DiscoverThe Joe Rogan Experience#1246 - Pot Debate - Alex Berenson & Dr. Michael Hart
#1246 - Pot Debate - Alex Berenson & Dr. Michael Hart

#1246 - Pot Debate - Alex Berenson & Dr. Michael Hart

Update: 2019-02-13419


Alex Berenson is a former reporter for The New York Times and the author of several thriller novels and a book on corporate financial filings. His new book "Tell Your Children: The Truth About Marijuana, Mental Illness, and Violence" is available now via Amazon. Dr. Michael Hart is the founder and medical director of Readytogo clinic, a medical cannabis clinic in London, Ontario, Canada.
Comments (176)

Alex Avery

I heavily disagree with Alex. I inherited migraines from my mom, and I've always struggled with them, I generally get them 1 to 3 times a week. In the last 5 months Ibuprofen, Naproxen, Advil, just about all other painkillers, and even Tylenol 3 w/t codeine, any other more powerful painkillers have gotten less and less effective. What does work? Cannabis. CBD oil, rubs, THC, ect. I've actually been able to break a migraine and sleep through the night without waking up feeling as if I just had my brain shoved into an industrial grade blender, and turned it up to 11. My grandmother with extreme Rheumatoid arthritis can actually sleep through the night, walk up/down her stairs in the morning, and go about her day like she used to before she was diagnosed. It helps a friend of mine with epilepsy and glaucoma. Saying it's not a medicine is like saying that alcohol can't kill you.

Jan 23rd

the madman lowercase

Jenny left me a brownie...and i just started running...#JoeRogan #Comedy #forrestgump

Jan 19th

Aaron Riley

holding us back

Nov 20th
Reply (1)

Tyler Eber


Jul 16th
Reply (1)


Alex is a fucking idiot

May 27th


Alex Berenson needs to do better research. Cannabis makes users more often LESS prone to commit violent acts. He's looking for reasons to claim that Cannabis has has a negative impact on society since legalisation. He's grasping for straws in different aspects of a normal life and when he fails he goes on to the next idea. Mental illness, violence, theft and health in general are areas he's trying to penetrate and fails every time. Because he's just NOT right. He just wants to be a contradictory voice for his own ends, fame and money.

Apr 16th


I would be in prison, dead or chronically depressed if it weren't for Cannabis. Mental health is one of the the largest issues in the West today.

Apr 16th

Sam napier

The worst dissision I ever made in my life was being pressured into giving up weed. I turned to drink and have always regretted it

Apr 8th
Reply (1)

RedZedHead TV

The most extensive, comprehensive debate on the entire industry. Period.

Apr 3rd

Chaddwic Shay

This substance is not worth fighting about. I would argue that it would be impossible to prove it has any negative effects on productivity. There are too many confounding factors when it comes to marijuana use. For instance, when someone gets in an accident while high maybe it wasnt because they were high, maybe it would have happened either way. And hardly anyone uses weed without being willing to use other substances like alcohol or pills or hallicinigens or opioids or whatever. I bet it's rare to find someone who killed themselves and ONLY had marijuana in their systems with no other conflating variables or other substances in play. We cant make it illegal without creating criminal enterprises. it exists, it always has and always will. you cant destroy it, how can you make it illegal? you're fighting a losing battle from the beginning. I do agree it has health impacts if you use it incorrectly. I used to only know about bad product, resin, reclaim, flower, joint papers, etc., but al

Mar 25th

Brandy Hamilton

I would blame the increase in mental illness on poor health/diet waaaaay before blaming cannabis use.

Mar 20th

Nathan Russak

Fuck man. This was hard to listen to.

Feb 26th

Don Dio

long story short, cannabis is not for everyone!

Feb 23rd


Just another reason not to trust what the NYT puts out.

Feb 21st

Austin Kloss

what's funny is that I'm a wake and bake type of guy and am currently listening to this at the gym. I wake bake and workout. defy.

Feb 20th
Reply (1)

Kevin William

So something that truly bothers me about this Joe is how this guy talks about the FDA and medicine. As someone that was on medication that does cause psychosis for nerve pain(yes nerve pain) I know this guy is full of shit or severely misled. The drug is called Elavil (I’ll save you the full name). This drug essentially turns you into a zombie. I could be in a conversation, one on one, and completely lose my ability to speak or comprehend the fact I was in a conversation. This is an FDA approved drug, the warning label also states that it causes suicide in people under 25. How can cannabis not be considered medication but a drug that has a direct side effect of suicide is?

Feb 19th

John Falcon

man... neither of these bros are making great arguments here.

Feb 19th


This guy is a hack. That Australian study he tried to cite as evidence of how it's bad and the doctor completely deconstructed it instead of the simplistic summary he provided as fact. The debate keeps generalising between high THC substances and general THC and CBD consumables. Clearly very high THC levels in certain products isn't healthy, the same way drinking really high alcohol % isn't healthy, or consuming concentrates of THC or CBD or even those vape liquids isn't healthy. I can accept that the strength of weed strains needs to be controlled, but that can't be done without it being regulated which can only happen when it's legalised.

Feb 19th

Phillip Riley

Alex, you were debating a man who is a doctor. He gave examples of people he treats clinically. Dismissing these patients as "his friends" is extremely disrespectful. You lost all credibility in this debate from beginning. I couldn't trust anything you said. You do a great disservice to your argument when you begin the debate being intellectually dishonest. Please learn to debate properly instead of flinging your poo like a monkey.

Feb 19th

Mike Smith

Couldn't finish listening to this one Joe But different strokes for different folks You let people talk from both sides of the fence but I'm in favour of weed cbd over opiates any fucking day Thoughts.?

Feb 19th
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#1246 - Pot Debate - Alex Berenson & Dr. Michael Hart

#1246 - Pot Debate - Alex Berenson & Dr. Michael Hart