DiscoverTopic Lords251. Organs Experiencing Red Shift
251. Organs Experiencing Red Shift

251. Organs Experiencing Red Shift

Update: 2024-08-12



  • Erica

  • Casey



  • That thing you just heard.

  • Assigning your new hire an office.

  • Plugging over a million leaking gas and oil wells in West Texas.

  • The Topic Lords Promise.

  • A bag that your organs sit in.

  • Undifferentiated tissues.

  • How dissecting an earthworm is different from dissecting a gummy worm.

  • Inflating your coelom in order to take out your spleen.

  • Organisms with high diseectability.

  • The anti-coelom lobby.

  • Undifferentiated tubes of goo that get depression.

  • The gummy worm future we're all looking forward to.

  • Fluid things going on in the organism.

  • A car that has a huge dent in it and it doesn't matter because the car still gets around no problem.

  • Good car ideas.

  • A bad thing happening but it's not your fault.

  • Buying your house in a point and clock adventure online.

  • Rediscovering all the things you have stored at your parent's house.

  • Multi-episode Topic Lords story arcs.

  • Which colored stripes are on Wikipedia's Non-Notable Flag.

  • The Topic Lords explainer episode where everyone finds out what this show is about.

  • Serial Podcast Monogamy.

  • Podcast guilt.

  • Discussing all the same topics as the last episode with no self-awareness.

  • Non-Stop Coelom Celebration.

  • My own very special walking bag of guts.

  • Evolving cheek muscles to suck meat out of a spiral shell.

  • Losing your baby lips.

  • What it's like to eat a planarian.

  • Cephalopods that have evolved to eat mammals.

  • The giant squid that have never been seen alive.

  • The colossal squid vs. the giant squid.

  • Finding a mobius strip solution so borh your flag and your neighbor'a flag can be biggest.

  • Our flag that represents limpness will be your downfall.

  • Non-stop sensationalized documentaries about North Korea.

  • Opening the border to North Korea so we can finally interview the people about the colossal squid.

  • Emily Dickinson slipping into Yoda Speak.

  • Being too busy reading to understand what you're reading.

  • Whether the Emily Dickinson poem about the snake is actually about a snake or about a dick or both.

  • It's coming at your feet! It likes a boggy acre!

  • A polysexual attitude towards nature.

  • Emily Dickinson making thousands of attempts to fix the Gilligan's Island theme.

  • Herman Melville describing Moby Dick as "the Ebon Whale" because he didn't have Wikipedia.

  • Moby Dick annotated by biologists who explain why all the whale facts are wrong.

  • Game Developers doing a "post-mortem" of projects that are ongoing.

  • Befunge.

  • Clojure and other Lisps.

  • Watching your own programming livestreams to learn how to learn better.

  • A huge block of text off to the side that tells you how to play the game.

  • Fine-grained tactical mistakes.

  • Why people keep telling game developers to learn to ship a game.

  • The most significant barrier between you and putting a work of art out in the world.

  • Inventing metrics for success for game engines that never ship.

  • Rewriting your game engine to have cooler tech but be way harder to make levels for.

  • Modern Jim-Style Content.

  • Artists trash talking their own work while they're showing it to you.

  • A sign on your forehead reading "ask me about my severely negative feedback."

  • The George W. Bush childhood home.

  • A community built on everyone's shared desire to leave.

  • The ethic of owning a shotgun.

  • The last of the Midland Odessa complaining.

  • Big Bend and Carlsbad Caverns.

  • An airport full of ads for oil wells and oil well accessories.

  • The Chris Kyle American Sniper Memorial.

  • A plaque on a sculpture explaining whether the flag represents a penis.

  • Everything's a dick if you squint hard enough.

  • An assassin of federal judges.

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251. Organs Experiencing Red Shift

251. Organs Experiencing Red Shift

Jim Stormdancer