DiscoverThe Joe Rogan Experience#2182 - Michael Malice
#2182 - Michael Malice

#2182 - Michael Malice

Update: 2024-07-3024


This podcast delves into a wide range of topics, starting with the speaker's personal experiences in stand-up comedy and their encounters with notable figures like Rosanne Barr. The conversation then shifts to more philosophical and controversial subjects, including drug use, drug legalization, and the ethical implications of lobotomies. The speaker expresses their views on the changing social landscape regarding gender identity and criticizes the use of political manipulation and gaslighting tactics. The podcast takes a sharp turn towards political conspiracies, discussing the potential for a coup against Biden, his deteriorating health, and the possibility of body doubles. The speakers question the official narratives surrounding the assassination attempt on Trump and the Hunter Biden laptop story, highlighting the public's willingness to accept misinformation. The conversation then explores the nature of intelligence and communication, examining the potential for AI to decipher dolphin languages and the possibility of other intelligent species existing beyond humans. The speakers discuss the existence of dragons and other mythical creatures, as well as the discovery of giant squids and other deep-sea creatures. The podcast concludes with a discussion about toxic masculinity, the rise of Andrew Tate, and the validity of Biden's COVID diagnosis. The speakers also explore the role of paid political propaganda, Kamala Harris's presidential prospects, and the media's influence on public perception. Throughout the conversation, the speakers emphasize the importance of critical thinking and questioning the information we are presented with, particularly in the age of misinformation and manipulation.


Introduction and Stand-Up Comedy

The podcast begins with upbeat music and a brief mention of Joe Rogan. The speaker announces their upcoming Netflix special and discusses their hiatus from stand-up comedy during the COVID-19 pandemic and their subsequent return to the stage.

Encounters and Cultural Observations

The speaker recounts a humorous encounter with Rosanne Barr in a green room, where she shared her unique perspective on aging and politics. They then share their experiences in Japan, including visiting a deep-sea aquarium, trying sushi, and observing the cultural differences between Japan and the United States.

Drug Use, Legalization, and Societal Impact

The speaker discusses their views on drug use, particularly cocaine and Adderall, and how they affect altered consciousness and perception. They explore the potential consequences of drug legalization, including the potential for corporate influence and the need for responsible leadership.

Ethical Concerns and Social Trends

The speaker discusses the history of lobotomies and the ethical implications of this practice, as well as the concept of "mind viruses" and their impact on societal trends. They also discuss the changing social landscape regarding gender identity and the potential for harmful consequences, particularly for children.

Political Manipulation and Gaslighting

The speaker criticizes the use of political manipulation and gaslighting tactics, using Kamala Harris as an example of how public perception can be manipulated. They discuss the political climate and the potential for a coup, exploring the possibility of Biden being removed from office via the 25th Amendment.

Biden's Health, Body Doubles, and Misinformation

The conversation shifts to Biden's health, with the speakers noting his apparent decline in cognitive abilities. They discuss the possibility of Biden using body doubles, pointing to discrepancies in his appearance and gait in various videos. They also discuss the public's willingness to accept gaslighting and misinformation, particularly regarding Biden's health and the Hunter Biden laptop story.

Shifting Narratives and Political Controversies

The conversation turns to the changing perception of Donald Trump, noting that even his critics are now acknowledging his effectiveness as a politician. The speakers discuss Mark Zuckerberg's recent comments about Trump and the suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story. They also discuss the assassination attempt on Trump and the media's response, criticizing the lack of outrage and the quick return to business as usual.

The Silk Road Case, the Deep State, and the Infantalization of the Public

The conversation focuses on the Silk Road case and the imprisonment of Ross Ulbricht. The speakers discuss the severity of his sentence and the possibility of his release, arguing that Biden could make a political statement by freeing him. They also discuss the public's tendency to accept information presented to them without critical thinking, comparing it to the "window" metaphor. They also discuss the concept of the "deep state" and the power of unelected officials.

The Orb, Cabin in the Woods, and the Nature of Reality

The conversation concludes with a discussion about the orb and the movie "Cabin in the Woods." The speakers discuss the film's themes of horror and its appeal to fans of the genre. They then delve into the nature of intelligence and how our understanding of it is often based on communication. They discuss the potential for AI to decipher dolphin languages and the possibility that dolphins have complex social structures and even racist tendencies.

Animal Intelligence and Communication

The conversation starts with a discussion about chimpanzees being sold in pet stores and a recent study suggesting that some chimpanzees can learn to speak human words. The discussion shifts to the intelligence of gorillas and their ability to learn sign language. The speakers question whether gorillas truly understand the meaning of the signs they use or if they are simply mimicking to get what they want. The example of Coco, a famous gorilla who mastered sign language, is brought up, and the speakers discuss the limitations of teaching complex concepts like "devil" to animals. The conversation turns to an experiment where dogs were trained to recognize pictures of dogs. The speakers discuss the fascinating ability of dogs to distinguish between dogs and other animals, even when presented with visually similar images. They also explore the role of smell in dog recognition and the challenges of teaching dogs to understand complex concepts like "family" and "friend."

