DiscoverThe Art of Living Big | Subconscious | NLP | Mindset359: Three things I’m doing for the next twelve weeks
359: Three things I’m doing for the next twelve weeks

359: Three things I’m doing for the next twelve weeks

Update: 2023-09-07


In this episode Betsy shares three things she heard during deep streaming that she’s using to guide her over the next 12 weeks to expansion, thriving and having more energy for life and all the things she wants to experience.

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Welcome to the Art of Living big podcast. My name is Betsy pake. I’m an author, a speaker, and a trainer of NLP and hypnotherapy. And I’m focused on helping you understand and design your life with the power of the subconscious. This podcast is designed to help you think differently about what could be possible for your life. Now, let’s go live big. Hi, everyone. Welcome fellow adventurers. Hi, I hope you’re having a good week. I missed last week, I wanted to do today’s episode and tell you about a little experiment that I’m doing. And it kind of feeds into last week. I sometimes I start these episodes, and I’m like, this isn’t going to be very long. And watch this be like a 45 minute one, but I don’t think this one’s going to be very long. So if you’ve been here for a little while, you have heard the episode with my daughter that I think now was recorded, you know, maybe two years ago. And we talked about some of her mental health issues that she shared. And she wanted to come on the show. If you listen to that episode, you’ll hear I was hesitant to have her on. But she is an adult and she wanted to talk about it. And I think it’s really great to destigmatize mental health, right, and mental health issues. So this week has been really hard. This has been really, really hard. And I decided that I was going to be as how do i i want to say joyful. And I know that sounds like a really strange word to use. But one of the things that I learned when I got COVID, back in July, and I don’t know if you remember me saying like, I felt so good when I came out of it. Like, I felt better than I’d felt in years. In years. Years and years and years, I felt this surge of energy. And I felt this, like incredible sense of enjoyment and happiness around the work that I do. And I’ve started showing up differently on social media in places where I would create content, like I just felt so good. And I realized in that that a component of me not feeling good. Why I had such contrast was because I have been pushing a lot. And you know, I talk about being in the moment and being in now and flowing through things. And I feel like I do a really good job with that. I also feel like I have a list of things that I’m trying to accomplish. And I approach that list of things, very corporate tea, right, like there is a list and there is a date that that has to be done. And come hell or high water, that thing has to be accomplished and checked off the list. And, you know, I think it has led me to realize that sometimes I was doing things that didn’t totally feel aligned or didn’t feel good while I was doing them. But in the end, I was happy to have done them. Like I was happy to have crossed the task off the list. But when I’m laying there during COVID, and I’m so sick, I can’t do anything. And I’m thinking about my list. And I’m thinking I don’t have to do it. And it was this recognition or this moment of like, I have been thinking I have to do that in order to get the outcome. But when I look back, most of the things where I really was pushing and not enjoying but like pushing to finish or to meet the deadline self imposed deadline, those things didn’t turn out the way I had anticipated. They didn’t really turn out that good. In fact many of them I just like abandon was like oh,








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359: Three things I’m doing for the next twelve weeks

359: Three things I’m doing for the next twelve weeks

Betsy Pake