354: What IS “Living Big”?

354: What IS “Living Big”?

Update: 2023-07-27


In todays episode, Betsy talks about “Living Big” and how to get to your deepest goals and desires even sooner.

She also shares a technique to start to break through the “crunchy” subconscious programming that is keeping you stuck and feeling like your life isn’t what you want it to be.


Welcome to the Art of Living big podcast. My name is Betsy pake. I’m an author, a speaker, and a trainer of NLP and hypnotherapy. And I’m focused on helping you understand and design your life with the power of the subconscious. This podcast is designed to help you think differently about what could be possible for your life. Now, let’s go live big. Hello fellow adventurers. Hi, everyone. I’m so excited to do this show today. I feel like it’s like, I feel finally settled after like, the last eight weeks of just like chaos. And I’m not going to keep talking about the chaos because I know you’ve heard about it, if you’ve been here listening. And something has happened in the quiet. Something’s happened in that, like silence that came. And it’s interesting, because when all of that was going on, and if you’re new here, I had a flood my apartment, I moved every thing that could go wrong when I moved went wrong. And then once I moved in, it continued to go wrong. And then I got COVID. At that time, April, you know, that works with me. She said, when all of this settles down, you’re going to feel like you have so much space. And I thought you know what, you’re right, like, so much space. And she was right, as soon as things settle down, and there was this, like expansion that is happening. And I want to talk about that a little bit. And I also want to talk about how to create expansion in a place where things are busy, where you do have a lot going on. You know, I was on Instagram, and I started following this big, this big, like influencer, I’ll say like, she had a lot of people I don’t know, if you call her an influencer, she, she does good work in the world. And there’s a lot of people that follow her. And it was like, maybe four days after I followed her that she had this post about living big. And I felt personally attacked. I know what it had nothing to do with me. But I can’t help but wonder did she like go to my account, see the living big thing. And then she did this whole post about how you don’t have to live big to be happy and to be. And I sent it to a friend of mine. And I was like, Oh my God, I feel personally attacked. So I want to start, I want to kick this episode off with really talking. Because it it this blends in to what I’m saying. But I want to really talk about what it really means to live big. And what I’m really saying when I talk about that, you know, my podcast is called The Art of Living big. years ago, seven years ago, before I started the podcast, I wrote a book called Start small, live big. And the whole premise of that book is that every big thing that you see out there, started, where they were, it started small. It started with little steps or even an idea and no steps. And so my version of living big and I say this in my bio, like I hope you live because you can create a life that inspires you not the other way around. You don’t have to have a life that inspires you to live big. Living big is the flower that against all odds, expands up out of the crack in the concrete. Living big is getting as big as you can right where you are, it does not require you to have a different environment or a different set of circumstances or different things happening around you all that it requires is that you find the ways to expand right where you are in the most in the ways that you can. In the space that you’re in.








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354: What IS “Living Big”?

354: What IS “Living Big”?

Betsy Pake