365 Catch me up

365 Catch me up

Update: 2024-03-23


Betsy is back on the show today!


Welcome to the art of living. Big podcast. My name is Betsy Peik. I’m an author, a speaker, and a trainer of NLP and hypnotherapy. And I’m focused on helping you understand and design your life with the power of the subconscious. This podcast is designed to help you think differently about what could be possible for your life. Now, let’s go live big.

Is this thing on? How do I use this?


Hello, fellow adventurers. Oh, my gosh. It’s been so long since I’ve been here. I hardly know what to do. And I got kind of nervous. Like when you first start dating somebody and then you’re going to go see them, and then you’re like, I’m kind of nervous, but I’m excited, too. That’s what it’s like. I haven’t been here in several months, which if you’ve been here for a long time, you know, that’s highly, highly unusual.

I was consistent every single week with this podcast for seven years. And then last fall, I thought, I’m going to take a little break and do some searching. And I was sitting in meditation. I may have talked about that at the time, but I was really doing a lot of searching and decided to launch my program, the navigate method. Anyway, fast forward. It just took on a life of its own. And I kept thinking, I’m going to come back. I’m going to come back.

And I think I tried around Christmas time and truly, truly the moments of silence that I have had. I would lay on the floor and stare at the ceiling, like, oh, my God, I just need a minute to breathe. So there have really been so few moments where I could even think about what I wanted to talk about or what I wanted to share. And I don’t want to waste your time. Anytime I do these podcasts, I want to make sure that it’s something that’s relevant and important to you and all the things. So if you’re new here, welcome. I’m excited that you’re here. If you found me through Instagram, I’m excited that you’re here.

That algorithm was forever in my favor this fall, and I’m just really excited to be back. So here’s the thing. I’ve got a lot of stuff to share. And if you’ve been here for a long time, you know that there are times where I would do these coffee talk, like grab a cup of coffee, I’m going to just catch you up, sort of like we’re old friends, and I was trying to think about what do I talk about in this episode? Because it’s sort of like there’s so much to talk about. And then if I’m a good friend, I don’t want to be the only one talking. But since it’s just me, that’s kind.

Of how it’s going to be.

But I would love to hear from you and hear what has been up with you. I would love to hear what. If you have been a regular listener of this show and I wasn’t available, what did you listen to?

I want to know kind of what.

The go to has been. I want to know what books you’ve been reading. I want to know all the things. So with that said, let me just dive into all the things over here.

And it’s been so long, I didn’t select the microphone. So I think this probably sounds better. Yeah. Okay. All right, so let’s dive in. If you are new here, the reason that I say fellow, hello, fellow adventurers is really because I feel like that’s what we’re all on, like a big adventure coming down to have this physical reality and that all the ups and downs are really part of the adventure. Nothing better or worse than the other, but all really working for us. So hello, fellow adventurers has kind of been our call sign over here.

So if you’re new to that, welcome, welcome. All right, so let’s dive in here. So I’ve got some just random things that I want to tell you. Like if we were having coffee and I feel like as it happens so often, is that then it will move into whatever the message is supposed to be. So I’ll give you a couple of updates and we’ll kind of go from there. So if you’re not on my email list on Mondays I send out an email that I kind of tell a little story and then I give you three things that I’m currently excited about. And every week there’s something a little bit different. Sometimes it’s like stuff to buy, sometimes it’s a book or a product or something they’re not sponsored.

Although lots of times I have to put the little Amazon disclaimer because I can’t tell if my link from Amazon is the sponsored link. I mean, I think I make a penny if anybody clicks or buys something from the link. So, I mean, I don’t know that I’ve ever gotten paid from Amazon, but whatever. I gotta give the disclaimer because I’m so afraid of getting in trouble. But every once in a while it’s a thing from Amazon or it’s just something that I have found. So this week, one of the things that I shared, and actually, I’m going to share two things. One that made it to the list and one that didn’t make it to the list. But one of the things on the list is this stuff called, I think it’s Tru.

