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The Breakdown with Dr. B
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The Breakdown with Dr. B

Author: Dr. Arthur Bregman

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Welcome to The Breakdown with Doctor B., a psychologically healing conversation with well known psychiatrist, Arthur Bregman MD. Every week Dr. B. and host Linda Corley breakdown issues and problems from a mental health perspective. From the incessant stresses of the pandemic, to untangling relationship problems, Dr. B's years of experience helps piece together the messiest of life's problems.
124 Episodes
Politically Speaking - Just say "Let's Agree to Disagree"With the elections coming up, the environment around your home or workplace may be becoming contentious. How do you avoid arguments that could alienate friends or family members? Dr. B. breaks down the rules of polite discussion when it comes to discussing politics with those who may not share your views. Learn the best strategies for political discussion that will avoid confrontation while getting your point across.---Welcome to The Br...
Loneliness Can Kill You You heard that right! According to a recent U.S. health report, loneliness and lack of social connection can increase the risk of premature death by more than 60%. Dr. B. talks about the U.S. Surgeon General's recent declaration that states that loneliness in the United States has now reached epidemic proportions. Dr. B. also gives advice on how to stay engaged in order to ward off loneliness which often leads to depression.----Welcome to The Breakdown with Doctor B., ...

Freudian Slip


Freudian Slip - Have you ever been deep in conversation and realized you‘ve interchanged words unconsciously? Well according to Dr. Freud, the great psychiatrist, the mix-up may have been subconsciously intentional. Dr. B. breaks down what is called a Freudian Slip, and why some people are more prone than others when it comes to this slip of the tongue.----Welcome to The Breakdown with Doctor B., a psychologically healing conversation with well-known psychiatrist Arthur Bregman MD. ...
The Mental Health Benefits of Sleeping With Your DogAre you an anxious sleeper? Do you suffer from nightmares? What about insomnia? If your answer is yes to any of these questions, you may just benefit from sleeping with your pet. Dogs are shown to lower blood pressure and create endorphins so a sound sleep is easier to achieve. Using research-based reasons, Dr. B. breaks down why sleeping with Fido can be a healthy and positive experience for you and your dog. ------Welcome to The Break...

To Test or Not To Test


To Test or Not To TestPsychological testing sounds daunting. We hear about it when it comes to criminals. It’s implemented when the courts need to measure one’s sanity and it’s also used to gauge a person’s competency for a very important role. Children are also tested if a parent feels there is a need for a diagnosis to determine an underlying mental health condition like depression, for instance. In this episode, Dr. B. breaks down the importance of psychological testing for children, what ...
Conquer Stress By Learning Resilience - Day-to-day stress is common and yet for many it can be debilitating and draining. How do you take stress and come out the other side with resiliency that will ultimately serve you in the future? Dr. B. and Jen Flinn break down tips on how to become resilient in any situation.---Welcome to The Breakdown with Doctor B., a psychologically healing conversation with well-known psychiatrist Arthur Bregman MD. Every week Dr. B. and host Linda Corley brea...

Love At The Workplace


Love At The WorkplaceNow that 80 percent of the US workforce is back to the workplace, office romances are making a big comeback. In fact, it's reported that as many as a third of workers admit to having an office romance. Dr. B. and journalist Jim McClure break down the do's and don'ts of office romance, the etiquette behind remaining professional as well as how to avoid the pitfalls that can lead to distraction and conflicts within the workplace. ---Welcome to The Breakdow...

