DiscoverThe Art of Living Big | Subconscious | NLP | Mindset360: That time I left my husband (and what happened next)
360: That time I left my husband (and what happened next)

360: That time I left my husband (and what happened next)

Update: 2023-09-21


In todays episode Betsy celebrates 7 years of the podcast and shares with you some of her journey, including a few years ago when she left her husband and created a new path for herself in the process


Welcome to the Art of Living big podcast. My name is Betsy pake. I’m an author, a speaker, and a trainer of NLP and hypnotherapy. And I’m focused on helping you understand and design your life with the power of the subconscious. This podcast is designed to help you think differently about what could be possible for your life. Now, let’s go live big.

Hello fellow adventurers. Hi, everybody.

Welcome, welcome. Welcome. So a few days ago, I was looking something up in my, in my journal. So I’ve talked about how I use an app for my journaling app that I’ve used for years and years and years. It’s called day one. And the cool thing is, is that it shows you like on this day, 10 years ago, on this day, two years ago, whatever it shows you all of that, and I was looking and I was like, Oh my gosh, it’s been seven years since we started the podcast. I, every year I forget. And then it’s like October, and I’m like, oh my god, I missed September. But it has been seven years since we’ve been here together. And so I wanted to take at least a second just to celebrate, that is the most consistent thing I’ve ever done in my life.

Oh my gosh, it’s lasted longer than lots of things. And so um, you know, I wrote a post on my Facebook and in an Instagram and I had posted the four covers that we’ve had over the years. And it’s funny, because

you know, this has been such a journey for me of sharing. And I know a lot of you have been here, like the whole time. And those covers when I look at them. I’m like, Oh, I remember what was going on, you know, it’s sort of like, when a season felt complete, then a new me was emerging and a new cover needed to emerge to so I started out with this picture of me kind of looking off to the side. And I think it’s so interesting, because at that time, I really wanted to start the podcast, and how I started it was interviewing people. So not coming straight on, coming from the side, right where I would interview people like the first 50 episodes, were strictly interviews, and I still interview people from time to time, but not in that way. And so like almost a full year. And I was thinking about it. And I was like it’s really

sometimes we have this idea of what we want to do. And the LEAP feels really big. But there can be a step in between. And I think that that doing those interviews was that step for me. And then I moved into just about every episode where I was talking or sharing or teaching something. And then there’s a next cover, which is like a black and white cover where you only see half my face. And that is the time where my daughter started getting sick. Like as I was looking at it, I was like, that’s such an interesting cover, I took that photo of myself. And again, like, I can’t, you can’t see all of me because there’s this thing that I can’t really tell you about. And you know, as we navigated that and over the years, then there’s this next cover, right, so there was a cover in between that’s not in the post that I did. But there’s this cover that’s like me sitting I think in the middle of the road.

Just Zen and I think that that’s where I was chaos can be happening around me. It may look like there is disruption, but all is well. And then there’s a cover where I am holding a cup of coffee, just like it’s a cream background,








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360: That time I left my husband (and what happened next)

360: That time I left my husband (and what happened next)

Betsy Pake