The Fuel better Podcast

The Fuel Better Podcast hosted by Evan Lynch - Registered Dietitian & Sports Nutrition Specialist & nutritionist who has worked with numerous professional & Olympic athletes, aims to bring you the listener a digestible version of all things nutrition science & health, whilst discussing some of the most contemporary issues in the sporting world at present. You can contact Evan via at<br /><hr><p style='color:grey; font-size:0.75em;'> Hosted on Acast. See <a style='color:grey;' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer' href=''></a> for more information.</p>

Protein and muscles - all you need to know

Firstly, thanks to RPM power for sponsoring this episode!Everything you want or need to know about protein intake, patterns of eating and it's impact on your muscle & performance in one episode.Protein is key to healthy muscle function & enabling an athlete to adapt to their workload. It also has a major role to play in general health, appetite signalling, immunity and much more. In this episode we talk about the importance not only of meeting your needs, but also the importance of the pattern of ingestion.If you would like to work with my team and I to get the record straight on what types of nutrition protocols would work for you, you can find us here or reach out here. This episode was brought to you by RPM Power, Ireland's most trusted fitness equipment provider, you can check out their website here and use discount code Fuelbetter10 to get 10% off their entire range.Evan Lynch - Registered Dietitian & Performance Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


A dietitian's guide to weight loss for athletes

Firstly, thanks to RPM power for sponsoring this episode!Athletes always miss the forest for the trees on this topic. Losing weight or being lean is likely not going to be the biggest determinant in your sporting performance. What sport do you play or compete in, how are the podium spots decided? Is it how lean you are, who has the lowest body fat percentage or your physique? For the vast majority of people the three former items are not key performance metrics, with the exception of bodybuilding & physique competition. In many cases, when we get into the weeds on this with an athlete, the desire to lose weight on the surface is related to sports performance, but ultimately it tends to be about fitting in, low self esteem or a poor body image. Weight is not always a healthy or helpful thing.If you would like to work with my team and I to get the record straight on what types of nutrition protocols would work for you, you can find us here or reach out here. This episode was brought to you by RPM Power, Ireland's most trusted fitness equipment provider, you can check out their website here and use discount code Fuelbetter10 to get 10% off their entire range.Evan Lynch - Registered Dietitian & Performance Nutritionistevan@southeastnutritionclinic.comIG @elynchfitnut Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


Making the case for sports drinks.

Firstly, thanks to RPM power for sponsoring this episode!"Evan you are a dietitian and you tell people to drink sports drinks" is a common question/critique I get. I want to make the context specific case where sports drinks are actually of benefit for somebody, and in many cases with all things considered, a net positive. Exercise metabolism is vastly differing from resting metabolism, and this point of nuance is generally ignored. I hope you enjoy the episode.If you would like to work with my team and I to get the record straight on what types of nutrition protocols would work for you, you can find us here or reach out here. This episode was brought to you by RPM Power, Ireland's most trusted fitness equipment provider, you can check out their website here and use discount code Fuelbetter10 to get 10% off their entire range.Evan Lynch - Registered Dietitian & Performance Nutritionistevan@southeastnutritionclinic.comIG @elynchfitnut Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


Is fasted training a good idea?

Firstly, thanks to RPM power for sponsoring this episode!"Train on fat to burn fat", "burning more fat will lead to more fat loss", "fasted training will make you a better athlete" - these are phrases we commonly hear in settings from peers, coaches and influencers alike, the reality is that there is not a lot of evidence suggesting this is beneficial. In fact, fasted training may come with far more peril than benefit when we fully examine each and every consideration in this case. In this episode we take a brief deep dive into fasted training and give you a breakdown of the pros, cons and actual facts so that you can make fully informed choices as to how you approach your sports nutrition. If you would like to work with my team and I to get the record straight on what types of nutrition protocols would work for you, you can find us here or reach out here. This episode was brought to you by RPM Power, Ireland's most trusted fitness equipment provider, you can check out their website here and use discount code Fuelbetter10 to get 10% off their entire range.Evan Lynch - Registered Dietitian & Performance Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


Why athletes comparing diets is almost never a good thing.