Onboard Companions🐕


Onboard Companions - Dr. B has long talked about the power of pets in the mental health world. This episode features national and international print and broadcast journalist Jim McClure, who with his vast experience in covering the military, talks to Dr. B. about an exciting pilot program that the U.S. Navy launched recently. The U.S. Navy's Expanded Operational Stress Control Canine Pilot Program, which brings therapy dogs onboard naval ships in an effort to improve morale and aid in mental...
What is Your Name Again?We have so much to think about these days, between work, family and social life. Plus, we are always getting bombarded with new information. It's no wonder that we walk out of the grocery store wondering where we parked our car. Forgetting simple things, like names of people we just met, is normal. The question is how do we stop this from becoming an annoying habit? How can we retain information once and for all? Dr. B. gives us the latest tips on how boost recall, ret...
Tips For A Happy Retirement Retirement can be the most enjoyable time in one’s life or it can be a boring, stifling period without purpose. The way we structure our retirement years is an individual decision that, according to Dr. B. , should be planned well in advance of the first day of retirement. Listen as Dr. B. and his guest Margaret as they give tips on how to turn one's retirement into the golden years of happiness!---Welcome to The Breakdown with Doctor B., a psychol...
In a Rut? Rewire Your Brain!It's called Neuroplasticity which basically means the brain's ability to adapt to change and learn. By rewiring your brain you can get out of your daily doldrums and become more resilient to change. Dr. B. gives some great tips that involve learning new skills and creating new experiences in order to rewire the brain to strengthen memory, resilience and lessen depression.---Welcome to The Breakdown with Doctor B., a psychologically healing conversation with w...

The Power of Pets


The Power of Pets - We all know that pets are cuddly, friendly animals that add warmth to any home but the health benefits often go beyond gazing at that cute furry face. Dr. B. along with Sarah Fisher with the Humane Society of the Treasure Coast break down how a pet can relieve depression, lower blood pressure, and help with anxiety. For more information on adopting a pet, visit the Humane Society of Treasure Coast ( to The Breakdown with Doctor B., a psychologica...
Change Your New Year with Just One Word!New year's resolutions are as old as toasting the new year with champagne and singing Auld Lang Syne. Yet surveys show that resolutions can often be too lofty and therefore are broken before Valentine's Day rolls around. How can you keep to your goals and improve yourself in the new year? The answer may be with just one word. Your special word. Dr. B. breaks down how to set intentions for the new year with a simple mantra that could possibly steer next ...

Why Not Age Joyfully?


Why Not Age Joyfully? - We have all heard about aging gracefully, but aging joyfully is a lot more fun and is proven to keep one vibrant after retirement. In fact, finding curiosity in life and embracing the inner child can add shine to the golden years. Dr. B. and his two guests give tips on how to put vibrance into life and celebration into each day.---Welcome to The Breakdown with Doctor B., a psychologically healing conversation with well-known psychiatrist Arthur Bregman MD. Every ...
Ways To Deal With Anxiety - Breathe!There are all sorts of theories about how to deal with stress. Some ways have you working through tension by letting your anguish out. A new study shows that actually holding the stress in and rolling through the punches may be the way to go. On this show Dr. B. brings onboard Tony Major, a personal wellness coach and healer to demonstrate a few breathing exercises that are the perfect go to's when life hits you with a curve ball and you need a way to come ...
A Narcissist No No When Raising Children- It's beneficial to raise children with praise but telling your child they are so special could be overindulging them in an unhealthy elevated sense of self. Dr. B. teaches a few lessons on giving a child confidence without leaving them thinking they are all that and more!--Welcome to The Breakdown with Doctor B., a psychologically healing conversation with well-known psychiatrist Arthur Bregman MD. Every week Dr. B. and host Linda Corley break d...

Big Ego or Narcissist?