Evolution, Mythical Creatures, and Deep-Sea Discoveries

The discussion shifts to the evolution of humans and the existence of other human species, such as the Denisovans and Neanderthals. The speakers discuss the limited fossil record of human species and the possibility that we have only scratched the surface of our evolutionary history. They also explore the potential for other intelligent species to emerge in the absence of humans. The conversation turns to the existence of dragons and other mythical creatures. The speakers discuss the prevalence of dragon myths across different cultures and the possibility that they are based on real creatures that have gone extinct. They also explore the possibility of giant crocodiles existing in the Congo and the challenges of verifying such claims. The discussion shifts to the discovery of giant squids and other deep-sea creatures. The speakers discuss the challenges of obtaining photographic evidence of these creatures due to their deep-sea habitat. They also explore the recent discovery of a new species of crab found under an oil rig, highlighting the vastness and mystery of the ocean depths.

Bizarre Creatures, Toxic Masculinity, and Biden's COVID Diagnosis

The conversation focuses on the bizarre nature of octopuses and their ability to change their texture and color to blend in with their surroundings. The speakers also discuss the fascinating phenomenon of gender-changing coddle fish, where male coddle fish can change their gender to mate with females. The discussion shifts to the concept of toxic masculinity and the rise of figures like Andrew Tate. The speakers argue that toxic masculinity often manifests as a negative and aggressive approach to masculinity, attacking stronger forms of masculinity by default. They also discuss the role of rebellion in shaping culture and the tendency for rebels to become conformists as they age. The conversation turns to the validity of Biden's recent COVID diagnosis and the use of Paxlovid. The speakers question the circumstances surrounding the diagnosis and the high dosage of Paxlovid that Biden reportedly received. They also discuss the challenges of navigating misinformation and the tendency for people to cling to narratives that confirm their existing beliefs.

Political Propaganda, Federman, and Kamala Harris's Prospects

The conversation starts with a discussion about paid political propaganda, where individuals are paid to create content supporting specific campaigns. The discussion then shifts to Senator Federman, his political stance, and his potential as a presidential candidate. The conversation delves into Kamala Harris's presidential prospects, highlighting concerns about her fundraising abilities and her perceived lack of popularity. The discussion also touches upon the possibility of a power play within the Democratic Party to replace her as the nominee.

Media Influence and the Strange Times We Live In

The conversation explores the media's role in shaping public perception, particularly regarding political figures. The discussion focuses on the media's sudden shift in support for Kamala Harris and the potential for leaks to undermine her campaign. The conversation reflects on the current political climate, characterized by misinformation, manipulation, and a general sense of chaos. The discussion highlights the difficulty in discerning truth from falsehood and the potential for this chaos to be exploited for political gain.

The Purpose of Chaos and the Biden Coup

The conversation explores the potential motives behind the spread of misinformation and chaos in the political landscape. The discussion suggests that the goal might be to create confusion and distrust, making it easier to push through preposterous agendas. The conversation delves into the alleged "coup" that led to Biden becoming president, suggesting that it was driven by a desire for power and control. The discussion also touches upon the potential for a similar power play to remove Biden from office.

The Dead Guy in the Bank, the Simulation, and Taiwan

The conversation takes a humorous turn with a story about a woman who brought a dead man to the bank. This leads to a discussion about the possibility of Biden being a body double and the overall belief that we are living in a simulation. The conversation shifts to international affairs, expressing concern about the potential for China or Russia to take advantage of the perceived vacuum of leadership in the White House. The discussion also questions Biden's ability to serve out his term.

The Biden Body Double, the Chinese Elon Musk, and AI-Generated Content

The conversation continues to explore the possibility of Biden having a body double, comparing him to Selena Meyer from the show "Veep." The discussion then shifts to the existence of a Chinese Elon Musk look-alike, leading to a debate about the authenticity of the images and the potential for AI-generated content.

Elon Musk, Gavin Newsom, and the Power of Parody

The conversation focuses on Elon Musk's recent interactions with Gavin Newsom, including a humorous exchange where Musk tells Newsom to "suck on these nuts." The discussion also touches upon the use of AI to generate fake audio and video content, referencing a similar incident involving Ronald Reagan.

The Mandela Effect and the Reality of the Simulation

The conversation explores the Mandela Effect, a phenomenon where people share false memories of events. The discussion uses the example of a dog's DNA test to illustrate the potential for shared false memories within the simulation. The conversation concludes with a reaffirmation of the belief that we are living in a simulation.


Joe Rogan

Joe Rogan is a popular American podcaster, comedian, and UFC commentator. He is known for his long-form interviews with a wide range of guests, covering topics from science and philosophy to politics and entertainment.