Firstly, thanks to RPM power for sponsoring this episode!Just because somebody is good at any given sport, this does not mean they are healthy, it almost doesn't mean they know what they are talking about when it comes to diet. I have seen multiple elite athletes have major health issues due to the way to they fuel their exercise, whilst performing admirably. I say to point out that performance does not equal health, "that athletes get's away with not fuelling for their sessions" is a common thing I hear. In reality they don't, you simply can't see the consequences. My team and I see the consequences every day, and they can be devastating (if you are interested in avoiding such issues, you can reach out here to work with us).You should be very careful who you compare your diet to. The average professional athlete or coach scores about a C minus when you quiz them on diet, and depending on the sport we are talking about, the likelihood of an athletes having RED-S or an eating disorder is massive and for eating disorders up to 3 times more likely than general populations.Just because you can do a 3hr run without eating or drinking anything, doesn't mean you should. Just because the fastest runner in your group says gels are full of processed sugars and are bad for you, doesn't make it true. This episode was made to address the way we decide what is and is not okay or optimal, and a reminder to check yourself on who exactly you compare yourself to. If you would like to work with my team and I to get the record straight on what types of nutrition protocols would work for you, you can find us here or reach out here.This episode was brought to you by RPM Power, Ireland's most trusted fitness equipment provider, you can check out their website here and use discount code Fuelbetter10 to get 10% off their entire range. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


Let's set realistic goals in 2024

If Christmas wasn't tough enough, we have to immediately follow it with a set of lofty goals immediately afterwards. The fitness industry relies and preys on this collective (albeit temporary mindset). You are poised to announce to the world that you are going to make changes that are akin to you deciding to suddenly changing your dexterity, new year new you is a marketing term, not an accurate representation of behaviour change.We see this year in, year out - after the lull and low following the excitement and excess at Christmas, people will punish themselves or try to compensate by making grandiose diet & lifestyle changes. It doesn't work, it never has and never will. if you are sick of doing this and repeating this pattern, you can click here and my team and I can help you out. Thanks to Somega who are the main sponsor of today's episode - you can use discount code SENUT10 to get 10% off their brilliant range, you can check them out at team and I wish you a very happy new year! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


Don't diet your way through Christmas

Christmas is a tough time of year, and I have heard it all this time around - "how can I manage my diet around Christmas" or "do I need to make up for Christmas before and after it'' or even the good old staple of "I don't want to gain weight, Christmas is going to mess that up." It's a common trope, and unfortunately reflects an endemically poor diet culture, generalised lack of mental flexibility and seasonal feelings of failure, shame and guilt that drive New Years resolutions every year. The general perception is that a few days of not healthy/restrictive eating is enough to permanently derail your ambitions, this is rarely the case. If this is something you struggle with, you can click here and my team and I can help you out. If you know someone who may struggle with this type of behaviour and mentality, please share this episode with them. Thanks to Somega who are the main sponsor of today's episode - you can use discount code SENUT10 to get 10% off their brilliant range, you can check them out at My team and I wish you a very merry Christmas. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


How to never have a bad race again

This episode of the Fuel Better Podcast sees Evan chat to Ciaran Burke, an expert in all things exercise physiology, metabolism and performance. This discussion took place briefly after the Dublin marathon, with every major race, many are left disappointed with their performance. In this episode we go through exactly what should somebody do to make sure their next outing is a triumph. You can find Ciaran at or on Instagram @theperformlab. Special thanks to our podcast sponsor SOMEGA, an Irish based nutrition company who's mantra of "Better Nutrition, Better Health" has led to their superb range of nutritional products that are designed for maximal bioavailability & absorption. You can head over to to to see their range and use SENUT10 for a 10% discount. If you want to work the team on all things nutrition, the link to put yourself on our waiting for January 2024 is here. If you enjoy the show I would really appreciate if you could leave a review and tell a friend about it. Until next time, E. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


ADHD and how my mental health shapes my advice

Welcome back to season three of the fuel better podcast. In this episode I am going to give you a low down of my life, an insight into my mental health and how this has shaped my approach to diet, understanding behaviour change and really helping people who are struggling with their lifestyle. If nothing else, I hope this episode highlights that nobody is immune to poor diet & lifestyle, and that everybody requires help from time to time. If you found that this episode resonates with you and you found some nuggets of information here, I would love to hear from you and I would appreciate if you could share the podcast. I can be reached at or @elynchfitnut on Instagram. If you are struggling with your diet, your weight or making changes and you think my team and I might be suited to help you, you can fill in this form to get started ASAP or you can fill in this form to book in for January 2024. Thanks for listening to this episode, this is quite a personal one for me. Till the next one, E. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


Marathon nutrition considerations

Evan speaks around the topic of what nutritional consideration might come into effect for someone who is taking on a marathon, and looking to tick the boxes from a food perspective. The advice draws from recent IAAF studies on how to best approach marathon racing and Evan combines this with his experience working with marathon runners of all levels, from recreational to Olympic level. If you want to learn to fuel like a pro, get in touch with Evan or click the link below to take a spot on the January online coaching intake by filling in the assessment forms to see if you are a good candidate. As always, feel free to reach out with any queries or questions you may have. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


The big debate - fats versus carbs

This episode goes through one of the most common questions I get from clients, and that is, should you be using fats or carbs as a fuel source? This is a contentious topic, with many people taking a polarised view on this, though with all things nutrition related, the answer is not black & white. Have a listen to get the inside scoop on where lower carb approaches might fit into your training approach. To get in touch with me on Instagram DM me @elynchfitnut or if you are interested in working with me, head over to my website at to book yourself into the online clinic or the online coaching program. As always, if you like the podcast, tell a friend & give it a share! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


Comfort eating - what it is and how to stop it

Comfort eating is an issue that pretty much everybody struggles with, without really realising it an issue. Comfort eating happens mostly within the confines of your own home when any negative emotion hits you. Learn how to deal with it win this podcast, if it's something you struggle with, please reach out to me @elynchfitnut or book in for a consultation over at This is an important topic that affects many people, so I would appreciate a like & share! Until next time, happy eating! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


Will I be a better runner if I lose weight?