Big Ego or Narcissist?We all know people who have an ego the size of Texas. They are chatty, self-absorbed, and not always easy to deal with when it comes to a relationship. Yet just because a person is full of self-grandiosity doesn’t necessarily mean they are a narcissist. Dr. B. breaks down the four basic personality traits of a narcissist and how to deal with a person who insists on dominance and self-adulation.--Welcome to The Breakdown with Doctor B., a psychologically healing conversat...
Here is How to Cut Your Depression in Half - Feeling down and sulky? Life is too short to be constantly down in the dumps. A new study shows there are seven habits, that if practiced daily, will cut your depression almost in half! Dr. B. goes down the list that includes changing the way you eat and hanging out with friends. Even developing a healthy hobby will cause the clouds to part and have you smiling again!--Welcome to The Breakdown with Doctor B., a psychologically healing convers...
Teaching Your Children Mental Strength - In a turbulent world, many parents are asking, "how do I equip my children to succeed in life?" Dr. B. breaks down some key lessons for children that will keep them resilient and adaptable as they journey through the ups and downs of childhood and beyond.--Welcome to The Breakdown with Doctor B., a psychologically healing conversation with well-known psychiatrist Arthur Bregman MD. Every week Dr. B. and host Linda Corley break down issues and pro...
Menopause - A New BeginningFor years society forced women into thinking that "the Change" was a time to put away thoughts of youthful vitality, dreams and hopeful plans. However today there is a vivacious shift occurring when it comes to the way women are navigating through the menopause years. New treatments, healthy supplements and a forward thinking direction is quickly proving to ladies over 50 that life is far from over. Dr. B. and host Linda Corley remind women how menopause can b...
Going back to school can be wrought with a lot of anxiety but as Dr. Bregman likes to tell kids it's a New Year and a New Start. Whatever happened last year is in the past. On this episode of The Breakdown with Dr. B., Dr. Bregman gets students and parents ready with seven tips that can lead to a successful school year.--Welcome to The Breakdown with Doctor B., a psychologically healing conversation with well-known psychiatrist Arthur Bregman MD. Every week Dr. B. and host Linda Corley ...
As temperatures soar around the world, so do tempers. It's a known fact that there is a direct correlation between the heat index and aggression. Dr. B. breaks down why people reach their boiling point and become aggressive when temperatures head north of 90 degrees and what you can do to keep your cool.---Welcome to The Breakdown with Doctor B., a psychologically healing conversation with well-known psychiatrist Arthur Bregman MD. Every week Dr. B. and host Linda Corley break dow...
My Adderall is Running Out! What Do I Do?Adderall is a staple for many of those who suffer from ADHD. Yet because of a supply chain problem, pharmacies are dealing with problematic shortages for those who rely on this vital medication. What to do if you find yourself in this situation? Dr. B. says don't panic, take a deep breath and listen to his tips on how to weather the Adderall shortage without too much stress.------Welcome to The Breakdown with Doctor B., a psychologically healing conver...
Out of the Box Sleep Tricks - Move over chamomile tea, hello crackling bacon! Sleep experts are now adding new and unusual sleep techniques that include listening to repetitive sounds like bacon frying. How can the crackle of bacon or the buzzing of a bumble bee bring on golden slumbers? Dr. B. breaks down some out-of-the-box techniques that may help to avoid insomnia and encourage a good night's sleep.-------Welcome to The Breakdown with Doctor B., a psychologically healing conversation with...
As we get older, even the simplest activities that we did when we were younger becomes daunting. Driving long distances, traveling on planes, and starting a new activity can cause various degrees of anxiety. Where did our self-confidence go? Dr. Br. breaks down anxiety in older adults while providing methods to ease the nerves so everyday and every activity becomes stressless.---Welcome to The Breakdown with Doctor B., a psychologically healing conversation with well-known psychiatrist Arthur...
That's right. Doing nothing, like staring into a lake or relaxing on a bench looking at trees, can be healing for those who are suffering from burnout. Just ask the Dutch who came up with the concept called Niksen, which is the art of doing nothing. Niksen lowers the blood pressure, slows the heart rate, and restores the mind. Dr. B. discusses the antidote to burnout and why doing nothing can be the perfect solution for those who feel overwhelmed and worn out!———Welcome to The Breakdown with ...

Crazy for Sports


What is it about team sports that make fans wild? Men in particular are incredibly loyal to their teams while dedicating time, money, and a social life to their favorite spectator sport. Is it mentally healthy to be so elated or depressed after a game? Dr. B. breaks down the psychology behind the reason we live and die for sports and the emotions that we engage in while watching our favorite team. ———Welcome to The Breakdown with Doctor B., a psychologically healing conversation wi...
The U.S. Surgeon General recently released an advisory warning that loneliness has reached epidemic proportions. Why are Americans so lonely? The reasons are numerous and varied, affecting people of all ages and economic brackets. One thing is for certain, the pandemic didn't seem to help people from feeling lonely, and in fact, plunged more and more Americans into a sad and depressed state. Dr. B. breaks down the reasons behind this new epidemic and discusses what can be done to stave off lo...

Stop Procrastinating!