Rosanne Barr

Rosanne Barr is an American actress, comedian, and television personality. She is best known for her role in the sitcom "Roseanne," which was revived in 2018. Barr has been a controversial figure due to her outspoken views on politics and social issues.


Netflix is an American subscription streaming service and production company. It offers a wide variety of television shows, movies, documentaries, and stand-up comedy specials.

Stand-Up Comedy

Stand-up comedy is a form of comedic performance in which a comedian performs a set of jokes and stories to a live audience. It is a popular form of entertainment, and many successful comedians have built careers in stand-up.

COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic is a global health crisis caused by the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. It has had a significant impact on society, including widespread lockdowns, economic disruptions, and a surge in mental health issues.


Japan is an island nation located in East Asia. It is known for its rich culture, advanced technology, and unique cuisine.


Sushi is a Japanese dish consisting of vinegared rice combined with various ingredients, such as seafood, vegetables, and eggs. It is a popular food worldwide and is often considered a delicacy.


Cocaine is a powerful stimulant drug that is derived from the coca plant. It is highly addictive and can have serious health consequences, including heart problems, stroke, and seizures.


Adderall is a stimulant medication that is used to treat attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). It can also be used to treat narcolepsy. Adderall is a controlled substance and can be addictive.


  • What is the speaker's main point about drug legalization?

    The speaker believes that drug legalization could have both positive and negative consequences, depending on the leadership and societal context. They argue that while it could reduce crime and improve public health, it could also lead to corporate influence and harmful outcomes if not implemented responsibly.

  • What is the speaker's perspective on the concept of "mind viruses"?

    The speaker believes that "mind viruses" are a real phenomenon, spreading harmful or irrational beliefs through social media and other forms of communication. They use the example of eating disorders and gender identity to illustrate how these "viruses" can influence societal trends.

  • What is the speaker's main criticism of the current approach to gender identity?

    The speaker criticizes the current trend of encouraging children to transition genders, arguing that it can lead to permanent damage and that many individuals later regret their decisions. They also question the lack of critical discussion about the potential downsides of hormone blockers and other medical interventions.

  • How does the speaker illustrate the use of political manipulation and gaslighting?

    The speaker uses Kamala Harris as an example of how public perception can be manipulated through media control and the suppression of negative information. They point out how Harris's image shifted from being unpopular to being a hero in a short period of time, suggesting that this was a deliberate effort to control public opinion.

  • What is the 25th Amendment and how could it be used in the current political climate?

    The 25th Amendment allows for the Vice President to assume the presidency if the President is unable to perform their duties. Some believe it could be invoked to remove Biden from office due to his perceived cognitive decline.

  • What evidence is there to support the claim that Biden is using body doubles?

    The speakers point to discrepancies in Biden's appearance and gait in various videos, suggesting that he may be using body doubles. However, this claim is highly speculative and lacks concrete evidence.

  • How has social media impacted the public's perception of information and the political landscape?

    Social media has made it easier for people to access information and share their opinions. However, it has also contributed to the spread of misinformation and the erosion of trust in traditional media outlets.

  • What is the significance of the assassination attempt on Trump and the media's response?

    The assassination attempt on Trump was a serious event that should have been met with widespread outrage. However, the media's response was muted, suggesting a lack of concern for the safety of the president.

  • Why is the case of Ross Ulbricht significant and what could Biden do about it?

    Ross Ulbricht, the founder of Silk Road, is serving a life sentence for drug trafficking. Some believe his sentence is too harsh and that Biden could free him as a political gesture.

Show Notes

Michael Malice is a cultural commentator, host of the PodcastOne podcast "YOUR WELCOME," and author of several books, including "Dear Reader: The Unauthorized Autobiography of Kim Jong Il," "The Anarchist Handbook," and "The White Pill: A Tale of Good & Evil."

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Comments (7)

Laurie Arnold

So these " Influencers " believe that Trump's assassination attempt was a Dem plan. They also agree that people don't realise how they believe their own bullshit. Rogan who believes the moonshot was faked, now believes the state of the Union wasn't live. Is Joe showing signs of early onset dementia?

Aug 4th

juana Witmore

The discussion was balanced and well-researched, presenting multiple perspectives on such a complex issue. I especially appreciated the nuanced exploration of how legalization can impact society beyond just the legal framework.

Aug 2nd
Reply (1)

🍌 𝓨𝓜𝓪𝓷 🍃🥀🍂🌰🐿️🍁ᕙ/͠- ʖ̯🍊

1:00:40 : How Dare You !!! Stu Varney is alive & well. Watched him this morning. I think MM must have meant Lou Dobbs.

Aug 1st

Jason Duhbohyu

what a great lisp Michael. Lol! hahahahaha

Jul 31st

amir hosein

you guys on fire 🔥💙💜

Jul 30th
Reply (1)
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#2182 - Michael Malice

#2182 - Michael Malice

Joe Rogan