks are the traffic signals of a language; they tell us to slowdown, notice or stop. So, watch out! The punctuation police are everywhere. Ifyou are listening to this part it means you’ve stayed with us throughout thisepisode for wh
Comments (113)

پادکست استور

پادکستر عزیز، پادکست شما در گروه " دنیای زبان " پادکست استور معرفی شد. پادکست استور حامی پادکست هاست. (برای دیدن ادامه این کامنت اینجا 👆 ضربه بزنید) در صورت اشتباه در ارائه اطلاعات مانند لینک پادکست یا نام پادکستر ما را از طریق پشتیبانی پادکست استور در تلگرام مطلع کنید. در ضمن شما دعوت هستید به دو گروه پادکستر ها و شنوندگان #پادکست #پادکست‌استور‌....

Apr 23rd

pantea ghamaryari

عالی بود .لطفا متن پادکست ها رو هم بزارید .

Feb 25th


❤️ wing flag

Feb 23rd

Hosein Esmaeiliyan

very very good

Jan 17th

Mahsa Torabi


Jan 5th


سلام و سپاس ویژه بابت وقت و انرژی که برای تولید محتوا انجام میدید .مانا باشید

Dec 25th
Reply (2)

Malihe Khorramrouz

سلام و وقت بخیر متن پادکست ها رو از کجا میشه تهیه کرد؟

Dec 9th

Diana Dolat

just one thing is if it could be possible that you put translation for all your content you would be the best

Dec 8th

Diana Dolat

hey ,that was great experience of English learning and the way of your podcast sharing and content production 😀 is wow ,all I can say is excellent 👏 😀 and I appreciate

Dec 8th


thank you ♥️

Nov 23rd
Reply (1)


ممنون از زحمات شما. بسیار عالی و کاربردی بود

Nov 22nd
Reply (1)


It's realy great🤍

Nov 13th


خوب بود بهترش کنید

Nov 1st


انقدر ح تلفظ کردید آخر هر کلمه که اعصابم خورد شد . کردهحح بودهححح چه وضعیه واقعا 😅🌸

Oct 23rd



Oct 5th

Maryam Goodarzii


Sep 25th



Sep 24th



Sep 21st



Sep 20th



Sep 20th
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