11 - SEASON FINALE: Anti-doping in recreational sports with Mikko Lemettilä
Together with our guest speaker Mikko Lemettilä, an anti-doping expert from Finland, we discuss:
(02:25 ) - Getting to know Mikko Lemettilä
(11:30 ) - Anti-doping strategies for elite/professional sports vs recreational sports
(18:12 ) - What are the Image and Performance Enhancing Drugs (IPEDs), how common their use and what are the motives behind why people use them
(33:15 ) - Successful Finnish and global models in doping prevention
(49:30 ) - Practical ways for athletes and health care professionals to fight doping
(58:55 ) - Educating athlete health team and entourage to fight doping
(01:09:45 ) - Mikko Lemettilä as an athlete
(01:16:17 ) - Paris 2024 Games and future outlook in the anti-doping scene
(01:20:10 ) - Rapid fire questions Mikko Lemettilä
Follow Mikko Lemettilä: https://www.instagram.com/puhtaastimikko/
The Mindful Muscles Initiative: https://mindfulmuscles.org/
Follow The Performance Prescription Lab Podcast on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/performprescribelab/