And the U has the little dots over the top. I know you know probably what that is. And so forgive me, because I don’t know the name of it. And then Fru with the little dots over the top. Right. So true fruit is what I think it is, but it’s flash frozen fruit, like cherries or raspberries. And then they dip them in white chocolate, and then they dip them in dark chocolate, and you buy them in the frozen food section, and they’re insanely amazing. And the cherries, they’re all, like, individual, right? So you could just grab one little piece.

So good. Please go get you some of those and take one whenever you want one. I think that you work really hard and you need to have one of these. It’s really amazing. And some people messaged me. I always get the cherry, but somebody messaged me and said, the raspberry is insane. And I’m a big raspberry fan, so I will be going to check those out. Okay.

The second thing, and this is something you’ve heard me talk about probably on the show before, but I have this thing called the nod pod. And you can get it on Amazon, but nod pod. And it’s this weighted eye pillow, basically. I love it because it’s got compartment. It’s got, like, four sections that are weighted. And so if you could imagine you laying on your back, two of the weighted sections are on your eyeballs, and then two of them kind of fall down to the side. I love them because I don’t ever have to worry about a bug crawling in my ear. Now, do I have bugs? No, I don’t.

But I saw a video once years ago about somebody that had a bug crawl in their ear at night and it couldn’t back out, and they had to go to the doctor, to the emergency room and get a bug taken out. And it freaked me out. And I think about it far too often. And so years ago, when I got the nod pod, I was like, this covers my ears. I don’t know. It gave me a layer of safety that I guess I really needed at the time. But the nod pod is amazing because it’s weighted. And so I think there’s something in that that makes you relax and antianxiety or whatever.

Okay. So not long ago, I found that, well, several years ago, I had a weighted blanket. And if you guys have ever had a weighted blanket, I was always a fan at the dentist office when you’d go and they’d put the weighted blanket on you when you’d go to have your x rays taken, right? And I would always joke, I want to bring this home. So when the whole weighted blanket thing came out, I was all on board, and I bought one. And I bought one that was, I think it was only, like, ten pounds, but it hurt my legs. It just made my feet hurt, and it hurt my legs. And although I liked it when I would first put it on, I didn’t like it long term, so my dog ended up using it and really loving it. But recently, within the past, like, six, eight months, I noticed that nod pod has a weighted blanket, but it’s only the size of your body, so it’s small.

It’s like the size of your torso. And it is so amazing. It’s so amazing. Go get you one. It’s kind of expensive. Well, I’ll tell you this. When I bought mine, I searched. It’s kind of expensive.

The nod pod one is like 70 or $80. So I went to find it because I was like, well, if nod pod is making them, somebody else is making them. And although I have the real nod pod for my eyes, I did find another place on Amazon that sells the small blankets that are weighted just like the nod pod. And it’s so great. So you need to get one. I hadn’t used it in, like, a month or so because I had put it on the side table and just never took it back in bed. And I kept forgetting. And so I was like, it’s fine.

But then the other day, I used it, and I remembered how soundly I sleep when I have that thing with me. And there’s something about it that makes it’s warm in a weird way. It kind of, like, heats up and, yeah, it’s just excellent. So check out nodpod, and then that’ll bring you to the nodpod little blanket. You’ll see what I mean. And then search to find a cheaper one because they are out there. And if I remember which I am good at remembering, I will put a link to it inside my next newsletter. So jump on my email list just by going to betsypeake.com, and you can get on the email list, like, scroll all the way to the bottom and just sign up for anything, and that will put you on the list, and you’ll get my three things for next week.

Okay. So then what have I been doing for the past, like, six months? Right. So I launched a program called the Navigate Method, which if you’ve been here for a long time or you’ve heard me speak, then you may have heard me talk about how my husband and I went through some things several years ago and how I left and did this, had my own sort of eat, pray









Sleep Timer


End of Episode

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365 Catch me up

365 Catch me up

Betsy Pake