Why can't we get things done? Instead, we find excuses or distractions that stop us from completing or even starting our tasks. It's called procrastination and it's a common behavioral problem for most Americans. In fact, up to 20 percent of us suffer from chronic procrastination that can stifle success in our relationships or careers. So what can we do? Dr. B. breaks down the reasons we procrastinate and what we can do to move forward and accomplish our goals.———Welcome to The Breakdow...
A trend in family size seems to be shrinking. In fact, 20 percent of American couples are now deciding on feathering their nest with just one child. Over the years, The Only Child Syndrome theory has stereotyped only children as bossy, self-involved, over-achievers and sometimes lonely. Is that true? Dr. B. not only breaks down the myth but as a father of an only child, gives solid advice on raising a child in a one-child family.———Welcome to The Breakdown with Doctor B., a psychologically he...
Isolation from friends was just one of the many hindrances for children during the pandemic. But as the research now shows many school-age children were left behind academically. Vice Principal Anna and Dr. Bregman break down the many reasons why many kids are now struggling with their lessons, especially those who were learning to read when the pandemic hit. They will also discuss ways to get children up to speed and on par with their grade level.———Welcome to The Breakdown with Doctor B., a...
As American Humorist once said, "Worry is like a rocking chair: it gives you something to do but never gets you anywhere." On this episode of The Breakdown with Dr. B., Doctor Bregman gives useful tips on how to break the habit of worrying by replacing concerning thoughts with productive behavior that leads to solutions. ———Welcome to The Breakdown with Doctor B., a psychologically healing conversation with well-known psychiatrist Arthur Bregman MD. Every week Dr. B. and host Linda...
There is nothing better than celebrating the holidays with family and friends. Yet sometimes a festive celebration can turn into a fearsome fighting event. Yes, let's face it, there is something about the holidays that can make even the closest of family's tense and argumentative, whether it's a disagreement about politics, religion, or a tiff about something that happened last holiday. How can you make sure your next holiday celebration goes off without a hitch or a hair-raising quarrel? Dr....
So the election is over and you just can’t accept the results. Your candidates didn’t win and now you think the world as you know it may spin out of control. Dr. B. talks about the anxiety some people suffer when election results are a blow to their expectations and what to do to help ease anger, frustration, and fear.———Welcome to The Breakdown with Doctor B., a psychologically healing conversation with well-known psychiatrist Arthur Bregman MD. Every week Dr. B. and host Linda Corley ...
There are all sorts of reasons to get on anti-depressants and just as many to get off when the time is right. Deciding when and how to wean off anti-depressants comes with all sorts of questions as many are concerned about the side effects if not done properly. Dr. B. breaks down the mechanics of getting off anti-depression meds successfully and without too much hassle.———Welcome to The Breakdown with Doctor B., a psychologically healing conversation with well-known psychiatrist Arthur Bregma...
People who suffer from attention deficit disorders are often treated with Adderall to help them focus and maintain status quo at work or school. Recently those who rely on this prescription medication are finding that a shortage is making it difficult to obtain what many consider a miracle drug. What to do? Dr. B. and Denise Suarez, a doctor specializing in herbal remedies, talk about some healthy alternatives. You can find Dr. Suarez’s blog at
Covid was hard on all of us including babies. Their world of firsts was halted for almost two years as their parents kept their little sweethearts away from Covid cooties. But how did their insular world affect their development? Dr. B. speaks to Courtney, a mother of two babies growing up during this careful time to find out how little ones are catching up after living in the Covid Cave!———Welcome to The Breakdown with Doctor B., a psychologically healing conversation with well-known psychia...

Injustice Trauma


Life is just unfair! We go through great disappointments in life and when we take them personally it's sometimes hard to adjust. When, what we perceive a great injustice, some people describe anger that won't go away. For others, it digs up a past that many wish would just go away. Josh and Mia, former students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas high school, talk about how the recent verdict of the Parkland shooter affected them differently and what they are doing to move on.———Welcome to The Breakd...

A Port in the Storm


For children, parents represent a port in the storm. A calm parent with a plan can soothe an anxious child. Dr. B. talks to two parents, Brit and Rob Chepik who recently weathered hurricane Ian with their two kids. Their plan of action, calm demeanor, and preparedness helped their children get through a scary time in their lives.———Welcome to The Breakdown with Doctor B., a psychologically healing conversation with well-known psychiatrist Arthur Bregman MD. Every week Dr. B. and host Li...
The devastation of catastrophic Hurricane Ian left more than just structural destruction in its wake. It caused an emotional roller-coaster that the survivors will be grappling with for some time. Natural disasters that can bring on the anxiety of anticipation and the horrific experience of living through the event can leave many people with PTSD symptoms long afterwards, Dr. B. compares natural disasters to a weather war and offers a few good pieces of advice on how to cope from his emotiona...