Will losing weight make me a better athlete? This episode talks you through the nuance behind how weight can effect performance, what it all boils down to, why you want to do in the first place and gives you some insights into how to do it better! If you want a constant stream of useful content why not follow me on instagram @elynchfitnut, you can also get in book that consultation with me at you like the podcast tell a friend, give it a share and tag me in a story! It all helps!Until next time,E Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


You can have that bar of chocolate, just FYI.

We have all heard it before:'I can't have any more cake, chocolate, beer etc. because I'm running a marathon, it's race season or (insert fitness endeavour here)'This notion whilst popular, is simply unhelpful, and possibly more damaging than just eating that bit of chocolate.I am taking on new clients in June, if you think would interest you, head over to my IG (@elynchfitnut) and register your interest to book a call so we can chat, and see what we can do for you. if you wish to get oil touch otherwise head over to and you can easily contact me there.Until the next episode,Happy eating,E Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


Why I don't use before & after pictures

We've all been there, you flick through social media and your local PT has a striking before & after picture of a client who lost heaps of weight in a short space of time, and you think "wow, if I did this I would be so happy" - Spoiler alert, its Fugazi, it's not real and it's not maintainable. Before & after pictures are marketing tools used in the fitness industry to sell you the "best version of yourself" in order to get you spending your money on shakes, magic methods etc. The big takeaway is that you are more than a number. If weight management is something you struggle, please get in touch or book into my online clinic at loss is a process, not an end goal. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


Welcome to the Fuel Better Podcast!

Hey everybody & welcome the the Fuel Better Podcast! I am your host Evan Lynch, this is just a quick episode to tell you a little bit about myself, my background, the work I do and what this podcast will be about! I hope to use this podcast as a platform to bring some key issues to light in the world of sports and bring discussions all things sports, health & nutrition to the forefront, through a mixture of special guests, my fellow athletes, some researchers and some lessons I myself have learned over the past few years. Hope you enjoy the podcast, if you like it, please share it with a friend & help me get the key messages out there.Stay healthy,E Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


A sports dietitian's guide: Bone health & injuries in athletes

This episode of the Fuel Better Podcast with dietitian and sports nutritionist Evan Lynch will walk you through the ins and outs of what you need to know about diet, dietary patterns and supplements as it pertains to bone health, bone health and injury management. Bone injuries effect a lot of athletes and diet has demonstrable impacts, both positive and negative, on bone density and bone turnover rates. If you would like some assistance with managing a bone injury click here to enquire about joining the coaching program or email to book a consultation. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


Are we too aggressive with electrolyte replacement?

This episode takes a deep dive and an evidence based look at how we should go about hydration and electrolyte replacement. There is a growing trend in overly aggressive electrolyte replacement and an over emphasis on sweat sodium content. There are also poor practices evident on a wide scale. Clinically speaking, in the context of modern diets, where excess salt intake is endemic, it is important to have accuracy and clarity over sodium replacement. If you would like to work with the team please reach out to us at or click here to enquire for coaching. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


Beetroot juice, nitrates and sports performance: A sports dietitian's summary

This episode of the Fuel Better Podcast goes through the ins and outs of beetroot juice supplementation and it's impact on a variety of sporting endeavours. This episode will talk you through the doses, timings, considerations and types of exercise modalities that may benefit from the use of beetroot juice & nitrate based supplements. This episode of the Fuel Better Podcast is brought to you by Feighery's Farm, you can get your hands on their produce in Supervalu or online at If you are interested in working with the team to cover your nutritional requirements & manage your sports nutrition approaches, reach out at or visit If you enjoyed the episode please share it with a friend and leave a review, it helps the podcast grow! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


Ketone ester supplementation for endurance athletes

In this episode we talk about the contemporary topic of ketone ester supplementation and the impact it can have on an endurance athlete. The effects of ketones are varied from altering red blood cell mass to enhancing glycogen repletion post exercise. Ketones may be a useful tool in your belt, however, the research base is still emerging and there are a number of drawbacks that we discuss during the episode. If you enjoy the podcast share it with a friend & leave a review, if you would like to work with Evan and his teams you can enquire here, email or DM Evan on Instagram @elynchfitnut. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.


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