The Power of Rituals


When watching the time-honored pomp and circumstances of the Queen's funeral we are reminded of the role rituals play in history. Yet rituals are not just reserved for a monarch. As we practice rituals in our everyday life, from singing happy birthday to the folding of the American flag, we are taking part of a tradition that goes beyond ceremonial. Studies have found that rituals can add some positive benefits to our mental health. Dr. B. breaks down the surprising power of rituals and how d...
Remembering to take your medicine every day is easier said than done. Often, we forget, or we decide, for some reason, that today is a good day for skipping a pill or two. With Baby Boomers averaging four prescription pills a day, Dr. B. gives some sound advice on managing medication - from tips on how to remember to take your pills on a daily basis to getting educated on key times to take certain medications for the greatest benefits and lesser side effects.———Welcome to The Breakdown with D...
The Great Queen of England's passing is causing the world is to mourn on an epic scale. Milestones of her 70-year reign can be remembered by just about everyone on the planet. Even though few of us got the chance to meet her, we all felt she was a part of our history in some aspect. This is why in grieving for the Queen, we also mourn the losses in our own lives. Dr. B. talks about how the passing of this iconic figure brings up memories of loved ones we have lost over the years.———Welcome to...

Battling Anxiety


Feeling nervous before a public speaking engagement or during a championship sporting event where you are expected to make a game-winning goal is normal and actually helpful. Adrenaline gives us the boost to step up our game. Yet too much nervousness or anxiety can actually paralyze us, making normal daily living a challenge. Dr. B and Drs. Joel Plattor and Cathy Allsman talk about the various ways you can keep anxiety at bay before it gets out of control.———Welcome to The Breakdown with Doct...

School Day Jitters


The first day of school brings up all sorts of emotions; excitement, anticipation, and anxiety. Especially for mothers of children going to school for the first time, the thought of dropping off their children in a new environment full of firsts can inspire jitters and concerns. Dr. B. breaks down advice for parents who are sending their children off to school for the first time while offering tips for a smooth transition from home to the classroom!———Welcome to The Breakdown with Doctor B., ...
When people lie there is a rationale, whether it is to avoid consequences or deflect blame. The reasons are endless. Yet when a person is a pathological liar there is no motive for their lies. Dr. B. breaks down the reasons behind why someone would lie endlessly and how to help those who suffer from this often out-of-control behavior.———Welcome to The Breakdown with Doctor B., a psychologically healing conversation with well-known psychiatrist Arthur Bregman MD. Every week Dr. B. and ho...
Dr. B. continues to break down important traits to instill in the minds and behavior of young children in order to make them mentally strong. In this episode he touches upon the mother of all coping skills, resilience. Children who are taught to be resilient will be more able to endure adversity, trauma and the stresses of life as they will not only bounce back but may even grow stronger from the negative experience.———Welcome to The Breakdown with Doctor B., a psychologically healing convers...
The saying, "You are what you eat," is not far from the truth. If we eat badly, we feel bad, not just in our body but about our body. What we eat and how much we eat can affect the way we think about ourselves. Yet nutrition can go beyond self-esteem. Dr. B. and trainer Rael Vanterpool discuss how food also can wreak havoc on our mental health yet at the same time why the right foods have been known to help with anxiety and depression.———Welcome to The Breakdown with Doctor B., a psychologica...
In this episode, Dr. B. breaks down the skills that children need to be resilient and successful. Perseverance and the idea of not giving up are imperative for accomplishing goals. Combined with hope and independence, the other two skills promoted in the past two podcasts, persistence will teach children that it's not the fastest one to win the race but the one who never gave up. ———Welcome to The Breakdown with Doctor B., a psychologically healing conversation with well-known psychiatri...
In our continuing three-part series that talks about the skills that make kids mentally strong, Dr. B. breaks down the importance of independence. Letting go and encouraging children to make their own choices are some of the teaching tools that make children confident and excellent decisions makers in the future.———Welcome to The Breakdown with Doctor B., a psychologically healing conversation with well-known psychiatrist Arthur Bregman MD. Every week Dr. B. and host Linda Corley break ...
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